^ ■ ■■xr n1' ■•n t>i\i 7(>'0 litofl'liii. .■.ginl'IO ni/'l tI-iI'J if. fiirlii i7i"TT,iTif.!^nnl!>'.i 'ii.|3njH 7o "ii :-! :il i> ;i)o>i , V .ni( III Jil.l ( ;;l | ••■I1li|. .-ivi'l : ill 1u DlM'ia III .ir i ' r ( lul-' ,l-i(n);i I'I'I'Ir'l. V .llj I' ! I l.' . tj .'•.ri; jnl';y I i; o y '» M f ,11.' I 1 I 1- ; . y .. . I ,. .. I i." .r ....1 a.i'ii/iarm. '../••• ■' AD ta*1rT4lMt«lJi ^» p»iit • • ' ^'j ; ' lollanli>4oiit«d.brt]iebnTs; '■ tHiMftmiM I'uud'flia'd BO htirt) mlMulitei'i arlWM heawn** frst aw nrt; .1! /" n .V. s r.;. !■. !••• -Sal .1 ■Ir, ;°*y>....i(|.i I...ii'jiirfil:Mi.' ' (f'.iifl 0 .1— iC i'l ,0 .111 R_.|lill rtjii.j> ;V-Ti. • ,'.:ii'n ). i> .'i.'l . Ill .(in.. He aliUf itrntf'mdfS^ Hd andaot mllli ; ^WoSi «Ma!% tTlTbik tk* tlie « < WilB Bl wnirt r»MMi.i prt ai»oa>VilMttogji 'U«atlii Toalkivbo wtihM, of all ikUgi, to ba mated - VbloBnt. \7Mn4haflmeilMp*a high lad Ugkar," . . iJ^aUttMVMtlbid^BCQinv^aMiT^ ^Ingt lonAifnMki PMoWm*d th<^ powos it UbIii^," . .;. . ;i;, ;!■ ' ■ 1''' i'" -n^nl' ' " i' ' '' " " '' ' ' ;.. A]iV«a,.vfeiolaOi*tam.ati«(ratailrtaaM, . ' . ' - < vn V .".v^^:>lw*n.Una.^tUalti«nrtiu61t7, i : . . V-|nfennies*ttiMrk.u«»TCr«tiairtaB()«, :' ' ^l^Jltn|«nUtailbttt«.gMla,tadfawl)M»-tHtr; ■■■■■■■■ y.M^-jan (IAaMl)-7oor'liiiA) beoQBaiKaTtaUaati>' ' - i;.. ,'W«oiB».M9l.oC!iinlr7aottiga,'D■■■' .'>i''- I ; ' ....... I-- 111 -^1. . ni M.j'iiMW .11 •: 1' T "• -' -I ■■' ■ 1^': . 1 ji{4».aaiMdOti>Plaa}iIIiiitoimog«di .>ii :-: - i ->'' "> I'. r-,or0Ua|rlIUiluiaeu1ierftniar.kaAat!U'.-. i.-:^u .ii< .iirri Ik«a.lbawftto;a*ita>m)m^i»»m9M(aiiMm^'- -i' • iHOT, - ..i -|. .1 .,.v, .•. . -r 'i-'IraO.tohtf llth'«rUia'aii9< Tliilaes tb'6 %ai4»p ttllii Iia^ tBalP , ' jqrt iRid;ii9'*orta;^rt;q,t){tl^;da'U M.pajf {1-1 ..■ .-aV.M -1 Two days trom that-ttwy teftihe towt«g*tlIer- • -iSft^''?w*^5'*»*«»#'«wlu5SiBt ,;.r,: .,.7on.'U,^htotii:eak,iBr«o«a.9riBBO«iiy.eaf.it h'-.r. 1 ,.'.1- : ), " '-y ■£ij^n'. nT\ .uii I.-. .' i-.r .i BuHhla HI aay, onr Uuta 8«U mow fnn, >l|m.Ji)UUri'a^«omm(ta.aania«obbttd^ " ^ uto bar plan this alaewhen ran -Blllflal . . r playi tbta alaewben r»a - •iiiJ :rilT-XIi.OBUWiKigyjj^y(j fl.'l ■) :>7lW' .Ijl/ll lI.H j"!;'ll I :-t i ,i..|i.i..:- ■Ii..iiii ... ..J ,.llW"l( il' riii.lli.'l *Balimwl^.9^*i^\W^n I. .1,1!. ,•.:.,...„.;. 10»ll«i;jr_^ D*BIItT OnHIIimOVUXT BUOUB BDE- ?;wnDer^QAi^o*ia*Bi)a-itoBi*fcjwMt*is^ *W»»«»IJUtl0Kt*.*MtI*i.Brai0l('01«'ll .?!*ltt'»\lUll»h Olj*l«ttll*iil.l.-4i^Jt>mi'''>'>U">*'i< oorron, ma . ^j^-T^n-n^n^.foM .tbatAaaltaadybannto.feel %f<«'h..:^W.ValiU9iwiinjid,wiil^ tha aiu ^V.VtormVaadidaTani .U irtllt ai^'aTldUr.whlok »M»ai raaV aad;daTani..U -wlUt^ai^'aTldUr.whloh. iir"i;.''*9j.»^' gl»4-t»-Ploknp aTeiy oruabhe ry^L«»Wo*»*»PP;ii. -l-r. ^■<:im/) \mm]:Y. ,' rin :<-..-! '.(Ill "III) fl'.'i'.li 'i! I'l:...-.!-;. :. i.i|ii.-i ill*;! ;.'i'.*i- iil Ifl-",t.;i7^-,'j \:\ .: I- 111 ■> 1 1., .;!..rtii "n'Mi' j ' i'i 'I .-i.M .1.1 .-'..li Hi .f Mi;l i.-.i'! VIj.IkI !"i ,.1-1.-7 ll- ,"'f.i 1 l.ii.-/ "1 . '.• -idl*.!!!! 1 '-II .-f 'Ori.i ■■• r •: i-.;i,l,i* f.s-l^.ii' Ji: .1 .IJo.l ■.•■"i-l .-■.,0 ■1(1) ll! I ''1||- ■Itl/I-] /.'■I'll ■fV»l liJi •- ,iLA V, Jilijl ( .".II rr;I t» ia«d.n iMd wan itnr.gi^enhoiB io-idDck; .or; doTll taka it r Sb*T».tiilDd.(o«ii«»tMn>t4.Hl4a Wlilta'a, for '* obaaga;-'-'! )iaTWtia«B«dao«nt(Mttl«aa/oraireak.'.'i ; i. - 1 . i -•Ttun ir.,ha oari'teonx., lefi gi, to hir,^^^^,#tt^ 1 »ra tell yon rtat," aald ^^pw, 'lafa vWiiAti^'''&i:'&ini jtho winner to taka tha first chinM of a'ltSk aAfi??^" L.l*ir*^l:, Be^^ ana rte-twoWat dSmllMVA'fte WmojtaintkmtBBtad^aU'tWlr powora t4-wl?t£?^*j2a » rnnURiuinganaiiprolaotedfamlla. M • ■ 1 ' no" /I'l" i-jMoo? When Ball heard her cofcama and etrugglea: tbtaa -did'iMUM^ jOB«.«Bain,d/8wmlnqtea Wyaa reappeaied,.flaaheltiaDa Ittdi- bet tor aSTS^ I uwudrawlng (omrda 1 fiktaittiDKiitoa ^ ■ ^brihtoiliatt^ ai Uirej^ iomaa lonaa jtf his dbair, and belield a nali at itatottar vienta.- . ."i-AUt- a^iilrt gaUe U oardafSPvL^-V- -HVteih^ hlicwiM ^tait aud'wtal'db ToainUt'> ikieai(li^ ntheeitaiMMnd^BdL'.'J''''' -> I ' ' 1. '>•- 1 '^^^nrr-j"t> "Tent }aa am, bearia! aa '/UUk<> V.ttat'm flgbUMiditaylAVansaritfn.TeB hot(M,Wa'tllM£K t.oMww e«nTasM4ocnf,tsiliit aBtakdaaieotiMfbrTewUr < >!M!iiT<>?^M*i«<> m*.tte ^tembla to come .'daw* >«tfi mh "i^^»&'Wi*!P4 vntibalaa alglit.'iMakari tba MtauxU - -(Ua time waa almoit;Mliarea,^«tiatt«ata»iI I od vttb tke blow of a TOMM^oSiPl^^*^ I bad lii>mMlr('taiir«fUdt>lSaiaimhf%iQit n'ol^^ 1 4^1 MBdand,ttMaa<9 ku:ui^a%; i^iVi^. I irfthailM'Wiirttfaahtig-ttiiodgk.i^aa^-krilii:-''" 1 up la the air, and aank to the floor a oerpsa. gjmaaet wu .bont at araqd,;BaIeliunt.tn UU.- : officer ot Kapotaim Bonaparte. ,Bla i!arllHt pbaw'ate.Mllbvad' ;th4..93{i9tTr^ot bta blrfki inf^ there I lu I8S3, inTimted the peoollar ezerclae w^lob baft (ipodar* lamooa thranghont Barope...3Iade jttla ddmZ In London, at "tbiB ^ambra PaluM, at wbloh entabUibiqmt. ao <|paiv.4ar^. De)i>- Ajrmanoea baTetMcfaJatrodnoe^, |tad.^)^niyen9pkeo]tNyklnadu -SSilSi^ SSJ^j^jy*.*^?"* »wrtMi6 fa ajivM^^ waawnM. EU))eraxmaBoa.-taoTinatai«aivst remarkable— 4Ati(^,t'AP*<4M'J!^^|ai7bMaa.,w^^ aHW.or tba^ack. n/ma^F °'''^''f°'<^ '>'■ r gr. aUgntjr (tiet mm, the .MONS; yEBEEDKE-'ilriE Pabisu^; .Gt^^ .' !- i„ ' -'"^ j4aUa«a)tia'aipeebll^'b«"J>, th ^ ' ' ' " .V>.be/)i^ta.Qnneo«8aaiyonbliipart. Ibltei' i)r,Terr«cka Uiaadfln )8$1, alao«. which Ume Ian Imitator,., Be'li«8#atnngUi.lii,bIa n«ck linaglnattOD. ,;Hei>aabadU^hoaOTtobefip'' ' ' tt,I7a;)e^ at b^ shabnk-ftato whlobMpdblljlH^CiSd' «StI(~ ' possible dUthey not bthoUithem'; lattd the „ Blmpv'lm- hwntrsrbe. Ill It made hla puUooa leap at the rape, for which he waa hlahly re Tatde d br t he dlreotorrand sootfttyoftbe Olritaer 'WIMfi'MD- ta 4 anlvea In Parl^vltb bla nqw, perfttrmanca on )tbe trapese, Yl moke, after havub aeen «» 111., w^i Jimimlt, J».~,..l...UftLH.. ni«. atF«^tod(>.(hesamepfrfarinapoe^,fi<9tard,l^.,aU tha iqtea.of bla auooe^s. . fiiUr hla ^iTelf .|a SBa«i.ba flS?Wlf»P>*lMi),^P»iJiyot,!» ■enBWf»n«t I tb^.WMtor ot the AUfiunb^ Lonifopt.aaiU tai, bngtMipai^wuiWa^ ■-"'^M(|Wn^.toMM'W™».'l^'' ' ■ — oikmaet^vll '; uUmtllfU i B— . — . -I . la idedin Kew Torb amoDg'stiaa^hK ■IStl UntB ttl IIUan,'the' ol rcDflmaDav^laafBlna(>t.b4**nty^'lB)medl«MT^«^^ .fii r^U£4iiifapT°olrcnSi' iM^ y >rrelila «eiit> US ,to,be,,pr<^ly!,pnt'mi kb Herreokemadeadeadhviire; tqat 14— ao Jar u doing lila wIm ha qogI)ttoliaTe dona It on,bla firetajtHeirahea, ahdorealug-lhe exbttemtm hi eeitolnly woold have danebad ht been )irOptrtr broaght'twforetha^blloiithloh' for hla qifa sate:(belag a atianger la,a Cmlgalui^} we at«aorry itq'say waa nc'tlpe c^e. gelng. .well aware that ha WM damning bts mtuta proepeota (if he'- had hot Ui^y)'ln thla'iimnti7Dy .bfflitlnalnghlseneagament with Nixon, bebrongbkUtokOloM' his aeoond or third appearance. It temaOned, however. ,. th>a>'alabmbp>*ilt., , £ gymafs^ ^ t^tifs A)ba9ibn,fBore,{ban w^ the enleiprlalng manacfr pf ..the Hew.Bow^u IheabieTrklr, Lmgard^o IntVbdtiee to the iUnerloiaB pnbUo, In a proper man- ndr,..the..tileBt9'«f :tbla' yotm^ ^Tmaist'^'iftir a'-tlfteewe^ka* .rett, 'Verrcokis maife Ua.l- , I-./.. .1' -i.."!,. .' \ot hopei'n^w sptans. tip amtegi tUe'^ow almoat mialao _)tta q( tbe.oiipUvti.vOa 4ba nett-dav'tha-kame' happened ag Un. > jBottOB aaujadito apaak, bat the bid oiBi 4lilji abook hla lu td and then went away. The third day Barton agokeoaiiH. 11 •Old man, do yon need moneji?4£nviI have plenty." Vimexn-Boney I'.' hlU«)llIoqnlsed,:haH.ii)aoalat«d\lB. r^what «i Dld'.I d».irltb.mosaytiao— nor. tnuttlmt %i B wjien I did want ltn^tf''Blwhenhehe*idhlBf90t8tena,got.npon^feet.. ^tUlchiaer, tti y apOmuhUU, taleie-^ Mtb apMum BoHod eqdeavored tb wa hUU' > Hb Alcb^ided,' l3d aped -dbbr the i^SBge and up r^.u. ^ii^jmy|!i,r,u55i4. nbt Shd aa>'*prli>g , vpJ.^lthinSla'mlghl'fihd'ln bla fteMe boi dIttoB tbaVWaaiiotMnU gni);)li6.Mea' to'foKb 11 open, but IB rain; and now he feela i jiantf'iipbn' hlU,' S^ the'oU man, 'M h a power hardly Inferior to his owii, obdelVSie to drig' him do mwarda., Aatnggleensnee. -la the pUcby darknoas which te elbMllaeftil''fiettSea< '(iUl-'BM the ^ of bla 'aht^onlst, but Xli bl<)dMn^araThtl«atlUn«a'^bby ^IHV^'fbil thS MSiUry. ' At Ut ; the old man falls bock, wltU Burtoit' ln-'UU' gra^ thi^r r«U 'to{ other to the foot of tho steps 4a- -a beau; a few gasps and gr(ana.,iftaMlidtotbo bovol, mlisedBmok for a itlmo,l.and.4e4oeqdlng:ito'the olvom:to aaoXbelTVlotlm, •tu nblod orer.the bodlesrlilpgi.'ini (heir way.' .Buiboa'a atlu olasped the tbrott.ol.thnoUI man who, with Jlvld faoe; pra trallngtongnallaJwaaatottodead. Burton-tiad ifeodved awoiuid.lntluihaidti>aBdlwa8i: to all aopeatanoes, la ttoBamecondWoi>....1l,viiiiiiil-"i| V s ■ , ' • VeUI" oiolatawdBm ^'lars-a beia • JoUy.row;'. they've beaa *B< gone and. did It Wtoua . woBghaniiel jaSicbldl^a'a bad a .floiaanttlmeofltitolookathlm, sod- that oaiaadobap— velll .^'r apaU'a.JWttM yeU;hera«tive^4^kWd'b•'61^wiS5l WtrS»taiMbi Jt'i , a 'lbUji^k'Bl|ht( and may aeiv*tt da Itiii^aoei bnJt*: Tot 'tdatoiint'iialbgethet<|-if ihe^vufbOBdiilabiabloWMi thi I «ere plaee ihl«hty joiek, at-the eld 'qa Yia hii£w£''<<"" ^ ■ '1 bsythta Idbki thai body bf4'iMtw^'tha& "-^IM It dbWa'to thW rliMtalde, Irtltre ' thay^dNHiei >i^. ^"">]r:dtt^.'a hole ld taairTi rautA bwt obt d0inrte4i(« tb« t to' ,.; ! ..■. . 1 .1 ,:<< ' ■ < ■ ■ > ■ • . ' I ' i 't hbihidvbeetf bnly atiiBBed' by. tha bll; 'UlalmmmlOB la' M w(>eahfd;jmd watered 4»lBiit»ieo»a«lo>) an ese, gad tiei . tatncgth' onoDgn,to..keephinueif aflcai ,0«lngdcnn wUh;i|h»-atke>b]'k- hla hand' wme'''tn-c4Stjce iHth'a'ebt&LiBi grlaplng It he foaad htmaelf cloae hoalde -i sbilll>Mie«aer 'a»i eh srtdataam^UlejtUtaDOtftOBiJhaalMEa— HliXaetflbeltbrta to baHlEoiie on board were fbrtniuteir heaMlrf a'mka'paclng tb I deck, who, thobgh;' at flnt| bated flAr thJ) uarottbly aound, ea led up aome of bu meaakiatea, liad with Mme trouble Barton wi ■ got on board. 'Bare he waa ao exbanstod and 'weak that ha eoiUnellberepeakllor.Mtfid|:thAci^talB, )f>^' liiMUsiUon of, the ihore eai UlgBjli/terhbpalno t Hoia.-.''Btlll|Ua ftUM ta'ditaet' any ibos^dhoibe'failo) I.tlme he would :niv' did Bbl 'flaal lottg Mm ksy great dla- ..L. ^ » ... — I —I . »' whttheeaw, keptit ' e-WUtiOttadlvldaal' 'aUbUb,'Uid'boml iSihbm B^tUabk aliinM^ tiM'^d«'Wtbat«w'4M<.'An ' , ,-«.i»w.»iili obnncbled with thb iifl^bli'bBl'aUASof 'tQ'Urgit'iSib^tb ^UlotiilurbeeB'pbok-' 1 by BtU and Wyso In conaeoqenQa,?! that ToeuIL Knowing Il.tbatihy.wgjaj havp.ta>*^ nessj By oiieVir their ttd tbd oaMMI blelMli andpiVII thooofti "Elk t^uad^On to BtAten la^d., '* • ■ 'bonnarf^ Wtff.thi^Jnd . _^ _p_n',t(i.rB5»* tWnibf.^belr ^'iJSlVj'wJV^'pi'jbb Aetbotlon ^d'obsJrtWotf. ha4 to keep TerirtaMbi' but br bSiuiaibf .'a liberal tolbdto the Keepet of an UleUlifeilbe had labUMbd In obtalplM'a reBilelb mlddlajad. 'IHffigh "^lAW itw^t,; to att«B4 to tholriWBnta. 8b^ alrrlvM>.l|,e«$ttQ^ mbtWVlM Sila. Oak: 8b^ ahlvM UibelMtUMJtut ib» vety' mbtaDi* kftbr Sim. OA- loy^had fblIbM4> tbi^b'^ili^'U^'.to a^^ MPP^ of, (SSata, and >*tte so w^U autdoahwi vrerkif^ tbelr.bi|(ln«aB;.a«arofaiagihalB paaantiii oanylu offiUielr.waUets, tbeyitreated. tfaealsalveat 10 a'Mdnpwii rfunuDf^^aud left .t(ie preinlen) vttbODlaBo.evenla oecniTed.Bam.Oar leK'byapeUfl-irtrmls^flofWB master, pal^TMalMo.Kew.Vr wllbaaeyetO'thb-wUfdnK'orthetwenty.AvadonaiBi ' t^e dlaoovery ef Bell and Wjie, Aa the moeOftel ftnd thoteiibeiMa InmMI at, to'aU hui 'ln (Ua'i went. dttsoltylto.ljBlia 'Aifdreiwa'tBaldBUl Eallwefa.-:WUhrthaae t .was.inn lc<)iiat|ited, and aoou relattdi to. tham 'hta.Bdveatoiba;^ aa.Ball.wM excMdtngljr jqhlUlaatjDa'.letmlsffiii, - night, latht^than.tn'Uia dayttmo/^aoebraUiUy-, h'sum^ ''^^'■i*''*'* ,an«aw«tt,llapatohadtwlth(dUlie469tteKB, iWlitthnt]iey;ultlmlt«)ynatihedwlthatatio aiybat«^^I^;^H^ Itbad via olar .Mandq jiraib; t I'Mpletnl a5d,'''«y'bj; twoyOlLile, pi t.waatfaat IwUi ~"1 rtU!''slBk*d IlIU'HainlnTOlse." ' '^' i'^,,.-" , hlmaeU.:4obe'eBre):vltba$&TeaM'ka taik^^W':':' u hell have to keep bU byes jUaedTlVbbtlM!''-^ uptnta bad a I^tltf'noVyeti^lSbL. la valla ttaatdfforts wub oaeid'toUhlob thelr.'V ihe.taitdooE It rekdllr;4e^«d?to -Ihil^^r bOT.e-enWe d, p»< |lartd fotanieBum^WMDe; ' 1iauf&i^^air''i(^^ bQztn«blit'fl¥m'thewi>nnd In hla forebead4';tl«-/bbarBbt«yato3 botd; on the other,, hn3elL bla- revolt beaUe.hlin.fftihM' eS2t$''bair*l'VbtfytoobMy dlsbha^7-fnvm.hSIi^iqnf^^ IlL jwas snrralsbd IbMUi was drmfrion ttiat^if aad liquor In which thay bad been IbdUlging. ' .. irfian>:)Wbb.(toi>ithaBtt'BfllJid-pTared'l4ittnaillon If helhl£'.VBfllb>tnat^>^T noWl" |- .- I.-,: n .. 1 ll.;. ..." ,i-.-i;iii ->il liiii .i nl ,3mll lUa ^i^^anuttoi^ waa jmnooftby. Boma.oae in.iU itwih kbor«l 1' 1 ai>eftl|i(; 9 wbi^hn^ tKfajiblif^ ^rltap t/ftpfif wv^piv^ tbiSV-.I, °*ieTCiitIbf t^'^aztriWibd'tip'italrs,' knd ''nntwHng'^jlaaEjiy of a room dlaooTered a poor domntto eroqchedln a^iper, ttt., -lUed vmh the beUef tUai bb^ tthfibnton b^Mt^ .aaoiiiBoiaBTbatit>«ilBed;<'aiA'.'tiiey,WBr« ekkble^'UliMie^i'j her Incoherent btttemaBt^liEd tba'dtoMSM-ttaWblW'- ' belMa and. thlogi araaad Iieb,;some BartfaAlanMifha^iai-dWC rUe thaiba£h(^ o^mi^lttad. nSbblbad -(uardithel ahet->lMLt|il •ititi the aaMequeal^oathllke aUenoB- -had lMpreaiteaihwtOtitlw lelhiagna^isiig. Bbs.jraa, takeB.-.dan.aUbf .teaabtte imi'^aoaibtf'bodld'lndnee'hSr to look Bpcn (he^lj)MilAiiot who bad been her mln. , , --i ......li; .1 o Ueaeuef iHera. fbstanliy takbtf- tolobmmTihIcBtb WlUi4«-'^- " therltles, who on thelz arrtvil apprehended Bell, whoT^ flo - ^ Dbsroid ftlbndlaib.^Btn'bta (o BtU>d.'UB'trlal-''-«diA0- In a ban'iaome apeebh by ty>m Tldley. ■ ch»ttmatf Bt-tbb j!Hb' " a 1.1 JnUewi enaad th. nitbuabc ,^wn-*qiurt ot.ale utaiattittUdraiililRh'bBd'^^ taof hlsfrlend«,'.v)laian itla/ooaaalaal «M«»'oS .."L. •Vii''-'JL'.'.'ii> i|oli o< mmnvi Junlry lor aomb* ih'ayahfi)i*W*4.T< — to I Wll^I>aw„tnQi'br*W» too aoon -t^ SffZ^ISf^^SSS. hlblt or'dliup^ibiubg''ttN; WeeKt'U B'tUiiq> aiU'wtbsbr bbnthatners, (hey took a turo , flnjijng that jt <>iUdn'^^ In an exbedli Uiiist'teorbty to hOBt bbti'l tuoated Mad) tnd.be waa - aillrlet,ni£Aasly InaUtol tbbhTra aMVbtOD 'olvin, lib ajpowerL jMWiakd tilaHAji'BdtDyianABtMfhrl ^0 _ V^lSJhad iXtot UmetoiforetertbemMlvrtiiuid tbbuglliui rnoolanaMroSwaaaearohed. So oayem,.remaIned un- verS md BurtbB Wl tte litaobttl^H^^^ Jfi^tabawoBdaredaVwhaa U'lB hept-a^ Bilnai««!f^, 2^iiana q^hla wMpq^and eiU^ 'mSfa'MS^sswg,, BitOHDAT. NOTEMBHB 7, 1863. ^wliMptfoni, thM we ^"■Bif-DiWrtftiii know Uiett»flTem«nj pinion on ]i[ITBJUrATipiilAIi^VI&] %,ti*«i?t''t loittlili^AeiipndW, o^rt'tia* pWjv _jifMon8eptBth,18eL -.J • . , ,-v.r , - iri o»i)iiot:«lTe'jon ilie «m* t)Bw.,1^6,ta Ilor» D ilZen idd biitc. on BuBlon Oonne, B«pt Sib, jmoB ihitnora did not.vin ini one (it ihethTna .FlMtthb Sdhsitb; criy a rUcLiiii-.Wii, ''Ihe iBooki wMUld to b^T^,.Ut«;^,.pn]lea wwon, loYflitlio'wore.