112 NEW YORK CLIPPER THE TVJIF. '-'iroMa— W« ihiiiUtnUMi Net trMUrUtibudiaBMlM^?* UMlltM, rtoffMon arBM*Tnota.to.,UlWwUl Uk« IbtM tofenrartMMUiallaNtajnocatBaMapwtleli mvooMca •7 ' nioNTO (OUT.) 8ra«a ■ion. ' tts Toronto BpTtogEootB took plwe over the Now- i^kiktf OoacMOn thB^thJana ani the two following nodar the nuMgament of the foUowtog Stowaidi : f; It P. P.I Vr. Cook, M. P. P.i Hutb, Em. lATilane 29.— Innkoepar'i Pone. $160, with an It luko of fAO etob, $10 ti, for sU honeii the win- Btfto-myhBirthaaketor ehenMgne; Olab welghta; 2 bUa a ftather; 8, BJIbi.; 4, 100; 8, 110: 6, 118; 7 «U apiWrd^ 134; •Uowlog 3 lbs. to muee and geldings; Tilbfli allowed to Prorlooe bred honei. Two mUe beats. A'B^lfiV'm NtwgutI* Vtii, (trtniiM trad,) bjBlMk ' jw; a«M wfaiiMt, if«a. i i ^^Sn (O r'ctjWO > t Utrtimm, bj iap, aieaeee, aim , uaH5pH(7ft kStiiMU, trlnp. TotUbin, on at BoBil*^ '^Bua-itr^fam $60,' with, en Inalde itake of $26 oaoh, SM it; for trotting hones owned InOsnada at this tM\f;,taapit»ta, .test 8 In 6, to go as they please. a.«*MMdl.«UI«iby>ib|BDbXf»U 1*11 Mt Maialfrg While Bid 1 1 S a VarBaik'abiMerau 8(88 V , . I ^ ' > Oa^ Ml; 1:H; !:»; I:iobhrrlilt]r,b7neOoIoe^^B7n 1 J. Wbtte'ibmBed Bom, bj Inp. Or bui»o, eal o( TeUow Boie, I yn... 8 ^8i^ DiT<— Trotting Parse $60, Vrilh an Inside stake of $10 eaoh, $t fl; mile heats, beat 8 la 6, In harness. iniBtnli'eb|ir«rBia(ud«rUM8i4dle) Ill IIr.IbkBHl^fr|Ouid«Ba(li huiaa) . nm«,34t;»l;,9:««. , 33 IBORma AT UKIBi,.!!. T. :VmDAT, foii« 26, 1868.— Forte $100, mile heats, best Stafi, Im Ld«*'i bgOMDiaiJMk Ill J. H. Wells brrDnlcbnbr 8 S 3 & Bowe'iri 1M 3 3 8 lime, 8A<; 3AI. PlOmO XT tOCIBTILLI, XT. SiTCBoiT, Jane 19, 1668.— Porse $200, mile heat!^ In hameea. B.'H. BooMai'a irb Prinee' II ' Jot. Bobb'aromillnwbcny rota 9S Ilme,S«|l«I. , UiXta HAOl IT HONIOOICIBT, ALi. , FaiDAT, Jane 26, .1868.— Match for $20 a side, p. p.j one nlle. , Hr. Oremmdln's Ob m br TbonbUL luibe 1 ' Ur.EuBMWOilb'aohmllllba a ./raORINa at' FimBDBOH, FA. . > ^HoBDAt; Jnly 6, 188a— Pone,' mile taeati^ best 3 li 6, InhanicBa,.' B. Ke«(' (Wm. BenaU't) eh | m. 111 Uititau^ (Ir. Oitbim't) p f 3 s 3 . - nr. UlMi'aobh 8 8 8 Tlme,aM;S:0I;SKI3. ) If. T. apon Mr. DaTld Whltehoaw, of SohnylUll oonnty, to whloli I wish to state some eioeptloos. la th« Ont place, Mr. " Argna?' was not on the noand at the time of the raoe, nor does he know anjthlng of the natter except fkom hearsay. Tbef«otaoftheoaeeare,a8nearasIoan tell them, as foUows-Hr. D. Whltehonse, although a resi- dent of BohaylkUl oonnty, Is not a natlre; be Is a straight- forwud sportsman In every sense of the word-a nun of the most strlot honesty and mtegrity, one whoae word Is as Irrevocable aa the laws of the Me dea and Penlansi^he Is opposed by a fkotlon In said oonnty, who endeavor to pat him down by erair means; he langha at their pnny efforts, and vlna their money, both on the tnrf and at the trap, Aboat one year ainoe he toooght a horse (torn " Old Tlrglnnv,^' oo whose mnoing he has made some pewter ttom the Bohnylklll oonntr boys; this so enraged then that they songht to oaten Savy asleep. Aooordlngly they haoted. aroond the mod try antll they foond a horse to salt tbeir Ideas, and by mlsiepresentlog the matter made a match. They callM to their aaalal tanoe some of the Berks ooanly sports, (Argas. perhaps amooget them) bat with all their dnit and ohloaneryooald not wui,,benoe the howling we hear f^cm the oofs. To ahow " Argns" and hli party that I am right I will call the attention of one of his partv to a renuik he made to me at the B. B. Depot, In Beading, on the day of the race, when waiting the arrival of the train for PottsvUle. Bald he " have yoa got a haadred dollara I" I replied " what do yoa want with It 1" " Why we have adead aore thing In Potlavllle to day, we've matched a horse agalnat Dave Whllehoaie ; Its a regalar plant,— we can't lose— we're snre to irin, so If yoa have the money yoa'd better InvesL" I don't like sore things, so I did not Inveat, hot aa I am Davy's friend, jost stepped Into the Telegraph ofDoe and booked him np. Asttrastheresaltof theraoe weat, I believe It to have been a dead/heat; so I am Informed by disinterested parUea who witnessed li Of this lam saUefled, If David Whltehonse loses bis money, he gives It op wllbont a word, the assertions of an ale besotted babbler to the oen- traiy notwithstanding. Tears Sn., Hebald, TBOITINO AT BI7BLKOT0H, VT. FnisAT, Jnly 2.— Parse $70, $60 to the first, and $10 to the second, mile heats, tost 3 In 6, In harness. WtUerPendarfut'twb (White Bird ill Gea I, BtrbfT'* b m lion 8 3 9 A.J. MenUllcbilUnppa 9 88 nm«,lMX;3:ltXi3.48. Samb DAT.- Pnras $30, $20 to the first, and $10 to the second, mile heats, beat 8 In 6, In harness. A.Bawl«r'«oh(Hwo „i Ill A.J. MtnUl'f Iff T«ap«t 38 3 TniBDAT, Jaly 6.— Parse $100, mile heats, tost 3 In 6, In harness. Jieob BlyiB'i b m Btxiar 1111 0. W. DiBlok'f b f Jm DowBlag.. ^ 13 9 8 A. Bo(«n'«h(BoaeMABSe die W.FMilok'abBBMl dr Tlma,3:4e;3:»l;8M;3:4T. Sau Dat.— Parse $60, for gentlemen's road horMS, mile heats, to 260 lb. wagons. 0. W. nmlek's (W. Fitolok'e) b m li««l....valked over 'Wbdhbsdat, Jnly 7.— Parse $200, two mile heats. In hamasB. W. 0. Abrame' b c AUtb (Ibnntrlr O'KuIr) 11 0. W. Bdwell'a (& Friea'a) b m UdT Site.. 3 3 nine, t-M; 8:11. Sau Dat.— Parse $60, for pacers, mile heats. ■ J. Bppl«'ieh(BadBoblB(la hwam) 11 B. H,attaa>bmJeial*(Daderlbei* Cook .838 0. W. Btdwoll'* b m Udf Kmia d d dli nDe,ldl;2:38K;2:36. TBOmna AT ALBABT, Fbidat,'. Joly 8, 1868.— Parse and stake $300, mile hents^bestjS in 6, to'^wagoni. !!'-'J.D. WallOB'BBmrAltoB... 1312 01 >-' ' B;'81mmooi>.'Vbt!«boBe 2 13 10 3 J. BDrUglleodl oh 1 0«D. DawsoD S S 8 3 dr ' ■ ■ .;T>ole,-9iM| 3:0; 9:11; iMHi "M; 2:l». )... ■ aAB9mr Thx Tnr Mma Trot.- On Wednesday, tto ten mile match totween the mare Jnlla Aldrlch aod the geldlog Glencoe Chief, $2,009 ■ I'd'* ^ to barney and the horse to wagon, came off over the Pioneer oonree. The wind vras annanally nigh, and the dnat flaw lo deads, notwlttotandlng wbloh, qalte alargeaod respeotable at- tendance was preient, not so nameroas as od the prece- ding day. The horse seemed to to the fovorlte, althongh the mare had namems backers. After a oonple of false starts the word was given, the horse leading, and the mare breaking on the tnm, he opened qalte a gap, whiob he maintained thronghcat aotU the eighth mile, allhoagh the mare picked ap her hoofs on the seventh, and came near taking the lead, oloeing the gap by avlKorcns effort On the eighth mile the mare came op, ana pissed the horse prevloas to reaching the half mile, and came In ahead by a length. Oa the ninth mile the horse broke on the tack sbelcb, and the mare opened qalte a gap, mabitalning the same throngh the mile and Its sacceasor, coming In vlotor by one hnndred yards In 29:04^. This time sarpassed tiie tollef of almost all present, as the wind blew great gnns, drifting dense olonds of daat over the traok. Both aalmals evlnoed great plaok, and trot- ted very evenly— the mare by the eklllfal handling of Mr. Daniel^ reserving her greatest speed for the conoln- dlog miles. . BxaAnTVLAnoir. Pioneer Coarse, Wednesday, Jane 16— Trotting ten miles, to rale, for $,4000. J. U. Dtnlali Dimod «h m JoUa Aldrtoh 1 J. ONotoaamadfi eieaooaObM. 3 nm^lS:04K' IIHI TABLI. nmaormtlo. 1..3.4S 2..3.4» 8..3.S1 d,.3.t8 8..3.tT WboleTlmai 9.4t 6.8a S.IT 11.30 44.IT TImoarmDe. e..i.u T..9,ai S..t.M »..i.ie}< 10..8.01 Wbota lime. 17.1S M.13 ss.or 1T.08K t8.04X BAOIMa AT NAPA. Wbdnisdat, Jane 9.— Fust Dat.— Parse $400, two mile heats, to rale. StmsalO. Lower, bfWak•■apJ•k^ ill Ibt 1 1 N. Ooombo, b ■ Aihlud, 104 Ibi 1 3 Dr. WUlUmi , ■ 8 IndopendeDOO, 134161 8 Time, 8:94; 8:SI. Second Dat.— Perse $400, mile heats, tost 8 hi 6, 100 lbs. each. Wiko-opJtko 0 111 ladependonoo 0 3 3 3 nm^ l:t3; IM; IM; IM. This race was well contested by ladependenoe, bat the old veteran Jake bad the heels, and hu game has never toen.qaestioned. Thibd Dat.— Parse $100, for Spanish horses; to mle, which was won by N, Coomb's black horse. Time, 2:11. UKION ooubs^, l. i.— TBormto. MoNDAT, Jaly 12.— Match for $600, mile heats, to 260 lb. wagons. . J. a MUler'f b'( Traibj- 1 s 1 a OMoa'i oh(|i«m 313 . TlDO, 3:01; 3:97; 3:14. Thubsdat, JnlyU.— Matoh $600, mile heats, tost 3 In 6. J. PlITor.rBFlBO 1 H. WoodrsB; f g Gup dla This was a one-sided affair; the winner had the call In totting at $100 to $60. OBNTBKVnXB COUBSE, L; L— TBOTTDiO. TaunaDAT, Joly 16.— Match $1,009, mile heats, to wagons. W. D. Foabodf, b | MoooUln Boy 1 1 B. Woodrao; d g Llltlo Jobs 2 3 luno, a;41K; 8:UK- Monntaln Boy was the favorite $100 to $20 prevloae to starting, and won In two straight heats. FAOQIO ox THB BOAD. Satosdat, Jaly 10.— Mat<)h for $800, mile heals, best 3 In 0, to wagons. OhiBoUiBihe Woodi.,.,, Ill (bgBIu Light 33 8 . Hmo not taken. MoBDAT, Jnly 12.— Matoh for $600, mile beats, beat 8 n 6, to road wagons. B U D— 't b g Jamaa Hogboi reo'd ft Wm. B— 'i b g BtatOB lilud pall n. TBOTTUro AT BOSTON, UASS. Fbioat, Jaly 9.— Parse, mile beats, In bamesi. T.Btker'ibmBoU«7B«kor(rormorlirIadrFleret). 1 1 S. Bobvl'iohmJooD7 i 8 2 B. Bmeiioa'i oh g Oopelanl Hone 2 8 Timo, 9:1B; 3:4S. Sau Dat.— Parse, mile heats, toet 3 In 6, In harness. Gbo. Wood's b g Ephnim Bmoolh 8 811 B. Goodwin's oh g QranUaauta 133dr llr,'^— 'sblgTom BeoloD.' 1 1 dr nmt, 1:41; 2:43; 3:4S. FAODTG AND TBOTTIHO IN OAUTOBNIA. Thdhsdat, Jane 3.— Pacing at the Park MaryBrllle- Matoh for $8,000, mile heats, beat 3 In 0. Ur, BimtdJoe l 1 1 Ur, — nimod VlUtga B07 3 3 3 nm».3:t«Ki8K)0; l:B4. Fbtoat, Jane 4.— Match for a parse of $260, mile heats. Mr. — DunedLlUIePet 1 1 1 Kr. — ^BsmtdlforfMUIor...., 1 s 3 Gbbai Tbottino Matob BsrwiBN PaiKoisa and Nbw Tobk.— This matoh was for $2,000, half forfeit, mile beats, beat three in five, to birneBs, Geo. H. Fergaion drlvbg New Tork, and A. J. Daqieli^ Princess. Some twenty five handred persona were present, the day, altbeagh olondy, tolog free from a high -wind, and Its companion -dost. The track (Ihe PIoneer, San Francltoo) was In excellent order, and Mr. DanlelN prompt and IndefatlsL ble In his endeavors to render his vlsftors aomfortaue. The oharacter of those ' in attendance reflected very oredltablv on the supporters of the tarf, ebowbg them to oonslai of the mercantile, literary, and farming worth of the State, many gentlemen f^om the Interior being present The tottlag for several daya prevloas hid raa U favor of the mare, her baokera offarlag $100 to $76 add $60 In her fkvor. whiohof oonrse did not go togging. The Bom total that oaaoged hands on the occasion caa- not fkllBhort of $80,000. Both hones apneared In fine condition. Prlnoeu Is a noble anlmaVtw^veyeara old, MATCH AGAINST TIME. , TWO BDMDBCD HIUB IN TEN IIODBS, . t HUBBiBo ashore on Sanday morning last, six bells having rnng me ont of my tortb. In order to he in time to see a little manoenverlng on land, a Mr. McNabb bavbg, In all the plentltode of yellow posters, expressed his Intent of traveling ai'onnd the Union Oonrse, two hnndred mHea, within the space of ten bonrsi I perhaps ahonld have passed the banter withoat notloe, had It not toen from the fact thabdnrlng the late war In Mexico; t was once or twioe forced to volnnteer the carriage of certain dispatches, not a very great distance It Is trne, bat then It was Jack ashore, and I did It for the fim of the thing, albeit, I had nantow esoapea of presenting my ooipaa pretty well riddled— at times. I managed to reach the moorings of the Spirit In good time, bdt foand no " watch on deok," In faot all hanas matt have tamed In rather late, for Ifonnd none stirring, so I made for the Oriental Hotel where, Inohlly failing In with a nieiamate who had a raa aehore the night prevldae, I managed to do pretty fair jaetice to mine hoet Pollard's fare. After two fatlle attempts to find any life In the Smrr qnarters, and lacking a oompasi, made tniohs forUie neaieat livery stable, managing to bring op at a. White light, from whence we were doly propelled by as pretty a roan aa ever pattered over the road. Annmlng the reins, al- thqngnto acknowledge the corn, I am as green aboat roads as my sconce, I he^cd sonthward, and managed to atrlke the right thoronghfare, following in the wake of a fair fleet of vehlcleSi I knew I was right on the tnm, altboDgh my coav<^ swore I was ont ofmy reckon- ing, beoanse we.broaght np at a bar ood were only kept Srorn grenndlng by paying lighterage. On passing thla obetmotlon we made all sail possible, that isll took a reefin the reins and laid on tne whip, which sUmnlas oar nag seemed anxlons to elade, for he pat oat his best pace, and by naok of aoarefol eye on the tiller, we managed to lead the fleet, having escaped seriooa damage on three or foor collisions. J noted not the roadway antll we were tosleged by a host of bnm-boat toys deet^ Ing to diipose of flowers, bat we elnded their pertinacity In a clond of dnat: tnmed off the plank-road into a mis- erable abortion or a street, whoM only recommendation was that It led to the abode of a " Nightingale." When we came in sight yon tot, we took in eaU and hove to' for provisions, which, with sailing direotlons, we soon were provided with. We made sail agalo> bat some how or other onr oraft came to anchorage at aa evergreen spot marked down In the map as the Wlllowa It looked so tempting that we went ashore, and I can assnre yoa, we enjoy ed oor vlilt A band of mnslo was In attendance, plenty ofpretty women aronnd, and ohampagde In pro- fosloo. Sfeard some talk here atont a Soaday law, but after personal Inspection, take my word for It, Its potency was nnlllfled there. We sat for an hoar or so watching the train of vehicles oatward bound, bngglei, dog carts, omnlbnsser, fnralture wagons, cato,..oarrleKee, etages, coaches, carts and milk wagons, all filled with Joyona crews, emnloos of reachlog the haven tttf. Flddbg It Impossible to elude the thick and dotty donds ahead, we mue a fceth start and brooffht ap at the harbor of the track— along side of an omnibus, whose providential ap- pearance, perhapa, aaVed our lives, or else one. ,would bave toen deposited on terra flrma Involantarlly. After running the gauatlet of a score of y oang land sharks, managed to come to anttable anobrage and tied np, taking shank's mare for the scene of action. After a few notes of preparation we entered Uie arena, bat were not met by a apeclal committee l>at took open oureelvea the privilege of a promlscaous seat Dodged ia and around a crowd of acme three thoautnd dust begrimed Indlvidaals, and saw a man In bis ablrt sleeves monnted on a qoeer looking horse, putting In his tost lloks aronnd the coarse. A oommuolcatlve Btranger kindly Informed us that the rider was the gteat McNabb, whom he was willlDg to tot a cool hundred ooold not accomplUh the task. Did not accept the tooter, as I bad no luoh inm lying aroond loose," bat walked 00, oaatIo2!^==a glances at the crowd. There mast have beeu twei .qrtire hnndred persons present, all of whom were Intent on the raoe, save a few soore who Bought the retreats beneath, hnd locoed coolness and qaenehed tUrst by Imbtbatlon. "There he comes," was the nnlveraal cry, as we stack onr nose and visual organs ontslde the door, aad saw over the crowd a bead and ahoulders going In a rather leisure- ly style. "All right," cried one, and then a shower of bank-notes fell and a general stampede ensued for the same, the majorlfy seemingly Ignoriog the fact that oar currency was a metallic one, althongh as one would aaturalfy suppose it would neoessltate a brazen ooaute- nanoe te pau snch flimaleSi Took one of them ap after a scramble; foaad they were bdt friend Le Connt's ad-, vtrtlalng mediums, confessed the sell and, liquored, although meoially vowing the direst revenge, which L will pay one of these days. Oa entering the vlotuallng department, foond a long bar .devoted to fluids, a shorter one to solids, and a mmor one to the etherlal eegar. Patronized all, drank champagne at one, eat eggs at tother, and blew a clond at the third. Emerged Into a hnrrloane, a ilroooo of dnat, and' gazed around. All the tiers of opluraed faces looked one hue— dost; the crowd who were dp In the wheelhouse (they called It the judges stand,,bntas no judgment was exercised In keeping. It dear of a crowd, I prefer the former term), there they were pUed In hnddledy— icnddedly. I wonder how they managed to steer dear In such a duat begrimed crowd. Eveiywhere and everything was alike— dnst Managed to crawl throngh a break In the paling fence and fonnd ourselves on the sward, out of the dnat, and felt relieved. After a whiff or two of the freeh air, bearing In mind the promise of a full and reliable report of prooesdlogs, took a survey of the fleld: Found some six or seven oartlagee filled with gaily dressed feminlnes. A neighbor CBUed them sharks, bat I guess he never saw a mermaid, for thev were all too pretty M each a mess of flah as first designated; found them rather oate, for ou asking the prettieat of the crowd bow she felt, she replied rather dry, and a bottle of Heldsleck wu the response. Drank and left a wiser bat not a sadder man. By this time the great equestrian bad managed to execute some one hundred miles In four hoars, forty mluutes aad a half, so It was voted nem «on necessary to replenish the larder,' and Mr /ortt, we tmdged over to Beatty's Hotel, where the inner man was soon gratified with «ucA a pUte of chloken fricassee; well, no matter, it was some and no mistake, no lobsconse— tat the genalae aad no mistake. We wnlled awav an hour or so, aad returned to tto track, Took a look at the corral and the animals; watch- ed the dismounting and mounting. I don't know much atont your California animals^ bat I ahonld think thsv were atrangers to the cnrry comb. They evinced oonsld- erable plnok, althongh, towards the end when the daring eqestrlan put ttom on two-mile beats, they needed aid and encouragement In the shape of a tender. IM person whokad command of the extra horee, dreased In a salt of corduroys, was the possessor of a remarkably haadsoms face, and, oo Inquiry, I learned that he was the owner of the etnd, and lived somewhere In a bay In the moon or half way there. The eseayer of the taak, af the close, naturally fonnd It tell on him, and he made tat slow work on the ontslde stretch, notwithstanding be had re- freshed himself tofore be had ridden 60 miles, and again before he reached the 120th. In faot he at one tine took seat in the grass, much to my dirgast, bnt soon was In his saddle again. During the time I was on the course, I kept watch op the peraou whose duty It was to detaoh a card; with ti.j number of the mile ridden, from a pack, and permit me here to do him theJosUoetosay he acted fair and eqnare. Among other notables, my attention waa directed to- wards the Chief of PoUoe and a squad of offloers, on duty, I suppose, tat they enjoyed that dnty hugely. As a re- spite from the tedium of the arena, I took a Bqaint cat- side, and was mnch amnnd by the bnatle and aoUvlty manifested In the continual arrival and departure of pub- lic vehlolea The scene was stirring In the extreme. I was Juit on the point of departnre, when some ooe, a stranger, at least, to me, did me the favor to present me to the proprietor of the oonrse, who did the honors in the genuine style, and throagh whose ooortesy I am enabled to present yon with the foUowbg tables of distances. I didnot see Jack Powers' ride, bnt I entertain the opinion that Mr. MoNab has achieved the greatest eqasstrlanfeat on record, oonaldering the stnd naed. It toats eveiythlng I ever heard ot He made his two hundredth mile lo tiwM hourt and forty-uvtn minulet, having thirteen minutes to spare, and seemed capable of riding filty more, as be expressed himself willing to do If any one doabted his powers, and was ready to make a substantial banter, which was not taken up. Below la his time: FinI tea mlloi , Bcoond •• •• , Third <• " FOnrlh " Flhh " " . SUIh •• SevoDlb <• •• Eiihlh •> •• Ninth •• ■■ 2fai. 40j. , 3T 30 , 38 » 2S 48 se . at 2s oa , 37 80 . 88 80 80 Coo hoodred milts in 4h 40m tBi IIOTonth ten mllu In 81 SO Twelfth •• ' ■■ •• 88 8S Ihlrfnlh <■ ■■ •■ 37 ronrCnlh" rait So 18m One hnidred tad llft7 DlloiUi.... 7bl8 . Btlsg Uilriy-ono mlanta ind 38 •coo'nda more than Powon' tlmo. aixtoonlb loa miles la... SOmSai 8tT«nl>olb» <• "..18 Btlght'olb " " ..18 80 Nlnal'olb •■ " "..10 TweiUsUi • ..II 88 (Two bondrod mlloi mtde Bins hours and rorlj-toToa mlnta.) The scene coming in town was rather after the Derby order— a hurry ecunr— bnt notwltbatandlng the dust, etc., we managed to "get In ahead," and here's your re- port— OaL Spirit of the Times, June 13th, 1868. AN EXTBAOBDINART WAGES. A raw days ago, a young gentleman. In company with a large circle of his friends, boasted of bis superior horse- manaolp. A wag present dffered to tot the horse agalnat forty dollars that be could produce one that our friend could not ride from the Capftol gate to the President's bouse, bare-back and standing; with a proviso that the horse should not kick or rear. The offer was accepted, and, at the appointed time, the assemblage met at the Capitol gate. The rider (a man df small stature) came prepared with a pair of Indian boocbsIob and a small package of renna pulv, to prevent him from slipping off, and two suspicious IdoUng bags, eappoaed to contain - tiimmlng-bauaat With the air of a confident gladiator he addressed his friends, and conoiuded by stating that the dinner he had ordered would get cold If the horse was not speedily brought " The horse Is ready," said the wag; and beckoning an aged African woodsawyer, (who was etandlog by, appa- renlv waiting for a job,) aaked him, in the gravest man- ner,ifhlsAorM ever kicked orreared. " What I "exclaim- ed the darkey, " dti horse kickt" at the same time plao- log bis aowAoTM on the pavement "No, massa, I'll swear 'fore God be never kicked or reared one tlmeslnoe this chile tau bonght him, three years ago." ' By this time the merriment bnrat forih, and onr " che- valier" looked unutterable things. He swore he could win the wager. If he had to pat the saw-horae in a dump- ing-cart and make the trial; which, as he has never been known to give np a point, we presnmehe will do at some future day, when buslnees gets dull— Washing ton StatcB. THE GAL THAT I KNOW. TbaglrIlbnlliWtU7, The girl that l> rM"7i Thoglrl wllb to 070 u bliok ait aloe: Bare'i to girli of ttoh tlttlon Ibronghoat IhU grott nitlog, And, In pvUoalir, mm ISat IkHov. OLD UnNX ON THOBNB IN THE FLESH. B(7B T«)m to Ned, •> Tour wlfa'i a ahrew, And prt7 do Mil mo how 70Q do To bo an JorUl tht 7atr throuib ?" 8071 Nod to Tom, " I aeror klektr; But when the looldi, Xvp and lijucir." CRICKET MATCH EXTRAORDINARY PLA7ID BY GBEENWIOfl PENSIONEBS, AT THE FBIOBY GROUNDS, NEAB LSfflSHAU, ENGLAND, lABLT IN SGPTEUBEB, 1848. TBI novelly of the ooadltlona upon wUdh alons tbeie woro*oat bodi of Uie ooean would bo allowed to enter the llita, was the otuse of a large and faiUoaabla party at- tending each daj. These condftlons were, that tvenlj- two men shonld be ohosen on the Held, one-half of whom ■honld be mlooi an arm, and the other a leg t Tet there was no lack of oandldatti for the honors of the bat and ball, and the namber was very soon selected. The wea- ther, too, was beantifally line; the looalltj seleeled for the display a most charming spot; and the spectators, as well as the aotora, appeared to be bigbl; amased. A lirge tent had been erected on the sonthem side of the field, and within It waa spread forth an ample sapplj of the creature oomforts of this life, to whloh the dlUpmat- ed t^ did ample Jnstloe. They were Invited to this en- tertainment by Mr. logersoU, of Lewlaham, who. In con- Jonotlon with Hr. Ireland and Hr. Staonton, had got It np at their sole expense, In addition to diatrlbntlngasom of money amongst the oonpetltors. Upon the first day the wickets were pllobed, and the sports commenced shortly after two o'olook, the bands striking np " Bale Britannia," tbe eleven one-armed man taking the first lo- nlnga; and during the whole tlma the bats and balls were at work, the epeotaton were kept In ah almost oootloned roar of langhter by the grotetqae flgores tbe poor old veterans made u they measorsd their length on the sllp- peiy sward in their vain eOorls to reach the ball, or to exerolae their dtmlnltbed " nnde^standIng" beyond their ordinary gait to reach the goal In time. Upon the first day the one-arms made 80 nuu In the first start, and 41 at the Moonl Oa Tasiday lliey u- sembled again with renewe4 vigor; and ndw tbe woodtn legs went at It In high glee. Their flr^t Innings made 82, and their second 4di tbns letvlog the gaba lo the one • arms by IS. Nothing conldexoeedlhedWfkt wllbwUcta they appeared to enjoy the sportf arttMunueasaadooiir • teona attention of llr. IngersoU to their WMt».ffhef una wasoonoloded by elx o'clock; and the hardy Mn^ooats marched In prooeaslon fhim the ground, bMded by tba band, banners, Aa, and were again entertained at a patt- ing f^ by Mr. logersoU, at the Black BoU Inn. '^K LATEST SPORTS ABROAD. J)vm &9 'I £4^ in iMidMS Aly 4. THE RINQ. riSBTS 10 OOMl. Jnt e^— BkrlUaBdn«at^laiU«,HliUudainiilL Am. 8.— Birtlej tad Nortos— Friday, when he ran a dead heat with Pomf^t ofBlick- bam, In a race of 440 vatde for £10 a aide. Immediate* ly after the handicap bad been decided, arUoles for ue oontest noder notice were drawn np, which specified that Hemlngwav, Dining, and Holroyd bad agreed to mo for a sweepstakes of £2iS eaob, tbe winner to take the £75 and the three shares of the gate money. Mr. Holden wis appointed referee, and this afternoon was selected for the race, fihorily after (onr o'clock, the pedestrians en- tered the course, and u each man looked well. It would be Invidious to partlcolarlse, their respecUve traloeia having done fall Jaatica in preparation, Holroyd tavlog; been under the cue of Joeepb Etohella of Fallsworth, Dining had been In charge of G. Darley (the obaoplon, sprint mnner), bi.the vlclolly of Newton, and HeBuai^ way had been trained at Slannlnglev, nearLeedf. bjUB weU known Leggy Greaves of Sheffield. The bettlDg at start wu even on Holroyd, 7 to 4 agst Dialog, and 2 lo X agst Hemlngwav. Little Ume was lost at the mtdt, and, on the platol being fired, Hemingway got off Inflroat, fol- lowed by Dining, Holreid being last. AfteraHnrywdi bad been traversed, Dlnlog deprived nemlogkay of the lesd, gR eight yatds In front, and In this oMsr the first lap was completed. Shortly afterwards Holroyd pssied Hemingway, and having tbas obtained leoond poelllon, be soon narrowed the gap between himself and Dining to foor yards, Hemingway belog at least two yards lii the rear on the oonolneion of the second round, uemhigway began to Inoreate In speed, and Holroyd more nearWBp- preached Dining. When 200 yards from home the tbreei , ~ were nearly together, and here Hemingway once more '' went In front, Holroyd second, and Dlolog falling Inld the last place. From this point the oontest lay betwtnl tbe two first-named, bat Hemtaigway at length won v^ . cleverly by four yards. Dining being beaten lift -TU time occupied waa 4mln Bfiseo. BAOINQ F1XTUBB8 IN ENGLAND rOttiite^ FOBlafMet 11 Weisaaur Bomawr 1 1 KiHI>nliT 31, UUW. ■ /KM^inii* TO OORRItPONDKHTt. lijtMKlBa,bllu*p»Ua— I. Tba Hewbortb boatiwtMlMUv ■tettt lfttefoo|li wiMr or.lU U7, Uua tb«M ryom H(» York. t/OMriM M toM Ito ettaptOBtUp tl Mewbirtb, btoiOM, lang llMM tUM Ubm tea » BUtOb MWMD Stwud DNkv: bat vbn Um Uu tnlTed (or (IfiUii vUalu, Diir foifalitd. Ht OMl fo^. flwnfaik, b« bnkMl opon u obm pt a n , If/K K— i(r. Bp«r mtda bo reply to Um otnl of Mr. Mawirt, nin «U«b wt Ifftr IhU Un ititemeol of Ue UU«r li, In lb* mtlg, tmnat,- tta ou ti«ar vUsen, from octolur ItmoMtitUOD, Ibtl Hr. ■Mnut bid no Mlh kaocktd ral Id Ibt tirnjr, nelUHir wh bU dom Mkea. V« prMsme Utbtre vara U7 toiaoiinotta In Mr. atawufi cud, tb* lUia would hkT« baeBooatndloiad br ibou louDadlitalj iBtaraM. , D, Rtidlag, !