^ ■,,":;•):■.•■•'• ■ dw(t>r, Vlohi-rU'ttiftballi so tntttcr whisthai ted idbiick qff,tl)«..oiuhlant',vlthoiit.'.tmliig:ooiBBln I iome'ptnon or mua PVtat, It ehoaUnmun whtie LnlUofli Jflt rauJnoAon tntontUoni'UiaTed bdl. ^•^ued on tU pimi ftoUH ■ iirhUainU^:U: ^mUd ;^ ■ ^ -m,;, " [B^AoM'-Teapla'ttetMt time on tlta 'Ikiblba Con'nb' MM iniffi bn JtdT'»/f86V«UeB°«li« Wobribekt igalbM^tl^ Iltow-T^ ! ji.tkn|f, '. Oas: a^W* &BtaitlA*^ tbe>y B.ti St ra.ira*.'' i.««#(MIUni'iiiike4;'lNifoi|e' ttdldidty Iti tlM UBUdlur MADBiualal Uf n^'iurSiEe^dSetrS&^lliilo oontaU ihantueVatakan place, will be fought In Bsg)iiM:¥«twpei»;i74fi>C4<^BMnM)', b-, mlJlKlj.kBfiiaiUilW.l^dlX^im^ jUlLToin King, 'in JSgBiimu , aiiSlSeMD^'Mrot Brilidn'i'diimplbii. Boili aieieokoncdtotie x«prei«ntatlTe mas, In point of lAyifguc and ipnglUatio aUD, of Ihe two oonntrira ; oonaeqnenUj, It leldot to be . wondtKd It that the grcattat Inteieat ihonldbemantfeitadln ;i«gaxd to the leanlt b; the pnbllo of both natloss. Tha'jUnmeiu^ ' nun to be fought for, WO.OOO, also Bdde«W.t«>t^; t^, Md.ttr moTcmentiot the men, and the pI0g^ei«r«l->^^i5^»to^^^ become flnt due topics of conTonalion ta i^jirtlng olMea;;. to' pioofotthl»,wemIght»t«te that st theUte.OwatewflahBao*,. Heenan and Elsg, aa w»II ai Tom Bai«^ aj»n wd »he fitaley. bHdge In&nt, and bthtta, w«»» 'pi««ih* a»*eli .irere'«D«IOMtoh«w them ipolnled out thai tiie:r ilght ibto of the model gladla^on. Iln regaid to Heenan, tt i ailatei ihat "he already laoka wond«- IfnU J impwred diceiSi location t( hli trmlnlng head etnarteia." King had n<3ti at latent adrljeB, done much aottve work, but had. been taking Ihe gnattet oaie of himielt Heenan •tUloontama* to be the tkvoilte to beWsg, aihotigh the manner |n which mngi frteidii take the bdda immaU tod large beta wonld tadl- . cato that he ta not withflnt frtenda who tklnk his ohanoee of TOO- 'cesearegood. We look npon tito^'aUte of .Odngs aa.a good omen, and tndlcattre that (he mertle rasa at meiile Xraaa-tlde iwlU be right merrily oohteetedrrMiBi of Heaittn'aAito li»Te klready Irf^Colnmbla'B ahoiM to be ttne or tberekfionta on the Iday, and ibie broQier-lJ^'Uft thlaj^t-^,W latminy Joo^.io i^^O^ig-^^^mi^iaiamuiT^xmSnaA \^'^Aiiia<>:-f.'^qni'Mi knbadrlp^n U^piA i'flilifc fTro/^aTelWan ioA oredltjfor ta,mpi» ■■■,nothKliigwa^ In hli' .eoimtlii^- liana itllliiiHiil mil hie money; ■ the b)n.-:T''^ ^><'' B ttai a whlt^ .a oertainheab -They maW a 'dead beat' Who A, b«t,that ^e white hoiae wonld hot the black, lttaMienly,.Bwon, OtiAIbitnyJ-^lfter begging, AraeeaMa moat be'^eUt to W:(i;^^iliu(miiiioii^ iwk, waa i^i^>t^irtng''bem^ ^ inapend .' eachJttme the akme' trmnp'Ia tamed.' " The dealer I *f ' Sitiwrt ahasig*. to B leaa nnmber of cards wlthotit the oonienlC I 'f' •flfcjortioaltBpaity. . ■■ .■••■-I'-. J. A, E-.^'l, Deaf Anrke. was deiiuted by-Bendlgo, — KWlMiHirmln;--^-''- -^^ " u .>vx^« a£d'by Kick Ward, Bepi 33, ISM, In 17 vomU,'* %W ■£&fiflmg|a,^jin nbt the i«n«r(oan colon, 'weabonld like to ^irw|il|^j|^;K'*^ 'Ihfy were.o9ippoaedofred,whlti9andbtae, BUi34ini'.Ootamibna,'>0.''-8hoti]d' be' pleased if.we'lsbuld ttb^attilhe dUBanltykibat:l>elag''in 'idTerUaement we bannoC Xlta».lit](obtb]yi l^wrlllnglhep^eiithenisetTes. ti^^HtM^^ St^^^l^^^' It Is^igpo^ofor na^tp gtra 'a , , ^ .lu.Cobher.ls the-oldeat. refijjofthatwp, ,, , V: •-.•.o.^!':. inrgtLrVhie if^l we heard of - tbe parties thAy jhla. ,'A'IetterrdtNOted care'Of iSuiL UIDer, int'Btteet' Honu, Philadelphia, wlU.probablyrMohfthenL' . '■"%niftliTat' tliAe (asldo ' fmn ' tbe Salamasoo Ja^w iO^OM.' agttiM BUlin'^.AIlsh and mats, Bashlon ttmi.^Tbp Iidy hi^ been' married and i^^ihJlld 'lN|a£. . .'.The' gebt^fjman yon men* ' k^ioir.aoUiiog'of the.party eioept that ^l,jbr..: Win Bbow>yoiir Istte^to'tbam; Iaynair»1>lei(i>aanleforll«»l: 'I jCBBMtf-VmUtieioDl Pi (kuin idaylng at bagitcdie; It a baS' QtfjottiltisLtatte, Mdkes: Ihe wab and theh^lls'baek'again 9*09)1, ttdbeabotoonnt and shooia be'tfiKen dff''ts'"dead." Bki^.alvW 'g.jmii^Bltofls 1(^^ and;}«ft'h»nd f6^en)0i't' I. MAdlilo^'j^B 9k(^ Baioiil'i'^rere' emudljf. good ellha£way. Vew prlie flghtey staud irittkthe.rlghthiihil'xiiit. {-.T^: { .;;. , b'^^Vr-ieei :tbe {ebt:h'u bMntwloeiu*' Xraatee In OS mln, B&x saoi^ and^oncehy .Stseost-. si ;i PMghkeSpEle.'.N. T^Wkrd's qnlokeel'flTe'mlli Mm*, In a pnbllo match, waa that at the SUyer Belt Ohamploik- aUpaMdXBfcBllltah laland, where he'^ifSnWaS mliLlOseofi i:9M!, Ma-kflbi riDti.— lilk'e'Wiith'dlsd'^ Kew'Tork elty,° ^jKVifSailke«ten.^lTS''apaU»soAbfobIIsh'ldeiis'la_.„. iBgJtn.laUdf fottaltroMsiloiL '.:T6n'3uin1i > :>,^Oui;i !.iM;r>Si<<:'. ,- '.T ,^^«8illau':.«A Ama gtreetidook. Inly 95; ir" T.iAyidfatinf ^H.^T.^Th'e esrde '«n»ll&BMid'''«biMilati NNdlMdswpfiUe^I''J'i'' ' i:i;:i'--'i Bn.i'i'i ii '~r;:.: (iwlihjyoniailthiaiae 'iTttiand ♦yJMU? r,' i» '.,-i-'yil: u.ii 'ii: '1. ^JW^&lH tthntb'lettelr hits JopBdhBDJOdtudsi BeTViMiAed>aK>il ->.: Vlit'B^^mtXi^ii. . _ , „...^^, , .^^PWWvi.ri.'i'r .. . w-j.,SWti»'*rHi'P'" wnffof«^e/My»W^ 'amuefrMioi'ihlsTcIalne.t • •■ '^ . rT r . i . f.)r<.i ( ji u &ili^elnbja.-^yre ,haV« iu> reooll .. iymfcaleUli)((pJftto ]iragedy, ,,■ „,,. I}*la.— Twelve oenlaTer Una tbr each and-ewryj "WW off W. three months., .■ .i.^ ■■■ .:i.' )v,i/ t«?5' "<>»'««"'teoelr«tth» fdrmar'ttt taaiffofenfcii ■ 1 1 1 •■ ■ i* where. Whip, to.,. „ .. tiiem tl)! -tlM •mnker'otiiSf^'^ Oher dwildBdly 4Pod things tb'h«Tolnihe:iiiKiSiid It la * the 'ttnuloken';; ' can no. longer' sl«t*jBe'Sijiiijjng ind etgar air.; ■We litf.th^te ' wlthdiiiwal wffl oanse manf of oriri^y DnndrearjB to eiolaliii .■wUh .ttie Unmprtal bard Vlaow ja.t^k Trtnterofonr dlsc>la.''0annat' lom*. «f: onr .'^.,.-:'^ :;i'.'' . ^ ;•, ''■.■•; • 'Y6ra'EiBU( ASS 'ta^V, hu. bMn 'tlje advice', frequently eliw by totareetedbnt 'nntirinolpled jrtlltilnlana to thelr consll' taints. As we are ' not >>Ittlclans we danhdt' ^endorse aaDb' ad- .vl^;'.;butbeii<(( lnter«hk( .^„tli* tiexpt^^jr/itthe Union and tbe stability of its inslitatlbns,' we can emphatically axpress'the ho^ thati evety American dltlzen w^ vote at the Mew Yor^ elgctioia 6ti'^the''^l]l;lntt','.'|i!e^ jaipkspsW and 'd6ino«r»tlb "motto . ■•i- 1"-.!'!' .. ■'<■ y ■ , 'm i--..- ^ •iTheUnloiiM<(imd'St(aii.be'piesmed,'V'''.|'.'!:..,\^^ prnfl'Voft'i^ iid l^i ^h.ttiaVdjtirnoLti^dorui^' . , / J_£ I/-. : - ;'.' ! r'i . .1.. ■'■ ■<■ •■■'■'■''^ ' TBa'Iiurs'AHft FBionos or >BDaEU-.1CiiDlire, oontldered b/ Yi'tbi'liiteti of eira''gmes, i^d-'i^oirj'o^^^ tii the'most'ev ively placed of any, is'yet Ih'i leul^jiis nflsd'by recogidz^d. .— ^"ranily thlsdeflU«>oy,'ihb'tRat^ aii'd Is ilssned tn'a:!'new tiA mlstd'adUlott'.'r'.: Ihe nplanalloli of lB'4SiMMI;ffxielIijn't''At>Mlifiilly printed isino. ;a0«nt,'MvAnn'atrwt,% T. '•hli 'BnX BttVBtB'DZ^ute'Olt.' WixD.' the . H^nlll and . Joih Ward „race8 (qr, pnlled,' between WUllam B^t(nji,,cr 7i Ol^mplbnahlp.were epaie,aiul,9llWHd, ibaivplrau,: 7kwbiiigI>ith«lAtter'i:bMtberp( illbbrt Wara .liSB to fwetlm'ci Deed jbdneldered a p'romlslSR .,....v. ..„.«.r.^.iri.. thelal/oomwall dayaflfrthelaat li^Kobby.Oltelteijid'jlm 'Se, ie()0. 'Olake^wbtflSiihil Ubtt'fbng^tf; 'j«Sf^:IWujit9.bandi;.03]aBkTon^^^ taammiKiiMtmti. Began whoadyertisesinttttrooldttiur 'lfifh}-^t/ttif>'iita'sioiii'''i^ ,.;it^p^,giy;jtfits,th&d innV^eoember'lilh^'i We: k d.ltiwtai'' io •'allp!r ini.bnX«iot!tt**<'4ms itbp.' ifi/'tolliii.' n i;' .. -.. ■ : k::.) ■<,. r.i:jhi <. .■ t^la •):( f.:. Ill r.i I..'" u.U >1 .IIU. !v'H !>.i' .1.-. "-^ilni OuuBA.—'nie loter« ' pedtoj^UTe.acegniM .P.BilVtti,,a«aNl«fy ^dt^(lo)i,,an'd' by inany be the ciQce hla brotberJoih mta Ibohed npon as'a fit cwdldate for ha 1^ sd. .loPK. and :ix>L)>ftW dVdd^ ! fibjls, not iaaUs as tall or so ■stythii'n{i)rls of.'»e«bargh and PoDBbkeepels,'two rival .rlTM. towns, bbt there vifl .more Ibooietlcia than procilMl beftlBO.' InlrlUt: JlftWi'ttiite,'.W»a d4ne;,W»ta had tbo cljh At 15:04, P. If;, an the;;llM*Msry trellmlbsrlos having been ar. rlinged, ti the propeVWjniiU bblh m^ n dropped tbelr blades and ?r h'rs^.M' Mr?^.;i'd?hc^^^^^^^^^ nuking the tihn, WhM,>ie,tgtpel on a liltlo mora steom, clored t gap, add passed'UlS lAu; getllBg ionai the stelie hott I m\t taifiyo .^ndj i^Dad, .XhU gave him'd great afl- , th^ short Vani^tf w^lch Waird 'oHiUdlibTliKiiwiudl overcomerowlba, alleg'^ Mlainn mi* ' fPhi' jIam;^..^...: ^'^ *J . leged, to his annsolvlMont..2^t\f:'... 8 i \ ' Mr. UarUn entered oh m BeDe ot Hartford. . .2 .8 dr •ame-iMH: ixSiiii itaiK: '. Ax AOCBDIHT OH THX TJHIOH COVBSXi'L. L— HOB+0» P. JOTO SiaiorsLT I»nra»i>.— At the trot on the above na)ned coarse on iheasth nit, for $1,000, mile heats, best 8 In 6, between Lady OOlfton and Fanny Allea, the driver of tbe latter waa capsized, and waa to all appearance serlonsly tojnrefa Tbe qnadmptda had alraidy 'done two heata which Fanny hid won. thns moktog , hei ^he favorite In bettligat extravagant odds, and had been ■ttflad evenly for the third heat tirhlah also looked very mnch In fknt ot Fanny, being over a length ahead at tbe halt mile pole, wheitli4y OllAota made a sport and began dosing, and as Ibej went Into the tower tnm ber head was olose np to the wheal of Iteny'A]Iaa.,"In antnalant more the vehlol^s were together; - --- -'-■■•^ — tamed np side down, and Fanny Allen was Ul speed around tbe track, with' tbe broken herhwls. ladyOlUton dldnot seeqitobe b~bytbe ledilent, for whan the^eyesof 'Oie ^ from .where Jones lay on tbdhoonl, they iti o np tha'iiomeetretob on a aqnanvot, and at a than ahe bad shown betore In the raoe, coming io.ihe — ' - acoldeat Idolpded. Every body nowmshedto :81X;a:«?K5 a:»8^^ , Tarn iT BuiWt6az.—Ou tbe28thalt,tbere«as an exciting trottlBg contest at Baltimore, (or a pnne of $1000, between Prto- oess ud OeiMral Bntler. mie odds were at first On BnUer; after the first heat the betting waa even, but after the thbd and toorth heaiaPrtoceaswasttaepetst onehnndfedtoten. Upon coming np to the'atand for the first daah, tbe horses, started off In splen- did stile; BnUor, however, broke and fell bebtod, bnt aprndlly lesaened the gap, and reached the aland to 3:32^. Tbs second and third beats were won byPitocess to 2:30 aud3:81. Upon contesting tor tho fonrth heat, Butler rarprlsedhls most aan- gntoa friends by his superior movements, maktog the score to 2:31^ and tlia fifth to 2i30^ were. the gSji tdiup; koliy, and the black mtM, {Uispimt, th^: e^va, Bfeari.'!). Bbbblna and "T. 0. White, to' drlte,'.to 'wliAbn, sille audttpiAL' '••' ' :■ ■ ■. ,',■: "" ■ ■ . :i..'.:; -r.-j ■. !< ; SUMKABX." , ' • ' i '■ ' ."' , . ,' ; , ■ ... ' ' UatcbrnoO; mlla a^id i^fwit;' to wagbns. ,/ . T O'Whlte named blkm Uuspedt/i ;.';o'. ■ • -1 21 H Bobblhaiiamedci'mllolly..;;. :..'..',,.%'. ..'.'..V"2 1.2 • ••■ . • ■°'Tlm»i-8:«B;. 3:19; '8:18.'. .."..';.:' .' .■,' . .. BALL P ' BohosEN vs. K>w ToBK.— Tbd tlinmd match bifwpen jMleked ntoea 'trbm the' above 'kealltlei, which' took, plipe.,Pn theball, nofihds ai eSd' st^t, lldjotolng the 3d avbnue'rall road'idepdtt 'on FHday, Oct'2ad, turned ont to be, aa'a contest b'et«;(en . the' ■trengtb'of the two parUtsi next door to ^^Me,. " IIu!6agh>iM^ 'yitohng. It was'not tfnly a tedUma^Hme'tot'tha a^otatois^ bpt.'- &iieioiAe one to'themsjcrltyibf t£a fielder^ 'AAer a bonteatptj twondQisi dnrtott which oiUy t6nr Inato^'hod been'pUjfed; daAseee JMgan rapidly to approach, Tbas far the game .bad been entirely one-sided, the INew Yorkers apparently ftodtog no •dlSoolty to battlfie the btUs pltohsd by HoSweeny and Wodsleyj- their scon at the^ose ottha fourth Inntoga being 28 to (, whIoU' 'wasnit matailally altered to the next- lnBlnga,-aawlllbe seen bVthefbUowtog secret— I i\- •' i*... •■■■i- ■ ■*■-..; iBATmraj -: - ■ '.• ■'' i v M.:, . Mt;' B,L,:BCIIt I '> I' Sww'SOBt. l'.'i' ii.u.aX!iii l.' ia.'i'i Hannesan; pi'...J.'.'..'.2''' (8'l" i :: I 'jj i' HOBODW.: . 'Wanaleytio;...''.!. lliiBwienywi<-'-'>>-- ZdleT,2db Pibe; latV.;).iVi BboBey, 8db WUktetllU/.i. .'■.'.4 . ..,1 .'1119 ) Btohem^P fJ'^v .i.i„-;l..l' hT Wright, as..., 9 Tl|oHisj'r tl i !• •.< v. ■ • • ' ■ 2 ' Totali:.;..'!.'-^ 9 0 ■ i> 1 ■■■'I 0 ■ -0 I'.l .i"i'.' Dr.'Ben,'l'fr;'.:.'.i.';,v.'U >< 1" Hudson, a a 2 "' 8' iAbramsi.'lstb.-.l.': ...<.'l <':!>3>< BlrdsaU, o;.;;.>. : . .'..B.i';'>1"'' Pattetooil,.'2ab.'i.';.jUJ0-'- 1 A 'v KlflholSon;8dbiv.i.Vi;.-l <" B' ' T. Ballon, of.'.'l<^''.l'P.'.2 ' '^2^'' JeWiett;r'f.i..vi. j.-'-1--.>''<''-'^'' i>:i.:(rotaIi.;ki.ti'.';.>';..';k'j98''''' »•«•' •.•'t->ifcw=iBM'liilwt-*%Adl'taiBfcSA" --.'•i't •'■ «» "«' ,;i if.il'.' -irt ad " 8d''''4ih;'8th' «»h','ijW:;itt',W^ .ymasfi^iil&i*; btthe^kfort'oiW, ;;''..;:.■'.'.';•. , • >£«3ban»^Wahafj:,.!frSo^ ^LT Ij 1 1'lf''',- btibe^ktoi^'alob, ij il^,.;i'Soon,ey,,2;;Plr€lMP,:.4., Piased Bans— wanajyy,.y I ™u>sy,,jj;W««.H,:.«ij '-^ ■■ifir.i: ,Stin!k.mt7rMpBfi;e«i^, 1;,jPP<^ /,Btpk$m, ^| .^al^er^ J), ' KVqutifn ifoul b^fis-j^ .^.Um'es.vBbboken^twlg^' n-'i. hraniVt:" "A Bas* iajji lfATOBwM played atAQiany, ^,.Oo(pb«ti(>iii.> letween'the etf^ andCowBoyHi which r^sqltad to,thp.defpat:M: ihb Oov'floisby <*nii»B. The loorei-r.. . •: :;irl .r :i I, 'j •iO between, thb Oo^, Bias. tfcOlnni*, p» J Seliy,'o. ;.'.■•".-■ Fllagetald, 1st b McOaiTlok,'2d b'.i '. HKMUyi'Sdb:..'. Dtolan, » r..'i.'."«' Batters, rf, UciCallilt. j>ujm,oi> . BAITIXO, B.L, BUDS :i..2; 8 <: 8 ..I B .»• 1 !»■■ 1 ...1 ...2 .1.. r , Totali. ,A 7.;. ......02'' fl**! LI CowBoM i> II '.'B,ti:«n(i W:Uarphy,'pi.;ivr.'V.'.li> ''lOii' ,Honagban,'«.v.<^.'i;;.8 ''-''0 •■ Beatl)^ B s I'l .>..'.'. :p8 u i>'l;'> . JBtay,.|Btb;.;';iJl.vl($"'-! ti' V Uorphy.M b;'jv..'.'Ja>i ' ' li'<< EBray,'8d\b;'ll..i.;<:'j:'.«' " '0 0 Mnrphy,lf....i'.''.'/i'.8'' "■f'-' aulaoil,'S f.'l ; . . .•t:iiV' " : » Flemtog; tt. ... Hi: .'iJt «"0'J .• I I !•> . ..