>•.—'• A udBmUie a mtUbloaboottt pifooDl. '.AbM li-ipruiii from tbo (rtpftr B,wlioaa gsn bonla vtiao be Ibaotl, indiba bird eactpaa, altbougb tbo obtnoai ara In TaTor or B kIIBlf1>|1l*' tci)ldaat OMarraL Vbal, In poor opinion, iboald b« done In anob a cua, aa regtrda couiUDg lbs bird for or agalnit Bl".. .y,,Ia oor apliku, tbo bird li loil to a Ourm,Vo. I, aoolniall.— 1. We knowornoilaamboiltbilarer beat life* Jacob Btradtr'a lime od Ibe Oblo Blrer, of 110 milea In live boon and one ninnu, I Your ItUarwuraoalrail on Monday mom- tng, Jaly ISib. (. We bare, do rtgnlir oorrapondeni, bot oeoaaion- tUy leoelTa llama of nen Ibroogh other oorraaposdaDti. Tonro iMinai, Nawvarkel, Ta.— 1. Get Walker'a Muly Eiar- otua, al any of ymr bookilrra. 9. lo commanoiog the game, yaa moat be golded u retardi dlftaDoe, welgbl, tto,, by year own Jodg- BCBl, laklDg oare not lo lai yoar luaDgih to any great extant at drat, bit InortailDg ai yon grow loonilomed lo tbe aporU Hd Jiia— 1, Tbe Idea la moat eioellent, and ir a proper laeaUon abonldbeialtoled, we Iblnk the expeilment will prore noeearoL I. Ballay retired (romboilneaa lome ytan ilnoe. 8, Ilia not iMn- ally neoeaiarj lo indariUDd ihort-hand. 4. We wUl be bappy tO' iBM joa u far aa we ara able. a. A. D., PhlUdalpbla.— The total anonnl In the bandi or Ibe ftake- boldtr beoomei foiratlad, In cue eltbnl>y Charoh from tbe aldewalk la 311 root 8. The Adrlatlo neyer logged noro thin II mIlea an bonr on her Drat trip, A.H.,Weat Uth aireet.— Morrluey'i height la ilz feet, lo that ,|enlleman binuell Informi oib'>ntu' Una or 1:1TK H tbo beet M leoord. . Oiuion; nuibnrgb.-Tov nggaluoita wUl reeetre die oon- . ik|«iupn..-! .- ' ;B.'a4l,l. Hew York -Mtdigi—WlU Jon piMie to ma* yoor «MiUm,aJlule moreixpiiolir ' ^' ¥Vzf' ''^"■''•'Pb'a —Yoor fayonble BcUoeof ou yonngblandj ■if Jjlg^troiierl^andoraed. .. J|^r>^.ai,,Chloago.-Ooaey Uno^^ that w« *r« nwir*. Bo^ Bpt,'.>IUwaukle.—Thuiti for many riTOM. f,. Jf^opu HorrlMcy wai born In Ireland. BfVjci Sn'lfuie.-'BUobin'f llle, Ohio, Joly IT, HIT. Ml. Iain ()oiin;'InolloelnyepMDawaritooorrtipnni)oDiatbat Inqulrlea are (rtqiknUypitdB •• bow to free yoor do|i and kennoii ofleu 1" Having been ^neyed with Ihai'epeati roraono time, I «u Indnoed to try a bedding ol Ftngytoyal (Nedeomt FulegioldM), a plant ihu'la Indigen- ou to all. piru.cf .lb* Dolled IHaiei, and; In one week tbey wen all gone, I bate beeli told lhat,'lf loaiiered la plues Iictaenud by red anil, UwUl'banlah then alls.' ToDra,elo,, dDun. Wnmuia Hatch.— NoDOUd' 7a.', Jily Slit, IMS, BsnoiCiimR Siri A wreiUlng matoh qame nil at Ibli pUoa on Ihe mih tut , For a pone cm, between Jobnn'y. Quiley and Birry Alton, at m Mlaili' ■IppI awlmnlni gronnd. After a alrajglo or about llmlnniea, Alton waa oUbned the vlnier. The piwty took a' bathing afterwirdi on Ibe •inogtlt of 11, ut when tbey got thnoib,' a match wu made by tbe ....... . .. •.. yi. . .. Ulatndyou, Bonr A< AFoz.OHAintooltplBoo on tne 22nd 'lintatit, at ibe Moant Aire; (Hrden, Booth Oamden, N. J.i kept by Hr. HlUer, for ffblob there were qtilte • uamber. of entries. The fox wn lot loose at ao mioatta Bheid of the doga, bat the latter got on -tiie ulialght traok, and ihe fMt prise .wsB won' ti; Mr, O.^tler'i hoaQd- floepdragoD, Ivbd II tr«ed"> the, inn In 4niiB o( big owner, wh»e Bernard very cuoolngl; took ghelter'fcom hli parsa^TB. tar In Mr. PiteriAn'ioonitnonl«klM laonrCbe6k*H*Mrttunl, b the' ililb line from Ihe boitom',tlihonll nid <■ omItUig Jud w, talefd of xj" alone. i r.-7r>t.. Thi AMiaiOAK Obimpiohbbip;— The offlolal announce- mentl made In lut week's Cuffib, that a matoh hid at laet been made, and arttolM of agreemeeiii ilfped for a pogllliUo contett between John 0. Hetnaii, (the BeBtoja Boj) and John Uorrlia^y, for Hve ihoniand dollei* and the ObaDplonablp of Ametlea, rery, natnrally oraatcd maoh exoltenent In iportlog olroics thirongbonk the oonn- try at large, and apecnlatlon VeMne at onoeiilfe aa to the probable ulUmite r^iiU of ti« battle. Thit Intereit InthliDatolilinot oosSncd t6NewTorkal6ne;on the coBttaiy, whererar the (hJiraBoIfindatee, there will 700 And thli natoh the ohiaf topic of ooiivafaitloa. We regret to. lee that ume of onr oltjr joomalg are endeavoring to aatoolate tbo nutoh with polltloal inaitoiB,'and to create an Inipretrion that Bome of onr moit prominent poUUoal eharaoten are ioUyelj IntdreitlDg theumlvea in the af- fdlr. What otjeot iheee Jonraala can have In thoa mls- repregentlng laota, we are at a logi to diiteimlne. Per- hapi they wlah to make a little pollttoal capital for them- ■eWee. But, we moitlook for all eorla of teporig while tbla matoh Is pending; ihe " retpeetable preie" seem to take etpeolal pains to glre wrong gtatementa of nearly eTery (porting .event that traptplree, bnt In reference to pngllletlo trangaoUong. they ,.dritv 'largely i||ion their Im- agination, and healtate nct. to pnbllih aatmtbi tboae thlngg wbtoh they know .to bb false whtlit peonLog them, and without the least foundation In tratb. Why, even the two lait letters which Uesoa. Uorrlssey and Eeenan sent ue for pnblloatton have been mutilated by eome of these " gentlemen of the preis," and, with snndry additions, omlssloni, etc., altered to tnlt themselvei, have been pub- lished by the " reipectablo prest" as genuine. Now, we would caution tbe public not to plaoe any de- pendanca In the garbled itatementsof eaoh journals. They haye an object In thns mlsatatlog the facts which will manifest Itself atreome future trm& 'The official pro- ceedings oonneoted wllb this match for the Obamploosblp will be promulgated throngb the Ourm, to whioh pa- per alone should the pnbllblook for eorrei^ reports of the movements of theiaeD, sjid all matters having a bearing apon the exciting matoL The progreuofeventswillbe found duly reooided, weekly. In our. " Bing" department. Ho t ' 'FOB ■ THB Whitb If ooMTiTKa I— Tho Norwich and Woroeater way to the White Uonotalos Is that which is most approved by the oltlseDS ol New Tork, and travelers should make a note of ibia' Both tbe CommonwealUi and Oonneotlont are awlft, sore and elegant boats, and It takes bnt twegty-fouF bonn of travel by sailing, railroad and stage; to place yon In the monntain midst, where you can take off your hat Ugh up above the world, and thank God yon are an American. It la enongh to make any na- tive do so, to', stand emoDg'tbose monarch heights and survey tiie obasmi of the free and gloiy-abonnding neigh- borhood. H It treats, of; the most proper method for curing hones of klokuig;^ balking, and other bad habltiL OALTFOBiai Nbws,— We are again plaoed under obliga- tions lo J. F. Fecks, of 18 Ann street, for latest flies ol Cdllfotola newapap era. ' A Sailing Bxoatta for boats .under 20 feet In length, Is to come off In Boaton Harbor on the Slat Inat. luiBgm 01 u, ut when tbey got tbnoib,' a maion wu mat Mine. two, lo Sgbt « iIoto Sght on tbeiSib ln«lq Ibr git t ali Vfif Wiy§ apatilng room, the l^rmile^Uiii of wtilcb I wUI 1 Qoon ViTtB -^iTora m Boonuas — The relorn maloh between thoa* well-khown playera, Hmn. B. Lyoai add Bionil Souihird, oama off, oni Monday, lOib Inil , al Ihe BuU'a Beid Bolel, Bergen Point Plank Roid, X, J, In our report of the prarloua maloh betwoan tboCe pkrllei, In obr lial week'a CiirFiB, we weie led Into an error, owing 10 the very Impel feot ecore piper cent ni for loierllon. Tne game wu 01 op, and not 11, Mr, Bombard proving tbe whiner, not Ur, Lyoni, at we therein listed. The former loored 01 to the liller'i ST. ' We wonid adrlie Ihe acoreri for the rulbre, oily to looro on one elde the paper;u the oontrary metbod lad u^lhto Iho above mlalike. In the leal miloh between ihoie pliyen, Bvsltailrd aiahi piofad the winner, icorlng at 10 Lyoni' 48. A miloh ror gtOO between thoee iime playen bu been made, and tDO rorfelt la alieidy naked, to oome olT on Monday, tba 2d or Augoit, at Hr. Soman', tho Waablniton irienal, fiergen HUL They are lo pilab three boon eaah day for Ibraa daysj'ina the ioorer or Ihe moil pulnta In lhat time lo be declared tbe winner or the ilakei. The bonn or play to be tnm I o'oloot F. M, to S o'clock P. M. eaoh day. MiTCB— COOBBiaim WicMM— OnTaeiday,lIth Inat., a Batch at Qooiia, ror fiO a atoe, belweealboee playen, came off ai the Ball'a Bead Holil, Bergen PoUit PlankiBud, N. J., ^aftfrmergaatlemin giving bli opponent }0 polnli in 1' game or 01 op, SI yiidi pliob. Aa Ihe eubjoined aeon wUl show, Hr, Cocbrane proved Iba winner: Ooohrano;' Wmkia, Coobraue, Wlokea. Oockrine.' Wlokea THE EI1I«. The Fight for the Championship. This Important event In ihe pngUIatlo aniala of Ameri- ca la progreeslog satlaraotorlly; the aecood depoalt of 1250 a side having been made ou ibe 26th Instant Five hondted dollAis a side are now duly slaked, and It will be seen, froh the oopyof the artloles whIoh we publleh below, that the third deposit of 0900 a side must be made on ihe 9th ol August, and a similar amount on eaoh side staked every fortnight notU ihe entire amount of 90,000 Is depoelted In the bands of the stakeholder. ' Or the Importance of this great match, both as regards ihe amonnt of money at Issne, and tbe celebrity of the two principals engaged, It Is nnneceaaary to enlarge open at tbe present time. Bafflce It to say, that the lo^rest which It Is already exciting among all olaases of the oom- munlty, ihronghoat the entire continent of America, far surpasaes that felt on any previous oooaelon, not even ex- cepting Uie great match between Tom Eyer and Yankee. SnUIvan In 1819. As we annonnced last week, Hr. Horrlssey, immediate- ly ou ihe satlalaotory arrangement of the matoh with Hr. Heenan, left tbla olty for his present residence In Troy. He goes Into a()tlve training Immedlatelv, at a beautlttil spot, a short dlitsoce from that city, and has been fortu- nate enongh to aeonre ihe services of J. Hamilton Shepherd, or, as he le better known In the English Pried Blog, John- ny Hamilton, a man of great experience as'a tralaar, who has only recently arrived In tbla coantry. EeaaperlnteOd- ed the preparation of the Eagllab Obamptoo, Tom Sayera,, In hip Sghta with Poulpon and Aaron Jones, and aesisted the accomplished Bob Fuller In training Bill Hayes Id bis various encounters. HIa abilities as a trainer are Well known and recognized la the London Blog; and, aa a sparrer, he also enjovs a bigh reputation; tbe duties of i»' second In a fight, however, be never nndertakea, and In the coming Bght, we presume, be will leave that ardu- oua and reaponalble office to other partlua, tbongh 00 this point we are apeaking without authority. Tbe frlenda of Hr. Horrlaaey, however, may reat ataured that everything that akiU and experience can aooomplieh, will be uacd by bia trainer to bring him In tbe best possible condition to the post. . -The BenloU Boy will also commence the work of pre- paratloh tbhi week, a short distance from tbls olty. Tbe moat absurd and unfounded reports have been promulga- ted by ihe dally preea, in referenoe to tbia point, upon which they are profoundly Ignorant The backers and friends of Hr. Heenan, and tbey Inolode a great number of very lofluential and reapeotable parties,' are very san- guine of bis nitimate succeas. Hie un'aaanmliig tfii gen- tlemanly condnot, has gained blm many 'warm!'^ersonal frlenda, wlio are firmly supporting him under the present olroumstanoes. We shall, from time to time, personally vt(lt' and re- port on tbe progress In tralolng of the two parties, so that we may be able to fornlah the numerous firlenda'of both with tbe moat reliable information ou tbla aobJeoL Aa there la conalderable'lotereat manlfeated to eee the airtloles of agreomant by which tbla match la governed, we append them: ABTICLES OF AQREEBENT mniD mo tho 19n pit or'juiT, JllS, edwiim jobv aounBiT ASD joajf a BiDix. Tbe eald John Horrliaoy agree* loflihtlhanidJobnO.Beeninirilr atand-n|i flghl, according lb the New Rulea or the London Frlie BIng, by which Ihe laid John MonL'iey and John 0. Beenan henby mo- laiUy agree lo be bound. The aald Sght ihall be tor Ihe anm of Twenty-Sve Bondred Dilliri (81600) a ilde, and aball lake place on the Twenlltth dayorootober neil (Wedneidar}', In dnadi- * * * In pnnnuceor thli agraenettl,Two Bundred and Fifiy Dollari (8210) a tide, bu tbla day been depoelted lo the handa of , who iball be tbe flnil tUkonolder. The itoood depcail or Two Bnndred and Flfly Dollui (IliO) a aide, aball be made on Mon- day, the 3ath day or July, 1119, Intbu hindi oribe elikeholder. The tbird dtpoill or Five Bondnd Dollin (SlOO) a elde, on tbe ninth day of ADguil, 1111 ; tbe foorlh depoalt of r.ve Bundred Doliara (8100) a aide, on ilcndiy, the 33d day or lagnit, 1618; the flnh depoili of Five Hundred DoUara (8600) a aide, on Mouday. tbe Sib day of September, 181$; and the ilxth ud laat dopoall o( Five Buodrcd Dolltn (8100) a aide, OB Friday, the Bret da; or October, lata. Theia leveral depoiila to be made within twenly-roar bonri of tbe time apcofled. The eilil John Morrliiey lod John 0. Ucenin mutoilly igree to meet either penonally, or by reproaentat've, at — on —— and then anJ there lota for oboica or Igbtlog grocnd In Venida; ihe parly winning the tou 10 Immedlalely Inform lbs olber or tbe placo wblob he aeleoia, ' The men ihill be u Ibe ring between tho taooreoriwolreindlvo o'clock, r.K , or the mu abtentio forrelt Ihe battle money. Tbat In tbe event of magliterlal Inlerfcronaa. " tbo nmplrea and reverie ibail denlde tbo next lime and plue or meeling. If poailble, on the tAme day. nat tbeexpeoiei of the ropee aod itakca ahill be borne by the lArty wln- nlog Ihe batt'e, Tbe aiikca not to be given up, 'unlea by mutual con- lent, till birly ,won or loil by a flght. The decltlon or the reTcreo to beBiallnallotae*. Jn pnnniae* ol Ibli igreeDeni, wo bercunto ittioh our nemea, . ; . > • JOBN HORKiaSlT, Joan C. Biaiii.f , obliged to let them go ihe following momlog', aa they found they bad' no power to retain them. Olddlngi, DowoIe,.and. Phil Glare, (Dowole'a aeoond,) gave them- aalvea np the following momlog, and balog arraigned before ihe aathorltles, waved examination tna gave ball. UovAOBAX AKD BoBBBTS.— Dobuque, Iowa, July 18 1868.— Ed. OuPFiaL-r-I wlah to inform Mr. Ifonaghan that as he, or doubUeas a friend of bis, baa beao so kind aa to lend a telearapblo dbpatota to Chicago, io say that If I went to eee the flght with Holmes and Jack Oope at St. Louie, I ebould eluer have to flght bim or call rayaelf a onr, a name I do not,' by any means, wish to enjoy— I have only to savtbatlf Hr. Honaghau will, state the termi that he will meet me half way between boms and home, If at all. reasonable I shall be bappy to. prove to bim whether I ever did or ever will prove myself a onr, by deciding It In a twenty-four foot Blog. JOBR fiOBBBTB. p. a— He will please answer ibroogh ibe Ouitbb, or address to me at the Adelphl BBloon,81xth street, Dubu- que, Iowa. / . Paiza FiOBT at Nbw Obliams.— Tbe New Orlaans daily papers of the 14th, bring accouuta of a great prize fight which oame off In that city between two brusers named Daniel Onnniogbam and John Hooly. Tka two men were new to, tbe ring, tbLi being their flrat eulbldon: yet, It Is said, they went In and came out like old bands. There were one hundred and forty-three rounds fought, balf-mloute time, which oconpled two hours and fourteen minutes. For about flfly rounds bo more than one blow was given. Gonnlngbam generally managed to get In first and drop. Vp to the seventieth round Hooly had tbe call, and appeared so much refreehed that bis eeconda diepensed with the usual plokiog up and seating," al- lowing their man to walk to his place and stand. The seconds of Oannlngham, however, picked their man up and seated him. Cunningham having rested anfflolently, went at his man, and the ten following rounds ehowed that he would probably carry the day ; though It wavered somewhat up to the one hundred aad thirtieth round, when Hooly began to wtelken, and oama up slowly. Tba laat five rouade be failed io touch Cun- nlogbam, the latter pnolehlug him severely. The one hundred and forty-third round having been fonght, Hooly 'a aeoond threw up tbe aponge— the 'signal of defeat. No Go,— The black, whoae challenge was aoccepted In our last by a Boaton man, has suddenly become Indlspos- cd,'aad aaya he cannot tnake tbe match at preaent HI: lodUpoaltloh, In onr opinion, la a touoh of the " white feather." 1 8 4 8 T- 8 8 10 18 1« 18 la IT » 30 10 31 38 38 ST 38 39 39 so 81 .88 88 a« Si 84 11 34 V 3T 18 39 80 »1. 82 84 ' a* ST.. 88 >9 . 41 «4 84 14 84 81 !V '84 'Bi 81 ST '89' '41' 43 41 44 43 41 41 41 41 80 SI 81 88 84 81 St 88 89 ei 41 4S 47 : 48 49 61 81 81 II 81 II SI St 81 81 ' Oabd.— Philadelphia, July 24, 1858.— EorroR Clippbb —Sir:— I noticed in your Olipfgr of July ITib, a card entitled Carroll and Keating, In which fads were thrown aelde, and tbe olrcumstanoes of the affair coDpletely mlarepresented. Now, sir, a few worda to the point are worth a volume of bumbng. I waa at the houee of Mr. T, Conner, June 28lh, playing ten pipe,' and bad. walked to tbe bar-room door after.playlng; whilst leaning ag^lnat the door, I .was anddenly and violently pushed .on, -the sidewalk. I: turned, wheu Carroll ran up to me, aekiog If I aald I oould whip him in ten minatea- I anawered I oonld toA'j) him, bnt not In ten mlnutei>;.he Btruak:roe, and both tumbled In tbo gutter, Carroll on itop.. ItA^n aald, let me up and flght fair; he agreed, and when up, I knocked him down;, he: got .pp and. rsn for my legs to tbrow me; we had another round, ware parted, and.wapi Into Ibe bar-ropoL I walked Into the ten-pin alley and etrlpped; came to him lo tbe bar-room end equared for him; he lunged out ai me* when I fetched bim under the ear', and oleuohed, throwing bim, I then played Ai'< own card, bitting bim In the faoe, till he covered himself .with hia htuida. I was' then pulled off. Aa for patty .exonaea of bit floger, Ac, on ihe 6th of July, that la troej'but I told bim and bla friends Vim, tbatli they aald flght, I would fight; but they all admitted my hand wae too acre ly. bitten to do the thing with any abow of generosity on OatrolVs part Hy hand la well now, and I will flght him for $60 or for sport, at any time or plaoe; a fair staud-np Bght, rough-and-lumble, or .any way be obocaea. - Tbare are better men than either of 'ua that have'foughtfor S60i aod It would be an eaay thing for him, or any other man who baa plenty of money, to shake $200 or more under' my noB«,' and bluff nie for wont of f nnda. WiLLuW Ebitiko, A Pgoom MiTcn BTTWisr Oooaiiki'iiiD Wiona — A leoond maloh betwreu iboie two partita waa played Ihe fullonlog diy, on tbo lime gronnd, for 830; Ihe letter genuemin r«c*ivhifl 80 Rolnta lo a .game of 81 np, 31 yardi pilch. In ihti gtme, Mr, Ouchrine gained rapidly On bia'opp nent m lbs loore, ooiiired, ind flnilly puied bUn, win- ning In iptendid iljle, «nd sooting at to bli anligonin'i 81. Thla led 10 a '.v MATon iinrm Copsiin m WmaDiu, ftr 810, tbe latter gentle- mtn rcseivini ^1 In a game or 41 op, 31 ykrdi pitch. Tbti wai played Immediately after Ibe prec*lln|;'gamei and resulted u foUon Cochrane. WasadeU: :Cochraa«.' 'WaaidSIL. Oocbrine. WaoidelL 1 3 4 a 1 9 10 13 11 IT 18 IS SO 11 it 38 3S 3T 14 18 18 33 34 . >, ae', 18 i 80.i .80 . . 80. 80 80 80 88 . 80' 84 8t 81 81 8T St 41 41 41 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 WRBSTLiNa.— An laJlan, resldlog'la the vicinity of N. Tdrk,'Oan be baohed'to wrestle' wf- man In tbe United StAtas within Ibti&ouda of bla height, which la ISO lbs., he, tbe lndlanl givldg any one 90 pounda In wdgkii The matoii to be for tbOO Sbd npwarda, ilnd tO tike place la six weeki,>l>bm the flrat aep6alt^ ^Ttinbi tt bona-fiit qBH, The wieaUlfi^^b^ side boldB. TAB Brooxltn Boxsrb — Two of dnr Bi'oqklyn pngU- lels have recently allowed tbemsalves to g^t entangled In the meshes of tba law, In consequence of a mutual desire to decide their differences by an appeal to arms, (and fists,) In a 24 feet ring. We .have said fAeir differences ' bnt, to speak more correctly, we abonld say, the dlfferen oeaof tbeir reapeotlve friendi, who are arrayed In two rMlIone, known from tbeir reeldenoes aa the 4th and llth Warders.' Tbe Chqmplona are' Jem Glddlogs, who formerly kept the Bportsman'a Ball In Hadlson < atreet, and Peter Dowole.'bettar known to moat of onr readera by the name of The Unknown, and who, a few montha' ago, Isauad a oballeoge io flght Joa Oobnrn. Sunday morn- iDgi (no wonder they got Into trouble,) was'the time ap- pointed for the hostile meeting on tbe Coney laland road, and before the break of day the principals and tbebr frlenda were on their way to the rendeevous. Tbere had, .hpw- ever, be^ii traitors in. tbe camp, and Inrormatlon bf iha anticipated meeting bad been comnlunlaBtcd to the police Buthorttlea, Tbe reatiU wee/ that laat aa the men had made tbbir preparatory tolleta, the '■Btara" glimmared la the distance, and a general stamdede followed., ' The prin- cipals; being unenonmberied with superflados jolotblog, soon dfstahced the puffing policemen, who were dot Ih'e fit oODdltlon for a 'etroog run race, Tbey, hoWavitr/ba; log fbaoWed to capture some one or other, took about i soort bf tiie unoffending epeottttors Into oaiMj, bntVer i C A N I N K Matob n PiOTmnici —A milch I* to come olTit Wm, Prenllii' pit, la Frovldenoe, B. I., on Ibe llib of Anguii, between i and 2 r.a., h«- tveen two 43ib. doga for iSOO aelde, OkBD —Having Men a challenge f^om Ur. Dnlfay, of Bimlllon, to flgbl hli dog igalDii tbe boll-makrr'a don, BSloi., I wonJd Hale that Uuffay knew that the dog conid not oamo to tbe weight. I have a dog, however, tbal I will Bght agalnil Mr. CulTy'i Ritlier, at 89, 83, or sl Ibi. irtoat will not mil Hr. DuDTiy, I will accommodate him at oatoh wel|ht, ror 8i6, or u much mora aa be un raue, lo light In ibrce or four week! irom tbe Bril depoill. , jAMis BiowK, Bporlimao'i Saloon, Bamlltoo, 0. W. AKiaar'a Brom,— Tbo oelebralad dog •■Cbamplon," weight IIX lba,> belooglig lo Mr, K. J Virtue, la malched to draw the fimona coon "Joe," belonglog to Mr, Dillon, weight 17>jlbi., In lOarcondj, for 810 a aide, to com* olf on Monday evening, Auguii 2d, in Phila- delphia, Giuv BiRDKUF Bit Mitcs —A areat bindloip rat mitota will oome off It Uirry Jennlngi', Bportiman'* Ball, 4t UadUon alreel, on Wed- naadiy evening, Aogoil 4th, (br a handiome made collar and alio, open to all dogi not eioeedlng 31 poaodi weight, and will be rilrly handicapped aa fulloin>-Do*e not eioeedlng 10 Ibi , to kill 8 nta eaoh; doge noteioeedlog Ulba., loklll I rata each; and doga not txcaading 31 Ibi. weight, to kill S raia eacb, and the dog thai klUs bla rata lo tbe •taorltit lime will be awarded the rrlig. Two band- lome oolltn alu wilt be awarded to the dogi thii draw Ihe wolf andlheeoon In the lulcieattlmo, B. J. will alio tntrodnce a pair of newly arrived Imported dofs, which be Inlenda to maloh In lb* fall. Alio, ho will ibiiw hie bandioaa bnoe ol bliok tan terrlen, Ihe two nci eiceedlog 9 Iba weight, which will kill rata on Ihla oo- tasion. Alao, tbere will be aeveni Interoating icti-to dorkig Ihe evening. B. J, will wind np Ihe eporl ct the evening with hIa ilnt Neliey, which will Ight any coniar ut ber weight during tho evenUig. Bala Ibr the maloh free. Eotrance fiee: doom open al leven, to com- menoe killing al half-pul eeven prccleefy, Admlailon, 21 oenti, CniUixaa — I have a pound dog that I will mitoh for 810 or IIOO a Ilde igalnil Jaoob Moomo'a red dog Mingo, 30)^ ponndi, to Bgbl In four or Uve wceki from the flrat Uepoiit, ana una ror the nholce ol the plue or BghUog. A natoh oan be made by applying lo Harry Jeoulogi', 49 Madlion street, or by rcrwardlng adepoiH to th* CurriB blllio. Ran 1 Bats I Rati 1— Bate eent lo any pari or tho Blalei on r«eelp( or 810 per bundred, md 88 laeeoorlly ror tho cage, which wUlb* relumed ou receipt or the cage. Ad>lre FroiTiOAm inna FiiU).— Dick Bnckloy (allu) Butcher Dick Intenda giving a grand nlghl'a iportonTneaday evening, Aogut lOlh, at Barry Jennings', BporlimiD'a Ball, 40 Hadlion itreel; two hundred ral* will ha given free of charge ror gentlemen to try their lltUedoii; three 'oollen will alio be given uprliea; lat collar for tbe dog that kill* S rata In the qnickui time; 9d collar for tba dog Ibli drawl tbe wolf In tbe quiQkeat time, and the 8d collar wUl be given 10 the dog Uial diawa Ihe ooon In tbe qtilokeil lime, Bevenl or Iho New York, Brooklyn and Willlambargb fanolen have promlied to give Dick ■ bumper on Ibli oooailon. Tbere will be nnmarons turn npi during Ihe evening, and tbe widd np wiU b* b*twe«a Hirry Jennlngi' dog Jack, liad DIak'a dog Danger. Ooon open at 7, to com- mcnoe al ball-pul 7 precliely. ' Gaid — Cbirleitown, Maai., Joly. 38.— Mb. F. I]ob w—Dar Sir: It appean lo me that Hr. fl,MigilI,.of Boaton, hu not made blmielf luOloiently noloricui u a inean dog fanotar oo formor ooou|ons, b* wlihu to let Ihe reader* or the Curraa lee tbal be la a mean man u well. Be nsTcr oOTered lo make a milch with me; I never apok* to him about anilhlngof the kladln ny life; I alwaya wiih lodeal with honorable men, and I kbow tod much about Mr, Haglll to pili- lake bim for one, I wiih ilo let the readera of tbe Currai know Ihitthero wai, nor K nooonneallon belween me and Mr. I)nlgl«y. Bo that If Mr. Magiil wiihea to tbrow itonea at me, b* iboold do It dirccUy, and not over the ahonlderi of Mr. Quigley., ' ' ' Jio. MgiMT,' ' [W* have rcoslved another lelter from Mr. Qoigley on tbla inbJeol, bni u ail parllea bavo bad a bearing eacb, wa doaet oar* tobava lb* dijcnulon conllnned.— Ei>. Cur.] ' JackakdObif,— A mitohbubeen made between John Oooper'a dog Jack, or Baaton, and Nil Rlley'a dog Grip, of Obirleatown, al 18 poundi, for 831, to take placo on the 8d of Augnal, Grand YAcnr Baob for $600.— The race between the yaobta Griaoe Thome and the David Kirby,, for tbe sum of I3S0 aslde,.oame off on the 26tb Inst, The Qraoe Tborne belongs tp ihe New BoohoUe .Yaobt Olnb, while the David Kliby la. the property of, the Harlem Model Toobt Qlub. Thoif lioata have been matched together previously, when the Di^vld KIrby waa proclaimed ihe winner, owing to ihe Grace Thoroa having carried awa^ her jib when tba race waa apparently In^ar fayor... The dlseatlsfaotlon at this letult led to the present match. The distance aslled was about 20 miles, tbe yafihts starting from Biker's Island, sailing np.the rlveriiTPpnd a buoy moored of Sands' Point, and returning tio the starting point Tbe Grace Tborne won the maiott In gallant style, beating her opponent by ten minutes. kXhete was a largo mutter of tbe patrons of aqoatte sporta, and'a large amonnt of money cbanged handB on the oooaelon, the betting balsg very spirited. KEW tbRK CLiPPEk. 119 THEATBlCiL BECOBD. ^onmtBti tad Oce vtcdcm in the TbutilMl ud Kniloil tttUaian, Oireu OoapulUt ItUcpUa Ittmdtn^ •to. fa tak' FMSBBOa.— W* dMlii lo nOa Oil dtptrtmwil sot * fOBMl radw, 'bAI (WfU io Uia profbHloi. Tb« (kBTB «[tai.')*t*i wwywbtw » rt oi» ud utnoM "dnoliM" mttj aiteoilv.'>'7i >>M. nmiib Itat medlaa oT our Utiu ilwM, -tbenXira, foo eik' Uie whemboDti" ud •< whitatMl*' oT woh oUwr. Drop ix^ ■ VOj bUI, a Mwiptpar, a Une or liroi ib* -aoTtDanli or jvmHk ■■d Uum UndkM wUb 700, w (hit It 017 moh a OB Hoiidi7 or Tit,*''V of eub w«ek, it Uu brtbuli ud It will tppair la that wMk'f Ia°<>«; wliloh li dliiriboM and ftirinidtd ^«(eiiliihmi|bootUi«coaiilr>'oiiffadieida7Bonlif. 1f*<)bar|* ■otblsg fbr raeordlDf Iba iiiot(i&.o>I( of oor DModib adlbar do wa d«Diid or Mt/otm .Mfltof Ui« pn(Miloa,aBd Ibanbr enaad Iba apbera ot III ualblB^ OUT BDMIIiBT. ItoBi if no obaDf a or mnmaiit lo sola ilnoa onr liit; Iba Ibettroi IbM waia oloatd, ramtuiliic lo, wbUa Iba (aw Ibal aUampi lo nonj ool tbe ituoD, bare baao aalBdaollr eoooiiri(«d toir;^loaaliuia toDiar. Iba drana of Iba " Daad Bonr," ball Iba board! of Iba Katlooal dailBf Iba weak. Ud iba a>il nigbl of lla rsprattDUUoo, Iba Ogbt- bif tcane, Iba moat Inlafaiisf in Iba plaj, wai ool ool, or rauar, Iba ipeotiloia wara lafl to aoppoaa Ibat Ibe oODltat took ptaoa, Iba two balllfartoli letTlii( Iba iU|e lo ■• fiibl II oui" babind Iba actoaa. mi wu >f kiDf too mnob, asd tba entire audleaoa bliaad ud booted •i onl7 a Nallooal orowd o»a blu. Toeae uomtilakeabia auni ol dli- approbaUon were not witbout proper cITwL for oo anbatqoeni even- taift " Ibe Oibi" look place la praiesoe of Ua aadleDca. Xbe pleoa wea wall-rcoelTad, Tba f loraocet btva 00 oanta to oompliln of Iba attenduca at Ibeir ularlalnmagti ; altboufb Bot full, tba bouaca bare bean fair, buarlDf tba partite aieiait loti. Tba waeiber bat beea Gomforubla, ud, all IblDga coQildered, Ibe <*anom«rBea»n"at Walitok'a cunot be looked upon M a tellore. Tba rioreooti will remain a few wacka lovier. 1 ' Tbe "oaobloatlOB" at Nlblo'e, are nofUOInf praltj wall, allbosgb tbey but on u iboiib Kbtj were mekUg bcapa oTnoner. Brottaen Brooibui, BItke, ata> Ilea sol a life of Inaeunir. Would Ibat ibalr lalania were better appreolated. Aoong otbar green room on dtfi, It la laid Ibat Mr. Coaldoek will be bnri Kcaoe'a leading mu nnl aeiton, "Tbe Indeeonbtble aenialon oreeted tt Baranm'a Hoianin, b; Iba paetil'Br ud del'gbifal cDlarlaianienl of Ibel elogaitrl; ekuful ud pipular dealer In tbe BI*ok Ait, koowB and reoogolied all over tbe world aa Wjotn tbe Wpndeiful, bu tmflidtkenanaienaitloprdeng hit opoptnuiK " Bo tbe bill nj; but it'i oniya gtg— uia bouiaa bare sol been fUil enoogb to lenpi iba muagement 10 do U7 anob Ibbig ; tt'a lbs atme oDgegemeot. Hr. ud Uri. Clai enca Boll bare inoceedad Joa. Frootor at Iba Na- A Frenob dramailo oompuy are bolding forlb at Uetnpolltao Hoflo Hall, Id Broadway, and, " for Ibe porpoae of givlog aTer7 per- lon u opporloDliy of wiioeeelng tbe performuoea, tba prloai of ad- mlulon are 0DI7 11,(0 aod It omia." So tba bill aaji. Let na all ta tbukftil for Ibeee amall fivoia. Iba Bryant* re openou at Ue^binlot' Hall on Ibe Ufh, Iba eon. pu7 conprlse tbe aeme lanilenien a< belbra, t^i : Uacan. Preoder. Sail, Pcroiral, Oarke, Ualkiry, laeaoa, SIforl, ud Dan, NeU, and eny Bryant. We do no| Ibiok Ibe ntnagemeni bava abown good jadgaeslln peimllllBg Mr. Untwortb lo leare ibem. He la a good atrdalalixni**. Ben da Bar, m Ibe New Orleua ud SI Lonla tbealrea , adTerlliea lo be In New York Ibia weak. People on Ibe look onl (br obuoea will pleue lake notioe •■Tbe forrloers" ere galtlog np uolber "go," to ooma or In Jonea' Wooda on tbe Sd, 8d aud dib Init. We do not look fur eo atroog a torn cat u Ibere wu at ibe prertooa feiUTal, Tbe eltTcolb annual benelt of tbe aDerlou Draoatlo Food, Is ar. lugedio lake plaoott tb 1 Academy of Maalo^oa Monday erenlog aexi. A mositer perrormeece will be giren, and II la boptd Ibat Ibero.wlU be a large auaedeooe. Wbat a eel of buy bodite webavebtbe "prciagaog." Someone erolberof utiialwaya pr)lig Into aoma ctbar body'a bulDcas or prlTate atTiln. Now, oely Ituly, an eipoaura wu made of tboee tolrtaaea wbo etil under falte colon by atanmlog tbe lllle of " Ulai," wben, In realliy, tbey were bound In tbe bonda of counblal felloily " lopg, long ego J' ud are weilksowo i9, and tie Hot. Mr, Wenlwortb, wblleontbe ttage, tt per -week. Sapernumerarles are paid twenty-Sre cenla ptr ulgb|— Ofty wben tbey blaoe. Tne weekly aalarlis of Ibo aolreaiet are about ai Ibllowa: Mrs. Uo'y, WO: Hra. Venon, SSt ; Mary Ouood, tSO: His. Hogboi, tllea we la, Ulta Hatbaway, Rota Cllna, Mn, rarker, ud Ada OlirtoD, tit ; Urt, Allen Ud Mab SIOTeni, $10 ; Ida Ter- noD, gtS ; Misi Tree, MIta 3. Orion, and Mlia Blabop, tU Balletglrlt from gS to It per week eacb. Btelda Ibeee there ue Ibo alars Ibat Slay In oorJeuoUon, like Hr. and Uia. Barney Wllllama, Mr. ud Mrs. lorenoe, Ur aodMrs B. Oavenpoil, BonreloaalludAgoeaBablo. son, Hr. and Hra. Stark; Cbaofiau and Hiaa Alberllne (Ibia Arm la re- oenlly dUaulred) Mr! and Mrs, ffaller,ud olbera, wbote Inoomee ■ vary wllb tbe place In wblob tbey ut, The WUIIaniaea and Fiorenoea .gsnerally take tbe Ibeaire tbomaolTet; Aunma all rake, ud lake all tba proma Tbe DaTcaports (EL) lako balf Iba iiroOia, or from tllO 10 1100 per work. Tbe Bonroloaulla, and Ibe res> named, balf profllt. Hiia Darenpurl playi for balf prollt HUs Heron and Hitt Csabmtn uinally lake tbe bogie Taking Ibe beet ot Ibe abora salar- ies, allowing fur lust time between aDgaiemanIa, the eipenaea of wardrobe (exira waiblog, fbr tba wardrobe Is often a eonilderable llara In u aaior'a axueoaet) , ud olber drawbaoka, ud II will be seen Ibat tbe pa; of aoiora la'by no moui eiiraTagant, Aid It mnit be bona In mind that tbe above are Ibe t'alarles ot proeperont timet, ' Md Ibat In tbe preeent paole tbey are oat down to wbat la by conr leay larmed two tblrda, bat meana aboal half, and Ibia balf It not al' wtya paid. Uuder tbeae olrououiucei, II oin baldly be eipeoled that Ibeia aboiild ha many rlob aoiurs. Tbe waallbloat among Ibam •re rorreal ud Bnrton. Forraal, bcelda bla real eauta la tbla oliy •ad other properly, baa oiaof the Bieat prlrala lesldeDCea bi Broai street, Pblladelpbia. Bnilu bu a lae. prlvaio realdenoe near 6k Jobn'a Park, a bandiome oonniry bouia at Oleo Oort, bla Obambert street Iheaira, ud oibor property. Tbeae two aoiora arc worib about '-4B00,0OOeasb. Barney Wllllaae bu been very prcaperons In'Eog- lud, and may be set down at ITO.OOO. Oollloa, Ibe friab actor and Stoger, la cooeidored worth about ISO 000 ; Cbannran aboal the tame, uit HIta L-iTenport about u much. The latter bai u agreeable real- deno* near Batten, Haaa, Bonrolcanll and C. W. C'trko may be aet down:(br llt.OOO oaob, ud'eteb oani a bindiome dwelling In a ikiblonabit q la ter In ihlaolty--lba former bla In nfleentti siraet, tbe taller I1U In Tweniy nlnib atreel, NeaSe and Ibo Fiorenoea abont ■910,000, Brougbam, gddy, BKii Logan, ud Hitllda HeroD, bate •boat-IIO.OaO eacita ; Haggle Mllobell about |T,COa : Bdwln. Booth; •1,000, ud A H bareiipoTt, 11,000. This dots not, of ooarie. lo^ «lide every iima of cminenae m Iba prolbaaloo, so does It perhaps aiaotly elualff orery one la 11. TbU le not onrobjeot-ud la, be- sld^ Impoitlbia in a butlly wriliea artlole u Ibia la. Oar pnrpoae '■•rely is to show, by the help of aocb fioU u readily occur to ui that the alage does noi preaaii ciuaragant lemptiUona In tba way 0 ' Moanlary rewarda aTtnto iboaewhohaTeafalrahereer U1estft>r tt.' WokreJiptendeaTOrleg to make ogi a ease for Ibe alage agaloti ibe pDbUo-not at all ff e are meiely iialing ftcti, whereby tboee Sfflbllkjus ot blalrlotlo dlillDoUon may know wbal lo expeel, and alto la sailtty a reuoaabls onrloilly ga ibe lart ot Iba pnbllo u lb Iba wages paid lla farorlle aerTaols. lbs work of Ibe sligt la bald-r ■snoeess not always cerltlo— applanio delloloaa wben u oomaa, uk of other parformera alealiog tunas. In eonolwlon, I need ooly aay Ibat my peroepUooa of memi ud (mm are probabl7 u unla u Hr, Fox i, and u for aloging bla songs In New Tmk, tba Briuto made II • ooDdiUon of my eogagemtni tbst I ibonid ilnino song of bis on Ihair slaga,.ud I ballsva that In no one Isaunoa did I break tbetgreeounl. II I have tba mUlbrlue lA look oraot like Fex, wben on the alap, I amiorry tbsrafbr, udwoold ebuge If pas- tibia; but, wben doing my bulaast, I endeavor to ul np 10 my oon- oeplloa of Ibe obaraoier I utome, wllbont delnaling from Ibe hard- earned lurelt of otbers bi lbs profeaica. At for Ibi charge of bebiga " yonag nun In Ibe bailness,"Iou only Uy, I hope I may ptvar be galUy of the folly of anlTarlBg s llula Dta jtalniy to IbOb- enoe me Ui m> bileroonraa wllb olhan who may be eaooaraged by ■ guerpos pabllo la pnma ibe same line of hotlsata I may have adopled, " hot be osa of thoae-wbosa follies oeaie wllb Ibeir yonlta." WIUi muy thanks, dear Currai, for Ibaklod wordi yon have favored me with at timet, I will tay thai Iba New.Tork pabllo will aoon have u opporlanlly to oompara tba oonlealuU wbo have already Uken too maobofyonrvaloabletlma, Wltb mnob reape.1, J. Ubswobth, Dadd7 Bice (Jim Crow) bas been engaged to perform wllb Wood's H'aatrels. Wa deilre lo call tbe aptolal atlenllon oflbe profeaalon lo u enlar- talnmeni aborlly to be given In Ibia city for tba bonaai ot Hr. James Carroll, one of the old Ktblopiao BObo< I of performers. Mr. Carroll baa been OMBncd lo bla bed for Ibe Ual two moniba wllb that die-, treaelog aod diogeroaa ccmplalol. brmorrbage of Ibo laoga. We raw him a few daya alnce, and be looked u ihooib bo bad aulfered teverely. He la now convaleicenl^d mey, wllb proper care, be bloaeir again. We had recanily mnaed bim, and Jadied be wu ma- tlcatlng among Ibe green fields of iba oountry, loaioad of wblob, how- ever, be wu alooal at dfaib'a door. Be lul perrbrmeJ with Peel'a MUiBtreli, but wu compelled to reliDiinltb bla post on accoant of ni nau. We Irual all In the profeulon will aid, la aoma way, lo make tbe approaching leillmonlal a beneOl Indeed. In oor next, we will aonoDDoe the time ud place where the beneOt will be given,'wlib the oames of these wbo m ty vrilonleer their atebiaace. Let at all endeavor to make Mend OairoU't lesllmonlal a anbilutlal loku our feellsga towarda bim, AMATBDB THBATBICALB. THB.Avotrna. orguixad Hay 2tlb, IBtl, for Ibe Iratllme held forlb at Humor Hail, on Wedneaday ev.enkig, Jaly Slet., on which o«- oulon Ibey produced a neat .ud tploy bill. Io daly boond to the oaoie, onr dugoal fur Homer Hall, and lu oveo heal atmcephere notwltbalandlng, wa propelled In adireol Ibie for the sbowboote ud managed, aRar making a tncoeutol exit Ibrongb a bhyrlelb of "dIfflkllHet," lo reaob ibere lo a tUle of brealblett uxtely and wbera wo found a oomperallvely email but genteel uiemblaie nneutly seated, awaiting to brar tbe " Fromplor't Bell" u a timely notice to be prepared lor Ibe "ebow," tbe oroheaira, maullme peifurmlog a quloulep al telegraph apead. Oiaooiog ata programme preeeotad to na by a genteel looking "Son of Afrlo," employed for tbe purpoee, we obeerved tba well known name of Mite NalilaSiu- furd Nortoa, lo appear u Mn, CbUiUigtone In tbo elegul oomtdleU o[ " A Morning UaiL" Aa Ibe ourUIn folded m^esuoally npwarda, atated upon a ohalr wu diacovered the obarmmg Hiat Slanford, or rather Hn. Chllllogtona, for, In her appea'ance, ao neatly alUrad, with a marked graoeralnau and ciuulmlty, onaraotenailo of the «roreaalOBals, we forgot Hlu Sluford, ud saw only Hrs. CbllllB|tone. be reodlUon wu dbxterooely budled,' cohaploooosly replela wllb artUUo motion, aod Irulbfoliy porlrayed. Tbe lady wu amoly re-pald In Iba aaoal manner by the andlence, for Ibe pleunre elfur- dedtham. Aa Hn. ChUllBgloBa, MuBiulord le witbogt an eqati, ud wbu next tbe Is unouoced to appear In ibat nle, our readers should avail tbenuelvea of Ibe opportuolly of wllnetelag the aharm- tBg udfuclnaling widow, u picioradby Iba InlolUble Hias Nellie Suofurd Norlon. The obaraoier ot Hr Sdward Ardaol, wu ably anatained by Hr, Mootagne, who mat wllb a fair recapUtn, Tel he lacked a aufflclent abow of vicacUy ud ardency lo oonilrue hit oon- capllon Into one of real meeolog, ootwltbalaomog, the rudlUon was muob admired Tbe next fealureon Ibellat wu the " Idiot Wllneae," which paued olf lo a heteroieneona maimer, albdl gooid ullog wu dieplayed by Heurs. Begiaald, Bimes, Smith and Wheeler, bnt loadf quale to aave tbe play from GODdemnatloa, Ibe Ural mentioned gealleau belog uoforlaately " diabcd," wbu about to " pile on the agony," by aome rngue at tbe eurlatai, wbo allowed It lo diop, to Ibe obagrln of Ibe "poor player," ud delight of Iheudllora. Ulia Wauon, in tbe pan of Waller Arlington, played to a nioety, bnt her "mike uii"— [«baw. Hva Haagle Neiaon, u Same Toguall, oon- Ulbnted muob to tbe merriment of tbe eveolog'a ealerUlomul. Wo admire Haggle'a atyle of pliylar, u tbe la by 00 meana dilatory In doing tbe butloeaa with wblob abe la entroilad; Haggle wu Iba favorlle ot the piece; HluEUmorewu excelleoi; tbla lady Improvet. Tbe oapllal faroe of Ibe " Dumb Belle" conoladed Ibe atfalr. Heaira, Eamea, Smilb, Wheeler ud Maltha wt appearing lo Ibe greateat advuttge HUaee Watson ud Eiloun also appeared In Ibis pleoe, The farce wu enaclad In a lively manner ud caoaod Ibe andlenoe to' depirl for home In Ibe belt of humor. Tea Bmroii Ssuuno AsaaounQX have oboaen the fallowing named gentlemen u oflloera for tbe euuldg term:— Prealdani, J. 0. WoodrnlT; Tica-Preeldenl, J. Cooper; Haoager, B. F. FtankUn; Beorelary, E. Cbhibealer; Treaaoier, P. Warner, Tbe aoolety meets every Monday evening at Otl Brooma ilrtet. A Duaino AeaooiTios bu bean orgulsad ia Fllltbnrgb, called lbe"A. w. Young 1>. A." Tbefollowbiglaalktoriuoinoen: Preal- dent, J. 0. Lccu; Nantgar. W. Mender; AoUogud Suge Uuager, J. M Abbou: Beorelary, W. H. Prealon. Amoog the tba company are Meitn. W. L. Blander, leadlsg; J. H. Abbdl, comedlu J 0, La- ou, old mu: W. H. Preeton, T. B Obealar, D. Athwortb, J. 0. Ooo- lard, MIta E. aordoo, Ulaa E. Slander, etc Ibe oompuy Uttead glv big a performuco U Freemu'a Ball, In a lew weeka. A CoaruMstTKT TiSTiHoiiiii, lo Hr. William fl. Tigg will take place pa Monday cvulog AngutlSd, at Ibe Lyoeam, Boutton tireet, when wUI be pert jrmed the " Htriled Kaka," " Damoh and Pytblu" ud Irlih Tiger," wllb the loliowbig ladlea aod guUemto, who have volunteered their aid: Kdwin W, ' Butler, J. a biepbeoa, J. ,1. Wood- ward, J. L. Fiaber, J Fonda, William H. Wbeldon, B. 8. Keene; S. B, Kverlli, R. Toomptoo, Mr, Warreo, Mr, Tigb, James Forraet, &o Mliaea Joea St. Oiair, Sallle AIku, Bella Williams, Amy Daraoporl, A. Williams, Kate Wallaco, ko. • < 1- 1 Tbb EnWAU EooT Draoatlo Aiaoolallon W D give Ibeir Aral per forminoe, ai Humor Hall, on Tncaday OTcnios. iiugutt IT, when tbey will perform " WUIIam Ibll," ul " Hargnerlis of Burgundy," eBHBB AL.SnHHAR 7. Hlu Agnea Rotorlaon mtda her Brat appearance before a Halifax, N. B , public on the ISlh; aid was well reoelvtd. One otthe papers Ibere layt " her acting la bryond eifMin; abe leavat you nothing to wllb fir." Wbat wUl Hra CruBdy aay M».? McTiokor'a Tniatre, Chicago, rc-opanad for Ibe leas'on on the lOlh lOBl , on wblob occulon a new "ballad opera," oalled "F^cia ud raooiea," by Wm. Tootbe, ofObloigo, wu peifurmed, "Hn, J. H. Uosirl, the aooompllabed vooalUt," making bar llnl appearance on uy atage. Tne oompuy bow at Ibli theatre oomprMei the followbig lamea : Ueadamoa Lotly Hough, W.B Lelghloo, Harble, Myera, Martin, Dillon, Taylor; HIstes Sinb Woodbury, Btmlllon. Fowler, Harlla: Heisn. £ L. Tlllon, A. D. Bradley, B.' Hyera, W. B. Leighton, A. J. Oraver, r. II. Uhl, J. B. DlUoo, 0. Cllne, H. Bawk, F. EeUog; ud L. Onmer. Eldred's Croat Sonlham Clroui ud Heaagaria are Iravelhig In the npper part of Baotooky, ud though rather "a bard road lo travel," iMbell<-ve, have bad a fair ahara of patronage, They are lo appear In Bowling Oieon, Ey., about tbe Id of Augul. Bignor D. Elgir, vonlrlloqalal ud magldu, Is In Newport, R. I entertaining the boarden at that celebrated inmmer resort wllb bis vsntrlloqulal powen. A oompuy oalled "Wblie'a Mlulreli^" are alto parformUig Ibere, tta bellava Ibeie lallir are yonng man reel dent of Mewporl. Ordway'a iaollansgsve Ibeir lut perlbrminoe at tbe Arob Btrest Thaaire',' Pblladelpbia, on Ibe 2ad„ on the oooulon'ut tbe benellof Ur. Ordway. - Tbe Uoape have been qolte aueoaeafai Ib Iba Quaker Uly, aa Ibey ahould be, Ibe heal talent In tba jnofeuloa bavlsg been eoiiged to give eotfe lo lhaanlartslnmanl. Oooceraing Ibe reoent opening of tba Balllmtr«,andthannjor|anale evenis consacled Iberawllb, wa have received the (ollowlng latter from Hr. Boorl: Tas Biumosa MraaoM —Baltimore, Hd Joly It, IB18,— F. HawMX— Dear Sirt Tnis nest Ultls plaoa of amBaamul again oloacd lu doon on Ibe Sib of July, by Ibe oompuy refaalog lo play wllbout a aeouilly of their aalarles. Tba nunager, a Hr. A. 0 Hoore, a perion wbo repreaenled hUntalf to bo a nun of mcanr, but allerwarda prorad lo be a saeon mu, atUr advertising for ud bunging ladles and geot'emen from New Toik, ud other parts of Ibe .Union, Inraa out to be a mere tpeoulator, agd unable lo meet even Ibo llrtl week't talarloa. Thit tamo mrlAy ludlvldnal, I believe, left a oompany to abin for Ibemielvea la Part>ud, Mo., some few weeka sloce. It Is a sorry affair that the lUlea udgullcmeaol tbla prafetiloa ahould bare no proleotloi) agaloal a aal of awudlars wbo are loo laiylo work al their tradaa, bat pot Ibemiolret up u IhedtrlotI managen, ud, Uklcg Ibo prooeeda of a few nigbli, oloie tbe doon, ud there tbe Solih; Ibe to oalled manager laavlog wllb a good and baaesi name, wblle the poor ulor li left 10 Bgbl ble way u bcalhecu, Barry jordu.one of the uaCirlanatas,. lakes aoon- plluulary banalt here on Salarday, ITih Jair, wbu Ibe Huienm will oloaa oBlll tba lal Beplember, whan It wlu ra-opened' wlih u •Btlre new oompany under tba sols muagemeal of Mrs. 0. Hurl, Iowa, c _ . , Fuilemps," tbe flldler, bu gone bask te Barope. His parlner In oonoerliog, Tbalbarg, bu alto gone. Hn, Ttaalbarg broogbl Ibe great plultl up with a " roqnd (urn," and Ibe poor fellow had lo uavel home lo nuke iblnga all right Tbe " obi feUer" wu loo free wllb the glrla, " la oenla. The attenduee la aald to be great. The preprlalor ol Volk'a Oardan, In Bu Fruolsoo, wu «»vl«Ud befure Ibe Police Ooort, on Ibe llth of Jane, of a violation ot the Sunday law, problblling noliy amosimenUao thai day. The uma rule migbl be applied with advulage IsNew Fork, where tbe Dotoh Qardeu (u one of Ibe Bowery boya expreuf a li) do Joat u tbey dam pleaae. A dramatlo oompuy, uuder Iba naaaiamutof wayae Oiwlne,aTe perrorminx In FollavUle, Pa. ' . . . Waller Oay, wbo la In Oavrgo, woaM like lo learn Ibawbareabools of B. Stoarl Kobton, comedlu, wbo (brmerly played at tbe Troy MnMnm. Anumlo feWUder'sOUcailslaEaala^. j^S, Tba Keller trospe are aUU at the Beaton HofSlE John Draw la "arruglag bis nigbu" for Iblure oparalloss. Jos. D. Murphy, rblltdelpbiB, Is agent fbr Hr. Drew. Ike Howard Albesaeam, Boalon, Is closed. Oto. Jordsa's Mnell, ,oa the SOih, lermloatad the oommonweallb aaason. II la aald Mr. Jordan aoea to New Orleaoa next aeuon. Od the occulon 01 bla buell, Mr. B. F. Reach ud Emily Meelayer appeared; ud ibeOnhaolot Rlobard HI wu gtvea, wllb "John Caen" u Blobard, ud Geo. Jor- du u Blobmood, The next aaaaon commences dept. tlta. Hr. BssbBell, bnibud otCalhuUe Bayss, Iba vooallsl, Is reportod to have died recently la Europe. Horria Brotban, PaU ud Trowbrldga'a Hlnlalrela, performed In Newark tbe put week, iney are now uavelUng ihroagh Ooueoll- out. Hr. ud Un. BUrkare onllielrway toOaUfomla, wbarelbalrlalula are beUar appreciated tbu ibey teem to have bean on the AUullo f?**i.',°' ?"a!'".i '» be no leea a penooaga than Iba . fflolaol Bherlflr of JrBenoo Onootr. armed In tta leeib, not mSS Sapran» Oanr^ tot the arreai or, tbe Muagen. Mr. Bowes bainf u. eied la Ibe penonaUoo of the obvioter of Col BQaiTotSi mi re wllboal bilerrnpUBg Ibe play, wblob be deoHuedlo dTao UM Sberlirwu obliged lo remain ud wltaau Iba parformuoe. wLSa bb H*:'™" '"^ <>r fc*" Ho aeon rolarsed wllb ba ooumL Hetsr..^ BIgetew k Wmtlow, when the oaremoay of givlog baUwM •Mtn gew-' rJfarredTEd Heian' OMa * ^'**' l«o of tbe Irailaaa wbo ore oppMod to lbs uBloB ef Obnreb ■"J* ^*'*> beocmlBg ibeIr aareiies. • e e e a Soiu ud Kale Diaii. '> "fBlber wliblbe popolar comedlu. Bam Ryan, oommenoed u aagagv'**''* bI lbs Httiooal lul Uoaday, aad bava played every nighl dnrlBk lbs week lo c owded aud fuhkaaMs u. dieacea. OoHouday, Mr. U Hyroo lokasaonoplimenlary bwsit, tendered him by tome of tbe moil promlnst olUxtns rf the lowi. On Taeaday Ibe oompuy leave for l^daoiburgh, waere tbey opfa with Ibe Diulos oa Wedoesday nlgbk Tours Irol/. TliaiK ' orBalUnora affain, Lannoi, of daU Jalr U, Ibos wrIUi; Allh* Bollldsy litreetTheatr^ Peel's Oampbell's MIniUsI aradellgbUag oor olUaeaa WIU their qoaint uylagi aad dotage; bat tbe palnaag* betlowad opon Ibem u not eqoal to their marlu; (br Is aay Ibe IsasL tbey are toperior lo uy aaoa bud we bare aver bad In ear midst HaU Peel Is a host m himiet. a e e • on Hcodsy nigbl, Mb, tbe FrootSirset Tbaaira opeu with a trsaeBdooa oompwyi sa Iks OommoB wealth prladpla I believe; Ibsre la no doubt baltt'Vtll'be aaooeufal, fbr oar dusios have loog bssn deprived of a nonpetsnl dramatlo Ibros. Erery seuon we see glarlsf pcatara aaaouetaf ■■the alar oompuy." "auperlorto aayoompuf In the ooaalrF/' he., but wbaa Ibe llDe arrlvea lo tut their abUlles, ws Bad Ihsm bol IIUIs heller tbu " allllly people," or vulgarly apaaUsg " MoOh." Bat all tbla Is sully soooantad r.r; Moor muagen obtain soai- peloBl people, pay retpeotable aalarlaa, ut Iba thing Is deae; tor I am aura that our olllxeut are alwaia ready ud willbig lo easpanga ^ J true msril Tbe ruUowlog la a lul ot tne company al the Mat Spalding k Rogen' lud show wu to tovo eihlbllad la Davenport^ ?|ISlli?^h*S'."£SSl!'' ^^^^Kt^S^SiA^"^ iwaToBUiellib Hlises Joeepbuie Parker, Jalla Parker, A. Beiges, E. BadgM - ' _ _ Harvoy: Moun.J. B Sladley, W. Hardeo,J H.Wrigbt,Bpaokoaa, Bokea, Jot. Parker, Hilllit, Albingb, Eoapp, C Boon, J, K, Btaight J. Foaler, T. Roach, E. Halalaid, J. Hayei^ ud Holatcob. good motio, bnt not nlways put hilo pnpUoe. It II ware, every dm« - Bing labia or waah stud In New Tork would 0adacskso(Dr. Ocgrard's Oalebrated Iiallu Hedloated . Boap opon II, fbr, wbalhar as Toaj'oaira & Wbllby's OUcus eiblblt biBoslou, udvldnlly, iblaKprevaaUreof Ua, firaoUes, or other dlsllgnrameab^orH •bea«U. Tbe performing lions, lor of the oomplaxlon, II bu not lis sqoaL Or. OourMd's Uqold Bslr Dye Is uolber valaablo artlole, cbugbg rsd, Ughl, or grey hair to • baaallf al brown or Jet black almoti laslutly, ud wilboat la lbs tsaat slBlnbig the akin. The. world wide eelebrlly tt. the Doolaria lk* munfaalarf of oosmallcs Is proof ot the sxoslleaM efi •vsrylUag d- fered b7 bim lo Ibe pabllo, Ibe above or* for ssle by Dr. Ooirsnl, «7 Walker ■treat, flnt slore from Brsadwa7; alao by 1. B. OtlMadAr, No. SI Soolh nird atreat, FtaialilpUa; aad by J. & BtlSi^' Ul Wuhbgton street, Boaloe. roR lALB. THE WELUKNOWN, rASI-SAIUKQ TAOHT FLTINO .OUillD, in oonplele order, and axoilisat eabln'aooommodallons; II laas meaianmoBl, II feet lesgib on deck, it feel beam; draws l)f: feist wBisr. Hsr ulling qaalltiss are too well known lo need swiiirti Apply al No. in North Water alreel, FbUadalpbla. U-U THE TORK HODBB, NTiOE, BOOSLAND OODNTT.-THE 8DB3CBIBBB BBfFIOr- fally Invites the Miration of tbe pabllo to Ibe above bolel, ud sollolls their patronage, oonBdaatly uaurlng than that so care or'dx- erlloo on bit part,- thall be tpared lo ruder It Ibe mbel popolar pbH* Street Theatre, Balllmore. cicelog On Ibe Slit tn.L ^ ' Jit/r"' 4.^ "!,!^^^ '^^^^^^uJUSS^ Orlon * Olde'r's "Big fibow" >.,. Uyarll.^ to exhibit In Bvus--" *Jl^fi^tt:''S^^^>S^t:X\ViSSt. "'"^ who, we are mul happy lo ear, la uurety reoovered from her late , seyere indlipoillion. A Hr, H- LeuetUei a besalll al the Front Bireal Tbetire, oa Honday, lOib Inil,, astUled by the Sbakeapear Dramallo Asioelatlon. Hat Peel ud Iroape are dolog prelly well at Iba HuUlday atteet. Toun reapedfally, a Hsaat." The " Star Sillen," laellle aud Hein, eonUaua lobe Ibe parUoular alars al albuy, where the "TareoFutUea,'.' by iT, a BoglUb, bu run four weeka lo eioellenl bouBes, a turprlilog fact for Ibe oily ot Albany. Wa leara that after tbla aDgagement It at u and, tbo Blalara go lo Ooitou lo racrnli f>>r the next oanpalgn, oomnenoing on Iba lib of September, ff e are bappy lo record ' Ibe aoooeaa of Ibeae touag ladlea alooe Ibeir advani upon " tbe boardt," aud liutl a like liberal palionaga may be meted out to Ibem durbig the approacblog aaatbn. ' BIdwallftHanlao's oompuvare playMg Ibis week InPlllafltId, Hub, Mr. & W. ffalaoo, of tbla oompany, la about lo aoler Ibe mMrlmoolal nooie and beoome " Buexiol the inarilad mu." /Poor " Bbdn I" he diaervrd a better (ale, Yankee Looks Is soon to leave the oompuy, ud oommoaae a lurrlng toor ibrongb the Wut ; bit plaee M to be sgppUad by tk* itdgnbUMe "Jq-jm Qiaaa." Bm ecm- vlUe, ludlioa, on tbe 29iti.and SOlh but' Roaeo ud Jallet, are atlacbed to the abow: Toe Haiohlasons gave a coneorl at Wblleball, N. T., on the ltd loiL Bauds, Natbao, & Co'a Amerlou CIroaa and Elepbut Show will bibit m London, Caoada ffesi, ob tba Slat. , L B. Leot'a CIroca le la Canada. They thowed In London, 0. W., oa^ ! IboZtih. ^ Tbe lolut aon ol Julia Deu Hayne died In SL Louis, Us,, on tbe lOiblnat"^ -"rvr^. •«*•• Did Bice's show was al LifByelto, lod., on lbs SBIb. Iluager Wbeatley, of ihi Arch Sued, Philadelphia, la aald to hare been prceented wllb a " teatlmnnlal of tbe aaleem ofhla frleode,'- In the abape of a gold walob, a fair daya tbioe, al Ailullo Ciiy, where be bu beeo apendlog the eummer. Judge of bit turprlte, however, wbu, on opealog tbe cue, bedlicorerad that be bad beea preieoled with bla own waiob, which be badlenalbome, ud wblotaafuw wage took advulage of 10 have a Joke at Iba muager'a axpenie. Both parilea enjoyed Ibejoke amaiuigly, but It " kinder diuppobiled" Ibe recipient. In reply to a recant a'mnaoloallon pnbllabed In Ibis daparlmant, over the algnature ot W, A. Donaldaon, Mr. J. B. Howe •'itaos makelh bimaall baara" lu bla owa'defbace: Florenoe Bolel, Broadway, N. Y., Joly.iU.