•■' .1 'i ' ■ •■.:r.ll iu '„). " ' Totol.'ik;i'.';'.ii'.i'.vl.'i'J'»';i' „,TnRlSaiSZ0II9AIII> AlBLienO'^AUi:lOH)H<:io piaye'd.aa«c0pd'ntoe mat^b^tor tbe pbaqplpnshlpiPt mnfflnlim, Ust week) 'which wm won by the Keyslpps, : The,play,ol DIebIt left ileld lor l|ie Keyalbntr, was finl.oiass, naWng^wo fine ,ifktoh NoiVt ith) ontb»Atbl«Ui)i8tanndsQn„17>h'and kUsteraUeeb. .ui. t. de Binder Bicbapdi, aatad aa:.wnplre, and give.ttBlvetsal rw^s"*"' '''^ ^ t«e..kov%.' W«Mr;K*Tiitpa«,,Ml OowBpyn.,, fromo l^aitW „ dricketors, by'th?oon^tfliiVarll*»,'enb to th-tlle tbsoll boSg'SI ftatemlelBg ot tne New Tork aDdUiUantIo dubs on the ooculmi l^t apeaks favorably tor tbelr future totoroouree to aloiUtf gamta Al^yaNtap matf|).hBsbeen.:.pI«o»dqponthi»i^ inmmt as 'one of the flist games ot the seuon ot IBM, the sim« & be a game ot cricket between-tweaty-two bate ball playera ua th^^^relevra.afthe^^w,irork TeB of ttjajtr^w Tbik,:Sfiunlpil. lOhapman, of .^yto^rA..^,.,..,,. " '•;>'-ivitrf ' ^ '•' «■'■■' I,':/s.*»WtVf l^AVf aWrlghto. Hammond, 2d b ^'.troli $n Byron, p ..-.^ So*. o«j ^ Hanh.It A 0 §iilLTt 1 0 Denbigh, a a gigbam;istb...'.';V'^y Hndionr o f. „. ;iil'i'J "J'rl Total., 10 B'v.'iil; ' !i: B, 2 ;» •.t'u.vIiiiI'v;! II .'Ijir ,, .B.U-kim Whltet.o ,uwkar>'f,ii .';ii9>!iiii Stelle, f 3 0 :K»«».t 8 0 rl) '((|i|iiit oiJ! i! 1 711 1'.i.lT i ,.L'aALjtiyi^i liiiLUufi 'f.ir" ■ — tn'sB»'/i»iy 3 Allaiitio....:'.!';"'.'.-^ Old Countrymen... 1 1 lumplre— P. O'Brien, pf, 1 *^ontatMti^ltU4^ik''ii'^ U- times. iPut oat at aeeond baae— B. Wrl^il, by Orans, tiri«, {Put out at third basiCi^San,:BtilMiaid■"■■ ';'■',-.' Ply catohes madet-^Ptanei Oniia,' 9)'- Bptagd*,' 4i .iBtitt it OUvIn, 1; Bmith, Ir-totd^ 11. Btehe,' 2i HanUt;b£a;4;?E. Wrlgbtf>l-.totai:Wi:')' T.',.v r.'jj ;:■ '..> •. '^i^oi lE'iflTf Catohes mlssed-StaIbl'9;vBnlli 21 U. 8ialth,:li 'BpittMe,9r. Start 9; Oranvlr lvni;.1, Sound eatobeaitlaila ifHd'CoaiftrirmMii'lBri'AllaBaiuTlt/''- {Outs— br the twelve cddketenj U;: byiibe ftra ball players. 11. frimoof^gainiv twohomwaadfilty mliintes;! - ji.. . ':' ; > i. I b'Ai-i ' ■ ■' .' .■.y^/i :ii: .1" .r-il..lr :■" -'■■. '."■■' !<■ ': y. <- • . I... I ■ iFoBziOR fF0BTiiialTiiaiirBBiBr,^^-Oar flleof MMgh'spbi;^ papers hivtog arrtved' Jostbefbre we go'to t*es6;wvluyblaiily rdomfora abartsummsryof avanto.. . iXhtf^orMiipXf/'tbf Oct 91, lakes aides 'with lb contemporary, and threatons to throwpi. ojUam OTerboatd unleaa better randacted to futore Ur. IbnyHolt, (puglllatlDr Mporterof -iUt'iI^; and refeKe'lli ue ^te fight betweesilMllota'and Iravers,) Jem'Dlllon, Bob Mtos, Jack HIcka, Alec K«ana, Nat Langham, Fred Oliver, GMo.'notni, BbaTyler, and BobiWebb, were Ul aentanoed to ten daya'loiptlgpB. nient at tUe Oxfordahlie; Quartor SesiloDs, on the 90th ult/for- b^g present at tbe'Blllon and Tnvers' fight ' Pretty rci^h on tbeboIa,paItlonlaIdy^BO for Harry' Holt. v!.;. Ted ITajiper 'and ^b Fprge fought In tha liondon IHstrlet on Oot J0lh,'a mtUbg and protracted baiUe, lasUng Bb. IBin., and 109 ronnda.wben dlrkneaaputastoptolt [Full jlAitlbalars to our next].,.,,. . ' Ohx cotemporarlee sbto (bat £10 b dowil' far-Ike Baker (o tflit. JceOoea, Howbthbl H.Oardneranaj. P. Joseehada Brimming match fbr£M.on:the lBihult Bbtancej 'X mlle/M yards, won by Jones to Bm., the qnlckest tima on record.^' ■ I ' \ 'i , '.* ■ '? ., ■ ,'.^ .''' . ' FiBSidar'e IlmiKB.— Theiiie dbp hid a grand parade and toapecUon on'i (of Haverhill, Uasa., b^ asth nlt., the prowl- Inge oToatog by a trial 'of the throwing powers ot tbe vbiIou labs." Tiger, No. 1, 41 men, threw a stream 200 feet 10 inchv,. Thb machtoe b ot Jefler^' midte, baa ao(an,l9ch oyltoder, wlUi end atroke. ^wo and one-hair liiph,hbse wu na'ed by this com- pany. The boys tbol(hald'0t 'th4 bra)(ea with /k will, and.on Um fliat trial aent a Jet squarely over t)ie^le, reiohtog an altUadt, ■ccordtog to the Jild^es,«f 161 feet and 2 toohei. Tfied- W.'Let, No. i, (0 men,, threw. (4th ttttl) 301 fbat 4 toob^s, beating Ko, 1 W Slnohes. Thb bb b'sle^oof'^tbeJeffeis paltem, with ten bca ojdtoder and olds (Mke; and pUved tl^iigh the aame hoae:,u nded by tbe Tiger. Each tdb 'iue'w lla own water and played through 300 feet of hose, Tbe trial was merely for supremacy, [\\ -.-,»!! ■' , I' ■. ..' . !-". I " ' 'l-'I'-i V Oeasut WAi,itt'«Bxinm<--«wln^t(f . 'ji'i i.'' ^ ii" ' •'' . foi TBI WAUixBiJalMiAooaurwanb'to'sedyoa'liiinsdbtsly. „i ' 'I' ■ j^r- ■ ■ ■ " '"' •' roiJHa Sfobt to Jauu UcOabbc— Thb well known pe'*. aaees to accept JUcOabeb dudlengft .loi nn itwo, mllei, snd,^ ■pfet bim at tfii <£^nm 'oq\S^n)B'i^ ,^)makearrang(tUi^,lt^lijljjaJ:((p, ,,.,(,>. , L Foot B^o^t4W^>lM'4m^^ .ij'.:',.ii;'.'.'>.':« ^ - IBAU.IHOB TO TouHa BFW(.-::J,£.Iaoki0n. win run. OSw^ I eve a fi ;ii[iin'(niunid,.MnilitifBS ^ dlxlihliestrslUnlt ibatdhl ofi'the Odi .#oHht'oa'Ualfttb'a1t', IBoth'lada bn MUt told tA'go/ Hollll)RS«iolih' taUed.fbrlkve muss and* balt'vrtiilfl add won byitioenty'^AtdBi' Tlml siulll(mlD','9(seo,;' thlrd^Zimltl, 'SiiHflB'iwblohi.tlnie^^g^i' was declared drawn, or d»»^S nNnt^'a*iSt^uni!ii to°2 bibi JJ E O B K ^ O L I P P El B; ""."v.-i rtMtrldito. flaring tli>;i»«t weei, we tm ierj little io! * qiVMtheoBeBf"W<'' *^l»P'«'«';»*»^''''''"* ^•^^^i:i!{M^iibwSiori 6Tl)^ik Ei\ flook nlBhtlyto ^"'T^SSm Thi Bro»t Mlblo'i Strdon, MtSuih dt;dpepiDg 14 "OsmllSJ* The tofllence/'tAi'tlie oe- ^T?.l!r liM rolOvi In "u* ^1*7 Tery luge,' end BhV;nt BoROt*." an^'lt was one of tbe' moat anoof eafaV obar- JJ^M^thit^e baa 'r^reaented thla' Auon. ^r. Vheatley f?rilKiML Kltt Heroala to appearln VKdlth," and on tt tt'jSTliSnTrl.r, of *iid. BaoUeTa greateat rolj*., ^}i»SLit(ppeared on the 98th TilCi^aa Old Febrv; 1 ^wV^fBoiota," and'lt was one of tbe moat anoof aaft ^2S^ik2ihe baa 'repreaented thla^aaon. ^r. juMiifli>tappiar>n(ie( Eoman.ti;a«e4y of '■OorlolMinB," '^^nnal wlib a fine oaac, new stenary and aplendid monntlnga. V?T«SliiAlaJnieatre thait.li iioflilng.to leooid.exeapt the Uot iwffrJISwSwk'^ oomody— drama— latoe— Malodrama-trage- SSrfiSoiedilei" oonltonea to draw hpgoly. •UtSolnWood, errt on th^ aleri for proluolnq anything 'ben Barton aloaed hla theatre. Tbe company van aU anfbrlng fMm the effaots of a atormy paaaage ftom Oil- ny when they commenced to alng, bnt.Borton.lnalatad jipon their going on the itage. ,. ' ' . ..^ , . Mr Oacanraa the Armenian Tprk, gtve one of tna leotnrea on hmiiellfa and aooloty In Turkey, at Nlblo'a Saloon, on the 39tb alt. HlB lecture yrasmnatratedby the Introduction of aeveral uaia In a variety of cha^ soterlatla Tnrklah ooatomea. ' They gave ne3maniot the dandng of that country,, and .Vr. Osoaiiyfn pva a very InteieaUng expoalUon of the character of the harem ai a donuatlo Inatltutlott. . ' ( Hi. Oeb. '^denhsff obmmenosd a setlea of three leadlnga at Dodwi^tii'aHan, op the 3Ut nit. . , . ■. ' T1ieattncUoii%at Ui Broadway th^a p^t w^ were such aa no riitiil .F Mace of entertainment baa given amongst na fcr mpny a day. Avsfme «t the .'posten tayr "otowds. crowds:- crowds" roan U;l)'llioiigb there Waa only that part^onlar nlgba when we want ^ go. aet apart' to tie niore crowded than any other olfht It aaainad ao to pja byjthe wiay people flocked Into tbe AmedoaP aiietira on the laat day of October; but In reality It la not BO,.for there's Jnat the aame lam erory night In .the week.: Amongst oiheraewttcea which has lighted up the American during toe iMttiwdajra, arethebeftnUfal Klzon Slatora— Frank and Ada- lilde-^the ftcmar a'.du^oBr 'and 4h« etlwr .a alnger. Adelaide locka and alnga very Sweetly, but has hardly enongh compaaa of .Vflca to be heard dlatlnctly at a dlatanco— this, however, will leoqlxisbeutbeiled.bypraoUce, t^elady having onIyre<)enUy adopted the auge. Ixank— a downright pretty name— aa a dan-. Kiiw, la van 'agUe and graoafbl. Mlaa Emma Temple^ another n1rAUoDB of t^e dancing at Lanergan'e 3aIL wh|oh Tony pastor atngg with such guato. All thp old . (kr vcrllaaiue atUljratalned— tne fahainbalutlo'.bevy of .'.'dar^a''— tlhafley Vblie, Tlob' Hut, Xew BImmona, Jim Wambold,' Slfik Balfb, ud^obi|ny,Wlld 1 and It la aeldom we see a company wo(k KweuiogfiUier, With ncne'of that profetalonal Jeal^uay wbloh ^atlmea characterlaaa actor folks, nis' American Thea^ gtvei thd obeapeat and moat venatlla entertal)itaient onBroadwax. i.,9oraI)awTon, the dlatlngnlsbed dduble-vblcedvooallal^ oom' panceaiatBamnm'B cuHoertyahop ontheaiblnaL. Ike SandMrd Brolhera and Mile. Uedea, oomp6alng the trp.npe iDtitiitotalnilata and danuuwi, who havfe' Juat uoaed an engager Wt at Baivnm'a Moseum, ate .prepared to engagB..'nltti man- igm for flnt daks entertalnmenta. Parties re^iurliig. their aei- nou mnat addreaa thklr aolt i««nts— Meaara. Conner b 06. [Siranta'UlnBtreia'contlnneuglvepleaalng and m^rtbfnlen- Ualnmonta io veiy' large and appreolallTe audiences. . Dan mnt and Save Seed appear illghtly In their challenge dance, mb la van langhable. Tbe Bryants have alao added io their' ttricUona ttila week thb last lentaUon of Mllea O'Bellly.and l>ow who takepart In the aot nake.a good deal cf fan. At the Kew Boweiy Theotie bnalneaa has been tbe same as laiL On lbs SOth nit., Mr. 0. 0. Boniface, one of the moat opniar acton on tbe esat tide of the' tows, took a benefit, and le unmenN crowd present folly proved to blin that his endea- onto please had not 'been forgotten. This week oommenoea -.'luui'draotaof "The Jewof BouthwaTk,"and tbe rorlvaV.of le ■■Plying Salobman," BonUaoe. playing ih'eJow and Tande^ joken. "Bnmor' says that MdUe. £eo will ahorl^niBke her d• BTMli fwtnrea 6f thli'tSl&ted 6001. SS. ,!g.rtnla la the vMalhsaUon of Matter Wood, Wth piano awinMiimeBt, Muter Wood'a volcia no longer laboVa all ahortilme- alnoe,|and) no longer fettered bythe^ - hla IntonaUona, tie revels In the full display of 'S, The efleot produced by his voice Is that of a lUos «fitr<.v. -.mtliant any Visible, laorttle of jbeU'llke notea aoar above the Inatmmental effect. la peonllarlyTyrlCal, the dletlno'tlop be- uaS( wuthe iearot _ hlalvrlci peoularl effort, ' mnilc twlxt' poaaeaaA u .much general In call points and devoid hvdeeetids, tilt vjolee, WL two exttemes, notaahe ptol mUe aseigT.- MqMQiihmenl (Inabbadftom kqaUlne bwtb)leebtii«i ballad ilnge'ra. Maalet'Wood,' 9l«c4.''TThe.tilani atrament, anA'Wl auti&MortlBiet ' VlacB!tAlliambri 9Cthnlt.,tonther. tbe weeitwas of tl the ttk«ig«F'116t PNMM o&'th«v«Vi .1. 1 1th I Ithl 0 and the Instrumental being that the former Tmore lildlVlluallUr, and that the h'eVo ehbuld, Ible, remain .Tlalble to the ey^, like, a great itnr^ Of a battle.' This la one of the most dlffl. '"ler can make. ' Bia Voice la retaArksbly high less, and from the highest note ol bis range ~irk>Ue eaaei OowB tomeloweatiioteB of th'e;«ffeot of tbo ktldden oontraat of the more offset Apon tbe sat.' His saalalned ivoildortal cire. ' Ih puts that do not re- reat tondorneaa and awe«tnc4*i and his of playfalneeB, and bo ra'pld at notib be loot matter. Be la yal^qlte young, with ey^ fnd aa'expreaalVe motitb,«nd bids *-- tiatnbig.lone of ourVnioit prbmlaing of ibe mnsloal.comppaltlon .aaig .by Dlicoura^!.'— HeiM'Blbhop'a maattr-' * dn the bcoaMtih Is a iklagnlBcent] In. d' to MSatei Wood by MeaBta,.S(6d' . '< I .. . i. ■ ;'■.. . . I fjeiopenedlnlouitaetih street OB.tbe kouse, and tho attendtnee' throughout VOet wbloh wsf neither flattering to IfeiD artlBts' Maagod' h'eio, , VTi \tu« aSibi uia UieM wit^.^jtobably ' I .. J "nil I - ■ . 1 •bout lUO ouh In the hoaae. Blnoe onr Jast visit to-tbla show, there have been only two addltlona worth mentioning. The flrat UtherlnglllheqneatrlenneiKAd, Maile'IIaa4rt«, wholsotteof Iba'ifaestlieautual riders we have had In ,thla oountry for some Uffle. 'Her ease, her darlu, her eertalhty and her rapidity. In lU' thOidUBouH'fAtts' tba nbdert4kes,,bkve won for her the aduliattOA offalL' Tb^'other artist spoken of Is Mr. VDllam' FennT,'.Ute:oi the "OltonS Beyal," who la one of the beat "I/WheUe'&MTtbrmeM ln'thedonntrjr^ ' Mr. Oosk, the Blngltsh otoWBi luprOves vipon 'adqualtatanoe, and ainea he has reaolved' to Mve Us th4 phre ntiadnlteriited Qdeen'a EhgUab, makes a-vetT: eleven otewn; The wiaather was ve^ cold nnder canvas, so tnuch; so ihat vre Initial performanoe oonslsled of ■' BataUle de Barnes, or ud , iDnel en^'AfflOor," a oouedy fn"three Acts, by thbse eminent a^thoB, Mtaara. Scribe And LMirve. ^Ith eleiUenla of saecoAa' milch' Increased 'and strenithet|«d since bin lakt 'Season, M. Jdlgnistwin doubtless have the satUbctlon of flndlng his liberal- ity; In fumlablng the lovera of Fnboh ^tlng an degantenteif- talntnenti appreciated atlla full WorthJ : XatbAen O'NaU, the pdpnlar. Irlah bAIladlst, arrlied' in tbip dlty.daxlng the early'partof laat wsek.afte^ a -lengthy t)t(lfM. slonal tour throagh theivrestera'cbabtry.' 8he'%«s'lmmedla^lf tecored by tbe manager of the " Canterbury," WaabliUtoniltnd qpens'there thlt evenlilg. ' • ''• ■':™-; "' : I'' ■",..!..; '.■.': • i. : ■' ' I -''' ■ .'.' . .■• . :■:;■■■':„ ,'. ':■ ', " '. ■ .'' \ ()n,'%MJaesday, October 98tb, Mlu Charlotte .Odshmm atf-. peaired at tbe Brooklyn Acadei^ of Mualo aa Ladvi Macbeth, - .^nUtoe flaying Macbetbi and .Mordaun^ Mardnff, tne ooCaalon | being a benefit lor the Dramatic Fond Asaoolatton.. 'Owing to il^ .bad 'management by those who had charge of tbe arrange- ments, .nqt, more: than iwo-thlrda of the. soab were oooupled; 1^ demand^mr, seats wonld' have led tothehoqaa being crowded to eioeas, but for the action taken. In plaolna the wbole of the tlaketa,'tath^ beat Beats in the hoase, In the hands of the rega- lia tisw Tork speculators. This the Brooklyn nubllo would not Dubmlt to, and hence the oomparattvely nllm attendance. Con- sidering: the gT«at dealre to see Miss Onshman aot in this play, the mjoagers would, have done .well to hila% on the. 37lh ulb, .the flrat Jredilapipatd for.the .oholce of' threeseataln ttieparqnet.'wu ISeach, Twetfty-nlneDorewe(e41ipoee4ofaltl'eaclk.-< ' Banie SKjnalr coiocunenaed a short engagement at FoBar's' tonlk^dUe Theatre, on the SOth. uli. opening In the '"French Btoy" knd the comedietta called "The Toung iBebel.": Onthe ITtn, she apipeared u Mrt. Orraaby Delmalne' In "The Serious Ftnilly," supported by Mr..pbatlea Banu m Amlnldab Sleek. The "Wliatd BkUT.' wu also produced. The sensatlan drai of "The Woman in WpiUi" wu OQderllnedto beaoitlypi duced. , ■' ' Mn. D. P.. Bowers commences, ain eiigagement (piths' Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, on the nth In^, In aomi of ber moat .bijUlant oharaotaK ' She opens in' "Tbe Hudchback" fol- lowed onthe 10th with "Love," Uth, "Ladyof<'LyahB,"^13th, '"Love'a Bacrlfica," 13th, •■Bomeo and Juliet," a;id op the Ulb, ••Plot and Patalon.'.' The second week of her en^'tgement will commence with one of tnoee new dramatio ohatioters In which 'She hu achieved a great reputation.. At the Cbfstnut Street Thestta, Philadelphia, Mdlle. 