— Now my dear D., my dear D , wby not keep np your dlgol-tee(ty)t Why ttrlU yea play wllb that dugeroua weapon, Iba pen f I koow Ibat ■ tbe pen Is mightier tbu tbe aword,' hut only (I bellevo) ■ wben wielded in the huda olgrtai men.' Now, you koow you have beau a 'naoshty boy.' Yon have beu cbulliad for your bad behavior, ud I did hope that you would have lakea advuiege of the very liberal muner in which I allowad yon to etcape fwtKr panlabmeni; hot, like a •naoghty boy,' u yon ore, you ellll •amile upoo Ibe ilroko Ibat morden yon;' ud, alooe you are ao 'worry preaiing,' I eboald be a bard baarled wroleh 'o deoy yon tbe laila- faotioo yon bo eagerly court. FaiiiK QoBU— J>ear Siri Pardon me for atlemptlDg to Ireapua upon your lime ud pallenoe, hot slnos'my name bu been madeaooon- apleuoua Ui your paper lately, I wlih to udecelve you, ud Ibeltead- eri of Iba Cuptib, In regard to a ocmmualcatlon yon received from a goal— no, no, man; I beg bla pardon if I have atlaopted to call bim out of bla name. I mau a oeruln W. A. Donaldson, a member ot the •Sons of Malia.'ud formerly a grau favorlM.al lent among the • fair' koMluef of Ihe great Theapiu Temple ot the Athens of Aiferlca (the Boelon Theaire), This individual bu ibformed you that a/eUoio ('I paideu the eavoge fl gM') by Ibe name ol Howe (wu be ubamed to aay J, & t 1 Aope not; ■/ would not so have wronged Aim ' nor "■l"<{/i) *BB brought before the onrtain. In Ibe Albany Theaire, on hiB oeneOl nigbl, and than aiued elf the atage. Now, contlderlng Ibat I neper hu Ibe hooor ol puiilog forth my claims Ibr a beneSl at tbe Albao/Tbealrr, but gave np the management ot that de-ligbitul eilabl Bbment two weeka einoe, I Imagine your Inrormatlon la aoLto be muob'rtlled opon; ai/d the aueruon ot my having bau kiucd oS Ibo alage on the oigbt of my benall, or on uy olber night, lA oaca my name. In puMio or private, ud the aoooai be pals a 'aloppar on bla oalfble,' (that'a a pbrua be iinderitude perfeoily,) with regard lo 'bom of otiilacu,' ud a lady witb whom (by BBme> I have not tbe hooor of belog u- qualuud, Ilbink Ibe bailor. But If he is aaxioos to rsoder Ut name ooBBpleuoil by meaua which my feelmga of bumaalty prompt me to abaodon, I abiU not beallaia to give bim u good u he icnda. At Ibe aama time, I uuil I nay not labor under uy bodily rear, beoaoae I have availed myielf of Ibe urns maana of defuoe u be of olTiinoa, (I meu lbe.pen,| for I noderatud from good aulbority tbat ' the fd- Kw'i a drad tbul,' 1 know be'a very fond of putHiinp,'for I met him ana mornmg In tbo — Hold, al Sprlngfleld, on a ihootbig eioanlon, and Loolload thai be had aome very 'Iklr' pane. But uougb. Hr, D., 'mum' (or Ibe praieat. Ms. qcsnr-Toa onoe penoaded me not to wrlle leUers to news- papers, ud, like a good boy, u I have tried to be, I never Uilwded to • do so uy more.' Bat I trust yon will insert Ibis, ud suffer me tosabtoribemytclfyoun veryreapaoiniUy, - - J. a Bowa, lau ortbe Boston Theaire." Oar Ibealrloal friends are frtquutly pal to muob trouble, ex- pense, elo., from the mero whim ef some " white choker" opponent o( Ibe alege, wbo may fancy blnileK monitor of Ihe pnbllo morale, ud " high prlnl over all." Hera It an inaluoa of ihe laleat auempi to orowd upon our fTlaBda: •■WATSitows, N. Y., July 2Id, lit! FaiBSD Qnnii: Tbe Natlooal Theatre, under tbe muagemul of Haurs. D. Hrroa, of Albuy, ud J. T. Bowss, of Bblladalphia, wllb a truly exoelleni atobk oompany, opened al tbla town on Ibe lOlb of Ibis montb, ud bave been dokig a good buaineis, aiihoogb tbey bave been aubjecieit lo a great deal of uaoyuoe ud peneodUoo from three of toe traaliea of tbe town, who, being deaoona of tba Pieaby. terlao, BapUit, aad HelhodUl charcbaa reapMtively, have a holy hor- ror ot Ibealrloal peilorminces, ud Ihererore refased to grant Ibem a llceote to perform. But Hr. Myron having ugagad the nail, Blled up a atago, and bad bit bills posted, ud having alaa bis oompuy baraal a great expooBO, detormteed to paifurm wllbont a lloenae, and car- ried bla datormUatlon Into axeeatlon. Tbe result wu that on Monday the uuslees oommenoed u wttoo la lbs Bupreme Ooarl eploil both of tbe managera, ihs Irauorer, ua twa of iba oompuy. The play for that evening wu ■■ Damon ud Pythiu," and Juil before the time for Ibe riuglag op of the curUtn, the BberUT of JtlfertonOoaBty ap- peared u tbe theatre, aed arreated Hr. D. Myron ud Mr. T. a Hol- lud, who were 10 peraooale tbe two principal obaraotera ; Ibe object hi arraallag tbeae two, ud at tbat time, wu doubtirai to iireveal Ibe repreaaototlou of Ihe play from lakiog place : but lo tbii they were torely dliappobiled, ai Muirs. Myron ud Hollud warn direouy over to Ibe law offloe of BIgelow k Wuslow, (heir auoroeys, ud gave ball before Ibe Ouunly Judge In Ibeaam of five hundred dollara, (br their appearaaoeat Ihe Beplember Olrogll. ibeir bosdamra ware H. H, Bibcook, Etq.2^PrealdeBl of the town, and BU U, Brown, t»q , law ales, oigan, eto , wUh which tba bar Is (uralshsd. To oontrlbnU lo Ihe amniemeot ot bis palrou, Ibe sabsalbsr b Joit opened a well arruged Bklltle alley, bowls, eto F. a. D&TOB, Proprlstor. BARBOM BTRBBT UOVBB, gtNBOH STBBEr, BBLO W^EIOBTB, PHILADILPBIA. By JOHN MOSat Formerly proprietor of Ihe OLD BELL TAVKBN, Ia BIghIb ttreel, below Obesaal. Be wogid raspeolfbllv luvlto bis old (Muds ud patrons, ud •• allai ■ " - . Tiubllo geaerally, to oal] ud see bim, wosretbay will flndtb* « Brudiee, Wiaes ud bepn slwsys oa band. N. B —A Private Bai Pit for Ihe nss oT genlleBaan wbo wish to praotlse their Dogs, day or avanlsf , wllb uy namber of Bale. 14 HAOB BOAT BOB BALB. A FINK FOUR OABBO BACK BOAT, THE WINNER ,0F TWO weU oonleated raoes. Is offered fbr tale. She la 40 fceilaui • ttel wide, with Mb care, udeomplete la every r^spsok PrlMtlW; or, Wllb Spruoo can, t\U. Apply to, or addraas,'aeo. a RSwaia, ll«tbBba ORiaiNAL OLD STAR HOTBL, ~ t»A UBPKNABD BTRKET^LD ENOLtSB 8P0BTB OF BTBBT Ofll UgacilpUoa. Masanm of Ntlaral History. BplendldZoolagtaU UuiicoUoB, Dellgblful Oatdens, Ubrwyj Ooaesrt BooMi-BOItla Orounds, Ao.,' &o* * / / U-im JOE BROOKS, "AU Iba way from WiuimiSi^ ■■ • 'I ■ TWO GRBAT ■ IF NOT THE 0REATE8T BOOHB IVEB orSBRED TO THE BliO- isg pnblio I Eleven colored eagravinga, prinud (him alaal pWas, ud four bondred pagea of reading matiar, (br 11, or two ba|i|tred pages of reading ud six colored plairS, Ibr 10 cests. Ssol to uy id- draaa (either by mail or cipreei) tbroogbBBl the UoUed Biaisi -or Ouadu, free of pcalage, on receipt of |tae price. : : ■, Blx colored pialai ud 800 paga of readtog, for M oenla t iBoy. aad read tba graaiaal book of Ihe ago, Tna HaBBuos Ban, or, Weddlaf Besreto Bavaalad by Ibe Toroh of Bymen, belog a fUil expUnaUen'ol the matrlaoB|al dallea of bolh bride and bricrgroom on tbdeva'af marriage. Containing facta of vltol imporiuoe to tbe mariled and anmariled, witb prullcal remarke ou lu proper Beuons;:bow..to obocM a parlner ; myaieriea orgenenlioa ; cau erutlve dntlee ud happlaen. Iiiuitiaied wito Bva bsaaiUbl soure* pMurea ot the moat perfect feaiaia forma Ooalslalag ■ssfly'Mt paies of rsMlag, budtomalyud nealiy boond. > . : ' Price only 10 oenla. Ooplei milled to any part of Ibe Uallad BUHi or Cuada,V>at-pald. on receipt of toe prioe, address. THOMAS OBMSBT, Q en oral Fof obulog Agency, IINtseaaatr«at,ir.T. BILLIABD TABtlBBi PBElANtl niFBOTED BILLIABD TABUi AHD n mmniawiws OOilBIONa • • Fnieeled by Isttsrs patent, dated—: : flibnai7lf,1Ml 'cM«b«rsi,IIH: December i^lHr, JutafTll^UH. JV Hie teosat Improvsmols la ibsse Ibblst maVe Ihesi i pstaed ki the world. Ibey are now olBrad to toe adaaUle lUlkr* Players u eomblnlng speed wlto Uolb, sever belbrs obtelasd IMV BlUlard Ihble. Salesrooms, Nos. 7U and lU BrasdwaTi lf«W, Vn. UuuIkotorT, U Ann Btreel. --M . l-lm O'CONNOB * OOLUanMB, Bote M iai U l Uto— I " how: bbaot, PVBM% NEW BOOHi'tBB OAKi; OF BdlHtB. Ua)ied,rsv1sU,lllaiMted«Ub aadajorlrsHoaBteeloflboAnibor. ^, Tbe uparaUsled rapidity wUhwbichlblsweifcifeMkasa'MU^II Ibe beat taslotltemerUa. It is nowlU noqadud •sibastty^ Billiards la Amarlea-^-ud apaH bom ibeM«d|M^^itM^M«i^|to- •bt gamea, to fall of valuabte IpitnclteB |ir MtfUte df viipm; ' reoelplofMM. rim V W. Aaa a'Iraei,! Ntw tark., r. .< ■.)!■ ■tSTROPOLlTAN'^'llfurHL, COBBBB OF BRIOOB AND ' WBIf : BttllEia KUdSfUl^'tt BiBBT ORIBBIN, taaraedWotr eonilgaoua tolbe BoMvslt nn*. 1h^ flnesi Wloes, Bplrlte SB|i.llairU4aors always «• MMr With Ihe beat bruda of Qgart. , , , / tf,all MmUk. W 5«Jf '•SPil V mrnmCri . '.3ni\ KertHf. «iy"^>L'2iiLv J oSSMa^..^"aluAoMhM , ■uHtiann, (kn; .Hcaiml OiO'M ^B"** "***■• 1*' *<>e*<>*r> ^'■^"LegKiltt.1 ...Abbtf^ni, r»U Btow, S4 TnMd», Bapt.ll. .i^ MBKw a; Ott"wfl«»b BM«a,il^IJ _■ if^ If iter wUi uk« ite troobl* I niMtltui which BSjr wb* cO BT "BFBCU." Oi • mtto Nit, 'utlh ih* old «lm KM TtMt ibidtd till qoM d(U, ori>ttaai \*t* nt wHh bj HtUr J4*, Aa< ICT»lalM" thw* «I4 lell. tWU BMTlr l«*lT« 0B( lUlDcht Bl|hl, W* Ml togtOMr Itaer* ; : lb* iifeta btlbn wu tpukUai brlfhl, iad Um naiut moon ihos* fkir; tmilhwlBaiBOMd, "I •dor* Mr OWB iwMl H*ttr Let I Ob* mU* Aon th«e, ditr ooe, li more Tub Uli UmU^ le m* I" SbI nldtBlf lb* old Mti anakod— * •'Bovnlt(a,"l4ldDiU«r, mta " dowB ihi on*,'* far-ii • ■ • 11' Vmnm.TAUTl twatrmt boneat aportaman, wdald be bave come to make a matoh with bla horaedlsgaiaed in the manner he waa, or will an "old and eiperlwoed band on the tail" get tight by THE fiBEAT FBOPBET OF TUE SKBINOLES. limply alttliig In a bar room a abort time. I a tale or Now, aa to " Argua' " oballesge, contained In the laat sxBANQE MYBTBBr IN THE SOUTH AND NORTH, ^yb!iT PakonTLTAHU Tbotttio ViTOH.— Ub. Faikk paragraph of his oommnnlcalloo, I have to aay to blm, U iwnt 'la tbelaitOUFFiB I notice a oommnnlcatlon bewanta to make a match for "SklleerSotnll,"! will I ma tbe alnataie of" Argna," okarglog ma with nofalr ran him from a halt a mile to a mUe beata, aame gronnd, oqiorttniabUke oondact In araca with Ur. Skllea, of aame welgbta aa before, for/rom $100 to $600 a ride, and natTalley, lianbuter coonty. If I ahoald encroaoh u tbe Sorrel woa held In before, thla will give them a ■- — '-'■-ice to let him oat, j , I CHAPTER I. - <■ Argue," or mt of the baokera of Bkllea' Sorrel, ^^^^^ ^j^,, ^ ^^^Smi ooaet of Florida, ... _ . -.5- . u I ~\ ^ ' of «100.a aide forfeit, they can do ft^^ ^^^^^^ 5, g^nt n„fc, ^ ^ey Weat, there ■otmadetheae chargei agaloet me, you would not be to either through the Ouppab, of,py ■"ttOTt? '* wereno aetOemenlB, and only a few Spanlah fchlng eta- ' iMod with any oommnnloatlon ttm. me In regard to BllverlOreek, Sohuylklll Oount7. It the Sortel u we uon,,t j.„„B»y, Manltee, Boca Grande, and Sanabel, • iAatter, for I make it a role never to toooh tar leat I horae he la aatd to be, he certainly ought to be tUe to ^, ^jj^ ^„ ^, vaM,n of the drama wblob deflled. but at the aame time abould I aeoldentelly be beat a oolt that worka every day In a prtar wagon, that ,{f„ ^ reader, narlv forty jeaia ago. OB, BT NZD BUFTLINE, i AOIBOB Of "aiVL ■iiBuoAT." ■■iiflu ixD ncni," "EOuiB um woose," no. flllh of any klod, I alwaya tiy to olean It off. ^"ttt'taett my aelf of theae obargea reqoirea but a almple MMttvaofaUmattenoonBeoted wlththla race. " Argaa" liUnw lb. Skllea quite a puff, oalla htm an old and ez- ' feitaiotd hand on the torr, and an honeit and gentle- '■■kaly aportaman. I ahall not deny bla title to thla (>4hitnetar,-bat leave It to the public to aay how fairly be !jt:4atltlea to the tfbaraoter given to him by " Arna." I'la A few evenlnga before the raoe, Hr. Doonan, of Potta- .ivOtofMatfcr metocome down, aaylng that if I did not 9.e Tbeee two gentlemen had bean round the town, IhMwIng dnat'In the eyea of people, aaying that they had all their bog^ aod wcald dupoaa of uelr boraea at a ' .uodOoa, to enable ^them to go home. After talkpug Kr^ StamfaMk aald he bad jaat traded a horea to libft Oofnan thatifaa would baok for a quarter of a mile " 1 lend him the horae,) for one, two, or '^1*'** ' ^ would run him 600 "jifda fog^^Se'handrcd, If be would ahow me the horae be- (JlMftft'op'the money. He agreed, and wewent tothe ■tfi^M to have ft look at the horae; we found blm hitched op.tn an old atase, for ihe pnrpote, I preanme,of making me believe that he waa only a oommon atage horae, but jOi'iUthig.np bla collar I found that the hair ander bad been ahaved, and I remarked to Ur. Btambaok that they had a good barber aomewhere, one who could out oloee wltbmt-lather. We agreed, boweven to mn 600 yarda ribtona bondrtd dollaif, and proceeded to the tavem.for ■ thvpo^poae bl potting up themoney. The only atipula- , ,tIon I made waa that their horae abould oarry 186 pouodi; ' 1; 1:00; 8«a. TBOmKO AT OBIOAOO, ILL. momlagoaffletba wind had alffloatdledawi^. Thentbev aai^ the low bladk hull bt the aehooner rialog and ftlUol with the aweU of the tea, aa aha lay at anchor about J mlM'rromahore-bertall apan, with the oanvaa oloat. ftolad, Btanding In bold ontUaa between them and reload, leti Oy. Aa eoon aa It waa falrlv light, a boat waa lev. erad flrom the veatel, Bunned wlUi an armed crew. They palled In upon and over the bar, taking loondlogt ani bearlngt as they went, and aoon louod that their aohocner could, without dUBoolty, make the anchorage Inalde. Tbey retted to iter, and, In a abort time, aha waa got ua. der-#ay, run In and orcDgbt to an anchor under the tame lee where the atranger'a boat bad luffed up the day before, and within mueket ahot of the hula of the flahermen. The latter were much alarmed, but they had nothing to berobbedcfeioeptafewthoaaandponnda of dried flih and their neta and oanoea, ao they did not fly, bat with many prayera to their patron aalnlf , awaited the reeult of whatever might come. In a Utllo while an armed boat landed from ihe venel, and one who aaemed to be her commander aproog to the there, fie waa richly dieaaed, atrcagly llramM, thcroagh- ly armed, and hla featarea woald not have been uncomely If paaaloa bad not evidently made lla throne within hb heart. Hla look waa that of one aeeUog for a victim with the ardor ofa Ualay, wlahtng for bloody vengeance fot aome wrong or fancied Irjurv. Hla age waa probably not more than tbUty— hla light hair and complexion tpoke of Anglo-Saxon blood; With him waa a lean, tallow-fdoed ladTviddal, dreiaed In black, evidently ten or llfteen yeata older, whoie amall, an^e-llke eyer, tbin llpi, narrow fore- head, and oloae-ahaved face made him look, what he lurdy waa, a villain; fnhdblf a kind of Judaa or Arnold, -ready to bt one for any one. It money waa In quutlon. The fliat comer. In an loperloua tone, demanded of the flahermen why tb.ey did not anawer hla algnal for a pilot. He waa replied to by the eldeit of the parly, a gray, haired Ulnoroan, one Pablo Oonovaa, whd, among hla com- panioo^ bad the leputatlon of fearing neither man nor the devil <* We didn't nnderaiand your algnal," aald he, boldly; " and, II we had, we had no boat which could live In the aurf on the bar yeaterday I" " Tet you could alguallza the vUlala who oroatied by your dlreoUona, when we were tun of hla capture I" "That waa not half BO bad aa you murdering bla poor wlfel" aald tbe old Spaniard, bitterly. " Hla wife t Did hi aay aha waa bla wife, my dear fellow t" aald the Individual In black, quickly catohiog at the ex- preaaion. " Aak the loaolent dog no queatlona, Oouoaellor; iibieu that aha waa married to blm; that's mough I" aaid the other. Impatiently. " Then, Oaptalo Feblger, we mut have the child, or all will fall tbrongb, ooleaa we can prove itt death. Uy dear fellbw, the child waa nnbarmed, waa It nott" " When I know whether I'm talkiog.to the devil or not, I'll anawer I" aald old Pablo, grafBy. > "Ooma— I WkeAalP' aald ha wbo had beau addreased aa Captain Feblger, aniliog grimly on P«blo. ■< He la a lauytr, and they're aervanti to tbe devlli aa a geaeral „. - , ^ , . , . .ithlng, but I can answer the queatlon aa well aa he. The iUndlngIn toward the ooaat, undera fearfW pwia of Lj^man only was hurt I aaw that through my apy-glaail" canvas. And only about a mile nearer, butao oloae to Oe » ^ad been aa good aa your eye^ khe, too, abore that the penons of those on board of her oonld be ^^^jj j^j^ j.jjjj |abrgU«tlariea dr nae, Ml; IM. FAomo AT rmsBDBaB, fa. Wbdnibdat, /nly H— Uatoh tot — , mile heats, beat 1 3In6. oblld hurt, and they now were veiy oloae to the shore; Though they " for that bold at( charmed lUs-Death oame apnaar ana yoweirBuiBa. i j = br5'err»Tar^S5SyWe?a''iSSi?^^^ ."^P^ ^J. ^?». l^eep .and the ohIM from their "?J^Jl*^^?. «fi^;'f«A.^^^ faU. manned and armed, pat off ftomthe "Wing In the dlreoUon which the alranger had -Death oame ao near and yet retrained. ♦-^,„ ^ y^. j ° v^, " nek tnrpla., aieyBob Ill IBS p,Qne tnlng ,lt proved, nowever. and tbat la, inat u vJTainV •The'i|UliefJiioB£!l)y Ught to meA UrT-Pharttl to ilulM never ooold be brottgL , mOMtMiUo. ThelrittlrortheeorrtAaaldWBoKeof ttt lvilBBd«r8*who Inquired of him, " that he bad lost oriiAso'lt'Mi i^dead heat" TbU was before he got off ■hwiwiis.- ' ta tte iMeboe of the jadge ohoaen by Sklle^ no deol- . -aloaooaldrbe had, and both partlea left the track. The - next momlng I went t7lth Ur. Obarleato PottarlUe, for " I pnipose of haying the matter deolded, but the other %,WMnot'to oe BseOi and has not ainoe been aeeniln County, "either by Sklles or any one elie,' Ur. i^JkuleSi'U well as two or three others who were jit , the TBOTTOta' AT WORODTBB, 1US8. T««BDiT, Jnly iSv^For a basket of champagne, mile heata, beat 8 In 6i ' . . Heanr Oooldlag'a b a QataaTwtOTia 1011 dpt. OgakllB'a b m WoTMoUr Olil a 0 B 8 .tlBa,8:U; 8:U; 1:11; 8:1L TBorriNO m fhovidinob, b. i. Wabbikotor QooBSB, Wednesday, Jaly 21.— Uatoh DIGESTION , - , - „ „ ^ pTOcea which extraota from our food the ela- person, taieellng upon the debk and trying to ataunoh the I menta of growth, repair and saatenaoce. If the dlgeallon ... ..v — . — ..... -.^-'-■•-Jr-vin -.—-A- 111 inpejfeomiij 1,9,1(1, o( the body becomea Imp^rifeot In meana digeatlon caaaea alto- neal, a man will as oertalnly aometlmea almost aaauddsnly, „ , „ , , [rough bis heart Any g^t with the flerceness of a manlao, he halt raised her form emotion of paatlon or pleasure, aoon after eating, oaqaes Ihim the deck, and while his eyea glared and hla longhair death: hence, ne highly exciting or momentoni newa ht on the gala, he ehouted— ahoold be oommunloaled, even to the healthiest, let alone ^,000, with an Inside atake of $600, play or blew ontatialgL « Off 1 off I She Is murdered I ahe Is murdered V Then he laid the body down, trimmed hla tattered aallp, Bmng to the halm, and, before another minute had hla boat waa flying like a gull before tbe atorm, Ihe bay amid the thousands of. Islands whloh lay between the sea coast and the " Big Oypieaa." A wild myatery to them waa in all thla. Never had they seen a more beaatlful Ifij. She waa tall, raven L 6, to wagona. D. liiaa BBBid br b ladf Bhenaaa D, rutr haaid bl g North Eter HBO, 9:11; 1:U; 1:11; 3:1}. or mv but 8 hwad, lovely In feature, and perfect In form. And coat- ao ai gmj, "w» » jy jj^jjj Biittared on her flogeia, bracelets of gold olaip- vIgo Q 1 1 1 ed her wnata, and also were on her fair round arma above I ^ I' the alok and tbe feeble. Immediately after a fall repiiat Sometlmea thb wlaest of oa will eat too mnob; for an oooaalonal Indlscietlon of thla kind, two or three, tea- apoonafpl of atrong vinegar affoid relief to acme peraons, but aggravate the evil In a few. The better plan la, to take a long leliure walk In the open air, wlUi a pleasant aaaoclate. Keep on walking until entire relitt la experi- enoed, and eat no more of anything ontll next morning, And cost- 1 ao aa to allow the over-taxed stomach to recover Its tone, ' iOr and elaatlclty. ' we beoome odnaoloua of a anrfelt over nigbt. and from lias the elbowa By thla tbey deemed her Spanish. I that, or any other oaaee, a walk la Impraotloabfe, a good ABBOoa aa the boat had laffed In out of alght of the aaballtute la found. In ataadlng erect with the olotulog aohooner, the latter commenced making algnalafora nmoved, except the atookloga, month oloaed, and rubbing pilot, having abortened a^l and hove tu aa near the abore the region of the atonaob, and fbr a foot aroaod It, with Baoko is UiLWAWia-OoiD Spbiso Oovbsb, Jdly P. I aa ahe dare£ Bnt, had if been poaslbla for them t^ go the open hand. Very great relief la often afforded, even , -Quito a large crowd asaembled at the Odd Spring out to her, there waa not one of thoae boneat flahermen In Beriona oaaea, wlUIn half an hour, by a vigoroua man- rarcdlogoberoieanymagUtratdandboquallfled Oonrae to aee the promlaad raoe between LltUe Flea, Kit- who woald have helped to do further wrong to the IpvatIonorUila aort,Uktog for breakraat, nextmon^ ihwae won bv two or three feet Ur. Bfellea d^ ty UUes sad Highland Uary, mile heats. After watting, wretched fuglUve, whoever he might bo, by aiding to bring a oupof acme klpd of hot drink ud a alngle piece of and dalmed tbat hla horae bad tron; bnt only however, till haff-paat Ave o'clock. It tamed out that the the aohocner In tbat aba might renew the purenlt dry bread; and for dinner, a b)wl of aoop with bread vpbaeof getting back his own money, thinking owner of Little Flea reftaaed to run him, nnleeathetwo Oanaltergundldlha(ohocaerflre,»ndtheo,wltbmenornat, and nothing else for that d«y. The atomach ahoold h9 Wuld eive hla own bacon, althouah be had marea would take np addlUonal wdght The ownera of at her maat head, ahe atood dose In aa If to raconndter alwaya be allowed extra reat after overwork. sold Onililbga "Argus" saya that Ur. SklTea offered the marea decUdog to do thla, Llttleflea waa withdrawn, the bar, to aee If It ware paaaable; and thongh it was. and [Hall'aJ oarnalof Health, to nmOTW.a8aI>>* or to run any dIaUnoa at any time for land Kitty UUes and Highland Uaiy had the raoe to th^ aeabrckeln - aDyaBloant,utlan, at Humor Ball, on Tuesday evening, July i'lb, to a very aeleot audience, who were greatly annoyed by Ibe vocirerafons cttbo nol>y amateurs protenl, Tbo programme «onslitedor Tbe'Uomentoua Qoestlon," "CbSTlos II,". and ''Toe i)omb Belle." A ohoico bill lor bol wealber— llgbl and epioey. The Uomentoua Qncillon" waa a lallnre on tbe part or tbe male playera. Ii Is wlib profonnd regret we make Ibe statement, and only wieh Ibat wo could speak ol Ihe enlerUlnment la a more Ikvorsble manner. Our readers want tbe train, and notbiog but Ihe troth : oonerquenily, we must be candid and Irutbtul In ocr lemarka. At tbe oloao ot tbe Brat piece, Mr. Belmont otme before the cnrltin In responio to tbe call, and dellvc^ad a apeerh. In wblch he remirked, that hs "had witoeased one or two olubs attempt 4 {be Uomcntons Question' wltboai sucsni, and that they (tbe Wallicki) Bbonid te cicuied for tbeIr bad playing, ai leversl were bnl new hands, and thai tbe pleoe could not be played by HAMLET m THREE ACTS. Friend Qdxen : la the flippant Introdaotlon to Hamlet Id three acta, I bri^ymli all that was neoeuary (preeum- iDg, of ooaraa, that e^ery reader wks Bafflclentlj Intelli- gent to comprehend a iketohy eiplanaiton, and oompe- tent to auppl; the detalla of each ekeleton saggeetlon), and though I oan^y no mors now. It leema requlalte that I Bhomd urge the fact of the decided difference between oondenelng a play for atage repreientallon, and Impudent- ly mutUaung a readable poem. In all aget, eminent dramdtlata have gladlr adopted the ooneoUona and alterationa of managera and actors of In- ferior ablUtlea. Shioe Bhahetpeare'a time, none of hla playa have been played or even pnbllahed aa he wroto them, Foi tbe Btage, oortallment and Interpolation have always been deemed neoesssry. It la a fact, almott beyond iitpule, that no aotor ever played Hamlet aa Shakespeare wrote it. Henoe, it is merely a qaeatlon of taste and policy as to which ccndensatlon or which edition will best please the public, and make the beat acting play (or the present day. This la the only real point at hsae— and it will be long 'before this point la enbmttted to a public teat, for the sim- ple reason that the theatrical la the moat oonsarratlTe ol all the profeaslone. Reforma are made in the legal pro- featlon, the eolenoe of medicine advanoes, clergymen are bsooming more enlightened and libera), InTentlon la ripe, art Is maturing, aud progreaa le everywhere; save In the theatre. The reason la oDviona, the remedy plain. ' In ooDdenaing a play tor the stage, the queatlons of sa- crilege and preaumptlon are no( to be ooosldered. No well Informed man, no scholar of good critical Judgment, will raise thoae queatlons. I have very good rraaou to believe (from information derived from sources familiar to every school boy) and I tlo believe that the MSS. of Bhskespeare's plays were all of them bnraed In the great Are In London in 1613, when the Qlobe theatre was destroyed: ao that what are now called Shakeapeare's playa oootlst of about one line of Shakespeare to fifty of some theatrical copyist or short hand writer. , , , Qreat thoughts, great maxims, may last forever, but Seat plays seldom retain posaeailon of tbe stage longer an one generation. The language ohangea; manners, lastei, oualoms, all change— the human race, coUeotivelv I epeaklnKi Is far more advanced than in Shakespeare's lime, what waa then ooneldered a good play, would ised under the name ot tbe H. A. Perry. We believe It to now known as Ibe UclropollUn." 41low me to live you a few parllculars aboot Mat club. Tboy were organized under Ibe name of H. A. Perry, but Ibe Kmpire club Joined wlib tbem under Ibe conditlooa tbal tbe name waa to be obanged. Borne ot the Empire menbe'ra paid In ibeir dues, sad all oonildered Ibemselvea members of Ibe B. A. Perry. Next meeting nIgbt the President, Ur. Baglsy, wu absent; a ohali man waa appointed, and It wu moved and carried that tbe olub ebould be known u tbe Uetropolllan. Next meetlni nigbl Hr, Bagley attended, and Informed ns Ibat the slab wu atlll tbe li. A. Perry, and that no member of tbe Empire wu a member of tbe H. A. Perry. Upon wbloh t velve of Ike Empire witbdrew, anil bnvs alnca re-orguttid Ibemselvea. Now, bowUr. B spsel lbs resoJuilon tbal tbo club wu Ibe Melrepolllan, and tbal the Eopliea were not member* or It, after having paid their teea, Is something I woold mach like to know. Tours truly, Qosbt' SENIBAI, BCHKABT, Charley Tbome and bis oompany were giving a lerlea of perform- ances at Melodeon Hall, Leavenaorlb City, E. T., forthe beneBt or Ibe anlTorers by lbs recent oODflagralloa Uiere. Tbe third enterlaln- ment tor this purpose wu given on tbe ITita nil, Tba attendance at tbne praiseworthy enlerUumenU had not been Oial-rale. Bpesk- Ing of Ihe eobflagratlon It Is said Ibat rml>g, closed at London, 0. ff., on lhe2. iViUod. they bava since appeareu In Ohio, playing In Toledo, on tbe SOita ulk ^ .Rivers & Derlona* Ciroas Is said la be dolog ■ snog baslnesain Canada West, especially In Ottawa City, the buaineaa ibsre exceeding Uiat ot any snow tbal ever performed there. Ur. E l, Wood's Arao male "Feather," belongUg to Ibia oompany, reeenlly went from qgawa City to hlobmond, dialanoe 20 milea and one rod, la one hour, 2rmlnulcsand ITiecondt. Herownermadeawageror£Uttatabe could do II In one hour and a half. Bbe aoeompllihed this feat oany- Ing two men In a 8U lb, wagon. Ur. Wood hu Jaat pnrcbueo tbe obamplon running bone of, the Canadas, " Maid or tbe Ulst," of Ur, Wm. Byers. Bignor E Edgar, the miglslan, gave an eihlblllon tl Long Branob, N. J,, en tbe goih. Tbe monkeys and ninatrels, (Billy Birch's) were sill In Eaneu at lul acoounu. A parly ot yonog mon of Learenworib obartered Ibe wbole concern, on Ibe 26lh alL, for an excursion up tbe river. Tbry hired steamboat, monkeys, minstrels, calliope, "Bax-born band ot beaulltui yonng ladles," and all. Wehope Ibey lad agoodllme otil. Cubby's Tariotles, In Ullwaukle, wu doing* anug bnalness, with nogro minilrelsy, eta On Iho occaalon of Uia heueflt of Kate and Bnian Denin, at Water- town, on the 28d, Baun's husband, Ur Uantinglon, appeared u Ginger Bias, m tbe Tirglnny Unmmy, playing a btnjo solo. The troupe have left Walertown, ■ Ur. and Urs, Barry Chapman, with Urt, A. Drake, and a fair T BS iiif flSJsBisf « i UP. Miutaay, mil uw^t' ti'ss^ recently died, aged IT. ... ,„ . Ura Hacioady, tba aclrest, and dramatio reader, was admitted Into tbe New Jerasalem (Sweitenborglan) Cbarcb, at Ohltago, by lbs rite ot DapUsm, a ab irl llm" since. Tho panorama of" Dr. JJane'a Arollo Regions Kxp«)lllon" Is being exblblied In FilnbbnrK, Mass., Ibis week, at lbs Town HalL U B. Lent'a National Circaa wll exhibit al Qall, Ao|nsl (Ita, ani Branltord, Canada Weil, Auguil Tin. Tbe panorama of Busyan's PUplm's Progress wu In Eallllax, N. a., laat week* n» Howard oompany, of Boston, were la hare gtvsn Sin " sxonr- slon performance" at Provldenee, on tbe 4lh.* Father Eemp'a Old Folka" are In Boston, • Wm. Coleman, lbs original "Ploaynae Batlar," U peiformbi| at HlllUrv dill, Philadelphia. AtOoaoordlaQsrden, Philadelphia, Obta. Fsrksr, oontntlonlst, I* the card k^f aldreas, and two red aUmpa, and be will latorM yes ct a an malhot ot winning al all Ibe vsrioaa games, IC-lt GAIUB CHICKENS FOB lALB. BiinuoRi oonKiBRrnn, baltiuobi TOP Non^ HAOsns- town Tarlatt, PliUburgb Red Domlaloks. It 00 Ibrstsg and jpai- Viet, all warranted to bs dead gams. Orders sddrasse d to WK IL , rOOOPIB, Wsstebeslsr, Ctasstar Oounly, Fa., Bex 118, F 0, CANIREs FANCY FIOBOJIS VOB lALB, Or THI rOLlOWINQ DIFFBStNT SINOa : FAN TAIU^ OBOF- pers, Gsrrlsta, Torblls, Basils, Bilvsr Bbools, Tbmblsn, Tm- paten, Ustpis, Roogb.neeks.Qnakers, and Swallows, Far partlealait addreu THOl BIABj, Foal Offlos, Philadelphia, Pa, It-tt vIhm --f--'-i' P.innT 110 Tim.— Tbe flgbl between Boberls' dog Paddy and Ihe Doctor'a dog Tiper, SSibs. eaob, for SSOO a side. oameolTat Ibe boase or Ur. Hues, Banaom atreel, btlow Bigbth, Pblladelpbia, on Tneadar, 27lh all. Paddy wu irtlned by John Harriott, ot this oily, and Ibis match baa oreaied cossldeiable Interest amorg the oanlna ruolers of Pblladelpbia and New Fork. It proved a complale dinppolnlment to all parllea, u tbe Bght wu a moal mlierable arair, laatlog oily 17K mlonto, when Tiper ictused lo sorateb, and Paddy wu desUred the wbiner. Bmin IBS Rock, for 1100 1 Bini.— On SaUiiday evening. Slat nit., tbe maiob for IIIjO a tide, between tbe Imported dog Ballet, owned by William Barnes, (otherwise Wm. Donning ) and Levi Uoorhoase's dog Book, took pisce lo Oonnor'a pit, Boaih and Bohuylklll, Philadel- phia.' Ur. Barnes hind sd bis own dog, and, for the Bnl twenty minales, nsver gave the other dog a chance, tlUioogta wllhrat pun- lablog bim. Alter tbta. Rook began to pal It Into Bullet ratber atrong, and al the end ot fbrty minntts, Ballet bf gan la iqneaL On Bollel's second sorateb, bla owner bad lo fairly throw bIm to Ihe surateb.an I on tbe tbird ho wu Ibrown folly fire feel Olilms would have been made lor this, bat u olslms aeldom prodoca slakes, Ibe flght went on. Rook evidenUy winning e^lly, which he did In one boor and flve minnus. Acoimnais or CHiimrais.— I will aceept Mr. James Dogery's challenge, and will Sgbl my dog Trenbler agalssi hia dog Smoker ror Sieo a aide, and will dgbt my dog at lbs. weight lo New Tork, or at 24 lbs in Troy, Tbe flgbl lo come ulf In four weeks bom Ihe date of tbe Irat deposit. I will alao accept Bany Jennlnga' challenge In latl week's Cumw, and will flibt mr red dog Ulngo, al 20K lbs., agaloat Jennlnga' XOH lb, dog, fbr tlOO a side, to Sgbl In fonr Ateks from the flrat depoail, and toes tor tbe oboloe of plaoe ot flgbtleg. A match In both the above oaau can be nade through the oolomna of the Cinrai J. B, Roon, Ne. 140 Cburoh alrcet, New York. Tam DoLuu Rawiao.— Lost, on the 281b July, ■ blai^ and tan dcg weighing abont SO Iba. ; answers lo Ibe name or Orcape; had on aonalo coPar, wltb tbe owner's name on II. Whoever wll return him to SS Bowery will receive the above reward, and no qnesllou ulced. Oao. P. Wojmnc, Gbiumas —I have a 271b. dog Ibat I will tgbt agalnat nsy dog of tbal welgbi In Ibe Siaies, for tlOO a aide ; also, a 2>lb. dog for ISO ; a SBKlb. for StO, and 4310. for (10, I will match my Ibree legged slat Moalo, lejjiba , agalosl any crippled dog or ilul lo Ibe country, for $100 aaldH, of tbal welsbt;orIwlll match her sgslnatanylSlfdogor alul fbr tiCO a aide. It tboy will givs me one poond rur a broken leg. A match can be made al any time, for any of these dogs, at ISt First Avenoe, or through Ihe CuFTu. Jimbs UcUoaaiu. FroEiixo.— J. HoUn|blln will give a grand nigbl'a apart to the sporting men ot New Vork and Brooklyn, on Thursday evening, Aog. sib, lesB Tbere will be tonr btndaome prliea foagbt fur on that nIgbt, the dogs being pilled acoording lo weight. Tbiala arare obanee tor gentlemen to try their game stock. Then will he plenty of rata on band, tree otobarge. ?port will commence al S o'olook, r. n. Don't forget Ihe Bth ot August, J. HoLsnghlli, 115 Fltsl Avenna. Buniss.— Harry Jennlnga bu mtlobed bli nowly Imported dog, Plaitaer, againat BUI Botti'mley's np lown dog, neilber dog to exceed 88lbs., for SlOO a side, lo come olT al Harry Jennings', on TSesday evening, Ausnst 24. •» a side Is down In Ibe hands of Jsoob Boome, who Is tbe final alakeholder. JicoB Rooms hu mslobed bis red dog Ifbgo agalnat Barry JeS' ninga' red and wblle dog Spot, tor flOO a side, lo lake pis'* on Taea- day atlernoon, Angnit 81, between 2 and 8 o'olook. Tba dogs are oonUoed to 20>i pounds weight. Josira Viuss bu mttohed his tint Pet to kin ICO large alas rats In one hour, for 1(0 ■ aids, to come olt at Jacob Roome's, 110 Ooarch street, on Tiesday afternoon, Angost 10, belveea a and t o'olook. The slot lo hs hudled by Barry Jennings. FOR TVfZXTT-FITE OM^ifl I WILL BEND TBI FOLIOWIMS OELEBBiTED Biaina:nn tanking lbs Tsnkee Writing Fiald ; Bilvsr PlaUsg Fiald ; Aidlslal Honey ; Patent Bornbi| Fiald ; Skavug Oiesm and Bnadi ; Faisv Soaps ; Ooametlea ; Hair Dye : Oblhaas Alt of Caublng Fah | HMksl of Breaking, Taming, and TralnlDi Wild and Biabbora Horse*. l».lt D. 0. rooRHItS, mux Oaatas, Kaaa THB TOBB HOVIB, NTAOS, ROORLAND OOUNTT. —THE BDBSOBIBKB BDnDI- fdlly Invite* the altentkn ot th* pnbllo is ths above boM, aol aollolla Ibelr patroaags, oonfldeatly auoring them tbal no oars or ex- ertloB OB his part, ahaU bs spared to render II the most popolar p)sM otrssort In lbs oonnty, Hs also solicits tbs aitsntion of his friends t» his large and admirably aeleded alook of ebcloe wines, Ufaotl, las ales, oself is rrdlcttlona was beautlfol, sublime, &c. The greater a man's love is lor the enbllme, the keener is bis perception of the ridlonlcus, wblch provei that many of these Sbakespertan soholara. bookworms, antl- quatiaos, and old logle^ have a very United faonlty for kppreciatlDg the beautiful. Inasmuch aa they are ever ecstatic, raptnronr, over the simply rldlonlous, and their lives are passed in poring over musty books and parch- ments, lor the mere purpoae, perhapa, of self aggrandise- ment, or the solving of lome problem of no aooount to hu- manity. They neglect ths beauUfbl of to-day ^they see nothing In the glorious enterprises that are dally pro- Jecttd, to enliat their attention; they look not to tbe fu- ture, but to the paat, and Bod their blazon In their aaoeatry. I do not wlah to ocpnpy too much of )onr space, there- fore I cannot say all that might be said In aosirer to those who oondema the new version; but who condemn it without olTdriog om good ruun^ If any mab, I oars not who, will show me one ^ood reaaon wby my vtrsloi ahoold not be played, I will bum every copy that I can And, for. when I am wrong, I am always anxloui lo be righted, I "TUB AOWBR'B HANDAL," WOW SSADr, atrriHB BOWER'S hancai., and boat olub bbhrib," it L J. D. R. FDTHAN; prepared under the tnpsrvlslon ol BTl- PBEN ROSBBTB, ka<|,, Prealdeni of the Implre Oty BaaallaOlab, sea- taint two bnndred pagss, 12mo, II Is ths osly book of Ihe kbid eim pnbUsbed In this coonlry. snd contains a wsal aoonnl of asafU lak^ matlon to Ihe member* of Boil Qabs and Bowsrs gsnerally. Tbe prioa la ONE DOLLAR. All orders seal U> i. D. B. PntBML Hertid ollce, New Tork: Blenbes Robertt, SSt Bonlh ttrssi, MM Tork; or to the office of the New Tork Quma, will be atUsM Is. Copies may be obtained by sppllcaUon al Uiis oOoa. U TWO SRBAT IF NOT THE OREITEST B00E8 EVKR OFEEBID TO TBB BllO- big pnblio I Eleven colored engravings, printed tnn atssi pIslsSL and tonr bnndred pages ot reading matter, fbr SI, or two hnndiw pigaa ot reading and six colored plaus, for to eents. Bent to any a4- dreaa (either br mall or express) Ihrongbsol Ibe UaUsd BUtii 0 Osnadu. free of poalage, on receipt of the prioe. — Bli eolored plates and 800 pagea ot resdiof , tor SO etols I Boy aad read tba greatest book of the age, Tn Uinsuos Ban, or, Waddisg Beoiett Bevealod by ths Torch of Bymu, bebig a tbil eiphnaUeaal tbe matrimonial dniles of bethbrM* snd bridegroom on Ihssvs 'ef marriage, Oontalning ftota of vital Imporlanea lo the mtnlsd aad nnmarrlcd, with praotloal lemtrke on Us proper tsssnns ; how Is choose a putnar ; ayslsries otgensrsllon ; antes sad ears etatsifr ily ; abnas and socoomy ot the generaUvs orgut ; eSeol* of eioaas- Ivo Indulgence; oonaeqaenoe* of total abaUaeoos from odUoa, *)*. DIacloaIng aeoreta and binis lo lovsrs, husbsoda and wivii, WMth kncwlog, Illustrated wilh six colored engravings, printed thm itstf plAles, nestly and handsomely bound. Prkw flfly cents, A oompsnlon to tbe above, Woxas's Fcaa, os, Fk>ui Bilitas, being a complela analysis ud desorlptlon or every pari of wsbsb's Ibro, and abowlng her perfect capasitlea for Ibe purpose* of lor*, (r*. dretllve dolles aad bapplneas. Iiiostraled wuh Bve baaoUlU aewrsd plolures of the neat perfect female tbrms. Ooatalnlaf a**rlr M pa«es ot readlsg, bandscmely and neatly bonnd. Price only SO ocnis. Copies mailed to any part of lb* CalM ■sM or Canada, post-paid, on receipt ot Ibe prIoe. Addreu THOMAS OBIiaBy. Oeneral P^ bulnp Amur. ^ > offered tbe oondeDeallon of Hamlet, not thinking it to be a wondrona undertaking, or at all daservlog of OWllA] comment, but merely as a step in the march of progrm and ooe adapted to the wants of the age we llris u. I,^ raooied(and atlll faioy) that the best way. for an Mitor j to honor Shakeapeare, and to perpetuate hu name In tkt theatre, wonld be so to arrange and modify his playithat : they might always be attraotTve and Instructive oi plavt. There are trifling errora in tbe three act plece,-whIob any competent stage manager will discover and oorreot at rehearsal I have " out out" many flue things wbl^ " no one can appreciate mors than I do, bat thsv are fbr- eign to the main plot, and thsir absence woula not ren- ' der the play less Interesting (I have left enough to keep busy the brains of any theatre-goer who seeks Instni/O- tion), and the student of Shakespeare can batter leUsh those portlona, alone in hia study. The stcdent will find In Hamlet, lectures, critiques, Bermons, essays, and ds- bates, to ponder over in his closet, bat the tbsatre-gotr looki for action— he seeki the play, the drsma. I do not wish ever to criticise Shakespeare— I tmsttfaat I aball never insult his memory or detract from bis gsnlns. He left ns bis plays for our beneBt, he gave us (for our use) great maxims, brilliant thoughts, par J poetry, moral . leseofls, all of wbloh It is onr duty to dlssealoate Initluk , way that wonld be productive of the greatest good.^|o mankind, and thereby honor effectuslly tbe pan* jOS;^ memory of the Immortal bard. Bespeotfally ycrni^ ,, Oswego, July 26, 1868. Waltu'Oat. . < NoviL SnooTDfo Hatch.— RirLi vs.. FiR6£.r-0ipt. " John Travis is dstermlned to keep the people altonlshed with Us use of tbe pistol. Having abaadtasd his Idea cl shooting orangea from a living boy'sheid, U has rewlyied upon shoffbg his skill In a msaner do Mm wondarfbL if not so dangerous. He has msde np shooting natch with J. J. Breckinridge, ofEentno^, nbon the followIoK , | terms :— Breckinridge is to shoot bis rifle at a dlitauM « i 200 yards, offhand, at a target, SO shots. Travis 11 to shoot the pistol msde by Hornn James (a beautifhl pta-„| tol, wblch we have before oetorlbed) a dlataooaoflOOt yard) with a reat, the same nnmber of shots. The bollat ' holes In the target are then to be measured from the outKb '* ' with a atring, and the number nearest to ths osntra are to determine the wimper. The shots will be msde at ttlen Oakland Baoe Ooniie, near Louisville, E/., on tkf flnt cT October neit NEW YORK CLIPPER THE TUiF. HAOf AND MATQHEt TO OOME> , }oclt«r OtaVIUl VnUMiith MoBter, Got St. - ; 'l^ttttt, T»*D.... rain Qab, MlKMUif, MJ^'Vv S!!!:.^'' i-maiillaimt, Ak.. .Oiilw OMnw, Mi IMtag, foeidtr. Nor, 1«. > «MrOH>ial,U..,.llMiiili Odoim, Mk«r (hob K«Mb|, U( BUw ■iM'H- immft. (. ft/BuOBBL Ou..lle*iml tMUU Tsff Oab BtoM, UtTMwlij, 1... >n ^. . ■ Wr"' ( ft. lA go. AbbtrOniw, r»U BMt*, w Tnwltr. ftpl. ~ «Blia%aBi..tafaibBMiM,ltbTa«^r«Aif.ai. llMbMlaBtahcAi' " ' totUWMbl* ■If ooMgS ..la&tjMr ^ !" VamtLYuni. TwrnNa Vatob.— Ub. Fjums i.Qmr: :» A inr ereDlogi before the raoa, llr. Doonan, or Fotts- ,ivlll«»Mittemotoootu down, »ylng that Ifl did not e.0OM>b8:wonld loae:a bat of 910. 1 went down, and foou In company with Vr. Domao, Mr, Bklleaand a Mr. ..Slaoback, WM were Intioduoed tomeastwohogdiarerr. ' Both of these gentlemen appeared to be ratiier the worse "inorrl do not say that they really were In any de- il^iiieated, bbt In iay opinion had only been In j.siHuurwIth some one who really bad been drinking a ilUiia.^ Tbeie two gentlemen had been round the town, tUowlng dust In the eyes of people, say Ink that they bad , "told all their hoM and would dicpoae of their horses at a MOftot, to enable'itbem to go home. After talking ;• WitCk Mr. Blambaok latd he had Jast traded a horieto life Ooman that'fae wouM back for a quarter of a mile ?S£59!Stti^aBl* ^''^^ ^ ^om,) for one, two, or l^i^mliam. I told blm I would run Mm ilOO pad s for < ae bondrtd, U he would show ne the horse be- c^MMipA iip'tbe money. He agreed, and we went to the atable to have a look at the horse; we found blm hltobed Dp.tn an old ttiege, for tbe purpose, I presume, of making me believe that be was only a common stage horse, but .QadUting.np his collar I found that the hair under had been shaved, and I remarked to Mr, Stambaok that they bad a good barber aovewhere, one who could cut doee wltbfflt-latber. We agreed, however, to run 600 yards •tfoi one bnndrtd dollair, and proceeded to the tavern for > thepuilpoee «l putting. up'the money. The only sUpoIa- , ,tl()nl ivde wu that ueu horse should carry ISSponnda; their answer was that they oooldnot ride so light, as'Mr. Bkller, or Mr.Stfunbaok, would have to ride, they having norUerwlthtbem. The money, $100 a aide, was then I teen many men very onrlonaly effeo'l^d F money, but I never eaw any one so effect- or. Bklles and Mr. Btamback. They were eoBpletely sobered. Now whether this sudden sobering of theu " honest a|)d gentlemanly eportnoen" was caused bad got a dead Bure thin —jr — ^ ——X ' — ' 'l^Bve to others todeu ^i ivFnm ult to uedi^of running all thlnn w< nonaer wiininei "lot nb,- I have* oSiliMgbtofm^ '.oM^at wereMr. I a' the thought that they bad got a dead enre ihlngr or by e walk of twenty yvoii * — — ^ ^,^.Fi«mtBta.to'aiedv( „ _ iilMt; bnton meetlng at II o'clock I found that they I'Uul'fM anotbflT rider, who was not near so heavy as Mr. 'flkUlM'^BtaDlliMk:, This occasioned a dispute, as I ooB- otn^fd. that either Skllea or Stambaok were bound to ride V Mojmug.to cnr agreement, and offered to ride my own oUtto, Mlbbbgli I am an overweight for him, and I was _ wt^nBned 16 any weight They Insisted on their man Ming allowed to ride, and alleged that he was two or eluded to, have tbelr man weighed, and drove blm some two miles for the pnrpoae. On weighing tbe rider pmlded by this " honest and gentlemanly ntortsman," '"' lohotoasjadge, Mr. Benjamin Obarlei, who has acted l^'jjlf Jlidge and iUo W rUer In races on the Eogllah turf as iwe]l ai In tbls country. Sklles oboae some man tnia Berks Oounty, The odds at the start were tio to 20 on -^ Ihe 'vinili and $20 to 121 wai offeied on two clear lengths. , These cdda were freely offered all over the tTMk, and aa Mr. Bklles had Informed bis friends that be had a dead sure thing, the qars at noon brought hosts of /S!.^.^/"? •'^ Lancaster, furious to Uke a mUe tifawter from Schuylkill. Daring the nu, for the llrat 400 yards the Bonel led some U or 30 feet, but alter lblt,lha Sohuy IkUl Ooonty horse gradnally olcKd up, and ^iS,*! decision ofMr^OkHles, aoff'M* least 99 out of every lOO who *riM-'Ii«porimn toaM^.hcreeB use the toore.'rThtf jKdMjJttS^^ BUlea never ooold be hrooght to menuiZohSu to BikfrlirdeeUIOtt. Tbetlditoftbeson«lsaldlo'Bo¥eof tlM .tVBtuden>who Inquired of him, << that be bad' loat or «ljw it'Was » dead heat" Thlg wag before he sot off •hU'UMW. .; ■ ° ^ In the abseooe of the Judge chosen by Bklles, no dedl- . aiOB could :be bad, and both parties left the track. Tbe ■eitmomuglwent with Mr. Obarles to PottavlUe, for .m pupon of havjo^ the matter decided, but the other ja9|?-*nnot.to be B40D, andhasiiot since been seen In UIM' Oonuty, either by Bklles or any one else. Mr. ^vuilt^^as well as two or three others who wer^i at \tba ^ISSsUfarrl'''*^*' 80 before any mtglstrato and beqaslUtd uujMiboru won by two or three feet Mr. SlUesdo- eUlmed that bis horae bad won, but only ^« wJ'FW?' ?L M« oira money, tbinklog tbif he Mttld uve his own bacon, although be had sold airUf b»» " Argos" aays that Mr. SUlea offered , to run over Main, or to mn any dlatonca at any time for back he did tome blowing, but when bntuglt to tte soratcj). always bnoked down. He proposed to run 700 vardi for I70O, bnt, when I offered to. pat op 8800 as a forfeit, ha treated and backed out In a Utile while be Mr.Bkllet^Uqaored the crowd again, kbd tgalft backed out He would than give me till October to find a botae to mn him a quarter of a mile for 81,000, anywhere In tbe State, to put up $200 In addlUcn to the f 100 already down, which we had run for. This I accepted, when he again backed out In tiew of this offer ofMr. Bkllei, as well u all the olroumilanoes, do you not think I was fairly entitled to tbe money 1 Pleaae answer In your nezt Falling thus to make anything by bis gu, he wanted the itapehotder to give him the money, offering to in- demnify him against any losai After disputing aoma time, tne itakeholder gave to this " honest and gentle- manly sportsman" his own money back, as be was fearful of getting Into dUBoulty blniaeU. This " old and experienced hand on the turf," no sooner had his claws on the money, than be departed, Ulobed up the "Bklles Sorrel," which he had traded to Mr. Dontn. and only bonowed for the race, and left SabnylkUl County, If not a richer, at least a wiser man. Now, sir, if Mr. Bklles Is entitled to tht character of an honest sportsman, would he have come to make a match with his borsa disguised In the manner he was, or wlU an "old and experienced band on the tnil" get tight by simply sitting In a bar room a short time. Now, as to " Argus' " challenge, contained In the lut paragraph of bis commnnlcaUon, I have to say to blm, If he wants to make a match for " BkllesP Sorrell," I will run htm Crom a half a mile to a mile beats, same ground, same weights aa before, for^from 8200 to $600 a ^e, and as the Sorrel was held In before, this wUl give them a chance to let blm out ^ If "Argos," or anv of the backers of BUlea' Sorrel, want to make a maton of $100 a side forfblt, they oan do so either through the CurpiB, or by .letter to me at BUverlOreek, Schuylkill County. It the Sorrel is the horse he is said to be, he certainly ought to be able to beat a colt that works every day In a porter wagon, that does not pretend to the character of a running boise. Tom truly, Dxvm.WamHossB. ONIOX COOB8I, I. L— TEOniKe, MosDAT, July 10.— Match 81,000 ; two mile heata, In harness. ...........*• 1 1 .••*.....*.««• s. a a. Weodmff, b ( BdSMulOB D. T»lJaui,(gfitwl4r Ilms,S:31i t:!S. to roD 80O yards for 8800, any place out of tbe \onnly. This I doted wltbfod offered 8100 aa a forfait CDTBIVILU OOCBSa, L, L— TBOniKO. FainiT, July I8.-Match $1,000 ; mUe heats, best 3 In S, towagoDa. W. D, Pttbodr, ro f Otptain Burr, rMelvad (bihU. H. Woednir, i g Bnuieboieogb, t»U iMbll OZrOBO PAU, FHILADELrHIA. — nOITOi'O. MoKDAT, July ia.— Mile heats, beet 3 in 5, to harness, Ffomlnm 8200. J.'OstDerBaDediiiiJMiavLIiil ais^i J. WlueUr Bamed i b Wbiubane 19133 Vm», til ; 8:03; IMX i 3:41 ; 8:08, Track very heavy. FODiT BBEna FABX, PHOJLDELFHU.— TBCTTINa, Tbdbsoat, July 15.— Mile heats, best 3 In 6, to hameaa. Premium 880. 0«o. Noitat B»m»d f g F!reit 111 W, Elif Bimtd'b h Burr Oo\l 933 TUne, a:18M; l:iS; 3M. TBORIMa AT L0DI8VILLE, KT. Satdbdat, July 8.— Parse — , mile beats, in harness. 81MP7 Dtvl* Ill Filaae 339 IlOM, 8:01; 8:00; S.-OI. TBoniKa AT oHioAoo, mu Thubsdat, July 8.— Puree 8260, with $S0 to the seoond best, for aeoond class horses, mile heata, beat 3 In 6, In harness. 0. W. BdwaU'a oli m CUoaio BtUs. 818 11 Bobwt fliitinillB'a bl f LUU* Vosder (ror- MTtf UMkMpb) 118 8 8 S•S!*^7!*\^1^^£F*f « 8 0 i 3 £ ItiW*,?' CI'mbMuiv dr W.PkHtok^biTsaf Blploa dr Vma, SMi iiOt 8:M; 8:14; 8:47. BAOUa AT IOLWADUB, WIS. Fbdat, July 9.— Forse 8100, for running honea, mile heats. CIlkia'tbmKmvlillM 3 11 Mr. OooflM'bmBlchliMHirr 1 9 dr B.GtSMy'abriUuieFMt..... if tUtt, Ui; IM. FAGma AI FimiDBeH, fa. W10MI8DAT, July 11— Match for — , mile heats, best 8 In a. . . BK* Jupla /. 1 1 1 ; Otey Bob 399 TBOniao AT Auunr, ir. r. Thdbsoat, July IS— Parse and stkke $200, mile beats, bestSInO. J.BpitBtftead'iehf OeorgeDawMB.; 3 111 i.U, WiJtOB's Birrr WiImd 1 3 3 dr time, 3:87; S J4;3M. Said DAT.^Maieh for , nlle heata, best 3 In 6. . J. 0. WalMo'i Bltek Obctt 111 Mr. Melbaga'MUknaid ...."...V, 3 8 3 now, 3:11; 9dS; 3:40, TBoima AT FioBu, nx. ^SH^*^ Oorafli.-6atniday, Jaly lT.-Matoh for $100 a side, mile hea^ In bamet;. 0. Wi Firker'a eb m Jeaal* GJartt (Baoar) 1 1 . 0,artfBMlr'sbBOon(lniu«r) 9 8 • n«,i:njj;i». TBOTTDra AT'WOBOtSTEB, MABS. TeuoAT, July i3.-rFor a backet of champagBe, mile heata, beat 8 In oi J¥V.5?!J?f «'f * SSS?" ^"^^ 1 • » » Ctfi, OoBkllB'i b m WoidMtor OM 3 0 19 .Hoe, 8:18; 8:18; 8:U;8:II. taonma in FaovmiNOB, b. i. WAeniKOTOV Oodbbb, Wednesday, July 21— Match tl,000, with an ioalde atake of 8600, play or pay, beat 3 - 6, to wagons. D, Uaet BBBUd br ta Udv BbuBua , Bill D. FUDrbamed bl ■ Nottt BUr ! . ' 1 1 9 3 11«»,'8:I8; 3:41; 1:44; 3:43. •BAonca ta UitwAoxn.— Gold Spbiko Oopbbb, idly P. — Qalte a large crowd aaiembled at the Oold Sprlag Course to aee the promUad race between Little Flea, Kit- ty MUea and Highland Mary, mile heats. After waiting, however, till hag-past Ave o'clock, It tuned cut that the owner of Little Flea reftised to mn him, nnlea the two marea would Uke up additional welaht The owners of .