'Vi^tvall wuthe star. lut. week, and sncoeeded In. atttaoUng very good audiences. The dtuna waswallplayM and splelidld^mounted, and Its great ancoeu wu In nO iTitle meastin attrlbutU to the exoellsnt mnalo and the ohoruaea. < ' . Oarl Anscbuta oommancu a seHu of operas At the Academy of Muilc, Philadelphia, on the 3d Insb ' ■ The feature of the patt week at the Aibb Street Thehtrei PhBa^ dalpbla,.wu the Davenport- Wallaok-Farren Combination. Mr. Wallabk'a Werner wu very highly spoken of by the pteu of that olty.:.|Mr.E.I>. Davenport la the atrengthot this oomblnatlon,' and Is ably Busported by his obllesgues. '. Mrs. CeoUe Bush gave diamatlo readings atUdsIcal Fund Hall,' Philadelphia, onthe 37lh ulb . ° ' I Mr. and Mrs.'W,'J. Florence tookaoompUmentary benefit ht 'Orover'albeatre, Waahlngton^.oh the .80th nib iOn' the Slat, 'their engagement oloaed, 'With the "Oolleen Bawn." The next btiwwMiolw.Luolllb We8tem,jwlioiwutoopeti on the3dlnsb,' lni"EutLjMe.". ' ,;,■•■•'>■'■.' ; .The Foster Troupe oonoluded a two weeks ' engageitent at the' >7orfolk Opera Boute, on the 3tth nib, presentlog the aeeotaoular drama otMie .VBljIng Dnlcbman,'^.the "Forty^IhlevM,^' and the pantomime of the '^Bed'Onome and Whit* Warrior." On the 37th: ulb, a benefit wu tendtied to the manilger, B. W. aienb,by knllliary and clvlo offlclala and oltliana, on which ocoulcn Evelyn Evans and James Gates, together with the ''entire oompany, vol- iinteered their servloea. Ibe bill ' presented wu Tom Taylor'a oomedy of "Our American Coualn" and "The. Beriooa Family." In theformer, Mr.Maraton appeared u Asa Trencbard, Oosaln as Abel Murcolb Evans.u Dundreary, and MUa Mary R Bill u Flcrahoe. .While laoUag the pungency which la a dlBtlngulshlng characterlaltc of Jefferson's Aaa,Manton made a favorable Im- t>reBSlon. In "The Berions Family,'.' Olenn, u Amlnadab Sleek, Introduced aomo. local hits, vrith telling and approved effocb The crowded houao, which was oompllmontanr to hla popnlarib, and to thoke present for thue teatlfjpfng their appreoUUon ol his labored efforta to p lesent an entrirlalnmontwonhy of patioaago, ;seemeA to exerolae'a IkvorAble stlmulaB to bis rondlUon, which wu nnexoenUonably glTen;' In reaponm to the domanda of the hudlbsosj Mr. ' Olenn repeated his printed promlBeito' present an entertainment which oannot fkU to pleue, and plodgtiig that bis eflbrU Bbould'OonatanU^toijd to the falfllment of fliat laudable intention. The Webb Slaleis were to oommoneo an' eagagemont iontbe3dlnBb ' : , • " : . wo wero agroeably Burjirtiod on Monday night, dot JOth, with tbdperfonnipoesatthefirooklyn Academy ol Music, by Mr. J ^"ffL?"'*?'-" '^^VS?!' bKSw A*' Marco, m the great Trenohdramaof tht "Martrta He«tt." ' Boblb'i acUng ln thU play was truly sxoollent, eaoeClally'Ui the 'toeno'ln Which be InblsOTOBtudfo. H JhaaairbV Ahd fntoUlgohl countenance Is Boon to great adVahlage in glvlng'play 14 • tho'VaridhB exproa- to axoel should lead hlm.to attempt-higher fllgUUr^ilun hli age andexperienoe,lfnothls oapaol^, should .warrant him in at- temptiig, and we think he dou tUa When be itrivu to equal hla father In Ma r^dltlon of the leadlEg ct^araot^ of, Bhakeapeare. n)4 Ust time we saw the "Marble Heart'.' ptffoimod, CFeorgel Jordan enaoted the part of Rspheiel.^d Xanra Keene that ofl Maroo, and of conne with the rMU'embiUioe of their fliM utlDg,< we were not prepared to be carried away with enthnaUsm by thal^ of, the artists In the same characters on Monday nlghb .^e were,' however, eapeclallypleuedwllh Vb, Booth'jBatjhad,'and I4 eev-i eral reapeots with Mrs. Barrow, especlaDy'In' the scene' wherein! ahe explains her experience and dread of '{loverty, her reading' and acting, which wu worthy of her won eartied reputatloil." Qf .tb«.olher*, Mr. Norton'a Yolags wu ihe'only one worthy ofspe-: olal remark. The s^netr and' appolntmenta were (k'llty, add Ihe'atltndance email, the house not baldg more than halffUl^ ^yMnre ate It 8laled,'in tbe iinmaaulate dalllw, that the dramatic, perfoitnanou at the ' AcBMlemy are always greeted by crowdea: honaiaai Tbe 'fact is, there hu not been a otowded hotue at the! Aeadsmyttda'aeasoni'. "1 ■. h: :] Mr. Jos. T. Fannin, now engaged for a brief aeaaon at Foid'al Haw Thaair4;Wuhlngton, Is having' a new driama ' written for! hlffl/Wbttb will soon beglven' to the public, with an emlnenti oast, and-all'seoeuarysoenlo and other adomioents. ' ■' . On Thniaday nigbi M^atieh faVored the Btooklynllea with', Tlotow/s:','MAitba,'^.theattendadce b«Uig,^erygood'lndoed. Tbe performanoe* were excellent, but' not superior to those of' the' 'OonnaD trontre under Anschntz last season. ' Miss Kellogg. Mile, : Hxateci Hem Lottt and BIgnor Blacbl ensMed the prlnolpol nlo. On 8at|irdaythe; AMdfmy wu filled to OTerflcwing: with the BrM>k]yn fMhlbni^UBS, on the ocoaalon of the.flxat grand concert this season $f. tliai.flillhannonlc Society.' Mn, Abbott sang in plac6ofMn, 4«flbgg, : .. :. . Mn, Tan Zandb-^ Jenny Blitz, daughter of Big. Blitz, of life- long mei^ory— makes' be« first appearance at the Brooklyn Aea- ,demy, od 'ivednu<|av, Mov. 4tli, It being her .debut after three yean tultlpn.dnder'tlie' beat masten of.the axb. Bhe , I The Blchlngs Opera Troupe were announoed to open tt Pike'a Opera House. Cincinnati, on the 3d Idsb, In "The Daughter of the Beglmenb" Marv Provoat took a benefit at the IndlanapoUa Theatte on the 30th ulb; aqd dosed her engagement on the Slob "The Bomance of a Poor '7oung Man" wu In active preparation at laat aooonnls. Mr. J: M.-Tridib]s^ Jr., proposu opanmg a theatre In Albany. H. T., atjled the Academy of: Mnalo, to be opened about the 16th of Decbmber. . Several male and fiunals artUta areadvertlaed fbr in this Issue, and any good performer in want of a "alt" will ad- dresti ai( pta adVtotlBemeiib Weareinreoelptofalotof n'aifB flrom a correspondent In Ban Franolaoo, CaL, under data of Sepb 7th. He says:— "Fanny Wembam^ at ' Magnlre's, made a uUure Charley Thome could not open the.Metropblltan, u be could not get a company. .'.,.. .Mn. Qeoige Jordan opens at Magnlre's ott the lllh of Sep- tAmber.. . . . .Miia. Lelgbtonjiu become one of Msgulra's stock oompany Mr. Leighton is at the point of death Miss BHrllng. tbe American giantess, is in a state of destltatlon In this olty The Union Theatra opens next week under the man- agement of Sherry Corbyn; it -Is colled'the New Idea, Ithlnklt will turn oat a "bad idea,'' U the location la bad .... Gilbert hu abU out tbe Melodeon to Little and Bradly; . good houaea all the time - - . . - .The Bells Onion Is crowded ereiy nJgbb The compa- ny at thla place la a whole team. Loranta 'Marla^ Marian lieie, and Blscacdantl, cannot be but by any artisle In their line. Sam Betconrt, the proprietor, haspunmued a block of buildings on Stockton' abtest for $70,000 cash; he Is one of the managan that we read about..;... The EuMkaTbeatrehu good bousu: The theatre and melodeon at Wuhoe have bunted np, and tbe company have returned to thla olty...... Jack Wilson's Olraus hu'retmned from Oregon. . . . . :Lee'B Circus is bHII iiavellng in this State ; The Marsh Children 'will be here about the mid- dle of October Slan commg here this winter (If they will take yonr oorrespondenf s advice), can do better by coming hare flrat and make their amngements after they setheK, or they - wHl alaad a good ohanoe of getting bit Jamea Stork h(a gone into'the qtaariz mill bu^lneaa at Anroxa.:,, .'.— . Julia Deui Hayna; with Waldron's company, are ht Yortlanfi, doing wiul. Madame Acoata, the danieiae, bu got a Judgment agi^nst ^M^Irefbr 1600 for salary,' but .getting (he mone^ la another On the 36th' nib, the Blohldgs Qp^ Tronpe ma^ae'thelr bow :at thB'Olevdand'Opera Houae; The high-character of (b^ ttonpe 'aa dMits, (x>ap1ed with the attrootlon of the onlveisally popnlar iMIaa' OAroUne Btchlngs, could not tall .to seAure' them good' ihonaea. During the atay of the troupe, Mr.'Ellaler' look 'hla co^lpany to'Oolunibns, Ohio; ' : ' On the 81st ulb, Mr. Alt Buriiett, the hn'merlst^wu announdcd toocoupy the Academy, atOlevelandi'attd -on the 3d losb, the regular- oompany wu to r^pp'ear, with Mary Provost u thil star. Her engagement Is for six nights, and will bloae In a t«w, leks, Hr. E. gblug- to Columbus with hla obmdany for' the nter. ^ ' ' '•• ' J. WllkM Booth, Mn. Banow, Mr.' Sniton, and Miss Fanny BNwn were onnouncfed to atipear In "Blohard in./' Cob 37IIi, .but, to the disappointment of the andlenoe, laye '^e Maible Heart" Instead, "Btohkxd m.," the second night, and "Hamlet" the lut, with succeu, at Mefw Haven, Cb ' ' Mr. Ohantrau hu been playing the "American Ooualn't: -to crowded housea at Mo'Vlcker'a Theatre, Chicago, The "Oboat" wu OB'the boarda lutwsek. Jennle Balgbt appeared: uthb ghoBt, in thedranaof the i^MlslstoeBcagli."' . ' i ' Tbe new.iheatn at Muhville has been doing a very exoellsnt bnstnen with Miss Laura Seene and her oompaoy. . Her benefit, on the 3Sd ulb, was » perfect jam. '•Baohal the Super" hu been the chief attraotloa; i, 1 .Mrs.'Wa]ler,atthe oldMashvilleThutre,bunet bad thatat- tenUon paid to herwhlohsoolever'an artlstdeMrves. A.cbr- respondent states that tbe . Block oompany here la dot what It pn^tto.be. ' I , : alcns 'Of pualod 'Uif^ tiiese 'SDenevandhlB reading waa nearly taultlus. Hh labortd oMte th-e dlaadVanS, of' hoa^^^^ from^a saVare coM,bttl.ln olhfv respeota £ere vtas no other 'drawback io the encceHOfbU 'aSttrIa iTgl^iri^S^e .ffntto the Iparbhe M ^ i^rfonn, 'It la'to; BDBIO A new (Hnoert Ban will shortly be' opened In BuSklo under the 'management of Oeorge Wlnshlp/'the Btrong nun; and to 'be called Wlnablp's 'Tariettes, ° ParUu wbhlng to engage (diould api^ at onoe to his agents, MeAars. Oobner 1: Co., ox by piall u ^ advertisement' ' ' Ever on the alert to engage talent of the hlgheat order. Mana- ger Lea bu added anotber name to the already brilliant doater of Btanbdongtngio hla Mammoth COttblnatlon.' E« bks ae- baied'the servicu of Mr, J. H. Ohllder*, who is a' wbndeifal performer with the mueket Mr. O-hu never kppUMd In the Eutem dHu, but hu been conflnlng hlmadt to dnolnnatl and knany oiher of the Western -olllaa. AtPorhopaIls:he played an engagement of one month atPteval's.Matlonai Halli.anaat SnUh ud Dllaon'a Hall, oreatlng quite a aanutlon. He la now under bontraot'.io Manager. Lea, and-manBgenvriahlDgtaBebare tils Bervlquoan do ^l|y addressing Manager. Lea.. . Don Santiago . Qlbbonnolse,' tie Iranakeas man, and one of the beat . boptortl|iu4eta In ,the . bqalneas, hu been engaged for the' Hemaodez obmpany in Chicago.- > . : :i At .sorval's Mnalo HaU, Cincinnati, Master Aogelo, tbe ohOd wonder, Ujlheprtnelml feature at preaent Frank Donaldaon, Gob Bbaw, Sophie Walton, and Lizzie Donaldaon, were alao re- engaged laat vreek. ,» < II' ' The Meifark Theatn Mnalo Hall Is now)n full operatton under the management of Mr. McManua, with the following oompany: —Bob Batlpr, Bam Alnswoith, J. H. 'faylor, Frank Lnm. Amelia Wcills, Mlu St. OlDlr, Josephine Barnard, and Uazlo Walby. : At the .Oanterbory, Wublsgion, quite a varletv of newasts WBie given lut week by tbe oompany engaged., Julia Horttmar, Millie fowler,' and Eineatlne de Falber, are tbe leepeolil favorites of (hi pitttoiv) of that eatabUahmeab , This week, Eatbleen O.'Mell oommanceB an engagomenb On the alttmoon of the 8d Inat^ a matinee benefit wjtf announced to be given to the Wuh> Ingtop Protestant Orphan Aeylnm, given under the anaplcss ol the Lady Managan of.the Asylum. Every mombor of the Can-' terbnty Company volanteered hla servlou. . At Hamblln's YarioUu, Wsahlngton. a most exceUent pro- naa^e wu offend by the managemcint bat week. MoaarB. Wll- llam and Jamea Budworth oontlnao twb of the especial lavoilMt. of the lnaUtutton„ . Meaaw Mafflt and Bartholomew, in panto- mlidiO, are nightly, applauded In their several acta.. Mlsa< Uaale Bobullic.liu^apMueLtbrcragbovtthe past week In her new Im- vanodatlon of Jack flbeppard, a part in which' ahe la eald to exi obL .Lltzlemoku a .gi\Uevr dently iniant on oolleotlng onmncy. - 1 ' -m';'^ Arling ton, Leon and Donnlker's Minstrels are huvfly bQIsdla sU tbe Interior, towns of Illlnola, . They made their nnl ataaii^' after leaving Chicago, at JoUet, on the Sfilb nib, making the'ettn cult of Bloomlngton, Bprtngfleld, JaoksonvUls, Oniiiiix.''ttsVi> burg, Peoria, &a . : i . .: m . j-.j. i • Mldatrelay hu recdved Ita flnlshlig tonoh by the organUatlaa of a band of real African bnthen. who dlspeoas enwdyiMUr. burnt cork, but have the genuine nnvamlabed uUe bid*. Thsnf gentlemen, devate their voices atWymsn's Hall, Bb"Loals, adtf attract the curious mrals to behdd them. Mewobmb'e Minstrels oontlnae to hoIdposaesstonofSmlfb ft' Dltson's Ball, OlnolnnatL Their proUxiged stay Is svldenee'that they an folly appreciated, and settln the question of pArtdM^ nenoy. They oannow be consldeieda&xtanatthlshall. -' Bdalneu wllk Duprez & Green's Minstrels contlnnu of a verr llvdv obaracter. On the SOth ult they wan at Westfidd, HUa-i and hod a large attendance. .On the Blab they were billed at Mlddletown, Obnn. IL C- CampbeU's minstrd party, with Johnny Booker M«d Davis, Gould, Waddee, and Eddy, hu made a aucoeaafdl trip westward. After luvlng Detroit, the party stopped -one nlgM In esAb of tbe following towns:- Ann Arbor, Jackson, ar.^C^ Kalamazoo, Chicago (three nights), Badne, Mllwauka^ and Waa at Madison, Wis,, on the 37th nib . . : r . . . - . The. Buckleys, at their new Mlnatrd Ball andAqnarlal Qtpi dena, Boston, are In the hlghut tide of sncoeaa, and are dfswlaig^ crowded bonaes nightly. -Their liaU la a beautUul one, and holds fourteen hundred people; .but notwltbatandlDg thls,1iandreda are frequently turned away, nnable to goln admlttanoe. ''TW troupe at preaent oonslala of B. Bishop Bdckley, G Sw*ln» , Buckley,' Fred. Bubkley, Jamea Buokley, Mlu JnllA Gould, BoUa Dona, J. F. Sullivan, J.: E. Oampbdl,' Onurlle Petdnalll, J. A.' Palmer, J. G. Lonadde, 0. Piott, Erastua J^eksod, Frank Bawla. Kennedy, Steele, and Muter He ward. . Measis. Young, Johnson^. Duffy, and Wlnshal have diuge of the aqoatlal depattmsnt George A. Eossam Is treasurer, and D. Q. Waldron (formerly iba aoant courier for the Alleghanlans) is buslnsu . manager, ^naWwy a very strong team. . Morris Brothers, Pell it bowbridge'a Minstrels had a veiy at-' tractive programme on band, lut wecl^ at their popular hall' la'. Boston. .,Bph Bon is on the "end,", and wu "down" /or'M &Oii^ Ic ditty. Kph Horn appeared u"Ctoge'aObve," and pea Mdw' ris gave "High Tlmu In Msau's Kitoben." . The faroe wu eaffitC "Sdplo, or the Intelligent. Monfcey,"iWlthJHiadese'ToBidiyW' the "Honk.'' .'During the.pleee the oharacterliUo "Cocoa Om«»-' Dance" was introdaced. Bnalneukube«n-varygoodwllh mei's tour"wlth B. 0.