^^ to do this, LttUef lea was withdrawn, 'ud KlttylUles and Highland Mary had tbe race to them- telvea. Thla materially dlmlnlehed the InUreatof the oo- oadon, as Highland Mary waa net oonsldered a match for Kitliy Miles. NevertheleasL they atartedaodrantweheata, IngOM time, each wlnniog one; Highland Marr flrat M% Kith. Wiles second. l:fl HlghSildMaWl^ tten dnwnj There waa mnob.dbappolu^iQt kndl Blaallatho- tliitt at bU three boraea not Sfoag, at announced. THS "OATASTBOPHB," AN BIBTOBIOAL FACT. BT "anma" Os a iMtk Bial, 'aetth ib« old elnttee Tbitahad4dlb*4aMdtU, OTi^aaai Vr» nX wUh nv Betir Jm, Aad "lev»4BlM" tbm did taU. ViruB«arlrlmlv«aa*BUiO|blDl|bl, ' : W*MttD(«lb«rlb«re; : n* Btraua b«lbr« «aa apukUif bri|bl, Aid lb* radlial moon ibllMU;MB«l" Bat laddaBlj lb* old a«sl emked— ' ••ao*iott«B,"IdldBaUar. ' Wb«a M d»wB aba cant," to--tiid dniped M 4» U," "Booaa una wooes," ita, CHAPTER I. Alono the whole southern and weatien ooaat of Florida, from the ancient Fort of Saint Marks to Key West, there were no aettlementa, and only a few Bpaolsh fltblng atv tlona at Tampa Bay, Manltee, Boca Grande, and Sanabel, at.the dot* when we draw the curtain of the drama which we eflto to the reader, nearly forty years ago. A gale waa Uowlog, a terrtio gale, from tne Bouth-eaat, rolling up tbe wavea from the £ay of Mexico— aa that portion Isolde of the Golf baa been named— and sending them on the sandy ahore, where they broke In lofty walla of foam. Bo Heroely did the tempeet rage that the Span- ish flshermen could not pome their avocation I They were obliged to lay tbelr nets out upon the Inner branch of the point of Boca Grande, where their ranobe waa es- tablished, and seek refuge inthelow,pBlmstto-tbatohed hula buUt for tbelr thelter, which, though located in a ravine, where the wind had not fall play upon them, seemed bardiv strong enough to withstand the gale. Here, smcklog their cigarettoi, they, huddled, soma ourslng and grumbling at tbe weather; others uttering a prMer, now and then, to San Antonla— oil discontented and out of aorta. Suddenly, however, the booming of caononry— and that close at band— startled all of them to their feet, and with one idea thev rufhed slmultanecua- ly ootrto see what conld be off that coaat in euoh a storm, and why the oannon were fired. Oo reaching the elevat- ed point that bounds to the south the narrow entrance to ue bay, which extends fair back Into the swamps and ^vilda of the country, they saw a large schooner, foretop- sail rig, evidently armed heavily and with a fall crew, ■landing in toward the coast, under a fearful press of oanvae. And only about a mile neater, but so close to the ahore that tbe persons of those cn boara of her could be plainly seen, was a small but beautifd lchoone^boat— no more than five or six . tons burthen, and but partially decked over, yet she rode the aea like a daok, and seem- ed to cut tbe water as a bird cleaves tbe air. Upon her deck were three persons— a man who stood at tbe helm, a lovely female, who dung to tbe weather shroud a few feet before him, and by the hand she held a little girl, whoce gloan rlogletsflutiered out Uke penons on tbe gala. Against this boat and Ita helplesa crew, to tbe wonder of tbe Spaniards, the cannonnade of tbe large, black-sid- ed echocotr was directed. To tbelr surprise, the more, because the lohooner showed no flag, and did not seem, by her looks, to be either a Guarda Costa er a man-of-war. "Eiwta Firala—li la a pirate"— they muttered, and, oroealog themselvesj they prajed earnestly for the escape of " ISI gtUta Aica" — the Uttle aohooner— and some of toe more earaeet of them ran down to the point, and by beck- onlngsand signals, endeavored todwect thefigltlves how to run Into the narrow channel, whisb, having once entered, would place them In safety for a time. The man at tbe helm saw tbem, seemed to understand, and, keep- log his craft ateady for the abore, eoon peiedved now to Bteer to make the entrance. Meantime the ebot from tbe ■uraubg vissel were ploughing up tbe water all around mm. TRice bad bta email sails been perforated, time af- ter time had the spray fVom the hlaelng ahot dashed over him, yet no (par was touched— nor he, or the woman, or child nurt, and they now were very dose to tbe shore; Though tbey trembled for it, yet tbe Bpaalarda hoped for that bold steenman's safety, for he seemed to bear a charmed lU^Death came so near and yet refh^Ined. He was now upon the outer range of breakers which broke acroisthe barr-nobly bis lovely boat rose open them— reelbg and staggering liefore the gale, in she sped through the yeast of foam: a moment more and she was In smooth water. A glad horrah rose from the lips of the fldiermen, but lis eohoea were huahed in the fearful burst of the schooner's whole broadside, as she rounded to, scarce, a half mtla off, and threw a shower of grape and cannlster at the hapless fogtllves. With a shudder, they tuned to see its effects. They groaned and beat their breasts as tbey saw the lovely woman, who bad held the child by the hand, fal) to the deck, and saw tbe man, who, letting go the beiita, permitted bis boat to luff op nnder the lee of tbe head-land, spring forward and raise her in his armii, while great torreilts of blood gathed out from her breast and ran in crimson ourrenta over ber white dresa. They manned aeveral of their fishing oanoes and hur- ried Aff, in spite oi the driving gale, to offer their asats- tance. They found the man, a young and noble-icoking person, kneeling upon the deck and trying to ataunohthe wound, bnt all u vain, while the terrified child olnog to the corse and moaned--" Mamma, mamoa, speak to Ooal" , It waa a pltlfd soena. Thev made tbeurrade bnt well- meant offers of aid, and then, for the first time, he eeemed to be aware that they were alongdde of bis boat, for, with the fierceness of a maniac, he half raised her form tnm the deck, and while hia eyes glared and hla long hair blew ontstralght on the gale, he uouted— Off I off I She is mordered I she Is mordsred I" Then he laid the body down, Irlnuqed his tattered aallr, then sprung to the helm, and, before another minute had passed his boat waa flying like a guH before tho storm, far up the bay amid the thouaanda of. islands which lay between the sea coait and the " Big Cypress." A wild mystery to tbem was in all this. Never bad they aeen a more beautlfal l^y. She waa tall, ravan- halred, lovely In feature, and perfect in form. And cost- ly Jewels glittered on her fingers, braoeleta of gold dasp- ed ber wiuta, and also were on her fafr round arms above the elboW& By this they deemed her Bpanlah. As soon as tne boat had InSisa in out of sight of the schooner, the latter commenced makbg signals for a pilot, having shortened safl«ndhove to aanear the shore as she dared. But, had it been pottlble fo^ themti^gc out to her, there was not one of thoaa honest fishermen who would have helped to do farther wrong to the wietehtd fagltlvei whoever he might be, by aldlos to bring the Bcbooner In that she might renew the pursuit Gnu alter gun did the tohooner fire, (ind then, with men at her mast head, she stood dose In as If to reocnnolter tho bar, to aee If it were paaaable; and though it was, and for a vessel of larger else than her, lor the sea broke In four fathoms water npon It, and the men on shore could by slogns have easily guided her across, tbey would not do it The sight which they had witnessed had sickened their haarta, and mora than one nrayer was uttered that night, that the pirate, for snob they deemed her, would alnk berbre tht morning dawned again. But, during the night, the temptBtdaokeotd, and when momlBgeamethewlndhtdalmostdledaway. Thenthei sai^ the low blaiik hull if the sehoontr rising and fdllo with the swell of the aea, as she lay at anchor aboat mlltf'frctB there— her tall spare, with the canvas clc« fotled, ataoding In bold outline between them and rologj leas sky. As eoon aa It was fatrlv light, a boat was Io« ered Otom the veaael, manned with an armed orew. The puUad in npon and over the bar, taking lonndlogsaii Dcarloga as they went, and aeon found that their aohoont could,, without dllflonlty, make the anchorage iodde Tb«y retafned to Jier. and. In a short time, she waa got on deM^ay, run in and nronght to an anohor under the sam lee where the atranger'a boat had luffed up the day before and Within musket ahot of the huts of the fiahermea The latter were much alarmed, but tbey bad nothing t< be robbed ofexcept a few thoaiand pounds oi dried 0tl and their nets and oanoes, so they did not fiy, bat wlu many prayers to their patron aalntr, awaited the result 0 whatever might oome. In a little while an armed boat landed from the veasel and one who aeemed to be her commander spraog to thi shore. He was riohly dressed, etrcagly framed, thorough Ir armed, and his feitnrea would not have been nnoomel ll passion had not evidently made its throne wllhln h heart His look was that of one seeking for a vlcUm with the ardor of a Malay, wishing for bloody vengeance fot some wrong or fanoied irj ary. His age was probably not more than thirty— bis ligbt hair and complexion spoke of Anglo-Saxon blood.' With blm waa a lean, sallow-faced lodrndual, dresaed In blaok, evidently ten or fifteen yean older, whoie email, snake-like eye»,thlnllpa, narrow fore, head, and oloee ebaved face made him look, what he rarely was, a villain; fniail^ a kind of Judas or Arnold, -read; to b» one for any one. It money was In qaesUon. 1 The first comer, In an imperious tone, demanded of tbe I flshermen why they did not anawer his elgnal for a pUoL He was replied to by the eldest of the party, a gray- haired Mlnoroan, one Pablo Conovas, whd, among hlacom- padons, had the reputation of fearing neither man nor the devlL "We didn't understand your elgod," said he, boldly; " and, if we had, we bad no boat wbloh could live In the turf on the bar yeaterday 1" " Tet yon could algoalizs tbe villain who cros^d by your dircctlona, when we were nm of his oaptare I" " That waa not half so bad as you murdering hla poor wife I" said tbe old Bpanlard, bitterly. " His wife T Did Aa say aha was bis wife, my dear fellow t" said the hidlvldaal la black, qdckly oatohlog at the ex- pression. " Ask the ioBolent dog no qaeatlona, Counsellor; Jknou that she waa married to blm; that'a aiough I" said the other. Impatiently. " Then, Captain Feblger, we mul have the child, or all will fall through, odeaa we can prove Ite death. My dear fellbw, the child was unharmed, waa It not t" " When I know whether I'm tdklog to the devil or not, I'll answer I" said old Pablo, gruffly. - "Come— I UluCtat/" add he who bad been addresaed aa Captain Feblger, smiling grimly on Pdblo. " Ue Is a lauytr, and they're servante to tbe devil, as a general thing, bnt I can ansjver the quesUon as well as he. Tlit woman only was bnrt I saw tbat through my spy-gtasa P " If your heart had been u good as your eyea, ue, too, would have been spared I" said Pablo. " Tou think so, eht Well, now, I have a better heart than yon think lor, or I ebould out off both your ears for yonr insolence; bat I like your spirit— It has a spice of the devil lo it, like my own. If you'll come aboaxd the schooner— the" JWijonM"Toall her— I'll give you as good a glass of grog as ever met thirsty llpg 1" . ".Seep your grog to drown the recollection of bid deeds In i'' ° " Well, well, the offer wai kindly meant, take Itasjoa wUL Do you know anything about the bay up which tbe fellow went?" "^'olAuv/"BBld Pablo. " How far does It extend before the main Is reached I" "I don't ibuw/" replied the Spadard. '■Your men, beret" " Know no more than I do I" contbued Pablo. " What the devil do yea know!" cried Feblger, begin- ning to get angry and show his natural ferocity again. " JfolMig, wnea It sdts us; a good ded, when we want tol" The strange captdn's band was on tbe bllt ofbla aword, when the gentleman hi black urged him to pursue the fugitive and child, who were probably, fast getting be- yond porsdt, nrgbg, for soma reason, tbat the person of the latter must, at all events, be secured, even if tbe death of tbe other was not accomplished. . Curbing his anger as beat he oodd, the captain of the schooner returned to his boat and went on board of Us vessel. In a short time, fonr boats, fall. manned and armed, put off from the schooner, rowing In the direction which the alranger had taken on the day before. . ".J*"' ijoly aalnta keep him and the child from their devlUsh cintehes," mattered Pablo, as he saw them go oZ •< They mean U no good if they do find it, and th«y aeeo bent pa A a »ldtrVpanoB, wblab would tbtn baoonttderadiBOtlded. 8. ■ol Bilan Iba biltmio la oil ol bla grooad . v., Cbicaio^ III.— (McU— "l, Vban a calota la mada, lad Iba featnaa ttavia hia wnkal wlihoatao appeal to Ibe mpiii waaJd H ka iMI fbr.iUhar iBptre lo oall bim book aiala lo Ibe bit r i. Urn ■aaHroB OBI, and ibe oppoilu fitrlr oall oaL oai I wllboal an ap- faalkarlM been mida, oaa Iha umpire rtplaoe iba man at Iba viokair" Da. 1, liwaildnolbarlibiroralibarnBptralolalarrera toOlB aaa, aal; lo gire a man In or ool, la Ibe euo 017 be, tooord. kf to Ibe iawi of vioket, If Iberara appealed lo. SearalalZXIX. na ooadoel ol ibe parllea otUlig ool In aaob manner la very repie- feto^ttla^ baverer, and tbaj tbODld be rebnked far ao doliy. ' '^<^' > WalUum, Haa.— Rob bIm IbaTogfhlj oilea a da^ wllb aa atotoHbtaompoatdof cqaal pioporlloDi cf oompooid loipbarelet- WMMd Ibe blue mercaitaloblnent. Bedoce bla qoaiuir of dally toM^MclTablmloi.orBpvmatttierarrolbardaf, Krarjlblrd A. B.-0., Ofwrfo.— ne nunbcorTOir jmag frinda to oredllable " — > aid MbtbMa • tott Wr degree of amtd. With Broper ElTBiOBDIVABT FoOT BaOB.— TAl FaSTUT TjHI OX BnoiD^We i%n In type, ind will give In tar neil \ma.t, a ftiU repori of tbe Great ll|le Bwyaa In Eoglind, be- twMD tte twoodebnted pedealrlu^oupool udSmtUb Oar readers will be astoDlahed to learn tliat the ooprroa- dented lime of won uiKuns las Tif ■ntt-tbue anom waa made hj Hoaepool, tbe winner ol tbia race. Frevlooa lo thia great feat, Uie time of Ofaarlea Weat- ball, who ran a allalnfonrmlaatea ^wenty-elghtaeeonda, atood noparalleled, bat tbiaperrormanoe now eloka Into Inalgnlfloanoe when oomparel wllh that at HoaqiooV which we now record. In Amerloa, the laateat time for one mile waa perrormed Barlow, who aooempllahed Uiat dlitaooe In four mlnatea thirty-ali aeoonda; being Aktm ttconit longer than HoaspooL In the great raoe In qneatlon. It wOl be aeen that the ttmemade by tbe loalog man. Smith, who waa only beaten ten yaida by the winner, baa alao been moat ezlraordlnaiy, and all moat agree with the oploton ezpreiMd by BMU Lift, that << in oonteatlng the above dlataooo ao doaely, and In aaoh nnparalleled brief apace of tlme^ he ought to feel there la great honw In deftat" OoNTEHTioN oT LiDT AkATieB EQinaTBUiiB.— W* have been called open by geotlemen bavlog the management of this affair, who Inform aa that they have received the moat gratll^ylog evidence of the favor with which the cou'- templated eqaeatrlan feaUval la viewed by the ladlea, and '111 r*lV(A |ytn<«p-tl.. Ti > *9 .1 '1 TBB BiRC. The Ohampionshlp. Tbi aeeond 81000, In the match between John Vorrle- aey and John C. Hefnan, la to be d^poalted on Ifonday nezi, Aagoat 9ib> Both men are well to wotk, nod atrlv- log by Inceatant toll (fur oarefnl tralolog la, labor of the moat eevere derorlptlon)' to izet lhcni>elvea la tbe beat pbyaleal coDdltlon at an eorly day. Uorrltaey la at pre- sent taklog his breatblnga In the vlotolty of Laoalngbarg, where be la .dallv vklted by nnmbera o( bla frlenda and othera, ueairona orwllaeulog tbe ezerolaeaor amantrala- iog for a great battle in the P. B. Shepberd, tbe trainer, keepe bla charge In almoet oonatant work, and, In order that nothing may be leftandoee to bring hIa man "fit" to the rlog, aaotber trainer baa been engaged, aa a aort of relief to Sbepberd, who flnda bla prbiolpal already a tooghonatomer. Tbaa far Ur. Horrltaey and hla tralnera aeem to' be on the beat terma with eaob other, altbongh Horrleaev aaaeita tbat ha tbiaha they pile tbe work on him a little too ateep; bat, of coorae, tbIa la aald aod re- ceived In the proper aplrit The Benlola Boy la fairly under way, having lor hla la- tere Heaara, Jamea Cnalok (who acoompaoled the Benlcta Boy to thIa city from Oalirorala) and Joe Cobarn. Hla tralolDg qaarlera are In the locality of One Hnodred and Tenth aireet, on tbe weet aide, at tbe hotel of Ur. Jamea Hughea, formerly known aa tbe Book Cottage. Heenan aeema to be setllog along comrortably. A few daya aloce be ran from HoOomb'a dun to Bagbta' honaa, agatoat U. M-igdire'a trotting hone; Heenan having, what waa con- eldered, a Mr start. He beat the horae. Itwastboogbt that Johnny Mackey would aariet In the training of Bee- nan, bat aa tbat gentleman baa. a match on wl& Nelaon, klod or other. Two weeka ago yealerday, Brown ud Edmooaton rowed a raoe for 8S0, Id akttletoo.boata, dla- taoce 8 mllra; Brown waa tbe winner In 42 minutes, Tha baohera of Edmonaton net being aatlaHed with the reault, Immediately matched Mr. Qrover agaloat Brown for $100, to be rowed In one week, which aocordlogly came off on Saturday, Joly 24th, reraltlog In favor of Brown. Brown rowed the 41 mllea In 98 mlnatea, beating hla oompotltor some 200 yarde. Brown baa rowed In twelve raoea, and baa been the victor lo e'cscn of them— be la aboot ISycata of age, and welgba 144 pcnada. Tha boat wbloh he rowed waa ballt by Mr. T*. Donoboe, tha builder of tbe " Frank 6. Wood," tbe winning boat on the 4th; ahe fa 26 feetlooa 23 locbea wide, and la eveiy reapeot a perfect model. I think that there will be three boats from here at the Staten lalaod Regatta; tbe Frank G. Wood, four-oaied; tha Joa 0. Gazeley, two pair of aoulla, and the Jamei Uoderhlll, alogis aouIL Tours, OAiiiTtER. TBI Obbbooto.— Fbiladelphla, Aug, 2, 1858 -F. Qoein : In yoar paper of Slat olllmo, occora an article from oar oily over the signature of " Reatlesa," who. In speaking ol our Sobnylhlll boat clnbi, aaya there are one or two olubi now organizing, one that la to be called the Chebnoto, her mrmbera befog obkfly Novia Soottana,' Ao. The writer baa been mlalnformed In that particular, as It b onmprlsed entirely of Phlladelpbiana. From the tenor of bla remarba, aod the impretslons tbey have given rise to. It haa been Inferred tbey were caoug In the river as a racing olab, and one that i^lll be onxluna to oompete for the ohampionshlp; this la altogether Incorrect, the apla objeot of the organization bebg to furnkh a pleasant and healthftil means of recreation to Its members. Chebucto. AHiTSDR BoiT BiOB.— A race between two amateur Oaremen of this city, came off on Saturday afiernooa if r- I- If t KEW YORK CLIPPlSll. TDEATRICAL BECOBD. jroTtDtBli ■Bd OctnrrtneM In tli* neatiloil ud Kuleil ProftHlaii Oixeu Comptnlt^ Ithloplan Sertnadtrt, «t«. ' OITT BDMHABT. tanmmn m Jims Cwou^We BtnUwad la eir lut Ibtl Ur. ' Jinci CirioU, o( Diirlicl otttbillj, «bo btd bcco leTtral/ III ror •onVltee put, «u tiNDlDtkiif trrasfemteU IbroDib bit frksdi, Ar » btDtSl. Ii KU dniiDtd M flitt I* «D|iia ioidb lirga bkll, uM ^« a BUDBOib tDWriilDn«Dt; bu OD itfCBd oeuldenliOD, la Tiew •ribs kbMDM rioB lbs o)t; tl pruent of attrt; tU Is lb« buliMi, tnept tbota olitail; perrwmliii b«r^ U wu dg«p«d mon piodeoi tt ntike lone (DiignotDt «ilb ob« or. tbe mlutral ooBpulM. Tbii mtdOM, Iba biolbwa Brjtat, In Uu moit iaaen^ aad osamaDd- tbia Buoar, oflariBg iba iia of Itatlr ball' ud conpaar M ■ naralj aomlnal cbarge. Tba itnUtmao bavlDi iba nallar la btad bkTa tbercfora laltoted Tunday eTaolsg, ITib loat, tlr tba b«D lais and, be adTarllaaa bla Ibattra for nia, Isua, or rant, wlih all Iba aoenary, ward rob*, ala., Ibaiannlo tebiglDg, Iba pnrcbafcr lo bava and lo bold Iba iima. lor bli own OS* tad ibat or bis bein, bareahar rsrevcr. Wa btva beard of one Bibbia being mado, bit ddIII ibe roDor uaamaa • sabattntlal ibtpe wa ihall bold oor pcaca apon Una aubJ«ot Tbe tbttirs In Ibe Bovery abova Btytrd alreel, nairly oppoalte the Old Bowary, known la ibe Sudi Tbntre, wu opened by a oom- paay daring Ibe pul week, nnder Ibe mtnagemant of J, E Howe. ABOBg tboaeln tbe coin diaaoKiiM we find Ibe namuot J. B. lUaa, Qeorge Holland, j B. Howo, J. Herbert, Obu. Warwlsk, J. JrmU, Cnnihiw. Lea, Foitar, ala. Uiisea Denrlll tad Bannell are tko In Iba llat. II li oir optoton tbal ibia ealabllibmant mlgbt be aads to pay; bat obiaie liia nioa, gentlemin oitBigen— ■■Sitdl Aatba" la too I'oloby to aitnuA the rcetnentcra of tbe old Bowery. Vby not call U Ibe " New Bowery ? > Hr. and Urs. Clirence Boll, or AatlrsUtn calebrlly, oleaad tbair «gigeDeni at Iba Bowery on Ibe Slit. Hanra. Jos. Proolor and Bobtrt Jobnalon ue Ibe oirdi for Ibe preaant weak, tragedy being Iba order oi tbe nigbt. Hrs. Prior does Ibe berolnaa. It will be aaeeuary Tor tbe manager to keep a abaip eye lo windward If ba bopea to eonllnne bis reoent laooeuea, Fox la ennnlag, and will do Um beat lo cITeoi a combination liatweea Ibe pft-aat ealers of tbe Cbalhim and Bowery. Mm Ada Qitlon, Law perfomlng wllb tbs "oambbiBlloa" eom- faay, al NIblo's, bu bean cogigad by Mlia Laara Kaene, for tba wooing teuoo, By Ibo way, HIn Ada will plaaia tooapl oar Ibuks for lbs beaaural pbolagrsph abe wu kind anongh to send u a raw diya ainoa. It la a IrulbTal plolnre. Tbe Bowery Tbeaire la aonoaooed for ra-opealsg ea Ibe 7tb Inal . mder Ibe muigement of J. Llegard, and 0. L. Fox, bolb formerly toaneoled wllb tbe NUional. It It aot elated oa wbit terms tba IbaUre bu been rented, bat we preaome tbeae gentlemen bare loo moeh good uue lo promise to pay tbe eiborbliaat demindi made Sm Ur. Eddy for Ibe booie. Uu tbe oi poilUon bonae, tbe Btadt atlre, bad anylbln;; lo do wllb tbe arrasicment. Bare Is a cbince ft>r Sddleia Lturanca Dann rrqnetts at lo stale Itall be will pity sgiloit any man In Iba Uoltad Btalea, on tbe TloUn reels, J'gi, and bornulpei, rur from Ire lo Are bondrad dollan HiB ud money ready at Robert Bnllar's, 192 Franklin strsel, Mew Tork. Tood's HInilrels are gelllDg Isgelbor a strong tesm lor Ibe sp- ricblDi stuon. In addition lo Ur. Rl«e, one of Ibe ewly pioneers Ibe Eibloplin boaloen, and tbe great repruenlailye of "Jim Crow," tbe minigtr bu also engaged Ibat popalar dellnealor of Negro (cccnirlcliles, Epb. Born, wbo, wllb Rice, Fox, and Bowera, ea|bt 10 Dtke fon enougb to ault all lulu. We ue not adrlaad, bowcTer, wbelber Epb. Is eogaged peroananlly or not lanra Keena'a Ibcalro will re-open urif In Stplember. II bu been allied itait Ur. Bliks bad been engiged u ilige minigor, bat Ibk announeeinent wu prtnitore, no arrangement lo tbal eOtet baring been made al Ulnl idTloci. Hr. Bomalt will probably illll hold on. Tbit genUcman, we regret to learn, bu beea oonBnad lo Us bed for eome lime by a loacb of Ibe rbenmalloa." Bryanti' Ktnatreli are doing a clarer bulnera atlbelr bill, 172 Breadwiy. We bire not beard of any freab noreltloa being Inlro- dated ilBcu Ibe roopcolof. Among Ibe " Utile" of Ibe day, It is slated tbat Hr. Eddy, lile omtier of tba Bowery Tbeaire, la aegotlatlng tor 'tbe Broadway, wllb IBO Tlow or opening It wllb Bowery prioee, ala. Wa abonld bo sorry tc bear ibat Ur. Eldy bad i ITtoled aaeb an arrangement, for wa leal cocOdeni tbit the apeonlallon weald prore a confpiele fillnre. We ware under Ibs/lmpreaaion Ibat Halt Pael'a Mliutrela wore to relarn lo M Broadway, but by a bill oa tbe door, ll-appears Ibat the ball lalo rook Wbu's Ibe troahur Usdame Farodl relnrned to New York lut week, from tier tonr In the West Indlea. B. Ldlle, wencb dancer, formerly of Bryants' UniUels, Is per rormlng at UelropolllaQ Girdeni, tieoond ATenae. Ju. AnderaoD, tngedlin. Is innoanc^ to apjltar In New Tork, la September, bnt at wblob Uiealre la not elated. Tbe beneDl ol tbe Dramatlo Fand, at tbe Academy of Hulc, on Monday evCLlog, wUl reallao •1000, It Is aald. Tbe opening nIgbt of tba "Sddy Drama'.lo Clab" takeapltoaat Bimor Ball, on tbe Ittb. AHATEDR TflSATRIOALB Tna J. W. Wjxuce DMHATia Afsoairon gare tbeir Int anterltiD .Bent, eloci) tbe re-or|an'UUon, al Humor Ball, on Tueaday aTSnlog, July i7lb, 10 1 very lelect audience, wbo were greatly annoyed by ' Ibe Tocirerafona »r Ibo noisy amateurs proieni. Tbo programme «ontt>ledor " Tbe Uomnlont Qoetllon," "Cbailes Il,".and '-Toe Bomb Belle." A cboloo bill for bol weaiber— ligbt to4 ipleey. *< Ibe Uomenloua Queallon" wu a rallnre on tbe part of tbe male itltyera. Ii U wlib profooBd regret we mUe ibe elilemenl, and oaly wUh tbal we ooold spesk ol tba CDterlalnmnBl la a mora fkTorable maoner. Oar readers wsnl tbs iruto, tod noibiog but Us troth : coDBtquenlly, wa mnit be candid and Irulbful In ocr remarka. Al Ibe oloio of Ibe Ont piroe, Mr. Belmont oime before tbe ourliln Id reapon'io to tbe call, and dellTefod a apeerb, In wblob ba remtrked, Ibat ha "bid wIlaeMod one or two oluba atlempl -*nie Homenloos Qoeilloa' wlibont auearu, and Itaat'tbay (itae Vallackt) BtaoBid to ezcuted lor Ibeir bad playlcg, u leTeral were /bat new hudi. and tbal tbe piece coaid not be played by HAHLEr IN THREE ACTS. TvasB Queen : Id the flippant lotrodaollon to HamUt la three aota, I briefy tald all that was neoaaeary (preeum- log, of course, that every reader was Bufflclentlj Intelli- gent to comprehend a shetoby explanation, and compe- tent to supply the details of each skeleton aaggestlon), and though I oaoMy no niors nov, it seems requisite tbat I ehoofd urge the fact of the df olded difference between condensing a play for stage representation, and Impudent- ly matllaUng a readable poem. In all ages, eminent dramatists have gladlr adopt«d (he correoUons and alterations of managers and actors of In- ferior abilities. Slice Shakespeare's time, none of hls.playa have been played or even pabllshed as he wrote them. Foi tbe stage, curtailment and Interpolation have always been deemed necessary. It la a fsot, almost ieyondiuputt, that no actor ever played Hamlet as Shakespeare wrote It. Hence, It Is merely a qaestlon of taste and polloy as to which condODoatlon or which edition will best please the pabllo, and make tbe best acting play for the present day. This Is the only real point at Usae— and It will be long before this point la submitted to a pnbllc test, for the sim- ple reason that the theatrical Is the moat conservative of all the professions. Reforms are made in the legal pro- feslon, the solenoe ofinedlolne advances, clergymen are becoming more enlightened and liberal, Invention la ripe, art Is matorlng, anaproness Is everywhere; save in the theatre. The reason la obvious, tbe remedy plain. ' In condensing a play tor the stage, the questions of sa- crilege and presnmptfon are no( to be oonsldered. No welllnformea man, no scholar of good critlcaljadgment, wUl raise those qaeatlou. I have vei7 good rrason to believe (from Information derived from sonroee familiar to every sohool boy) and I io believe that the USS. of Bhtkespeare's plays were all of them horned In the great fire In London In 1618, when the Qlobe theatre was destroyed: so that what are now called Shakespeare's playa oonalst of about one line of Bhaketpeare to dfly of eome theatrical copyist or short hand writer. , . . Great thoughts, great maxims, may lest forever, bat Meat plays seldom retain possession of the stage longer Uian one generation. The language changes; manners, tutos, customs, all ohange— tbe human race, coUeotlvelv BpiAyiuDB, Is far more advanced than In Shakespeare's time, what was then considered a good play, wonld A asi*D irviia -Oa Wedaaidiy truing, Jaly 9tlb, th« Siadt Tbral'O wu Ibe loeos of a drtsialioemt wblob will be long remem- bered Is tbe blatory nf New Tork aoiatrur Ibailrtcaln. Ton wu oa Ibe eocwion of tbe dedif of tbe A H DiTurui* DaiH.m Sasnou- ntdi. Tba bonae wu ilierally Jiain,ad by tba luny filtbda of tbe iooiely, aad tbe la'enied gentleman wboae Bams It bean, among Ibe aoditora we observed tbo well bBown fiots of tereril profeaalorala, wboieemed laeijiy ibtmielrea amtiogly. Tba programme com. prised Ibiee exceiiint piece), BUck Eyed Suaaa," ■•Tba Idiot WiV nets," and •• Bombulot Farloto,"gamUba4wlib a fewexlru, fbrm- |gg a rieb, rioy. and itlrullTe bllL lo tbe opening piece Ur. Adams, formerly d Ibe T, D, A , appeared u William, la awredliabia manner. Tbe lenlleniiu la vixd < I raolly, ud all catenlallooa ibow, aad teeios Kifectly euy on Ibe itige, and apparently rrgaralna tbat be la b«- ore an indlence. Ur. adami. In ibe ooaraa or Ibe pleoe. danced Ibe Baltor'a Homptpe," Inlrodao ng many new original tUpa, wbkih wu ealbotlialloaiiy encored. Tbe remaining ehiraolera were ably analainad by Maeara, Oiilio, Plerton, Booti, Banell, Fuber, aiorer, Colllu, Boey, HsUory, Orabam, and Lewis. Tbe ladlu, Httea Wat- ion and Laiih. were blgbly oomBeodabla la their readlUona of Soaaa and Dolly U«} flower. Afier tbe flrat piece Hlises Haggle lelgb aad CTneU dsBCtd a polka, wbish wu waU rccelTed. Tbe play of Ibe •• Idiot Wllaeu " met with a tilr reeeplloo, allbouh II (tiled to pan off ao imoibly u tbe for- mer. Ur. Uailory, u G'lberl, wu ftlr Tbe geatlemaa ibeald be more oarefal In bla dreu, tbe one be wore on tbia oceulon being ralbar ont or pi ia«, Mr. Plerton enacted the part of Panl tecmlngly wall, albell we obterred lereral riolia allandiog the rendiUoa. Hr. Utoialey abonld BTold " rant " In apaeeb, It la an erronaoas Idea wllb many amalanra Ibat. le became a great aolor, one mail posaen aa eitnoidlnary amnant or ■■ iQBga," Ibat be may roar ont lo a man- ner becoming a alasgblared bull. At some other lime we win glr e a few remarks on Ibis siijsct. Hr, Jobnalon wu erediuble In tbe par 1 of Bobert, yet ho soled m a alyle lomewbal forelin lo Ibe nb Hiu Walaoo appeared ai WaiU>r Arl ogioa, dolag Ibe rote wlUi ib arllalla Salab; Aer euilie up on IMi mooitoi icoi CBcd'enC Haggle Nelaon, a wall'kBowa fsTorlie, appeared as IMoa tugaoali, one of her oboioeit ebuulers. UUa Eilotr alao appeared. Tbe playor"Bomkaatai Forloao " concluded the enlartalnment. Hetars. Barnalt, Flaber and Bcoil, doing their pult with eclat. Uln Leigh u DuttOna wu ner- llorloos. Tnis club Is worthy in every rapeel of the genilemia wboae name n beara, and we oongralalate Ur. DaToaport that be la honored by ao lalanlea and ule^med a bony af yoong men, CiiD.— Vb. Fonos : In tbe CuFm of Joly SI, yoo answer Pblla- adalpnltn," tbat " There wu dramulo uiodau.-Mi In Ibis olly organ- ized indrr tbe nima of Ibe B. A. Peny. We bellere U la now mown u Ibe Uelropolllan." Allow me lo give yog a few parllcalara about tbit olab. They were organized nnder Ibe name or H. A. Perry, bnt Ibe Empire club Jobied wiih Ibem nnder tbe coadiilose tbat Ihe name wu lo be cbinged. Some of Ihe Empire membe'ra paid In ibelr dnea, ud all oeuldered IbemselTU membara of Ibe B. A. Perry. Neii meeting night the Prealdent, Hr. Bagley, wu abaent: a ohalrmin wu appointed, and It wu moved and carried that Uie dab iboald be known u Ibe Hetropolltan. Next meeting nigbl Hr. Bigiey allended, ud lafoimed ns thu Ihe olab wu still tbe U. A. Perry, and Ibit no member of the Empire wis a member or tba B, A. Ferry. Upon wblcb t • beallh and aafcly i • • Of the eawSl draBatIo itoolatloBt In town Ihare are joje ni'gbt ba endangered by enah a aUU. One Bifaeia, «ta an, M that duerve DiiUotlar multo . except the " Bbakipeare." which, need repeatedly , aad with ooaOdenca. Tb ey cm be esat bypsat (s^ on^b??IS.J5?of Hr. Leas?! bweSI, oB Jolj », wu amlaoaOy oare from obNiVatlca) aay whara la the OalM Butaa or (kaada, U iSeXuasOT. £• a'airi isths putomlmUl »» »M f «oat vsrv strui. InTariaWy giva ttllafaoltoa. aal a^ BuSet ««ai;e"bnl. dirtoi bla lelaar^ wiala la the BaaageeoaBt af erVs par dB>n>» « I or as per aoseo. utii er aaaiw, ua- iiii.rB ■j«i.o«jiw»» SyuiSSuM • • • SSttt aompion, the low eomediaa, la be ecMtlied eoaldaatlally OB all oemplalalt,) No. 6 OmUmmr, ue asaawwo. ..^ a'e • The "ahow bBitoaa"la allNewTork. " *" ratllcatlsg In Carrol Co., Hd. low abb In oor oily, , , „„ The Obrlaty UUiiireli, la Londoa, aeem lo tooreua SBNEBAIi 8UHHABT. Cbuley Thome and his oompuy ware glrlsg a series of perform' encis al Uelodoon Hall, Uarenaoilh Qly, E. T., forthe beneSlor Ibe tulTtrera by Ihe reoent ooofltgralton Ihera. The third entertaln- menl for this pnrpcae wu given on Ibe aiib nit The allendanoe at tbeu praluworlby onlertalnmrala bid not been first-rate. Spuk- Ing or the ootfligrallon It la laid tbal liut Lunna, Btalea Iilud, .M HOW TO WIN AT CABDll SBHD TO flOWABD H, OBAVIB, BOSTON FOIT OTmi, TOVB addren, aad two red alanpa, ud he wlU lalm yot al a ta« maUiod of wbahic al a U the varlaos ismat. 1M> flAHB CBICKBNB FOB lALB. BALTWOTIE OOUKTERFntI BALTIHOHB WP;N01VHA08m. lowB Tartars, MlUborgh Bed Domlalcka. IS M toMjif aadj^ lai, aU warraalad to ba dead nm*. Ordmt addraMd i« Wlp 1L. -"DfEB, Weal ^ulaf,0bularQ>onty,fa.,Bi«»8,PO. IMsi rANOT PieSONB rOB lALB, Or TBE FOLLOWING DirTERENT SINOB: FAN TAILIb OBOP- psrs, Oarrlefs, Tarblts, Saalla, Silver Bhoola, Tsmhleit, Tnm- peters. HtgBla,Itosgh.Beeks.t)aakers, tnd SwtUowt. VarptrUaalM addrau TBOd. BIABS, Post OOat, Fblladelphlt, Tk IS-lt FOR TVfBNTT-FlTB OBN#l I WILL BEND THE FOLLOWINB OELEBBATED BraFBllOI mtklsg the Tukee Writlsg Fluid ; SUvar PUUM Fiald ; Aitllalal PiDOT Aio Vint.— The Bght between Bobertt' dog Paddy ud tho Docior'a dog Tiper, 88 Iba. eub,for SSOO a aide, oamsolfuiha hoaoe or Ur. Huu, Baniom atreet, btlcw Eighth, Philadelphia, on Taeaday, aiUi all. Paddy wu trained by John HurloU, of this olly, ud Ibis mslah bsi oreaird coneldersble taitemt among the oulne faaden of Phlladelpbia ud New Tork. It proved a complete dInppolBtmant to THB TORB HOVBB, NTAOE, ROOELANO COUNTT.— TBE 8I7B30RIBEB IbUy bivitu the aUutlaa of Uia pabllo ta tbe above hotel. Ihe match for tltiO a aide, between Ibe Imported dog Buliet, ewneJ by ffullam Barnea, /otberwlaa Wm. Dannlng ) and Levi HoorbooM'a dog Bock, took place In Oonnor'a pit, SouUi ud BchaylUII, Fblladel. pbla.' Hr. Barnes hand ed bis own dog, ud, ror tbe Ont twenty minules, never gave Ibe other dog a chuoe, allhoogh wlibont poa- lihlng blm. ■ Altar ibia. Bock begu lo put II bito Bullet ratberatroog, and at ihe end or Ibrty mlnntea, Ballet begu lo aqaeal. Oa Bullet'a aecnnd acntcb,hla owner had lo rilrly throw htm to tbe aoratoh.uJ on tbe third be wu thrown fully Are feet Olalmi wonld have iMai mide for Ibis, bat uolatmi leldom prodaoe alakea, tbe Bgbl went OB, Rook evldenily winning e^lly, wblob be did U one boor ud five minnus. DBg VBHV| viU I Wlwaa vuiaraa waav mrwm wm *mt mi — »™ To eontrlbnis to the tmuemrat of his natroas, the aabsoribsr I Jut opened a weU arraaged aUUle allay, apwli,j II F, 0. DiTOB, Preprtslor. ■ANBOM STREET BOVSB, SANSOH BTBEEr, BELOW EIBBTB, FBILABILPHIA. By JOHN HOBS, FoTBerly proprMor of'lhe OLD BELL T ATBBN, la Eighth itraet, belaw aesBSt ' Be would retpoelfany Isv'ls his old friends ud niroat, sb4 r pnblle generally, to eaU and aea blm, wnare Ibey will Bad lha irOIT BKAi>r, StrpBE BOWEB'8 HANOAI., AND BOAT CLUB BBHRIB," BT X J. D. a rDtHAN) prepared nnder tbe aaparvMoa ct BIB FBBN B0BEBT8. hu,, Praldeai of lha Implre Oty BsnttaOlat', tea. lama two bandrad pages, lima. It Is lha only beak ef tba klad e — IZliZ "Mt^-J, '.i, WhtK^kSM prllUV^oS.X^"i,Sfu,rwruru,'BamhercrH,U. U *^'^^^l^.» X'fc*B»l«g.' oballe.g. m U.t week'. Currsa, I " »OWBR.B BIARDAl." and wUI Bgbl mr red dog Ulngo, at 30K l>>s.| agabial Jeoalnga' lOM Ib. dog, fbr f ICO a ald^ to Sgbt la four 4eaka from the Bnt depoiii, and toaa for tbe cboloe of pitoe or Sibling. A match In both the above ^i ti can he made tbrongh Ibe oolomne of tbe CurrsB' J, B, Rooai, Ne. 140 Cburoh alreel. New York. , . , TBxaa Douua BawisD -Lost, ob Ihe m July, a blwh and tea | pabitolisd Is Ibis oounlw, aod o^ dog, weighing about SO Iba. ; sniwara to Ibe name of Ortepe: had oa maiton lo the membef* «- Boat daha ud Rowers gaaaiau;. a onaln cellar, with the owner'a name on II. Whoever wl I retoni ** ' hlmioiS'Bowery will receive Ihe above reward, ud aa qoeallaos ukod. Oao. P. WosDsi. Ckiuxsos— I have a S7lb. dog Ihit I will Bght agalutaoy dog of tbat weight In tbe Stales, for SlOO a ilde ; aUo, a SSlb. dog ror ISO ; a SSKIb. ror S60, and48lb, ror SiO. I will matob my Ibree legged alut Huilo, KHibB , agilosl uy crippled dog or alut m the coonlry, rur $100 a eidp, of Ibat welsbt;or I will match her agalnat any 18^ dog or alut fbr SlOO aalde, If they will give me one pooad for a brotea leg. A match can lie made al aay time, for any of tbeu doge, at 166 First Avenna, or through the Curraa. Jahb MoLioaBin. Spostdo J. UcLaugblln will give a grand nigbt'e sport to Ihe sporllog meii of New kurk aod Broollyn, on Tbondiy evening, Aug. i ^i-iV VreiiMt book of Ibe'aaa. Tn Uiaaiioa Bid. or. Wiadto 6lh, 1818 There will be /our hindiome rooght for o* Ihil g*J jyj^M by tte TmS^ alglv Ufa dog. being pilled according t^J^Z^^,'^^,":^'^^ «K mttrtoo?lSrd;ito?orT^^ briS!groom « lbs m 3 forgeollenuinlotry IholrgmeiWot^T^^^^^ Oonlalnhig baUof vital ImporUnea to Ibe muiM aai !;?.?L'„Vlf,t„H uS^n^i? iM 1^^ nnmarfted. wlU> practical remarka oaTla proper sausas » howto forgot tbo 8ib of Auguit, J. HoLanghUa, 165 FUat Avenue. ^ ^^^^ ■ myaterlea of gaaeratlon ; caum ud ear* of tissll- SuSHsa Barry Jennings hu milehsd bis newly Imported dog. I |u • tbnie aad ecoacmy of the generaUve orgua ; ellecis at axew Pluher, agaifiil ' BUI Boilomley'a op lown dog, neither dog lo exceed I if « lodolgenoe ; coueqaiDces or total absUneaoa rrom dolUeB, ala. SBIbs., for tlOO a aide, to some olf at Harry Jeinloga', on Tieaday I DlictoaUig teorela ud binia lo lovera, hoabudt tad wives, wsitk evenlDg, Angnat 24. Si6 a side Isdown la Ibe buds or Jscob Booaie, I knowlog*. Illuttrated with ilx colored engravings, prioled (ran ttsM . Blsles, neatly ud htadiomely boond, Price flfly oeott, A ocBpealoa to the above. Wcmu's Foim, oa, Flwu BiAiflHl, belagaoompletsutlytli ud deiorlptlcn of every pul of womaa'a form, ud abowlng bar perrecl captdllea lorlhaparpcaeeof lova. pi^ dreatlve datlea ud bapplueu. Illaslraled with Ave beaallfhl eswroi ...... I. ■ pictuiaa of Ihe moat perfrcl female Ibrms. OoBlahilig aatrlr W 7*!!^J!y r I Dsgee of readlsg, handsomely sad neatly bcBBd. ' Vi" '^HS^ ^rloe oaly SO eaols, Ooplea milled to uy ptrl of lha UsMs* I ud 8 o clook. I ^ ouitdt, poat-pald, on receipt of Ibe priee. Addrau ^BOUAS nmiUBy. n«Mral Pfrehuln^ Aweanr. The price Is ONE DOLLAR. All orders sut lo 4. D. B. 1 ^ Berald oBce, New Tork; Blephn Roberla, 888 Booth strtsL N«w Tork: or to ike offloe or the Mew Tork CUnaa, will ba BttaaMd Is. capias may be obtained by appUcallon al thu oDoa. IS TWO OREAT rNOT TBE GREATSar BOOBB ETBB OIEERED TO THE BBAD- J ..... and I pigeai dreia (elibar by mall or aipreu) Ibroogheal Ihe Called I Canadu, free of poatage, on receipt of the price. BIX oolored plalaa ud 880 pagea of reading, for SO aula I Bay tat r NOT THE OHBATKfT BUUBB BVBH uriuiiKD iu TUB naao- hig poblic t Eleven oolored esgravlngt, printed (torn atsel pMt^ 1 roor hundred peges or readlsg matter, fbr f I, or two hiadfta [ca ofrudlog ud alx colored plaiea, rbr SO oants. Beat lo aay sA- iia faliber hr mall or aspreu) Ibrooiheal Ihe Called BUIsa Sr wbo Is Ibe Anal stskabolder. JiooB Rooks hu Dulcbqd bis red dog Ulogo agahist Barry Jsa* ninga' red ud while dog Spot, for tlOO a aide, M lake pliie oa Tau- day aflemoon, Anguit 81, helween 2 ud 8 o'clock. Tbe dogs are confined lo 20K pounde weight, Joein Hoara bu milobed his slot Pet ta klO 100 large she rals Id one boar, for 160 a aide, to eome olT at Jacob Booau'a, r " aUeet, oo TBmday arteraooa, Aog oil 10, betweaa 2 and The alut to be budlad by Bury Joulags. now be thonght very tedlons. Then hooks and newspa- pers were not so abandant as they are now. Then the theatre was tbe mostavallable medinn fordlffoslng know- ledge. Then people were wllllog to sit Sve or sU hoars to see a play. Tbey made It a serlons matter— they went to gali^ knowledge as well aa amosement— they took their note boohs with the'm to noto down all tbe good thbgs in .the plays, for plays then were nearly what newspapers, bonks, eermoos, and lecturesare now. Hence, tbrongh all ol Sbakeapeare's plays, instances abound where he has ap- parently forgotton the plot altogether for the sake of In- trodndog the brilliant thonghta which alone have render- ed blm famooB. Now, every great thibg ever altered by Shakespeare oan be read dallv In the Jonrnals, the novels, the magazines, tbat flood oor parlors. To write a good play nowadays. It Is deemed ueoessary to have bat on« plot, and that straightforward, simple and Interesting; conveying some nseful lesson. le Is allomtble for an au- thor to interleave with bis plot the great thonghte and maxims that aoggest themselves, provided he does not mattriaUy digress from the main enbject to introdnce them. There are pTete enough In one of Shakespsare'a plays to make five good aoting plays of the present day. Soaroe- ly any of ob bnt has seen a country elore where were sold Hardivare, Drogs, Diy Goods, Grcoerles and Lnmber. Bat when progress. Improvement, and enterprlEe march Into the region of that country store, it Immediately de- velopes Into Ave coontry etores, and the different branch- es of trade are ssparated, yet the proprietor Is not aeons- ed of sacrllsge. May not the plays of Shakespeare be likened to these old stores t Th; nnprononoceable words and corkscrew sentences may be called Hardware, the doQblfnl,.and the vnlgar sdnunoes may be oalled Drags, tbe sermons and essays, the Dry Goods, the ploU the Lumber, and those noarlshing maxims and Ideu so ne- cessary to loteUecinal life may be oalled the Orooerlea ▲U good, all beneflolal In their way. For the oloset, vie: lor reading, I wonld decidedly prefer a simple aod pure copy ol Bbakespaare (If it were possible to proonre snob) wllboat emendatlSos or alterations. For than I oould appreciate (wlibont aid) whatever was plain or under- standable, aod I oonld let pass withont any nreat exoItC' ment or mental worry all those passsgsB thatlooked mys- terious or too severely claisloal to be oomprebended by any ordinary msn. Being satlsflad that there Is no snoh thing aa a oopy of Shakespeare pore, I am wIlllDg to accept the edition that comes tbe nearest to It, and to give Shakespeare credit for whatever seems good: and to alttlbate to interpola- tors whatever appeare rldionlooa. And while I take tbe liberty (at the risk of being oalled egotistical) to assert tbat no man worships genlos more thskO I do, that no man has a greater love of «he beantUui, that no man deteste meddlers more than I do, yet I leel it to be tbe height of lolly and absordltv to grow entbuslaatlo over typogra- phical errors and blunders which Shakespeare never com- muted, but whioh are attrlboted to him, and henoe view- ed with great reverence by many of our old iogy actors. I caimot restrain from lepeatbg in this oonneilon the very old anecdoto of the serenaders who stoppsd before a large, fine, old mansloo, and played many sveet tunes, alter which they were ioforffled by tbe uight watobman that " no&oi^ lived Ihoe now." This fs so applicable to our old gentlemen, who, if Shakespeare had written this line II TruUi Is mighty ud wUl prevail," wonld have seen ncthlpg worth especial notice; bnt If the blundering copyist had otused the line to be pnnted thus Troth Is aaaghly aad wUl retail;'' they would have been exceedingly profonnd In their emendations; they woald have proved logically what the Immortal btrd meant by <* naughty" and " retail;" they wonld have jpabltshed chapters to show that a line wblcn In I'self Is ridiculous was beaatlful, aubllme, &c. The greater a inan's lore Is for the labllme, the keenec Is big perception of the ridlcnious, which proves that many of these Shakespeilan scholars, bookworaa, anti- quarians, aod old fogies, havs a very limited faculty for appreciating the beantlfnl, loasmnob sa they are ever ecstatlo, raptnrona, over the simply rldlonlons, and Uielr lives are pssied In poring over musty books and parch' menu, for the mere purpose, perhaps, of aeU aggrandise- ment, or the solving of aone problem of no aeconnt to hu- manity. Tbey neglect the beantUbl of today A-they eee nothing In the glorious enterprises that are dally pro- jected, to enlist their. atteDtloo; tbey look lul to the/u- liirs, but to the past, and find thsir blazon In their ancestfy. I do not wish to o«npy too moch of yonr spaoe, there- fore I cannot say all that might be aald In asawerto those who condemn the new version; but who condemn tt wlibont otfdnng oru gcod ruun^ If any aab, I care not who, will show me one good reason why my weraioa should not be played, I will born every copy that I can tni.Mi when I em wrong, I am always anxious to be rlghteo, I offered the condensation oi HamleL not thinking it to be a woodrons nndsrtakhig, or st all deserrlog of owUdt^ comment, bat merely as a step in the march of progrsaL' and ons sdspted to the wants of the age we Urie u. I,^ fancied (and still fancy) that the best way. for sn Bototi j to honor Sbakeepeare, and to perpetaato hu oasM In tit* theatre, wonld be so to arrange and modify his plays that : thev might always be attraoUre and InstniotiTe « plan. There are trifling errors in the three aot place, which ''■ any competent stoge manager will discover and oorreot at rehearsal I have " cnt oat" many llae things whlob ' no one oan appreciate more than I do, bat therarefw- eign to the main plot, and their absence wonla not ren- ' der the pUy less Interesting (I have left enough to keep buay the brains of any theatre-goer who Beeks butniy tlon), andtbe stadsntof Bhakespeaire can better relub those portions, alone in hia atndy. The stcdent will find In Hamlet, leotores, erltlqaes, sermons, essavs, and d^ ■■ bales, to ponder over In his closet, bat the tneatie-goar looks for aoilon— he seeks tbe play, the drama. I do not wish ever to criticise Shakespeare— I tmsi tbat I shall never Insult bis memory or detraotfrombls gsnlu ' He left OS bis plays (or our benefit, he gave as (for our ^ nse) great maEuns, brilliant thonghta, pare poetry, moni , lessons, all of which it is our datv to dlsssDlflaw InilM, ^ way tbat wonld be prodactlve of the greatest gooMQ mankind, and thereby honor effeclnally tbepas^ pw.^ memory of the immortal bard. BespeotfoUy yopift „ * .... ffAwrn'OAT. . :< Oswego, Joly 26, 18Aa Novel SBOomo Hatch.— Ritlb vs.. FDMjLr-OMk John Travla is dstermlned to keep the peop}VaMtatsbed wild Us ate of the pistol, HsvfngabandtaedlilaMstot ahodttng oranges from a Uvhig boy 'sheid, M has resolvM upon showing his skill In a manner no MM wonder/UL If not so dangarons. He bse made tip b' shooHng Batch ' with J. J. Bieoklnridgs. ofKentacfy, Upon the followlDg. ; terms :— Breoklnrldge u to shoot hu rISe at a dUtanoe n i 200 yards, offhand, at a target, 30 ebota. Travis If to shoot Ihe plitol made by lIcrMA James (abeaaUf)d'tiU>,.i tol, wbloh we have befoM OMCrlbed) a distance of 100 h yards with a rest, the saooaamber of sholo. TheboUM ' holes in the target are then to be measared ttm tbe oisntiKi with a string, and the nanber neareet to the oentn^wt to determbe thjl iflmer. His shots will bf made st tUlBr, Oakland Bace OiltirH; near Lonlsvllle, K/., on tHi flnk oir October next. 1128 NEW YORK CLIPPER LATEST SPORTS ABROAD. thm JUl'tHfH» Mm, /tiflL. I THI niNQ. TieBIS f 0 OOMI. WfUtti 1»W tad Mpr OnUbitj-UO • iMt, Lndoa. . r, M.wMoUa ud BaI«T-£tt • tlda, Undoo. t.:vH.-J4MhaBdBaUiTW-itOI» fljpiir/Bnd hard hitter. Ba7ll6fiaoUve,bntwItboatthe Init aelaDee or taot. Id the third ronnd Fleet planted a fteavT left-hander over the right eye, catttoa the tkin and 4RinarjMl bteod, BajIIi retnmed allgbtlj oil Fleet's aMTgo'l down. Jn the 28d roand Fleet racceeded In ■uUng tne kaeA-dem Noa by another epuikbg left- aaader on thedde of the aobi After the llret qaarter of ^hfu tay odds were offered on Fleet—no takers. ' His mtmat s^le gaTe Baylls no chance, and the latter nln* MMy tesortea to the dropping system. Bnt It wee ap- jpveat to all that he had no chance of winning, for Fleet u 9fery ronnd was on him, whilst hie retnms were of so *ttt'k natoVe as to leaTO no mark behind; and his phU l^aile showed seTcre pnnlshment They fonght 43 _ IMS, and In the last Fleet planted a rattler on the right 4*w« which sent his man to jmis, and apon time beug 'OaUed Baylla d(d not bear. Fleet was therefore declared tteiwlnner la 47 minutes, thi ring was'well kept: and m hhTO also the aatlsfiutlon to state that all was oon- 4i^ted In a qntet and orderly way. The Lin ^on fob tbi CHUinoNaaiF.— The battle )« fo^ iUS event ii to be handed to Bayers at hU pt iM^th^ yiotoria Tlmtre, on Toeedav week, when, iMdltloaito theOhamplon's belt; his Mends Intend to vteaoit hlni^wlth Tom Oribb's belt andcap. Paddock' no •aotfM^-wllI bb present, and we hope and tnst so brave a fioxer will not be forgotten; It mnst be recolleoted that lM his left off > loMr; and that aa there Is no chance of bis ^tin entering the P. B., the pnbllo wiU to the ntmoet of i^.powei assist In establishing Urn In some baslneas to — I a livelihood. havlns undergone preparation for this event In the vlol- nl^ arObalford,theablre. Lorell laastoat-baUt ytaog man, and waa mnoh too fleshy for the task. The betting, wbloh opened at 6 to 6 on the Qerman Ltd, closed at 2 to 1 on nlm, and a oonstdertble sum wu invested Kr. Holden having taken his position as referee, the ocmpe- tltors proceeded to the mark, Lovell havbg hit oppo- nent on his right. No time was lost, a tolerably even start being effected, bnt before they bad run for many yards the favorite came In front, Lovell, to all appear- anoe, never poeeesalng a chance. The Oeman Lad S lined noon blm almost at everr stride, and onpiitlog a Stana he was at least half a aoisn yards tdviance, and here Lovell, seeing the race waa over gave np the contest. Basnij INS Giobob Bbown's Novioi.— A match has Iwen nade between Bob Brettle and George Brown's Noyloe to fight at lOst 21b, for £100 a side, on the 21st of September withhi 100 miles of London. Alec Eeene, who Is stakeholder, has (eoelved the first deposit of £2S a side, andithe next, of £10 a aide, is to be made at bob Brettle'f White Lion, Dlgbetb, on Taesday week. The men are to gto scale at George Brown's, BaU, Bed Lion Market, twees twelve and fbar the day before fighting. Brettle waauxlooi to make ibe natch for £200 or ££00, bnt the NtivlM cdnid not rain cmh an amondt. Lthcr in> BoLuviH.— Another deposit of £t to £2 lOs for this match wu made on Taesday. ■,FoBvn».— Ned Donnelley having forfeited to Trav- fgt, Bob is now open to a tteBn engagement, and Madden tevioB^ Btated that he ahall not die happy nntU he has hlffl hi' the ring. Bob, sooner th^ be a bar to Hike's ftapploen, will give hhn the first chance, and fltdit him at lOn. 41b., In three months' time, for £100 a mde. Bob waning boslnesa hopes IDke will olose with this offer, or to ever else be ^ent < PEDE8TRIANI8M. .''f rn Oi'IlO tme.— At the SaUotd Borongh Gardens, ^tllO 9th of Jaly, the various approaches leading to WWe :well-iBown' gronnds presented this afternoon a eome of bustle worlbv of the most palmy days of pedes- Miliifm; pi>ny vehM numbers of foot Mi^geits,' thronging Begent-road, and the " rail" was •lao eKtensIvely patronised. On car arflval within the 4iielosDrewe''foanda large conooorse of persons assem- Vted, upwards of ajOOO visitors being preseat, many of whom had travelled ccnalderable distances, and most of the pedeetrlan*lovIng portion of the Manchester public MM op'the grouod. ' The event wbloh has caused snob Q]^. Booth of Newton Heath, SO yards, ^ Geimi. Btakbg £16 to £10, at Oopenhagen S*^?*" ?>»«e8ter; HTA. Heed of London lOO yards, «w £26 aside vflaifo'rf; J. Booth of Newton Heatli, 120 yttai, in ^h, at Oopenhagen Grounds; and bis last woe WM this altCioon, when he oasUy defeated Lovell nf LoDdon In a coCgt for £28 aside. We kave'thns named tWsi..two of his engagements, of which be baa won no leat?™ eighteen; not bad work for a , Ti«i n4 whose stature la only 811 ZIn 1 Shprtty before fl^plgij^ ckman Lad ' bla.tralner, Kenvon, wBmuKo AT HAoxmr wiox. The nnexanpled snooess attendant upon the celebra- tion of the recent sports of wrestling— Justly said— by the late Pierce Egu, to be the oldest m existence, at Mr. James Banm's, the white Lion Inn, Haokney Vlok, in- duced the spirited proprietor of that estabilshDent to Issue an extended programme for^lay In the Oumberland, Westmorelaud, Oomuh, and Devon s^lei, with the reward ot good prlcea to the winner thereof: and oertain other complimentary and pecuniary consfderatlons to second andrthlrd Lest men, "doable playen," and " standards." The sports wtre extended over a perlsd o( five days, (although, through unavoidable ouQum- etances, not consecutive ones,) and terminated on Mon- day last Never wu a gatherlog of athlels more Inter- esting In all Its bearings ; and with fine weather and a constant repetition of highly respectable oompany, the sports ptswd off with an alat which refleots nuob crtdlt on the worthy host. It is not our Intention, for want of space, to enter Into full ptrtloalarB''of eaoh display of skill and science ; and we ^hall confine onrselves to a brief recapltalation of the entire proceedloga. We shall first turn our attentfon to the (JumberlAod and Westmoreland transactions, light weights, nnder lost ; judBes,*M;es8r8. Bobbhis and Hetheringlon ; re- feree, Mr. Leggett LioHt WxioHiB.— First round: J. Jackson threw T. Barnes^ by swinging hype ; J. Sanders (Penrith) threw T. Barker, by the. hank; J. Newman threw T. Watts, ollok; A. Moore threw J. Tiffyn, oross-battcok ; J. Thompson (8rd Grenadier Guards) threw J. Bell, swing- ing bype. Second round two falls : A. Moore threw Jackson twice in succession, by Inside click; J. Thompson threw Newman, snlnglog.bype and cross heave ; Sanders odd man. Third round, two falls : A. Moore threw J, Banders, swing and Inside heel ; Thompson ,odd man. Final round :< Thompson threw Sanders. Betting 2 to 1 on Thompson. Thrown by the cross-buttock. Thompson thus received the first prize of £10, Moore £6 u second beat man, and Bandera £2 for third. Haivr WnoHn.— J. Thompson threw Elliott, cross- bnttook ; J. Francis threw J. Atkinson, Inside hank ; Hetherlngton threw Barker, latter gave bis back :" A. Moore threw T. Banders; cross-buttock; P. Bobinson threw T. Watts, swinging bype ; J. Wilkinson threw 0. Thompson, latter gave a " back ;" Blrkett threw Barnes, gave the "back :'~ J. Jackson threw Newman, gave the •I back ;" J. Smith threw Tiffyn, swlnDlng bype. Second round : Smith threw Blrkett, click ; Hetnerloiton threw T. Bobinson, orois-bnttock ; Bnnsklll threw ThompeoD, oUok ; J. Francis threw A. Moore ; Wilkinson odd man. Third ronnd, two falls: Hetherlngton threw WllUnson, Bwinging hype, hank; Bmnskill threw Stands, avlnglng bype, gave a "back;" J. Smith odd inan. Final round: Hetherlngton threw Smith, swinging click; Hethsrbgton threw BruDsklll, twlos by the swing. Hetherlngton, (who likewise won the Heavy Weight Ob^mplon Prize at the Cumberland and Westmoreland Society's meeting on Good Friday,) now gialned the fitet pnae of £10, Branskiil got £6 for second, and Smith £2 for third. The second and third days were occupied In making " standards," and on the fourth the double-play com- menced. Tuoker first threw Oammlng, alter an hour's play; Blokle threw Beecombe; T. Bartley conquered W. Buokland, and Thompeon Dyer, by the orass-battock. In forty-three minutes. Slade threw Bond In an hour and a quarter, the former being the favorite and weighing list. BIckle, (who won thirteen prizes lut year,) next oame to face Beaoombe. The former exhibited most play, while strength seemed more the demonstrative principle of the latter. Both are noted men ; eventaally BloUe.galned the falL after a long bout of one hoor'and forty-five mioates. S. Bucknell then overcame Morgan two tiUa by the hip ; and Dyer sncnmbed to Thompson. Bartley, (who won the Ohamplon's Belt at the Breoknook Arms, June 4, 1849,) next threw Thompson (Grenadier Guards) by the heel ; Tucker wu also vanqolshed by Blokle. TnoN remaining at the end of the day were T. Bartley, Taoker, Bucknell, Slade, and G. Blokle. Mr. Hake, of Old Ford, Ylctorla Park, was referee ; and the umpires Mr. James Trescott, and Mr. Books, of the Jolly OaulkerS, Deptford road, Botherhltbe ; aatisted by 8. Stears, Ship Inn, Ivy lane, Newgate Market. The sporu termbiated on Monday under the moat fiivor- able auspices, and the most dextrous and noted Oumbrlan Weetmoreluid, Ocmlth, and Devon athletee have lllnstra ted the different oppoaltlon styles of their req>eotlve counties, and the same bebg so well underatocd by our eportlng readers, we shall abstain from allndlng to them. The premier light weight priae for men under lOst In the Oumberland and Westmoreland mode of standing or fall- ing wu awarded to J. Thompson, of the Grenadier OnardSt Sanders, of Penrith, taking the second, and A. Hoore the third. The first heavy weight prize (ISat) fell to Heth- erbgton, the present cnamplon player, the second to Brun- ekll^ and the third to T. Barker. Play oonmsnced at three o'clock to decide prizes for the Oornwall and De- ronddre wrestlers, the sports being then resumed with much spirit of emulation. Some of the moat scientific points of the putlme were exhibited, at wbloh the specta- tors testified frequent approbation. Those remaining In were T. Bartley, G. BlcUe, J. Slade, T. Bnoknell, and Tucker. Greater interest than ever wu evinced In these final issues, before a highly respectable company. Blade and Bucknell played for nearly two hours and a haU; when they tossed for " the back," which was won by the former. Blokle threw Taoker " two hips and a shoulder," according to the decision of the three offlciala. Blade and Bartley next came together, Blokle being odd man, Bartley wu the ikvorlte at 2 to 1, u Slade had snob e long bout just previously. Bartley tried some oboloe play, but he found a wl^ adversuy in his opponent At length the latter wu thrown by the cross-heave, and this brought Bartley and BIckle to handy grips. Thsre wu a very abort struggle between them for the first prize of $10, wbloh UVL to Bartley by the fall heel. The eecond Srlze ot £6 wu awarded to .BIckle, and £3 u third fell ) the lot of Blade. Handsome douoenrs were also given to " double players," Tucker and Bucknell, and liki ' •< standards," whose names we have already pubM our colqmns. This bteresUng felt thus ended ln¥i satisfactory manner. The prizes for "fallen man? thus decided :— Gumming threw Morgan, Besoombothiew both W. Baoknell and Oammlng. Beecombe matched for a £60 slake to wtestle Slade, two back falls out of thne, hi a month's time. _ desperate resistance when attacked by dogs. There ware five more cubs In the hoM, one of which wu caught In • trap on Sunday morning week, and la now at Pont- vane. The men dug 40 yards into the grcosd belore the animals could be found.