- Wheelei*B Olions.' Madame .baa dlsndsaA . of her fknnin Mew Jersey aind hu moVsA' to HAwtown,-Li>iic Island, where she hu taken up ber whiter quartan. ',' ' < ' Brian'a MaUbnal Olrcusopens InPhiladelpbia on the}4ttilnit|.. In MaUonal BaB, Market street ' and the probkhlUty If toe abow., will nmain then all winter. . ' V , , Mesan. Gardiner & Hemmlngs, who have Just MoaAd a' voir ancceasfal summer's campaign tbrangh the country, adverilu'&. another department of this paper their antln ring atobk to,b»^ hired ont to any pardu'dunng the ooming wtnifT, by.th'e wee^ Tbetr "stook," Is an excellent ene, and partlu quiring any* . thing of the klnd,dther for the ' arepa or for dramatio ap«p^ tadu,'cannot do better than -by applying at onoe ,19. Measn, . p.&H. ThetnppIngsandmbnntlngsare.aUcomBlstefcrsbow pieces. ■ ■ •■ ''.■",'''... ",' . ', I iTbayar & Moyeh' OtMusremalned at Ohldaiso all lut %taLTb^ . tng the secdnd week of their stay there. ! Buslneu was eioeoaat .. with tbe'comiunT. Mr! Jamds Roblnson,'tbeCbam)plon-'BldaE<. of the world, wkauie great future: The mfnagement.epgaisAi, servlou of John u DavenpOri, the American blown, ,wba ^ niade < a very favorable ' European udpreaslod not long wof* 1 Several other talantod artists wen added to Ihe.poncem. , Itto.. admitted on an ddu to be one of the "bMt dronsu'^ ever aMk, juthatolty.' ■ ' ■ ' ' " ' .', " ".....'••., ! '■■ BUSoBiuuAmimn. ..■','';;\,' ''■.';.:.,:. , Enbiger and Mavoomb's Mioral Exhibition oommeaoad'flk*' > put week at Stamfbrd, Cbtm^.thencs to Danbnry and Morwilk. Ibis ireek' they appear Mt Bridgeport: 3d ;,Blrmlay^m, Bd; ' WateitaiT, ^tb lina 6th; Mew Haven, Otb and Itbt Mew Londoi^ (Ih And loth; and thanoe to Morwioh. .WlQImantlo. Hartford, ka. '■ The darter Zduavb Troape opened JRpoheater on the Slat ulb for two nights only. Mr. L. M. W. Bleer^ . hu gone back ta his fint love, and le agent for the oompany ono< again. r Father Hemp's Old Folks had very good houau at pibraryr Hall, Mewad, M. J., last week, and ha'fB concluded to remata, three nights this week. On the Oth they nppearAtMeVrbnrRbr.- Tth Poughkeepd^ 8th Hudson, Bth Troy, tbtnce'tb BAnlbga,.A«w . On the .asth, at Spencer ffall, Home. ::- > I .Dick Bands' puly wu advertised to be at Utica on ihA 3d afia..£ Sdlnsb ' i.- '' ■ ' The Siarooptleon exhibited fo^ the benefit of the jtAirHavM^' (Conn.) >Yonng Men'a Inatllnte. October 301b, hu b^.^nU,, gaged for all exhlbltlona In Music BdL < , '.^'M,:. . . Mens. ChlrlakI, tbe wire performer add iitoenent yNttrUMoUl^ , having Just olosed a sbort'enRigement al."M4," tajAady to, gotlaie.vrithvanyolhorman," . . .-i.: „,;,•; ParUu; TCqnlrlng the aorrlooe' of Tq^Bwn^ ^^y al;^ far vocallat win find hor address Id anotbbr engaged after tbe Sib inat. ' -:_'' ; .frof Karl Kabr's Drawiojl Iloom'Hoval;^ boiree wU at Columbua on Ihe >n. „ 6tbdib' Ibe domf Auy^MS^'. of T. W.NIcbota, baslneu m»n«rf»rV]HarrtX<*JlJ,^t^^^ agar; Prot Kahr, magldan; MJle Dr%olL'the f*|ttf»;^^^^ Sank Wblbiey-ntt Mlohd>--J. SWeeaAhd,.«fl4 i;TM>k'<>fWy ' hgenb 'ftir Mntbiiia«lo& er.IhM«iMi;|^ i'.l .'.;,.....:..;.''.riJss^t'i2Ss£S %t A.^ U S B M B NT S TO asvebubbss. ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Huaovvjxvn-^^.w A.Boaa.oao«r. TUB or THE OBiaiHAL VOEUMISHOWHBD , ■ BBYAHTB- HIH813Utt8, „„„„ m zxosLBioB TBOuna of vat wobu). ^ PAS BETAMT, SBK BBTAST, SATBBEED. OOBOB & TOmiXB, BOUJH HOWABD, V. ORTIHaB, /AlBBOABmai V.L. HOBBB, lUA, raUB BKIHOUB, J, B. BI70U, J.fl.BWSGS, _ JAUBS UOBBUOIl, O. & OOHHOB, DAS EKHBT, Ud k,* Jww luUkftd BoBgi. I^M^ BnrtoKM", EIinWioB to Fni«tlanUn,iMMBiotthedir> „„ . - 31e£rtiol AAndMlonUcanth W-U , F*:...v" "iiV'' ..fH':..: ■ ■■ ■ ■OOlAT*! OFBBA. HO Pm. BBOOKIiTBi . OoK. COVBT k BBUBBN BIBEEIBi KM. BOOLET Bole ttdpittat. ' Oi' W. OBITTIN Dlieetar of AmoMSUnHL I. B. FBEin)BBGA£fr.....Voo»lDli«)toi. Vnl BTBAUB. i initmniaiitalBlnonr. MDAZ XVXRIHa. Honmlwr letb, and dmlag Um wmb. ABOXBEB OLOBIOUS BILL. " . BAST, WB8T, NOBTH, AND SOUrtt by HnabM, Boyoe, artlBD, and Pirkeifon. . BLXJHDBBlHa AUDI, y \ 'by Hoghf tnd Orlffln. C jumuiuj IJIKboraOT, ,b/ J. T. Boyeo, CHI "WHAT Jiceeflol OAT IB rr." by B. B«lp&. UHOLB SHOW, br Aidur Hogbai, iBAQtoSoiot^ kJoMk OonolnUaawltbtliencirWtlkAioiind, •'^•«'&!SMr*i^^B«K.i.. I Orif HiLL. BlOOCLTR. VABK VHBI&TABI, '<'<'-;''..'^"'' - ft|j||in ^Syi^«^ -~Tr...itABMjli"BtBBlBOH ' ' ' ' Btin lUiiMtT B. A. BAKEB. ------ Dbm «pai at 7K: oom'i'M"!* 8 o'ebMk PBtnat WAi< thbatrh Am) MUSIO BALL, . Valnnt street abOTaEl8hUi,RiIladeIsUa. ; lUJBON fe HntOEEK LeoaeiasdlUnaAan. , . nie.towat and Beat Condnoted Ertabllihment In Immifm. low IH TBI FOU. TIDE OF StTOOESS. HAimOTH OOHFAinr OF 100 FEBBOBUEBS, . Vbe are (reeted nlsbtly by_ , ' '■ ■ nmEMBE ATJDIENOES, V 1 ^' b IMIODilDa, Billet, BnileaqTie, EtUaptin Ada, Qema ot tha OpMra, Oymnaatliii, to, to., - HMnhaiepiMtmted to the pnbUo in perfeoUonlnaBthelr womri •u [■SBBIi BAIilii OFBIt )A1)WAT. •U BBOASVAt, BeUrnpil««eraDdllaBi|t& QLOBIOUS BnoaBBB. . HOUSES OBOWDBD RiaHTLT WITH ■""raAOTT AMD »ABHIO». ^ THBBTABTBODPEOFTHB WOBUD, Ohadtf F^ftank Bnwer,' A. J. MI^AS^jPiS^ta; Hto^. aWanWd, I*5nio«d, Oleo^ ^wioardl. Haatar Wood^aaca Brothaw, Haalam. I^lliS^^B JOnrai OoBAnnuKOonnB, TmBBDBOKne, H*in)T Ahdt, to, «p. ^ ^ tt*i|me«fWbod|i^ "^StSnsbr sraBET, abote sixth. ««,0AS«0.„,.3^,. •THE OBBI TBESOIEI T HE gMLT 0^ jumiwra HAnoKAL nranrDTi ' '^*^;i5LS35iUEnJoableAm«a«Mnt \ "^B* fSSFiT Tin WOBLD. ^•^HOl to ABBOLUTELT OBOWDBD TO OTEBFLOWINft. Xm eSeted to a DaUghted'Fabllo. Tort«ata«f Arplaaae. ^ ^tttoBoaiflOlDaUfhi, nom the Bdverted, the OtUoal. the Baflnad. AUagreainpreoo^^^j^ OAHDJO TBI BaXABLIBBlIEMT OF TEE AQB. W. B. BHUH, B*NJ.»gSf.,oj^,BB-n...k«UK «. N B. Aiiiitaof aoknowledaad abUtyou alwqi meet vUn ,ooi«M«-«-.b,ap^a.-g^rtooj,A^ti, g^K 9SWeatH0BSlanitaeel,B.T. ■OHBIB BBOTHKBS* A OfTB BOBBVaBIiBt awMJua 'ggJfl^SJ^BoBlOH, BfABB. OOHMBKBD-TBXIS aEVIM'H BBOSLiB BUKW, ^^^HOBDAI AUOTJffr td. wnnma BBOmEBB, FELL * TBOWBEIDOIV I OmSit ot the toDowtna Oentlemmt lAB HOBBIS. «• LOXHUH. lOBHOBBia, B OLTM OBBia^ lOHNHT FELU f . a TBOWBBIDa^ K W. FBE BOOOT . J. flTT'^''- P. ENDHBS, AUQUBT BOHNEIDEB, D. W. BOABSHAN, B, H. OABBOUk t. QUEEN, F.iimHABTH, S, FBEDKBIOEBL J, J. m LTARD, D. J. MAOPP nOB, Li A. ZWISSLEBi JAPANESE TOUIR. j^'OompetantAttlataoan meet with aftrantigeoiisterina by ^gng aa abore. j^jj^g pnxjBIM, Sta ge Manager. •VABIIITIKBI VABIBlTIBiail VABIBTUStll ' ' " " "taUDtranla ATennt and Ninth atreiat, WABBraOTOH, D. 0. ■ Wiim xH k Oo Fioprlstoifl. * Bl'iX BIUHONS Btue Hanagar and Admtlaer. W)BB.-BAPnBTIN Uaitre de BaDat ill mh OENias oub auiDiNa stab. < _ atoFiiat Olua Uuie BiU Of Wuhlngtoa Oitr. by tha leading Jonnula of the Natloa'a OapltaL jbtb daily oomnundattona ptore onr aaerUona. OBAND^UBIEBIHa OF ABT AND ABTUTS. QBDiaafAdmlaaton, BOandSteenta. Frlnte Boxea, IS, ggr- lMtarionaU of atarUng ablU^, and STABS of oaiH ■iSimtatlon, wiAlnc engigementa, will addreai BAUBLIN & Oo., Pnpilaton. ' : caaoAoo vABiBTisia, , lU AND m DEABBOBH SIBEET. ' , O. H. OHADWIOX. Pro p ri e t or . ' ' eiO, F. UoDONALD BIfge Uknager. . . '. now tn tarn foil iidi or inootaa. ' iMalghtly vlitted by Crowded and Enthoalastla Andleoeea of Ladlea and OenUemen. .- BfiBlaoolmingacoonunodatloBafbr 1000 PEOPLE BiaM large enongh toaooomodite tbeoiowda that aeeken> tmuoh idghCv. eoed Ptrfomen ean ahrni meet with good eogagaaaata by ■■alriac to the abore Froprutoia, or to JAfl. OONNXB fc Oo., as Weit Booatoa atreet, N. T, ■Bit Iboagement oaB partloalar notiM t* tkaaboradlatla- "^^UtoSwoantit Beaarred Beati BO oerti. ao.« LON HOBBB, Maaater. ABmBIOAB THKATBK, tU BBOADWAT, „ THE QBAND SBSOBT OF THE XETBOFOLIB. A BoeoeMlon of Crowded Honsea Greet BUTLEB'S OBEAI OOUBINATIOH TBOUFE. Ereiy Nlgbt. Site noat onanlmona tokena of approral, The Frtaa and PabUo, OlaltalttdaelBfnglt. ' THW OBEAx TABIEIY THEATBE OF THB AOE. The oompany'la Pertkotlon in aU Ua detalla. THE UAlUOTH ETHIOPIAN TBOUPB, SHX aBBAT FANTOmHIO TBOUPE, THE SPLENDID BAUXT TBOUFE, InahoriailihateoeatomakeTiD __ fgw OIQANTIO COUPANT OF THE UTH OENTUBT. tn Ph^ga c< fto^ Mpm e ^reg Weeh. . . . . HONS Lt JEOBNETsSge MaMger. J. AUUEBKAN, Treaanrer. PAUL BBILLIANT, Bal^t Uaatar. F. TAB OLKEB. Mnalaal Director. SS'tt FABBwaui tov a, OF THE UNITED 0IATBB. XboQfOitOzifllnal. and only BAH SHABHOT'S UNBIBELS, asias Bias, AND BUBLESqUB OFEBA TBOUFE. / Teb IIaukoib Tsotm ov tbb Wobld. SUFEBIOB TO ALL. At the termination of the preaant aeaaon. They win appear ia BSWTOBE, BOSTON, FHQiADELFBIA, and WABHINaiON. BALTWOBE, 81-tf BAM SHABPLE7, Manager and Proprietor. ^■OOW BnJJ OW BVBBT OBBOBIPnOB. XEBODOBE DUnON, _jtoiBfi)mbIsoIdMenda,MaDagaia,and thaPnbltagen- r.thathslsnowIoeatedatthD : (UCIBE SIEAU FBINnNO BVABUBHMENT, 18 BFBUOB BIBEET, NEW TOBB, tbawlUalTellia peraonal attentloa to tha prodootion, feanf atyla,ofanklndior ' , sZilN, OOLOBED, AND OLUBTBAiaB SHOW BILI4 . ■ Far Monlarly adapted fttr 0WTEUJHC1 BXHIBITIONB,. . OIBGUSBB. MENAuBBlE^ ' ETHIOPIAB FSBFOBBUNOXB, OniNABIB, MAOIOUSB, . MMSK OUTS OF AI Ii KINDS, TBOTTDia TO HABNBSS OB WAOON, , ' DOUBLE TEAMS OB BDMNINO EOBSBS, FOUnOAL 0LUB8. ' ''Xill.lnftathAt bla manyyeata eiperienoe InthebTiaiaear, ~ I«cirlarma8iortmentof0ntaathlaoonuiund,anyofwhloh ibepirbitM in one or more oolon, the aerrloeaot the beat ~* — B andEognkTen tot sew work, wHl aeonre to him a oon« bpfpaatfaTonandatrlalbyaewpitrona. SS4m nil OomiBodloaa Ban haTlng been re-moddM and anlargal, MireMiatethenie of ' OONOEBTS, LBOTUBBa ko. Ifopalna hare been aparedtomikeit oonnlelalnan liiu- aagninnnta Oneof OanninkFandiar'a beaf.PianoahaabBan vli-.;-';: 'Mi*'':'" to Ita fBmltaretandwlU berented with the Ban at* naflonaUa Bvioa, - tar (Drther iatormatlon ean beobtalned at tha Book aad ■Sa StMfOt OHAB, BBIABBOOK, AgMt, ^ ' 67 Water akvel, nawburuh. |to(UB UnuB, Janitor. SeptM.USS. »av VBBAimB BOTAIi. KONTBEAL. CANADA, btaatlfai Theatre TO LET, nightly or wMkty, vatn the itofDeeember. Apmrto Ji Ir. :8U0ELdND, VoBtrwUL .ialit IKa-m'B DBEAK; or, Wima'ainniirOoLUMt . n-tf BaBS KATK FISHKH, The DlaUngnlsbed Tonng American FBOTBAN Wb EQUEBTBIAN AOIBBSS, . Baa Jut oomdnded one of the most anooeiafal and brilliant togagamenia at the Varieties Theatre, In St, Iionla, erar known in the Diamatlo annals of that dty, . BerMAZEPFA la prononnoed the most Aitlstloaod Diring Feokils Etneatrlan personation ever seen npon the American boards. The Stage Borae DON JUAN— trained brWnilamB. Depy- eaed by Hue Fisher, la the beatln the world. Manaien of Theatoea wishing to make propoaala to Miss Flaheriw&igttementa,mastaddresa ' aXOBQE J. DEAOLB, Tarietiea Theatre, Bk Louis, ' or, JAB, OONNEB k 00., n-tf < asWestBonstonatraetN.T. A :M U 8 B M B N T S . ItiUH'S MBIaODKOB, ^^^^I)aWtJOolL_ OlOBOC XOA FrapnaM. ■ W. B. OAVAHA0B ActbuHaaSM. XHI OHIiT MT.TtnT.g OONO EBT HALL tS DBTBOnT. I Ta iU Mnu t Orn Au Onua, TALIHTED **'"|2tpoH8IBLB KANAaEBB. OBOWDnt ^UBES ATTEST ITS WOBTH. Oandneted on a fkr more liberal aoala than Its oompwioca. LIST OF ABTDI8. MlaaJltrHIII HOLI, Mlaa FAINIE DBVEBE, Mlaa Kmr,BOOTr. Xla UEZIBFnLDIKa, BIUTOATAHAaH, joHjnnr bo yd, OHABUI XANB, BniLT-DBUBANTT, MlU ADA TESHAH, - Mlaa JENNIB JOHNSON. Uim LOUISB ZINa, Misa MABIA BEAT, BIIXT W EST. JOBNMT MnVBBLL, TOED SH AW, JOHNBT WABD, TOUNO AMEBIOA. PAUL CANE and SOB. The highaatSalariea paid to lint class Artiata. 83, leader ot OMhsatm. MDB LULU BWKBT, MISS 0. m NOEJi, W. O'MKIL, 0HABLB8 THOBN, D. 0. ANDEB80N, W. B. HAMI LION, a BIKVBMBON, ka^ MBS. W. a TOBBBB, mas NEUJI BBOWB, FBANK MATO, WnJlAM BABB g, HAB BT OUBT OH, F. B. WUITSL W. B.XAnAB, BtariHalttng OaUfbmla ahonid iesrin mlad thatHr. KagslM Isalaopiomletorotthe Metropolllan Theatre, Ba Mam a nto , and theMaryirOlaTbeatM. «B-T.s.t( lapoBTAnr XO THE THEATBIOAL PBOFE88I0N. The greateat remedy extant for the onra of BBONOHTEIB, OOUOHB, COLDS, to. And lastantaneena relief of Boarseneu, Innammatlen ot the Oiroat, elcb OBB AUEBIOAN MZEROES, OB PABTILLEa. ToPiblioBpeakere andPrcfesslonsI Slogen they are InTalo. able, aa they slTe tone and vigor to the YOOAL UUBOLES, aUay InUatlon, and wholly reUere the throat and arUonlatlng organa of aU tendency to hoaiaeness or lasaltade. A package containing 100 Lcnengea sent free by msUcn receipt of 8S cents. Addreaa WM, A. AlffiEBSOM, care Mr. AYBBY, (3'lt* 78 Broadway, WlUlamsbargh,L,L THB WBBB BIBTHaa, HISSES EiaU. AND ADA Managers wishing to engage the aervicea of these very talented Artlats, for STAB Bigagements, wiU address them oare of 81-tf OUVPSB OmcB, or 38 Henry staeet, Brooklyn, BIB. AND BBB. BABWBT 'WILMAKB, TBB OBiaiNAL lUPEBBONATOBS OF IBIBH AND TANEEE PEOUCIABITIES, Win inavgorite their Winter Seaaon, at NIBCO'S SABDBN, on Mondar Erenlng, Nor, 9td, In a series et those pleaslBg and artlatlo peiformanoes, which have gained for then the sonbriqnet of the most attraeure jBTABS in the proStaalon. Sl-tt WABfTBD-tor a tint dasa Theatre, immediately, llrst Low Oemedlant Sinolog Chambermaid, (good); jQTanlle and Ught Comedian; Waldlag Qent; and aareral good UtOlty Men. ' Addreu W. H. WaBD k Oo,, DramatloAstDta, ^■3t* BozUia.SiiaUo,N.T. BIAmitnB IjOUIBB TOUBHIAIBB, tha wen known Iqaealrlenne, can be fbnnd at all timea the coming winter, at Newtown, Long Island, where parttaa leanirlng her serrloea can Cpply or addreas by letter. 804ffl* VBB ADBBBSa of J. B. HUBPHY, Ute adrertlalng agent of Cistenok Tan 'Vleok'sOirons,anthorot ••TeaogEphe'a Lament," and other acnp, la at the Tailetlea Theatr*, St. Mnlf, MO, '81-4t xriSVBDi^-JXim or three flnt clan end man. Nona bnt ttrietlyflrsi oUia need apply. Good aslarieawinbepai^ and tngiaementa made tor one or two, years. No traToUng. Apply immediately to & H. BOOLST, doolej'i Open Honle, Brook- lyn, or IMBipadway, Hew York, .. .;. ,, 7-., •).,•. BVOKIiBV'B ' NEW MIR8IBIL BALL AND AQUABIAL OABDENB. Sanmer stree t, t 6h,'p. 0. TBI MOST MAGNIFICENT KDSia BAU. IN AMEBIOA. HoWalter^lrls amplayed. Ladlea and Geailemea ot known Abmty always wanted. Voontalde perfHman emplOYSd-aiona bnt the T«iy bestial- Address to WOLUM I. BINB, Sde Proprietor, 8Mt Waahlngton,t).a THK LABOMHT SHOW BII£ PBINTINa ESTABUSBMERT IN TBt WOBIOI OLABBE k BULLET, (Booceaor* to John K Baooo,) PBINTEBS AND BNOBATIBB^ 13 and 1« Spmee Street, New York, pw ptrtisnlar attention to getting «p an Unds ot FANCY S BO W BILLS For tnT8Ungoempaniea,andhaTeonhandaIarBeandraiaBdia assortment of large and unan WOOD OUTS Saliableft»Otaanase*,Menagari«a, EthlopUn Perlbmum , Gya. nasts, K a gldaa s , to, to, which ean be printed in one or more oolois, to anit oastomen. :A'>" th*rt enf^vemed*, a* mntnal intarestt nay rea'"* tftf BdeLeawetadl DBAOIiB'B VABIBTIBB, ST. LOUIS. . TBIB VEBT POPULAB ESTABLIBKIIBT, An Ta> LiBoiar nr thb Uhubo Butm, a ■<'•■' FULL TIDE OF SU00B88. Firtt Ohu BIAB8 treated wItt at all ttajs. »" aeed apply. JAMES OONNEB ^J>}-l*&1'«u 17-8m or GEOBGE DBAOIA ft" AOADBHY OP BIDBIO, CLEVELAND, OHIO, .__^| JOBH A ELLBLEB ^^»^'*J?^,SShSH The M«t sad moat popular Balldlng u the WriJTn Lectures, and lU Undof EihU>lUon» It o^^JSLr I Bight or week, during themonthaof f^ov^Ji^t Maroh; alia July andlognat, 1881, tha remaM* "^J ST. OLAIB UAIy,2'SoJ»«' l Appropriate Boanery for Dramatic OompuiUMw^ . J . edOhalrs cane bottomed, lighted «ttliO«V Licence paid. Police tonUUl. Liberal arrangBmenU made with dl ^'SS^tf.] Non.othe»ne.d.pp^^^jg.tlonrf»4^j!^ .80-Sffl OOBIB 1«IAN HAWji,^^^^^ WUIieBenladtCf Concerts Jf ?.^S!?S£Su xa lUniu tnbntm tbftt tU lur b« ft^^ rgS|^y.OTSSto fll»" we hwwlth lepert wM rtmiM.] IMZBODVOTIOn. \ :■ ' - • . ipBi loJllei* otew wMft we th»t erer net— '%uT«irop«n-Iie*rt«diBen.«]4tnet ■ ^^''a«S5ieKiirno«ir.UTOJymtl»i«t. . ' rrmiTMa (go, wbem mar etoh one now be t ' vidL La&D itrle. I'm UtIiw end in debt; . "XZl onei (IM > wu k>tt fir ont *t le*; '. ''.'STbutb tei fiUktt-tiut ii, tnnM oonlrutar. . ■ n, ■ . It *ai t til Ttu* (IDO* ^* together, ; ; w»n aoei memorrplotnrefcfto the night; W to Iheaiaet of ohlfir Winter we»to«*. ' ' bSib OBT prtttT room 'twM wina Md bright . jtaoSTlmVe eU-TiijlM, ihllHBgo^agee, whethsr 'luS, or deeUi iJun ietf mj morWeldl, lulieom. tliit dab, inl eB the fU ^(om • theme to keep mr eplrit gted. m. . , •ShoM hoBii ere deed, ud eniel »ite hu throwft moBM In the ptth where rosea bUMmed, AndietIettH&»tthoro«etaibli)wii, ' jUthouhtotteMonthomihenee&rlhl'adooned. T. -.Mirijfhniiii I dteeuL jometlgm elone. Ot in ttieie thing*, noi t'Te ftt lift pienmed ato dot oor word! enddeedi downoa thji piper- g^>..ll Ml mlna'^ioiili-wordi light M TMW*. 9(U a toU you wo were fsnr; ewih h^e n»me, Twe being ChiUtliu In e ohrlitbn Uod) otBotdsuilngtoobttlnthefune AttMhed to tmamen— yon wUl nndmtaad-' ' Ve thouht 01 of ow book!, end Died the lame n?lMle»niedm6ne»n'tdoAiUoteB)»nd. «eft>iindthit"a)nb"faiaieek (wh>toonUbeM«t«ct) 'VuEeppe.Lunbdi.TrpillonindBet*. . V. • ■ 8»eMh*depled«whlim»dijibwu One of theletten of the miglo wnd, Ifhkh cISBg to him like t tobiooo flime. OUIembd»wM»ttTeIrblrd, ^ ^obonghtoninunindflttadnptheioom; Xto him enr flneetlou oRen we retemdt ; And UDeUonwueoand: hot br mora depper Okin fctthei* wu he we ehrWaaed uppe. •n. WdL when the things were fixed, we hftd to meet J TodnwoarBT-TAWiapindOonitltatUiD; j - . IVhlch tiM tbeal SI brief ei It wu Beet, We dropped sll rhstoilo and elooatloB. TTwsi thos: Eioh nm shill tell s tal^ or tmt> \ Whene'er we met; md tbit one whose effmloq Wu deemed the wgitt,Uillshonldohiaae to 1 V Bbonld bajjIgMB-gM nqaar Jar thtnjgb' . • TO. BcmaohforlntradooUon.' Nowrafpoie Thit TOO were sested In the room, {nxi;. InflilhlesndghoetJlke; No one knows How stuih yoo'd hanrtheielB, 700 laekf i Joit ns your ghoatty een , yepr speetral no- ToiOd ee regaled with wUiky-aklnB inl 1 ' Bat yoall please taste not, tonoh not, haBdte not, ■ Tor itaryoar knowledge will be soon ftrgof THE FIBSt TBI.' Iistbds remarked 'twas oold onUde— yes, And so we pUed the ooala Utile higher; . Kappa oime m and btooght some ToOk and J ElseBtnnoe, be aisniMLroaaedkot oor li We took a drink and alt e>idwailc;i^, that U an arUat brings .Vunt and dUttnotlon like the Terydeaoe. . M hummed poor tnnei-an artist always sings— ■taA thus prepared for this my Ultle rue) igotu InttodaoUon to the lady, nroDgh Dl^ my oonitant tHend, one ptoaiant Kay day | • 117. "I giTs mjitu a good, hUh400|iaing namei' Aad uikefi Kith euygnoaaboat fine artas . ■^Btde her think that I wu known to mSi»- trfuT^ ?r ^ *>>A ■oheek' In eqnal puts, ''■^(wikfliuiyiniedtheiaailr , iL';'^ oonvlnoed— thoagh In her heart of hearts. . imuk she felt ay thoaghu did lomeiut boidec Wwre; bot for aU than got an Older ' Ion nnuntheitmihlnCof their smiles, Upon bnbtt for votes, or dewi (that'i oU) (Mm He»T«B. . jnm lo^ the belt In som« light 4reai, ott low- ^TjMdopd the sutement wu with ne, Tet the look ot BtioUef, and tk« glow BABNET WILLIAMS Ibsh ConcDUK. For Blogrqitiloal Sketott, B«e another Oelanm. nUoh III bar tioo I oonld not est one I erer saw, whloh wu a doe Inoentln' Pot maklag lore and being tolta attanttre. "flo I oemmenoed my painting and Ioto maUng At the aame time, one pleaiaat aflamoon,- Twu when the bads of Hay, ao long in waUng, Had bloomed into the tagiant flower* of tme, That I wu paid f&r an my great pains taking, in tan yon how U happened Teiy won ; Bat that my olosliu may in grandeor bnnt, in make my morauilBg statements flnt ••Heal married women lore the Joys of lor^ And Ifthelrspoosea ohanoe to be old nan, - And they good looking, "vlrtae'i like a glora" With them, drawn on and taken off again Aa ohanoe may dlotala. Ahl the botfk aboTe, In whlA onr aotloni are leoorded. nhtai VnfoUlng to oar wondering iplrlt gaze. Will ahow qoeer dolngi in these latter dayt. "I thooght a m'ooMnt'wliat her liaskaad'i ire Woold be if he ihonU ohaaoa to oatoh me there: How Jealooly doth ronse a snoaldering fire. Bnt plarina with the long braids of her hair, I fUt my half made "laws ot right" expire; And so I Uoed again the wliUng fair. And pressing to my heart her hasTlBg breast I— boys, pleHs plotnre to yonrtetres the reat" Hem Lambda started ont to get some aheny, For Kappa seemed to hare a lengthy tela In store for as— we'd drank the Tom and Jeny, Beildee imbibing freely of old sl«. We jait began to fe«l a UtUa menr— In Caott' good drlnki in oopioni drraghta ne'er lau To ronse the Jolly spirit In one's hain. And rloher life to erery soene Imput. xxn. We ,%nnd the 0hmj tolattble^stoS, - TSfwaebest; butwii estafaLtobedlTldedaqnaUyamotigat thsmr at hli death; bit It ooBtabed a ipedal elaase, that any of them laarlng him before natitlma, bnder any olronmalaacu whatarer^ shoald be eat off ftMn lhe benefits of the beqoeit, and bat, ahare dlatilbnted aaoBAOe others; and another oUnae:flirther atlpnieled that any addition to their nambarahonld be Inolnded In the daed. Tortiuae reasons, seUah u they were, they had resolrad that ■e ahoBld nat,^o long u Itwu In their power to prsTant It, bring any aldlUonal members into his seraglio; bntAeiaoen< SkfiSS?',! 5?"? °' thomartyes lafBolentfor unlan'i.labty. "newea hard, however, by piomlsu at aecreoy, to lodnoe tbem !S.?'!'7£'*° escape, bit feir ot the oonseaaenoea detatted IS!I*fJS'£.''TS" ""oy «' Oolon^Twho ml^iit ifJiSS'-^fSiS?".?*"'' they felt saoare so long *i|Ou »«™itwas beside them, aa he knew the possHile danger ha la< torttUMoSl*^*^ ^ conduct jwjr&e; tham «^?S5Sir^'*\"?°lf">'"'"«y theOolonal'aaimi ^^2iK5S2f »<" prsTeBted;'b3 ley eUowed him to petpetrita the oilme be meditated, and had T^il^>. iTT^ ifoji-jiimw ,us gniuB US miwiwan, ana Itep'S^^oXS^erSi^'' uiMuiiii, fciiiHi nil mm and the bornlaie opened np to har a new phase In bis character, and aha was not thaonato'hoU noh an advantage wlthodt makbg nae of It. JTom what aan taken place, ahe leaned that they hod some mvsterL— hold npon him which rendered him powerless to protect himself against them; and from eipiesalons which had tUoen from their llpi, she gaeaaed that he was implicated In a way whloh made it dasgerone for blm to resist IhelT demands. ' ^ Bat the Colonel had not fotgoetm nor forgiven her Intarttrenoe when, by her timely aid, ahe rescnad LUllan from hia aiaaolt; and petalanUy woald upbraid her with havteg. by her oendhot, deprfvadhimofapleaaarehehadwroaghthardtoobtaln. How, however, ebe retorted npon him, In ton, and made blm Mare howmnoh hewu in her power, > He wu lying one day.hli head reclining In her lap, and bis Angara playing with the long blank tresses whloh hang la beanteoni piotosioa over bar ilattai ter ae«k and bosom, when adddenly ahe exclaimed, in a tone of voice indicating a flrmneaaot panose which conld not eioapa titm * — • "Tea moat get rid Of lilOian Hetbert" "Varzattal'^he cried, atartliig to his feet, "what meta jronl whatdoyoaaay?" .-, "Ton most get ltd of unian," aha repeated, lii;a calm and an> Impaatlooed manner. ->•: ■: .. .1°^ "Uareetta, yoa ask too mach." "I ask too little,"! And I In drinking wlna am no ways green. Bnt u It wu we took a hamper, and Oonoladed that man's life wu aU too bdat - To wute among tha Porltanio band. leriiapi 'twu wrong, and we may came to grief Tat pamog at oar "Oondhu"— first rate brand— ' And drinking sllngs. Can't help Itl I'duUef . ; So so, u live a hypocrite exlstenoe, Thoagh in the end my lOBl goes down some distance. Xbe intemynun being over, we Drew np in order, giving dne attantlon To hear what Eapn's other sorapes might be. With that fine lady whom ws'd heard blm mentlOD. , Bat Lambda, always ihrswd, inqnlred if he Woold not out alioit the rest; a great wtaaaloa Of time we eonld not give; for eaoh desired To tan hIa tale befcxo the tnob retired. 'WtsrifttsaytesfteKs-fai VroB niae by meaning 7U I' and ssying <«o I On Wednaaday night yonng Lawranoe, (now in HeD) Who'd told his wlhttat ha molt do Some work Mich wu of greatifflporlano^ still T6uid time to oonrt a pretty widow, who To mrlaiting woe Itaantenoad, tto." Hera BaU lnterpoiad:-"Kow. look here I I want my storlw like my whiskey, plain; There's Kappa patnUng like a toolbar aeer Thajoys ot heaven, and heU'a outngeooi pain. This mnat ba stojoed. >>• li^^ baylha beer. Wa want no Bwdenborglan, half Insane Ftodnottoas of that kind; soflie'awajl" And Kappa took tha hint and aald his say. XXIV. "Wan, ahe had on a low-neoked dress, her bast Wu half oottoealad, yet could I not bat know What atioBg temptations to man'a yielding dnit Ware hidden In the deep reoeu below. lam a moral man— quite ao, I trosti Bat when a woman's breut la white u snow. And she hu too a charming foot and leg, Honllty knocks under Jul a peg. XXV. . . "I know If s aU qnlte good, this metal taaohlBg, Vor sermons, essays and didaoUo rhyme: But piaotlaing Is harder muoh than preiohing, And men do fall firam virtue oft to erlme. . t oMght a stranoh old mondlst onoe reaohing Bis arm twund a lady's waist: and time Bu taaght me that true moral men are rare ' As pure ohampatine, or real sea serpents ate. XZVT. ' •'Btkt aomethlag eti« at that time bothered ma— WonU it aoooM wllh aiy oompanlona' taste. It I iKinild San right tn-la very bee, ' lad put my arms around her npelewalstt X thonih) a moment, then reaolvel to sea; Oondudad dahgen ^uldkeit fled when tteed. Bo on the spot I olaiped that waist so small. Ska blishsd, lookedtovlng, smiled, and that wu aU. ■ xilVn..'.,, •Tes, ant bnt^twu sneosh, t taltjnrtthia ThatoUftnlUoBolthyMMwuneu) . And, answer ma, ye honest AUsw men, Wonld you have Called to whisper in Wear Bome words of mora than Mendly love T and when . Bha sighed, would you've not huiged hat wUhout tMT, And pressed npon her pretty moutSn Uss, And drawn ttom ruby lips long draughts of .bUas t . \ XXVZXZt '. fij anil then I frant mora quick drawn sighs ^ Were aU the answer that aha made. BerOhatw 1 At«nsed my passions; her rich, langald ayes Looked •ensoaUy bright I've seen soma fanni . Shal did approaoh pertaotton: bnt then llu . .. WUhln that wamaa'a bosom, aeok and anu, ■ore of the Ideal grace and wondrous beaaty Zbw m bs(M* lumed snlng man boB dafy. "O.bothaiatlonI" Eappaoried, "doB'tUowl I gnea I know how snoh' things should be done; Tbla liquor gtvw my words an extra flow, Infaotiignessttdeeetoeveryone: ' Bnt I'U be brief u poudble, slthough For maiv daya I old enJoy the fun Ot ithloh I (peak;" and Lambda aald no more, BntBrambledtohlmsalf "OhI whatatarc/" "Xha picture got on slowly. When I next Oallad on n^ pretb auhJeet, her I fbund Hnksged In reading Byxon'e amorous text; Bna tried to hide tha volume at the sound Of oomlag footsteps, and seemed somewbat vexed: But when she saw the arUitwuaronnd, . Bke smiled a welcome, ottered me a leat, And said ahe had aitjoyed a bookish treat. •■Upon a (<<< a she hslf-ieolined. In that voloptaons attitade ot easa ■SnMk ladles. It they're young and pretty, And bbTaUoddsthesnxeetoneto pleese. ' It's wholly in aocoidanoe with my ndnd; But then the Uttle witohes Uke to tease A'faUow, too, . They ahow a pretty ankle. And hide the leg— one's spirit It does rsnkle. s TO SB aORTIBnBD. THE XJBERHIE ABS his VICIIM; OB, THE BOO! OF 1BE PROIUfliTEi A TALE OP IHI UQBIS AHB B^P^B Or nW TOBK UR . liOya, AVP OBUKBi Tha Tlmtr6, 'Taif; BIng, and Bsgnlo. ' ■aiuaa ixmtiuc Ma nst xnr tou ouvm, aHUTEB XTL uiuuM saaam's n«noioas— m will— iubzrta tm tbs ooMwab^iR ofna or tuaaiaoa— wo oomfouioii, omiw lov mtr-A Bou> STBosa— bux laa nosn one 1 oood job— m. ■tnaaWKsnii nr a xoer oottropiaBU ruox— tbb sua axa, suiua or a itoR oMonroBTiaLa smTanoR— iioiu ms wkTOH AiiD Komr, Mm oms a bit oold— auniiia bodbi Fiar amoioBBs MWanos naa doom— raoii a bbd or nowx so a bid or aoox- snann has to lib wnii tub Baasr— BILL BILL SHU. OB TBS TBAOX. BmoB the attempt by Ooloael Vraioh to oemmit an onlrage on inuaa Herbert ahe had always fbund In Uanetta, the Spanish giil,attuefrland and ptoteotor; and. Indeed, the rut of the (irlihad shown snoh aUadl^ spttlt towards her,th]^ 'sheMt oompaiBltvely seeura from any further vlolenoe on bis pari They never pemitted her to ba alone, end even firing the nigfat one of them always Shared her oonch. They assigned u a rea- soai tor this, that they had leaned her hlatair and hkd deter. Bkiad to savs her,ao long as itwu in their power, bat that they dare net openly attempt to release her, u li would oonpromlse them. BeBeateat ealtraly upon tha Oelenel tor support, he had aome UmtMlktvBiadeawilliinwhkh he bad left them Ui scire she replied. •ifonoannot be serious. • Why take you such- an- Inteffst la this gill 7 what matters U to you whether she remaliialiaraor notr ■Hid yon not make her an oiffer of manlage?" "TmI whatthe;i?" "It ever yon do marry, I must be tha bride." ' "Ton I Kuzetts."