— [Hereford JonmaL BACING FIZTUBES IN ENGLAND FOB 1868. JULT. FODkftuI II Womritr Bummer S I KoUlD|bia W NawBvket Joif ,. e | Unrpool U | Oocdwoed 31 AUaOBT. Rlpea siUwts eiTork U Nortb SUStedihlM 8 1 Wolmluaploa ... 9 1 Hirabrd « BrlflilOB « I Bea dlBi | Bteeklon M Derb7. 1 1 LelOMMr 991 KoithAUutoa SO Wtnrltk 1] ltiaoh«M>r Atit>ma94 1 .IslNewaArM r.0..ia| OOIOBER, . S|M«watrHtao...U|Ka«iiitikn.U Cbestar Aalama. vabered the donrte acooS, wu soon followed b^^i^^^^j, attended by Harry Beed ttoQeraao two ot thA of Us metropolitan fWends, appearlnl^^ elfcoUfint condition, he EZTBAOBDIKIBT FlOHT WTTH BAOOIBa.— A few davi since the gamekeeper and ooscbman of Mr. Thomas Lie welly n, oiFontvane, were in search of seme oubi for Mr. Powell, of Maesgynne. On entwing Gam Wood, one of the dogs, a tetrler, msde a onlok bolt Into a bole; after being there some hours, the men oommenoed digging for the dog, which wu contlnned'for jipwards of a week, when the poor animal wu found aeid,' together with two badgers, a tmf, and a sow, one on each side of the dog, dead. This boar weighed 861b., the sow 801b., ud the dog 801b. There must bave been a tremendous confllot be< twees the terrier and thes^ fercolcos animals, who make lia TSN BBOIOK'8 STABLE IN KKQLAND. NuMi d iDiUih lumi la Itillci. JnTlT..a«odwood. UnalBtakM. H4ir«mlle, Woodbsm. 2S..Qoodwood. Dra«la(Boom sukei. One mUeandaiBir- ter. ■' £4St* te..aoodwood. Moltoemb Blakas. Thne qurteis of a mile, Bonila, as..aoodwood. Gotdiroed Cap. Two mllM aad a lull. ObulesUo iBd PrlsreM. Aca. d..Brl|btoa. Briibloa BUksi, TwomDo. Aartartfy. 8,.WoTT— Mlily Horn, 1; Frlnotii Boytl, X LIVERPOOL JOLT MBET1NO-WB0NE3DAT, JULT It. Crozlatb Blikai— Fubarntn wtlked OTar. Mariay Bttkea-on 1 ; Awtal 9. Bttb Wtkea-Btsa Onlotlaa I; Sbamrock 9. BtntlBCk TeatlmoBltl— Hular fintot 1; Qoabotl X Eaowlaaly Fltta-Pato 1; TarriOoS. Nonary Fltte— Btrt Arli 1; Solomon X TBUBBDAT. £100 Budlotp Fltla— Ltdy KligiiOB 1| Btbylon 9. Llrarpool Oa^BtuWtx 0 1 ; Jallt X Bwaaptttket of U iort. eteb— lara AtIi 1 ; Blaokham 3. Qaeaa'sOalBtM— FUhemta walked orar. Btadlotp Swaepatikas— Hra. Stowa 1; Tba Dear 9. £10 Btadlotp Fltta-Ainred l^Waa WUUaS. TEE LITTLE FIFER, A THEATRICAL R E M I N 1 8 O E NO E. Pum m Btck tf a Bdint PromiUr. vainn roi m nw Toai duma, BT J. 0. FOfB. DtiBiKa the winter season of the year IB—, when en- gaged u " prompter" at the Detroit theatre, I had become on terms of lotlmaoy with a spruce Ittle fellow char- acteristically known u "Johnny, the little fifer," who harbored In his breut a particular aversion to the stage mi Its adherents; hotwlthstandlng, I wu his bosom Hend. From sbhool boy days. Johnny wu anti-dramatio In his opinions, and verily believed that the greater part of the "stage people" were open teachers of evll;and, conBcqnentJy, never would allow his ezqnisite, though dlmlnntlve form, to grwe the interior of a play house. Aware of bis aversion towards those of my profession, I formed a determination, that, through me, he should visit the theatre. I wu not long In forming a plan, i^hereby to secure tiie desired effect. The patrlotio horse drama of "Putnam," the delight of JnvenllM and verdant countrymen, wu announced for representation, on Monday ev^nug; and during the oonne of ^e day, meeting with my little friend, I fiacted from him a promise, under tiie plea of a favor, to call at the stage door on that evsnhig, at 7 o'clock precisely; where- upon, I affected hurried business, and started off at a quick paoe hi the Alreotlon of the theatre, congratulating myself on the feaslbllily of my well-matured scheme. Bnt It wu" Diamond cut Diamond," u the reader will shortly perceive. Night came, aad with it a crowded house; and u I wu about to ring up the curtain, "John- ny," with his conntenance exhibiting amazement at the strange sights whioh met hb view, wu ushered to my stand, where be relaotantly remamed, at my request, until the play wta over. In one scene of the play, to give proper effect, the Amerioan soldiers march on, eaded by a " drummer and fifer," with a Yankee com* mandant. As the scene wu on as arranged between the "property-mas," and myself, "Johnny's llllpntlan body wu suddenly enfolded witbin a great coatof Oontlnental patron, a hat with a goose feather in it wu then placed uiion his head. A " ue" wu next placed into bis nands, and ere be bad time to consider rlgntlUUy be found him- eelf before an andlenoe, playbg, " Yankee Doodle," his favorite air, on bis favorite InetmmeBt, the << fife," at the head of a file of his cowntrymen, u personated by the " sopex" During the baslneas of the scene, " Johnny'* had snfflolent time for reflection, and I knew by his coun- tenance that he contemplated doing mischief. I was not wrong in my sapposltlon, for when the commandant ordered blm to play up " Tankea Doodle," for an exit, with a wicked glance towards the "Prompter's side" did the vengeful little fifer Inappropilately strike up " the Rogue's March." The characters and " supes" made good their exit, bnt " Johnny" remained steadfatt, while play- log the Inappropriate air, which brought the house down in the most uproaroas applause. ''Go off I Go off I" shouted the manager. Go 0'— hia voice was unheard amid the deafening shouts of the audience, who were con- vnleed with laughter at the ludicrous appearance of " Johnny," u he marched and counter-marched aorots the stage, his mnilo becoming more Impetuous and violent the longer he tarried. " Go off, d— n yon I" thundered the now enraged manager, but Johnny's only response wu a Bbrlll blut from the fife, and the tumultous shouting of the audleDce. The manager at length grew wrathy, and losing all sense of propriety ruahed upon the stage, selaing " Johnny" by the collar, who was In the act of bowing to the audience in return f er the favors ebown him on the oooaelon of his itbui, and coming In contact wlUi "Johnny's" " efter-plece" sent him headlons through the entrance. The audience roared—" Johnny" vacated the premises immediately, and Is now more vehement hi his condemnation of Uie great moral school, so ably de- fended by a mloltter of the Gospel. A Hakouan'b Buj,.— a Dutch Journal recounts at the beghining of the lut centnry, the city of Ameterdam was in the habit of employ big the Hurlnem executioner, and with a view to save travelihig expenses. It wu usually contrived that a good muy executions shcnld be fixed for the same deiy. The following bill, showing the amount earned by this fortunate and pains-taking functionary on December 17tb, 1712, is preserved In the archives of Am' sterdam : " To beheading a man, I6i} to breaUng e man on the wheel, 9 blows, at 90 the blow, 27fi; to hang Ing the same Individual afterwards, 6fl; to bangbg two others, with swords stuck in their he.ads, Ufl; to hanging four more atOfl eub, 24fl; to hanging two men and pla- carding their breasts, (N. B.— The placards appear to have coat nothing) 121fl; to flogging 24 persons, at 8fl. each, 72fl; to flogghig 8 others, and fixlngswordson their heads, 9fi; to putting a man In the pUIory, 6fl; to brandings man In the baok. £fl; eandrles, 24fl; fur my assistance, 120 for ropes,- 49., 27fl.'^ A SriLLDio Match.— A match of a novel character was decided in Ban Franclaco on the SOtb June. It wu a spelling match between sixteen pupils of Metsra White and Well's schools, eight on a side, wnloh resulted Infavor of Mr. White's scholars, they only missbig eleven words to seventeen of Mr. Well's, out of 1406 given out. The i;etul( exhibits a remarkable degree of pronoenoy on either side. The words vfere taken from Sargent's Speller, In. discriminately. Girmta a Lift.— A lad, of fourteen qr fifteen years of age, wu enjoying himself a fbw days since, on abl{ swing, up LloKing, in Ohio, when he missed hit hold anu went kiting through the branches of the trees, dashed through a recce and fell upon a plank which he broke through. After this exploit he looked u mnoh worried u a steer totted by a locomotive, bnt wu scarcely hurt. He landed lull a hundnd fed from Qu poM vlure hi ttarlid. Look Oct.— A farmer reports that green Obbieie 8u' gar Oane b poisonous to animals fed upon it. It will kill a cow in thirty tnhntex THE SEEBIFF AND THE DOG FIGHT.^ Thbrb Is a tolerably good story told of one of the »• Sheriffs of , and said story Is a tine bill, not to be doubted u to veracity. It wu relatedby a friend of ours. Sheriff — (we pubuah no names) Is a man of the right stripe, and Is u food of a good joke, when not played open biaseir,u any person living on this half-civlllEed hemisphere. Now the sheriff Is one of that kind of men who always go in for peace, and aoytUng in the way of fighting— whether man or beut— he Is particularly down on. The sheriff wu the sole owner and' poaaessor of a splendid oanhie, of that species known u bull dogs, which weighed about 76 pounds, and could whip any four-footed animal, from a bear to a ground-hog, that would dare in anywise to offend bis majesty. Notwltbstandlog bis ability so to do, Oaric (for this wu his name) wunot generally of a pugnacious disposition, yet he liked a rongh and tumble fight u well u he did nis dinner. He had the guardianship of a large mill, store and garden, and woe be to that unlucky strange canine who bad the audacity to set his unhallowed teet in either of these places; tor he conld never be healthy after It, If he should be so lucky y to escape with bis life. To proceed with the etoiy, one dark rainy night In the spring, after the family had retired to rest, and were In dreamland, they were suddenly awakened by a fierce growl— a yelp— and then a slow.gluttural sound like wind coning out of a broken bellows. Two of the sheriff's sou at onoe started down stairs to see what waa the row, and in going Into the yard they spied Carlo performing a beautiful yet very patnfUl surgical operation on the body of an unfortunate canine who had dared to enter the garden without an invitation. Carlo bad him down in a large patch of stinging nettles, and bad about two-thirds of tbe neck of the aforesaid oanhie In bis ospaclou mouth, and wu dohig bis best to slop tbe wind ttom coming np the windpipe. The canhie's testing sppBTatna wu sticking out about four inches, and his eyes looked like two pigeon eggs lying on a dung- heap. The boye rememberbg that " blessed are peace- makers," commenced trying to part tbe belligerent ca- nines, whom they saw were very badly natched, u Carlo wu havhig It all his own way. They procured a large pall of cold water, and sensed It on the warriors, which water served to revive the spirits of the dying dog, and he raised to Us feet, caught one «f Carlo's ears, and the fight then commenced In earnest 'Twu " nip and tuek" for five minutes, when Carlo succeeded hi selzhig his an- oigonist by the left fore leg, which caused the stranger to >^Tp in imitation of a half doaen Indian wa^whoopx At this Juncture tbe sheriff, who had been looking out of the window, oame runnhig down stahrs, minus pants, coat, bat or boots, and rushing out, commenced belabcrlog the dogs severely; bnt flndlog that of no particular use, he Odught hold of the narrative of Carlo, and one of tbe boys canght hold of the stranger's narrative, and then com- menced pulling; suddenly the sherlfTs " tall hold" slipped, and he found himielf Iq a sitting poatnre, in a large patch of ttlnging nettles. Now, reader, I suppose you know what stlogiog nettles are like: youmlgutjuetu well sit down on a' red hot stove, and then put camphor on the scorched plaoea Tbe sheriff wu not long k gain- ing a standing position, and u there wunothfig to In- terpose between the nettles and the cuticle, you may imagine the pain which It canted blm. He ran Into the house, got out the medlolne-boz, seized on a bottle ot liniment, and oommenoed rubbing the most painful parts. Buffioe It to say that It was about two weeks before he could reinme a sitting position; and now he Is more than ever down on fights of any kind, but particularly dog fights. A Novn. PBDBBTmNUii.— At the Bangor, (Me.,) Trotting Park, on tbe 21tt IntL, James Smith, of Albany, ran round the track (mile) four times, drawing a light sulky, hi Sl:9l. A toot raos then cams off between an Indlai^ and two white men, wbloh waxwon by the red (kin, who made bis five miles In 90:12. Vol. VIr-N* 17. NEW YORK, SATDADAT, AUGUST 14, 1858. ■ . ■ ■ •; t • . ■ ■ '-'I «.v '-• • 1 ' :• ■ ^ .. ■r.-./.,.<-1 ■ I l;t ! < "'i f J* ;i -. I- ■.,.<« PUBLIC GYMNASIUMS. Now that Indlvldaal enterprise hoi done so noob to- irards ppalatlslog oat-door aporta'ud aihleilo «x«roleea, 1 It not time that the pabllo anthorltlea ehonid do aome- ihlDg towaidj or«atlog a atill greater Interest In naltera )f (Uf kind, In vhloh the pbytloal atraotore of mankind la eo deeply lorolved t Why not oooatrnot pabllo gym- naaluma, where thoaa who are aoable to pay for private iDatroolIoa oan have the uae o', and eojoy the eame, wltb- oat prioe. Oar engravUig repreaenta one of theae pabllo InaAatlons In London. The apparatoa la koloaed, and a keeper is la attendaaoe to preserve order. The regala- tlona to be obaerved by the pnblto ere Inaorlbed opoa a large board wltbln tbe ground. Among theae, no peraon la allowed to oooapy aoy one part of tbe apparataa ex- olnalvely longer than flfteeo nlDatea; any peraon wllfally djunaging the apparataa wlU be proaeosted; nse of groea . - !\ 0 or aboalve hngnsge fa to be pnntabed by exolntloil ilmii - > the gymnaalam^darlog that day; and Iba pabllo an k^.^'h qneaicd, by another regalalloo, to Matit tbe kaeperJlf* required, In maIaUtQ|ag order. We hope aoon to ■•« • ' move made here, by wbloh the pnbllo gymnwlam mtf " beoome one of the flitnres of the Weitem World. ^ i FATAL INDIAN FIGHT. wutiEt roi TBI nw toii airrn, BT BTD. SBAFRR. Thi BoeDPS I am aboat to derorlbe happened In tbe lOtiaty of Venwert, Oblo. Clear through tbe coaoty :ana a beautirul eandy'ridge from eaat to west, Tbie Id'ge la biglier and more dry than tbe reat of ibe ooanty, md for this reaeon the land le now more valuable tban n other portions. It la called Sugar R''dge, from the )leasant eager maple grovea that court tbe gentle )reezeB, and refreah tbe weary traveler with a anmpiuoua ihsde. This ridge la eeveral miles wide la aome plaoeK. md tbe roads are never very had. Tbe nortbrro and reatern part of ihls ooanty la atlll «lld and anaopy, wltb trge foreeta. Tbrongb theae foreats atlll roam ibe deer, war, wolf, and wild oat. It was oa Ibia lonely ridgp, ibont six miles ttom tbe pleasant town of Yaowrkt, wbiob lonnty seat la eltaated In tbe oeatre of tbe eounty, that me of tbe most terrlflo haod-to band struggles ever wa« oaght. Tbia fatal combat ooonrred In iha year 1837. md many of oar oUlzena have a vivid rronlleotlon of tbe iloody trantaottoD, Qalte a number of duula have been 'ooght by ladlana In thia coonty. Among tbe nnmber, waldeB the one above referred to, waa a oootfat between Beartkln and Cherokee. Thla light only leatfd a few Blnutet. A apeotator of the scene iDforms as that tbe itrokea of the knife end tomahawk were eo rap'd that It ras Impossible to follow the blows wltb tbe eye. Uaoy ilowa were waid«d off with tbe dexterity of a boier. Iparriog, parrying off, and preventlDic tbe effeols of the )10W8, was a afllenoe among the ludlans, carried to a [Teat degree of perfeotlon. In Ibis Bubt Cherokee waa mooked oat of time, and after beldtc hacked np bsdiy, ;rle4 "ago," and tbe fight ended. Cherokee laid arouod alth tala aorea for a long time, while Seankhi received inly one savere gash on his arm. On this dellghlfal ridge, where we now tpark tbe lovely ^alefaoed naldeo, a fine foang chief wooed and won the leait of (he beeatirol, Ark eyed lodlaa belle of Sugar lldge. Their honeyed interviews ot paaaloDed eoetaoy md para love, we will not attempt to delloeate or nar- rate ; bat, as other lovers, they eijeyed a good tine gen- irally, and rambled tbrough flowery grovee, and made kappy vltlts, and paaaed tbrongh pleaaant actines. But It b said " the ooarse of tne love never rnoa smooth." An irll day cane upon them. Another youog chief, of tbe kighest lodlan penonal attraotiODS and tasoloailona, fell Into her soolity. Her cbarmlog, lovely conotenanci), tlaaUo step, One form, bewitching oDtloements, amiable Ismeanor, Intelllgenoe, and pleaflogooDvers«lloa.oaaai'd bim to admire end then love her. He offered her bis band. She told blm that It was Impossible for her to so- eept blm,'48 her heart and band was alven to aooiher. Bla lofty prldejeas mortiSed. In ralky glcomlOFsa be Iras seen waDderlng abont He soon began to bate bla rtval— then Tengeanoe Bllsd bis boson. They met, rage i&d Jeoloosy mode them enemies, and then revenge— iveet revenge. The diaappolnted lover cballeogrd tbe other to ttraggte In deadly oonba^liad the Tlotor take the beauty. Bravery, and a eonse of lodtan honor, caased tbe other to Immediately accept the challenge. Three weeks previons to battle, lbs time and plaoe were eppolnied, aod tbe prellnlDaries of the fight ar- ranged, and both men went Into aotlre tralntog. A part of iba coDdltlons were, that tbey eboold fight with knlvea and tomabank*, and that they aboald Bgbt nntll one or tbe otbpr eboutd fall In death. Tbe two heroes of our oairatlve were noble' yoaog oblela. They were modele of pbyaloal perfeotlon. Tjiey were near one size, and about tbe eame bodily pr6portlons and strength. Stand- ing near six feet— weil-muuMed limbs, lined with corded elnewe, and mnaolea of a texlare that would vie wltb the muaoleof tbe dlsolpleaof tbe prize ring. Broad ehoal- ap, all nlaoded lo(«tetr-« moat bloodf apeolaale. Lu). ariar aome baid Bibtloi and nasf Ibrosis, wonodf, aad aparrint, bolb taw Ibe marfc eipo«(d hi lb* olber, agd wlu a atroka lite a Owh of ll|blolDi, ib«r tptd Ibt drlppiof koife, wblob, borne b7 etob wllb all Ibtir oomblted ilrts|tb, wtol bona to ibe betrt or eiob, Jiwi alta'og a wall maiDl i arrj or Iba arm. With Iba oootdI- alooaur tiroog mra Ibej nuilared an«tlbalaaotaalber,4Uid bolb fell dtad togeibar opoo a well roogbt fltld. Tbey were taken np, and after dns preparattons, with all the honors of Indian oustoni, malted and going from tbe death rtroggle, tbey were burled apon the i>pot where they lelL Tbeir graves are to be reen to thla day on one of tha moat pleaaant pieces on Sagar Ridge, "near tbe pabllo highway leading l^om Vanwert to Delphos. Tbe traveller and paase^by polnli to their resting-place, and narrates Ibe glories of these two Indian bravee. Here slumbers the pride ol a doUog mother, and the blaeted bnpps of a atrlcken father. The fair boy grow np a noble youth. Like a well-onltlvated tree, aeekiog a deep base, and bearing a high and floarlsbleg bead, as he wu be- glnolDg to bloom with the glories aod vlrtaee of man- hood. Like tbe lofty pine that waa beglaolog to rise In ila grandeor, and overlooking the aarroandlog trees, beoontng tbe glory of tbe forest, when, alasl a fiery bolt, let loose l^om tbe floating batteries of the olonds, lays Its aymmetrloal form and branches in a»bes. But does be perish alone t Ab I tbe hopes, joys, and prospects of tbe mother who dandled him upon her knees— of the father that looked open blm with a bosom swelling with pride, and tbe fair maiden that gazed npon htm with eyes of love, were crashed together with his bleeding heart and laoereted body, that has lon^ since tnrned to dost, and over whose heaid now smiles the green f od, regardless of tbe hf ro wboae breast It coven. What a beart-plnrolng spectacle, lo behold tbIe solemn group wllb their friends, aa la the agony of despair they olothe that hero form with tbe clod— ebroad-mantle of death. Ton behold the beart-reodlog convulelons of grief, as they gaze upon that face for the last time. At ibe base or the mound be sleeps bis last sleep, while the gentle zephyrs wave, tbe bloomlog flowers and nodding groas, softly aod slleiitly oaatiog their fragrance over thla mighty chamber of death. Here now la pillowed the poor Indian I Tbe battle-ground was near tbe cherished graves of tbeir fethere, whose rplrlts were gathered to view tbe oonteat Behold tbe beautiful monnd that riees like a temple- the massive heap of mouldering olay, where sleeps the mighty warrler, tbe fair iqaaw, the beautiful maiden, tbe mighty ohleftalu, and friend and rival, la one everUallng bed. Tbe fair maiden returned to her wigwam to die of a broken heart. No noble, youthful chief, retomed from the bold feats of war to wrap his .love In strong, bnt ten- der arms of affeotlon. No love-beaming counteDance, retorned from tbe suooeeafal pleasares of the obese, laden with wild game to be dressed by her finely moulded bands, while her smUIng, obarmlog face painted the glo- rious love of an lodlan maiden hear^in all the parity of nature. No majestic and symmelrlcabform to real when weary apon the fura spread q.ut apon the floor of the oabla by gentle bands, and lolled to sweet repoM by the bird-like oarrolling aonga of the gentle voice of the queen- Uke.lll|,pf Sagar Eldge. T h e fcj gf of the Indian maid Is Inoomolable. Her frluidik\B7''to cheer her up, to make her happy) bnt, alas I sm.spenda her time weeping upon bla grave. She talks of blsHoblenesa— of his love— of his greatness— of bis mslanoholy death.' Uaoy Indian braves wpire (or her levely band, bnt tbeir attraotlons fall at her feet na- nolioed. She has her besrt entombed In the cold grave. She dreama of meeting him In tbe splrlt-land, where they oan forever roam over celestial plains, grovea and splen- dors, and repose In the lofty wigwam oftbe Qceat Spirit, and drink from the guiblog (ooDtalna of Elyslan's rosy moantalni, and loiuriate on venison brongbt Iron the hnntlog-grcund of the lodlaa'a Heaven. 8be ia seen, like a ghoet, at midnight, weeping open tbe bero'a gtave. A few more fleeting months and the fair Indian girl dlea of grief, and her friends think she la now bappytritb her In- dian lover In Heaven. Frnos (b their asnes t The gravea of onrobteftaloi aito a'lil held itored by the Indiana. They tan waned tli«>d« face, who owns the farm open which these relloa an to b« found, twrart* plow over them or diatorb their remalna, for If ha doett death, tbey threaten, will be his portion. Tbey ar« lilU Qodlstnrbed by the plow or the wnlta nan'a rads baniUl And oocessonally at the present day, some lone IndUa takes his tarn, and Is aeen^a lonely wanderer, from hb dl» tant home, paying homage to the lUaatrlons dead. F«ti many yeara tbeir blood red emblema ot the tomb, stained by some roots known to the lodlaai^ were remalidog ' potted.abovo their gravea— a flt eoalga of oaroage. These are the relics of a ones bold aod powarfnl natloo. Thiaraoeof beings Is fast passing away. A few mora yeara and the poor Indian wlU live only In hiatoryand aoDg. Howtbesoenebaaohangedl Oaoe, where wa io« / live and eoJoy the blessing ofoIvUlEatlon, was an ImBieua forest, where roamed tbe fearless Indiao. Here with active limbs he porsaed the leaping deer-bera he ptdi '' died his little canoe along the banks of the St U»tj$,tSli , bathed his noble form In Ita dark water— here the.blulu./' fire gleamed npon the aoalptng knives aod the dark eyw '■> ■. of the chief and warrior— here the ieloqnenue oif the oblld' " i of nature waa heard— here tbe tawny eons and daa«bl«m ' of the forest gathered aroond the flreiide of tbe wigwam •ad offered op their prayer to the Great Sptrlt—here waa ."' the theatre of tbeir national dances, their war iuatt, love danoea, tbeir fierce warwfaoopjtiietr bloody flglita^aM their death songs— here they amoked ibeIr pipe of pea^,. and here iheyouog lodlan lover wooed and won bla dark ' maid In tho smiling aantUoa of fe anomer'a morn, or be- ' neatb the refreshing ahado of aome wild romantic grore, or arnand the wigwam blue, or «' Jy nocritthl v itiDLoKOiiui.— The match between these men, forXloa ' aod theobaDpIoDsblp,oametoBaatlatactory termloatloii last week. In a field adjoining the railway station at Ka(> dal. In preaenoe of an Immense oonocarae of speotatorairTi/;, ,i Bopnd 1.- After a long struggle, Hawkswortb havlnp the better grip, and befog mnob the alronger man, ' bla opponent by a " bipe."— Boded 2. HawkeworUt tiding the bipe, bat was oompletely foiled, and wi tatlly thrown.— Bonnd. 8. Loogmue topped bits' sllybyacrosi buttock.— Boond 4 aad loat.-'U afteraaevera attpggle, greased bis manolevwiy b^ i Bwloglog bine, and inns matntahis bla poetUafi as Oham^' plon of Eoglaod. Tbe belting was S to 8 U LoogoM. m'tLjf^Julf 18. , / Hnivr WnoBT Bions.— In reply to tbe Pongbke(p<' sle challenge In onr last, we haV«i;r