^ "Ihavesaldlt" "Kaizetta. what madness hu taken poasesalon ot yont what slUy dream is this that bu entextd yonr btalnt Jfattyycnl Ha I ' ha I And what wonld Bebecta, Jeaila, Hary; snd Annatta say to such a proceeding t" "They need never know." "How oonld that be prevented ?" "By car leoiet nuptfala and they mnat take pUoe, loonet or later; and no oae need ever be the wlaer, nnleu yon obMse to make it pnbUo during your Ufttbne.' After your deaUi—'' ' • "Ahl what then? yon calcnlala npon that already!!' ' "Attar your death. It I lunlve yoa,' it must ba made pubUo." "Whyao?" ' "Becauae I ahaU then be the inheritor ot your estate." "Never I by heaven I" "Be not rash in your, assartlosi. I shsUI" andManstta, drawing herself up to her full height, glued upon tha Oolonel with a smile, In which trlanph and bate were combined. ' •Huzetla, yon are not Toniielf, to^y." 1 have P9t been myself for a lonp, long time— never slnoe lha lime when, an innocent and belpleae girl,- you tote me (tommy paienta' hone; and ing-ai1ettmto jBgt. iin) i rMlrt l a y ft A ( miaHl P) M/ n - 'HliB&lAVEul nbwU la7pp'<;aiihliig; Ton bav^emota^ time In the Indnlgenoe of your brutal paaatons-^assfons wbfoh do not seem to blunt, but only become the more ffeioe and loalh- eomeu age oreepe npon you: but the time la now at hand, and yoa oannot avoid your deem." ■ "And who ahaU compel ma totakeapartiathlslntetaitilig plot'" . "LlatenI In the first place, there Is Lillian. What a wonder- fol seautlon it would oreatoware It tmmpeted forth thatOalontf French, the long tried' tHend of WilllanrEerbett;'hkd.robBad him ot his chUd for the porpoae of prosUtoHog her to'hls llMn* tlonideslresl Eow wooM the Colonel then appear before the >nbllo,or howwopld he eqjoy the luznry of aprisont Than, hereare yonr Intrigues wllhUadama Bouil; andlub though not leut there are certain aectsta between you.and the burg^ who paid yon a visit a few olghta since, and which in your sleep rou oannot keep to yoaraaU;tbat might be very unpleasant .to ! lava revealed.'' .. " ."Hal what know you of these?" - - "EnbuRh to oansa you to tremble, aa yon now do." Uatzetu had succeeded well in herplan.forbyoauslBgthe Colonel to beUeve he had batiajed himself, and she ksAwlie could not guese how much, ahe had blm the more folly in bsr power. The Colonel, m ine proceeded In her obargea'asalnit bUn, felt that ehe had Indeed anarad him In a net, the meatus' of whloh he could not rend; hlsfkoagiewuby lnllahna,aBdM ehe, wltti cunning mlnatoneaa, detillBd her knowledge ot bis difficulties, large drops of persplr^on stood upon his brow^and H she ooncluaed he aanlc Inw a chair, unable ia oonttM Us emotions. ^^.^ '- * . Uarzetta at a glance eomprahended the valuf .of the tthfmph She had achieved, and satlafled that she had given him sufficient tor oostamidatlon to answer her puipotu ibr tha prueaib a!b- mpt^ quitted his pceaeneer - • t The Oohmelwsi much affected by theperlls of his poaltloniaad could not shut his eyu to tl^iat that be wu no longer hia p^n master. Surrounded on aUTnti by danger, and dictated to on every hand by those he had>kft aooostomea to look npon ai Ui tooli, he tdt he wu descendid^to the degrading position of a slave; bnt he wu nets man to tmialB long inao&ve, and, like a lion at bay, tendered fnrloas by the attacks of . his . tormentors, hemsdeup his nlnd for a bold stroke to rid hlmseU ot his enemies. ■ .'. Tae ume eveningtcnad the Colonel doaeted in a prltau room of the Emerald Honee with Its proprietor, the rtisnlt of whlsh vms that a messenger wudlspatobed to Wllllamabnrgh.' Ontha Bight foUowlBg, be appeared at the aame plaoa aiQlfound a gnlda In waiting; who led hun over to Brook]yn,where,1n the' house In Atlantlo street In which Barney had found retage when he es- caped froid the fiieman, the Colonel foond BUI Jackson In expeo- tafion of his visit, "Tell, Setnsl, 'ow U yer? LooUn' Up top-«lad toseayart •Opes u 'ow yer don't bear any 111 win for our little wlilt t'other night ; but blanus, Kemal— blaneu must be did.'* ' . v u. "Never mind. Bill, we wont say any more abopt that,- alUicun I think you came down lather bard upon a frl*nd;^nV be-that u It may, I have got something for yoa nowthat wOl pay. ypu muohbettei^provlded you do the right thing-do yoa unda*. stand?" . . - "Iiathetthlnksldou,soft*-butoutwlthit'' . • "You know Bfadame Boud-sha moat.be sot oat of the my." xAnrthin' to oblige yer;" and with a wink he made a .slonlfl* oantdgnulf ontSig his tkroat. Ilie Colonel shuddaMF snd Axclsimed:*- • ■ « "No, nol— no bloodi there hu beaa enough of that; but Est pouessloa of her, snd do with her u yon please: but kS er not— neither let her trouble me aioie." -' "Tbataintvetydlfflonlttodo. Bhalsanleehlndotawoinaii, and I gueu I could mako her conkforlabia in my little shanty t 1 thinks u 'ow she'd be wety glad to keep qplet. theteVkaeln'.M shevoaldn't like to risk her neokbyblabbln'ont— butvatl*^ vardvlU yer offer for this)' • ■' v L "Of that I wlU speak afterwards. ,Tliexe is another Job, anf • mote dlfllonlt one, in which' I desire' your sasistaBce. xro we aware of oertatn peonUarlUes la my estabUalmient,' and thatlatte aie beanUu there which, tor my amuaement, I keep aiouia m^ One of thus, a Spanish girl, bu, I boUev^ lost her senses, ^ I waat to find a'qnlet place whete aba oan be kept so u to ladle? able to masage It" ••I aae ta, tha Bpsnlah "Vy.myotoNfiAmflU alnt got wary inuchaoomnmodaHon.for dlM;but,perwldedttwo8Biadevoithmyti«uble, I mightbe ■ to manage It" ■ . . ■ i,., win pay you five hondred dollaie, on yjurseourtts BoutI, and five hundred more on yonr dlaposlng of suottt- yousalf In the um^ solemn' and w thtfmand, >y,«»»»MMl*;"% an arrangement, got the Colonel stm firlher Into his power. Af Ibr whatlha OotoSel might do to him he Wu not mwl aljsld * havtan too much at stake himselt "But," ooattnued BUI, «w are we to Ml the girl ont of TOnr house f" ' ^'....^ kt "That wm bS a matter fcr attar ttonght TonmnrtfifJ": lead to Had tme Bonri; when yen have mansgsdwimhstk-iai me know, and I shaU be prepared for the real" ...... u,» "Thart settled then; Hpna yer daddle on the bftj*' and BUI Lid o?t iu hand tor the Colonel to t^e JtoU ot TUS vm ntttr too much tbr hia eauutlnUy and h» shtBBk MB lbs S68 gSf«.i«tr«inh«aoatl alUr • bearli (faetza. ^kflCiBUl. dhsoUlai 22^piMa.-I» 1w ooattaved. HEW YOAK CLIPPER 8ATUBDAT. NOVEHBEB i8rl868.- ■OoMHe" . 555S?iS5ocB ot Ui»t luiSnig^ 111* lMoHoB»l7;'of the F ■Mi ltd' iLUdeoi ^ k iM nL Toll.— l/Jolm O.He«n»» did iMneftlenaftle ^ '^C^r'iu^irKM^ted.M Ur.lLliid leUied from pngUUm. l5l5SfTvTtofi»il»find, 6id Pool* TO I«P?5¥^ .^i 8«W5| tt» "'■■gtMii, th.t not btliig "Uuifj"^ir» cwmot lUto podttTdy. ;'.ra:(L0..-B«idlii8 0i n>Il>dtiplil»,'P*.— luTtnorteoIUe- illmlnMBudto whoimt toitlieltttsTnow. Of ooan«,the '•'Strnrattspi«parnims«tU>*7«oiiId nothwa bidtt. "^a atMadTiiwaiTaiinlMdtanacmi aoimpondanca, or mdioiiM ''' aeoBBwdona of Vndla Bam'a itoiolioiiias to itow tt vwtf In.. *hn^ «lnhUi-t-Tli«ia iie two trfndi of fiiXAE0ia.?Va don't exaoUy nndertiaDd tha natnia of tbe -I'VdLvlVUn'lIoalaaey foagbt Heanaii.be vtlgbad iestba-4t ' ^.'^STsNMatd^rbawalgba aomaiAareln.tha nelghboibbod of V:aw™i'''^''' ■ I 'i till .7tj »*s*5, .'HptlMaald. O.— VBayaia'iroB dnt blaod'liittie ;i ' tatwitttt «ltt> Haanan. 3; nta edda bare aiefUOtotTOon -'^'■SSKnr^vUdh'la'baitartbaBTtar oiih. 8. foe Oobtiolanot -n gft |BaaaflieMKflirbt- ■- "'-■'^^ji ^iiU IDMOB, pD]toidiaBi,'i(. T.—Tanr letter dated Nor. Utb. la Iba 0DI7 ana .we bare leoelTad from 70D. Tonrolie ' " peja for fonr nantba' rtlyttlptfaB, commmnlng with the {nosabar. • • - • -rr t aiti^ K>q|WLnMi;.;CUlaa«Iphtai— If. In 'aldttlon to jntelaaa lefMBaea, 7011 oan. bring aoma pelional lallsenoe to Tipon naatanar ownCM, yon- might aetan tbapofltlon jgaalinat . . ■ i.-' „, i -il ''^in'puT. JnarU, V«u— L Bob Brattle knoolud Ita '■''MaSt'ivm In'- tbe fbnrth round; -and thna won Untknoak Sown. i. Bma waa only floored one« by Satlugbam, and SKappeSadtttbaaUtandlaatroBad. _ " ' ■ ~QDi>nonB/' ' "itB,; Boxbnry, Uaaa.— We ahall have to triable Wto repeat '■'8WP«p i««|b1B,i f ff »b e JU»ttf na waroannpt-maka mt .ii^y^ .BiiTiuttT, Kamprt— ne game' is aotmnob played bii. -;'ilid;weh«Te,nnJrI>een ftrtnnato enpnab.tqaeaaVotatrnS yja nii, wa do li.ot beBerethey are to be fonnd In prints ■ ' ■ "h; L,; Bookrille,— It pnidea na aa mnob aa it does ion- ';lmt'.'«»:>b«UeT« :I«DWter,^,lf thf eonaot addrea' Vilto 'Umandiaf. , WMhlflgtoiuj-The liJywM,in»iA a taraoafha ,io;^»^;waaUby ganUaman, ^d .^: retired ftom tha pro- J; 0 jl^i^iioiwg, at I«Bli.—ire are always plaaied to hearftoin'cfiD L';:uil)DirB4nid Blatter to'oiiTsddreaf.aBd '•WimiadwitueittolUBi. mb 'i',' '1r.']L''X; jbiladalphla.— TTe knowno other method: than br '"■•ndliigtbnmgbtbemaa" ' . .f Tnoma 8., (HndnnaU, 0.e-The ooat for four wadia 'inaerUon CI yonr adraUatment will be (LIO. Sea It in another colnmn. ^ 'teoorMflamen. .Wm call their ulentlbn to yonr oue. . ^ ' jJ'^^TiiVilSi L))nIa,KB.— We' balTe not'hsard of tha party for -,^jMBde.tllne•. iia 'i. El', Hewark.— We baTa ezoUaogta, andooneipondente ftbm i. ttBry-oltylntheeonntry. ' ii. n^i- Bnaioa (Ubikb, Hsrana, 0nba.-8ent letter andnawa. nijaitei ontheaiatlnst • ' ■■ '™« anonews- r;,,JiP:p<>wurai Boatan^ames, or , Tanker BnniTan'a rloht [;^^|i^:W4:top^TebeennankAmbi0M ■ ^n 'fiim),i-tfKMMem" la the only pleoathe lady baa appetred Jb. Bhe la studying two or three new pieces: ' Lnnj7i();iE;i^xtegiolei, (DdmpaiUybutneatiy'ilrtntid, BW^pp-iea, Woents. John Bradbain, pnbllib**. •.M WdUa sttaet^-jrew Tirk. ,t I ik^<5^ ?Wl.toaonIIaoeaealnat-ByaU|.anil 6 to-46nHeenani(Sat ,'Of t«noarter, P»,>'iihie. tfaear flnl annnal Van bii On? tuika a»»,dwio th*' gantlataen In eStooL . — na aomWhlBg ittoM'antolahttal than l»lwfH!ABW^'I.BK-» -il ".'inoriir.il rlifH;-^ (>rr.- -1.:. 1 ; 1 -ii;.'..' .f.^O. -I •! ' ! •">Mm.O .V) /jf'dl .at,.) 0." ■ < 'I J '.! ;..! I: :.'.:r ■ 'i- In-,.. fiU.' . ■■.t.: . ■ o4) U.yiticr,! lit* Hf ),■.'.« ;.i:r:';T i.j. ..; I'r.l li .ctti uj,: ;i.!,v. . ^^wi^libM FUGIUSTIL. . lEB TOim^ oiiinS OP THB OU) 'TOL .. lM»day,i4ied:jipo*br the great pngnsttp «ntwM«. Interest by nearly all daaata, by Old and young. »bJip*T* »• gay. tbe fithir and the oblld, and occialondly.'^iy softer aex. We remember whatan exdtementwas <»#Wto thU oonntry when the nejh of the Heenan and BayeJ^ ?gbl Miobed here, Oengnss dlsoniaed It. and for w«lijt w^w the Cabinet held a meetljigon tbp strength of It , :Pl»P»«n wen nererreadao oaw^bllyaa they Ven read then. Eteiy lUm connected ilth t^iflgbtwaa oilledontof tbeweH-flllad oolnnmaof the daUlei. /and ewrytblng elae gara. plaoe to the then aIl.abBorblng topfe-flie flgbt "Heads of IMnlllea" wen np bettmes In the morilng, ta order that they might aeoon an early copy of thepapefli The women fota ahowtdan equal Intereat In the erentiand dlaouaaed "npperonta,;* •'flro«»' buttocks," "oomitan" 'and '•owiwuntan" wUb atooaenasa worthy of yeterana of tti tine puiOUttipu. . The 6eys, «eeln^;th»: old folka "on It" so stronfc gotn» to|ffo* fnd b l ack a ^ eaobolheneyeawltb»ianrttywortby:l:wIIl bsye foBy as many readen aa the detalla of the FatnborOTig;^.^bt bad.'and already news dealers an aending In their or&n fin/aitn ijuantltlea of the Ourna containing the nport of the|M|tl^ We 't"" endeavor to rntet the demand, and supply tb^ oonntty with the most truatwoxthy aoconnt of the meeting. Bythe last arrlTal from Buwpe we. leam thatalne thonsand doHanof the battle money hadbeenduly plaotd In the bands of-tba stakaboldai^.aa lhaaxtldlea of agreement called fori and en this, no doubt the lut.^ake of one thonaand dollan has been'addedt making ocmplata theWu total to.be fought for. The battle -mon^r.tm thonaand ddlats. Is aqaal-to tbe laigeat sum enr fbogbtforln therworld;; .We bellentbls'^ountliaa only beeA'eqiualled cmoa .bebre, and that waa lO: the eter-mem- orabia fight 'between Tbm. Byar and Tankee Salllfan. In Feb- ruary. ,1U9. In the "i;tlce rIngof England, no^anob'sumwia erer fodght for;altbongh"Udaea not /oUow'tBat large stakea bring about good flghta; aams of the best fights on record han been for sums Tarylng bom: tBOty-JUt dollan to flnlinndndl Tetit la true that the onlalde world attacheamontn^xntance toamatchfbr ablg itake tbanlt doea to one. fbr a email stake. It la aald that some fears .an entertained that fmiglsterlal Internvtlon" may'bring the Heenan and' Elng afblr. to a ter- mination without a. flgbt; and.to 'Anijr the spoil sports off the acent, It waa recently prapoaed-^wblle tbe two gladlaton wen attending some raoea at Sewniarket— that tbe flgbt abqnid take place then and {tben'f deenan. we heir, .waa agnuRiIe to it. but iriTi- ■"-'"-trti alttiirnir*' »jt-'-w.^-^*;-<«M^ jp«i;.«m» offered blm to antlolpato the day.flrat aet .apBnLand"baye t oat" on the! spot^ '.' We pteaume. Xing bad good . rtasona for ob- Jeotlng. The gentleman mtrnibiiirith tbe managdn "exonislan" iren:Vilng eirary esdearor.to baTe tbe aibir come Off fair and aqoan on Its merits; and If the thing la at aU feasi- ble, they will gin tbe riptonsnbble the cold, abonlder, and tr^ to get along wlttkoiU,tUelr.'pre8anM n '.'aasfstance," At nearly enry prize flj^ht^-andat moat'all sort* «f laiga gatherings, for thatmattap.4i^bea'ofnblayiuiddJtt^ iS Intnid^'a'iiftelT^^ tbeV either make money by breakbig np the flgb^ CTi^lcUngpoakels. Weban pien^ of 'sddifUIowshere, andlt is 'only a wonder Hd na that the pnfeasora and::Bdnilren of the ring do notdrhie them away by giving them a "good warming." For the coming meeting, the pnaenoa bf the nbbia la not at an dealrable ; their Interferan'at 'I'anibpnagh greatly Injn^ tbe Brittab Bln^, yet it k(pt'W<'dbim^bn',BeIt"'ltt'theccnhii7; anidiUhongh Heenan lQBt:the' trophy by the ontalde dlatnrbanoe^ yet Iw gained some Very InfluentlalMends among all olast^.iuEugUi 1 soolety. aome of vrlibm are iaow backing blm for the oomlng 04- oennter. In order to ihow thalr appnolatlon of bis eond'upt daring bla iojoftm ItfEn^laad^ : ' . ■.' ■■ *'■:''.*■■' f Th'e:"b()illgerenta" an' to asttn taalnlngi and have bean ao for some time past: ' 'tOoiilltlon" must not b; lost sight of for tlie approaching paaaage^of. flsts> and'well do both .men'.know iL And though the AtMiteanla booked to'wln among tl^oaa wl 0 knowtheiwoin'm,'y«t We''wntlm naden. . against looUig at this or any btlieraportlng event aa a "certainty." Wa don^ believe In "oertalnllea," e'ie^wheniwopartleB are'Wt^ gather. It wak~ aejg'eberal.' opinion, ; the flgbt some months ago b^tweenSUigand l^ce. for this championship, the Utter would irin,.owlng to bis superior aolenoe, etc;, bnt KInig got ItfbnrblOw' that hnoeked; ali: their' ealoulattoni, 'knd Kaoe 'With them. toto'Vlriattrlhihle ' cqnftislon,'' and. tbat ended Oiil certainty. King ta^ do the aame'.'agaln..- 1 Wa aay^that we do ntt undentand why then thonid be snob odda on Heenan. Know- ing, aa we do. that In ^elgljii wftlght. ^e, ,eto., the men an eqoal whUe Sing haa fought .oftener than'^anan. ani ii* had. tber^ fon. morapnotloal expeitluibe .In' ^e rlngi Jie also baa the aA- vanlage of flgiiUng 'on his 'ciwn gnnnd;' that Is, toEnglanf whUe Heenan, aa to hto|flgtit wUh Bayers. doM battle '^n^ of the atrange:^!',' : Ali'thlngs cbnaldared, the advantages an in bvor of King; andtbexefon wa an puzzled why Eeban overtops bis opponent to betting. The bnlyreiiscn we can see for It. Is the ex^rdlnary ablllttca be dtaplayed in his contest with Bay- en, whlob, at. the time, our tr^niatUntlo frlands were not 40 wllling to admit as they be at pneentl' - However. Ve aiiaU soob have tbe news of the result of the impending straggle, and thett, per}tap$, ey^tblng;wUl appear aa . plain as:"hoasehold words.*' It Is pnbablei iia we said In a previous Issne of the Ourrsn, that the day fixed origlnaUy to the ''arUdes of agreement." may be changed, and an earlier day ,named. .to order, to. mlalaad tUe 'iibum bdllA" and bthit spiai ' We than eideavor liable account of thA'^i ittui, although we may not be quits as early ^),aefleld.as onr ttnids of tbe dally pies*. When the great Internitlonal Mitch.TOsJa pngriss. we promised to give thefal)eft,datalls.. 'Wemontbfn fbioned our pnmlaes tbei. and bircalalednearly Om iu'nirrf Uunuata'icfta vf OuppiS, oontalnlngtbenportot that Impot^t event We ahaU strive' toflTf ^qpj^Iy.e^borate reports.bf the oomtogseVto. if)^ f^lp- ^"Mm^ '1 Tbwtron..letnews agenta prepm themadveh andBUathelroaloiaBUoiufoi'a'Urg'e^adeitf to'e'OLi^|j&, 00] 1. anOiftsaitiff m jfto,»Un di4 ani.y gjtQilfp'jiji^^t ;(!( .( .■;!•"■'.;• 1 ' ■■j. . ■•- . ' . r-- ^-rr---.- i.- ; OBXAIBSUI. ills CSEVOIi PkttEST'TO A Bowiti' PihAuif.. - We wen. reoantly shown a very handaAmoly palhtM iS'd var- "lehed Indian club, totended- f«» presentatlon.to'l'ohii'O'i UiJo-' Bf. «W*f)(rt»t;fwPian of Bagte Eoae Oo., sf Buffalo. .; It Isla ) B^!aBQ^f^jff,.imaul»otiu»i by a, D.Kebo»i taa«rlgln4i ?i*y24l?^l'rS*^''f''5'!.' <">thelowetpartof,thBolub s ^tMMl/W ««»«;.«». Hose,. even.to. the- spcUkon tub whMM and,)dongilde ,tti.s, firom the Prihceton College, aitonlabed the BiooUy^-' Itaswltn .'a display of ddlltbatbas notl>een surpassed by any club tittalde the metnpoUs, and by bat few to the city. TheM tevaial.vldts bave not only tended to promote that social/ ana hntbariy tedtog that ehoald exist thnngbout tbewhids ball ilaylngoommunlly of ibe oonstiy, bnt also to toontsttne wd- hn of the game, and promote Its general popularity. We trust tbit.nait seaaonthe dubs from the wastom part of onrStat^, and'.thbae from Beaton will payuaavlaltto addition to tbe (ddbi which have done ao this season. The series of obamplM- sbliTgamea tesnllad thla season In the trinmpbant sueeeas ot tbe Olnb. who can pride themadvee on aoblevtog a success aever befon equalled by any dab to tbe country, vu., that ^f Wtoatoir avary match, bo^ flnt and aeooud ntoe games, that tiwy. wan angtged to. Considering that they played against the Bt n la g'a sl 'elnEa to the country. It la an aobtevement toey have a Jnstngbt '.tp bi proud ot The Eokfords, by the way, played l|i ten.flm^nlaa. games, soortog a total ot 317 runs, to 80 on the Sitt oftlialrotponento. play tog gamea with the Atlantic, Uutaal. nlon. a*^Tr™s Hudaou 'Blver. and Beaolnte dubs; the high- est soon mads .against them, to a alogle Inntofs, betogby the latter Atnbk and the Ughest to the match by the newbnrgh olnb. NsJitatoseatte gnBtoontast tor the championship wlfl lay b^ twaan^th'a UfanSD of Brooklyn, Unlual ot New Tork, and Eureka of.'I(tvw3[l'.th».two former wlU eapeolally make strenuous exe^ tBteto'tokirQie lead, and an exolUng time may be folly expect- ed^bn l^;QiloaaIan'of the matdiea between them, but both alula liari'detimdited that no auch oatalde toterfeienoe and dlstacb- 'ssMM/aB-.^JitaRed'thelr games this year ahall be permitted to dl^ InAthabanabny of their gamea next season. ! . tXh'f 'next bvent of Importanoe to the ball playtog fntornlty Is .tts aasMbblage of the delegates to the ngnlar annual conven- JltiNi'Athe NaUonal Aasodatlon cf Base BallPlayen. Thla meet- tog takes place at OUnton Han, Astor Place, New Toik, on the e^entos of theaecond Wedneedq In December, and It Is expect- ed that folly one hundred dubs will be npresented on the ooos- alon. Ddegales from the dubs ot Phlladdphla, Balttmore, Waahtogtbn, Altoona. BnfCelo, Boobeater, Utlca, Byraonse, At bany.TTOy, Boston, Lowell, Providence, Trenton, Prtoceten, &a, 50., have promised to put to an appearance on thla totanst- Ina oocaslon. to order to get thoroughly seqnatoted with the new rules that an to be totroduced at tote convention. . In ngard to tUa subject we have to say that objeotlbnable aa It Is to change tharnllaB)aftBb,ltla 'nevertbeIesa neeesaary that the game be made', aa >perfeot aa proper supervision and JndldorUL.ohangea can make It, and It la well- therefore.- until tbey an made oompleta, that, every two or three seasons, sundry obangts be made to the rules, whenby the'experiencas o^ the past aeaaona' Elay can be made available to.Improvlngtbeaamec .tn>i«0oraisldaJl *i£<^oUm '""X idoihiS??!'^ PEDES TBI A N i; S lyt . 100 TABDS Foos Haob miwaBM Tbohas AKD.ilaCUBa.— ne Orasge, N.f.; bslf-mUs tnck exhibited si. llvdy appearance on the 19to Inat,. fa between four and five bundnd say aporta ftom Newark and'dsewhere wen congreigated to intoeas toe great 100 yards spnrt between. John niomss, of Newark, and JamesHoC*be,ofOsnada,for$100a>lde. Tbe match waa made on toe St&'ef Nevtsmber. (made todnonble' by Old OUy f'awkaa' '~rtog to sand 'the memben of the British Parllsinant klttog ith his gimpawder. plot, which will never be forgot) by William Oacker, tor Thomas, and UoOabefbrhlmselfiWltnassedby Qeo. Condlt and Ulbhael Oeany, otad toe variona deposlta duly pott- ed to our hands'. We arrivad at toe track about 8'P.U., by means ot steam aud hbVB»power, toeettog toe familiar ftcerot Jem Qlddtogs and Harry Hasktogs, from Brookljn; Pngb,' Thomas' trainer; Hat Oasaldy and Frank Prtolz. old opponents ot UoCabe : BUlClacker, of Newark : John Ortodell, the ten mile ohamplon; andotoera of'less hotoriWy.. The proprietor of tod track had toe aasnrtnce to aak $10 for toe nn oi It, but came down after mnob long aafferisg and talking, to a mon moderate figure, taking the apectetora IK- cente'each, except toose who scaled .toe' walls— by ftr toe greator majori^ adopttog thla metood. Owtog Utihe late dank weatoer, an by birth, of about toe same sge, and some two tocbes shorter to stotoK ; he haa only figurdd three ttmea atooe bis dilmt to toe Stotes, defeaUrlg Frank Printz to a 10O'~yards race,' iratt>Cassldy to a two mlto3iieat amd snffertog defettaomtoebtterlnuicther ot two miles. Aftor'toe ttsok had be«n deand, -as no other one man coold' hava dleared It by BUI Oladker, tos'ifien toed toi soratob, and. aflbr aodrtog eight or ten tlm4a, got off eVen In a splendid bant or speed, and from Onr «nd ot the Une,- toey look- ed to be side by side for the flist fortryatds; Vulhera'toe Jerk seyman began tooh by tooh to gato on the OanadlanMho'labored heavily, owtog to the sottoess cf toe ground, yet gamely strug- gled on, but was beaten at toe bdmeebratoh by about ton yards, Time of the '^n^—lOX seconds. The race wtt nobly icontestl ed. taktog toto. oooslderatlan that U cOabe had- toe toalde tnokl when too grpnnd was the worst, and slipped at . dmovt ever stride, whereas toe Newark- man, by bis eprlghtly motion, go ; over the conise much easier. That UoOabo' did blsibesttowto no cue wlD^galnsay, and with a bard, dry track, he . atlll thlnka that bis opponent cannot toke any Ubertlea wlto blm.' 01 tbi two men, Thomas' stylo Is far mon (he Ideal ot a runner toai UoOabe's, toe latter bavtog obad fashion of Loldloghls hesd lot ' and snreadtog his arme too mnob, which, however, can easily b 1 remedied. „ After.tod race, Jimmy tried It agalnt and' seemod 1 1 go qnlckto than, baton. There Is some talk of getttog np anotoe ' maioh between toem for a qntrlar of a mile. From tbe trto: toe horsea' beads ware turned for Joe Baldwto'a hotel, to Oentr i *'"'"i£i'i?''^^?^?^4''»^"''' ttesports toNewark,wher 1 we metThbmaal bther,.an old vetennwho dnn the mall coaol 1 whan Lafavette wasto Ainerlcsi andknew that patriot well, Johi 1 MoOormlok, and a house. fuU of sporttog men. Kr^.Oltcke ■ called on toe iWk and received toe slakes on behalf of Thomas. Afoibib Ua'^b, Uasb,— As'was anticipated,, Tbcgnas an< I MaOabo'ttide anbtoej mab*. to ran a qnaMerofl to»le for tW> aside, on (U« JaehtoS TncltX;,l, on'Tid>iday7iMffinAer 7tl , doubt bntthii the match ■will kttrtot oonsld/fmv '.attenttoi , ArUdee wfre Blgiejlop ^ho auttost. and tioirik A^t,deposlte I l-known genUeaun of 11,. too money. MfflTli?*' I Wdker'i'SSi'JJ'^ THE RING. reputaaon bt boto youngsten, a pretty UtUe mm 'iTuu^?^ Mtween toue Tom-tlta of tha Prize Blng. Attached we^^ •^^S^^B^oSr'A^nsiijxiiT ^'(ered tiitoihis fsUi dav ar«.L_ ber, 1863, between Blcbard-HoUywood and John Ecttoiv^* said BIphardHoUnroofl agr^.to Qgbt toe aald- JehiKS'u.V'* fair stuilup fight aocfM&ig to toe Boles of the' Ui£?b3 * Btog, by which toe said Blbb£d Hollywood tad Jokn Kmu* hereby mutualiy'agted tol be '.bound. Slie^ttldfiiihlsliS^k^ place on Tueaday, January Uto, 18M. and shall b^ i„ai ™» ot Three Hundred Dollan a aide. In pnrautnce of tkiiT^.?' merit tu a dde annow doposUM'^ tho hahis of F^|vK!^ vrtioshim be final stakeholder.' The aiddfad deposit crMoYSS* Shan beuade at tbd'b'onsei of PatMdk'Hnrpby,^raet tfluSP bU'«tad Degniw itrdets, BilookUA. on Tk^y, toeuth^uS!: Novenbar. %iethlrdde^tdf f>Oaeldeat^yLbkn^%! Centre street on Tuesday, the 1st of December. Thtfimrtifj posit ot m a aide, at Phil .01We'B>'.«Ot OohimbU stiMl^^ lyn, on Tnesday. the 8to of December. The fifth depoSt ofui a side at Dennis Klrwan's, odriier of Pavonla Avenna uiii>_ vest iitnMit. Jonum tWtr. nW tVidfilav: <>m> 1 riW .>.'. iiT"' fO- The street sevento' _ _ _ Uontgomen street'JerMy'Oibr.'MrTo^lday, the'seli da^ oember. The said detmltokhsUni«iahd«< between ilieh^^.,. - - -^iMIWg .EcLi.nraaB ■■ •• DumiSKlBWlH. • ' NxDWiLSON'BTEAnsarviKcrFsmviii.— ThebcidWeebtiba QamaCock bas.bad'.tob'gpodtortnnbtQseoan toe StajvmS Inrtlfata; No. B89 Broad wbtl. near Bleeker atreeL tar Tti7«wS r tognlgbt,Nov:^b;'when%«^wai;iio doubt be aiTltomme attendance dt h'eUday--keepeU, ccmprlaedof many vfioufinaiiw toey can't get Into toe toeafrM' or tolaatre) halla, wlU ^tnusl spwrtogSexhibltldn for toe flnt time. The regoltr "btVlues," thereton, must go esriy to enJoy toe ton. Bee Ccbun snd Ut gallant Crow, Izzy Ltzams and toe gentle Boberto Smllhli, Phfl Clan and bis nepberrYoung BeTilnla,'r laXJrem and tofrHenia hero Billy HoOrato, BUly DenneUy aid Hike Oobuht, tarelkn wlto many otoen. Wilson toe Brtva is to wtodmFWItoafileaa, ToveeflllstbeJLA'sblp, which Is proof that '.iCsre'wlIl be it lickofsporti Zh« tldketoanflnd«: toe unUwm latlbof Ifli oentoeaoh. . . .-ii- .- . ■ '.'">.. , ^ '.forATovB'saixATNiaBT'mBBbbiLm— 'ni|B(T«eiday,Ker, Slto) eventog, toe I^tosr of Boxtog Is to bana-retl Uvabaitil at New Temperance Hall, oorn.ar Fulten and Ptoeapple atreelL when we only want a fine night to make It toe blggeit exhlbUoi the old gentleman avet had. By.(hs'!6111i^''wkSM'11iit thm glove fighte an to' be ocntetted^betwednEdmrbwaiyand Bflb Dwyer, Biny Donneny and Hike Nnnan, andttw^ethsni'logtite wlto toe aaalatanoe of Phil Olan, Jem Olddtoga/ Jbal l>uiis,)ia Hnnter. Ultoge Cortellv Jerry Conklln, etavetai-TwoidfTfrantt page an to nan a round or two, and .toa 'wilclaeiiitaHalinel will termtoato wlto a tremendous boxtogmateh Is'twktB/id Wllllans (tostaad ot Olark) and toe etargieeaMIiale .Vfilta Tovee, whlcb la anre to be boto exdttog and amualng, A qjoh tor and fiity cento an toe ohaiges, and toe boxtog ocmmenoeiit 8P.M..' Fbiobkd bdc— Onr pungent btot to the man caBedlkeBitit IS elicited a nply uom lhe party most-lntarested, to sll^ Oeo. Baknr. who ohallsnited Oon. Orem-^-that'a the muna- goeed ttthan been Iks. 'We presume be U a brothtr ofluioty utforAradentlaintatnts hs didn't wish to bavethlstoon. OecigeBa now located at Hr. Well'a,. Pedestrian lavaii,iriit Troy, aid toanxlonato fight any man in Amerloa next ipitaf at lU IV.. for Uoo a aide. It Is ourrently reported IhitaMttS big 'ui^ndenUy Imported, to now keeptog shady.reidysttte proper to^.'/abow canie'Vand flgbt aome one of oar Ug men h* Asi opened* It named Mlow )u thing for. QimHQ I to be taken etoi JanntUy DiOE Hoi road, " In 32d,weB R. oracle ters to'en, go to a hell BFOBzrno HoDEi Dt Baoonn.— Ed. Lowerrku '■-mon toe oorner otPrdspeot and PtsrI stieets. It ip .Gryatsl, sod' ttom toe .popalari^ ot the yoou d bonlftoe, we eapieet it will ton cstageM i.<^BBrTy Latfiiiy has 'got so fkr cai of diigir sgato. Wa-ba*e 'rten a photograph of But 10 aflQyj l)9.I|>okil..|dn«Shat hagnrd, botli igadgar.' ■ - OOD 10 TRAm AT Habx UAQolki's.— VhIb onl 00 Ibi oacKand four hgnes drawn by a any nare,'.' ea Ite id at toe Cky.iiaa Hotel, and tb^learoel trork Ite P. lic^ Hollywood wonid very;Im>'7,w explain all about' It at bto bensfllon Tbanktglvtog al|l>l|tii" Stoyvestntloatltote. ..^ , 'ij .<;>'-.>; < KiBBvEiumXiiWoaABAoixR— On Thartilay, Noren^^ Thanksgiving dIgBl.'Hanry Hill; of toe Ednslon ttrcetCiD^waBb will go tbrcugb ttid.lndlan4lnbixdrdlw; at ihdSKiyrosui) Iiiiunn with 0 pair of Eehdk>s 80 lb. dab*, showing all tho votlciiliai^ on a scIonUOo principle. .TO thoae who have haadlod toMO cim too weight, 80 lbs. eahh, will sesm ralhcr Bleep, but b? OSes toe 20 poandars,H won't Be much of s task to bin. J'|' toonrhandsj,' A.apinTrDiBloB-8roB* Ab£ad.-A oorresponaest'iends ni the following aoconnt of a. eaplUl llUIe rtoe whiobhai lakeh ptooo "out his way," with a^ropoial made and accepted for k fint-otaas sporttog eyent bom a qd»rter-'; <" ' '<>i '' ' "' iKiulsvUleiiKy., November.l4lB,1808, Bonos OuppiD — i?«Xf «r viJA fodt rsoe cameoff here to^ti , of onerhdudr^ yard*, fqr »H a atde; betwton an Unlindwn and Mf,^aroito..of toit oltyi .Ihcnce Idok ptooe about- one mllt from toe oltT. the betttog betogaU'to ttvordf (hb UnAown, at M mnehttEloo to .»J0 freely offeted/'wlto but f«#ttke>k, TbiS got off with a fair start at Jb*U.Batt 8 o'doch, keoptogsldaby side for toe flnt seventy y^idr, when toe Unknown took tok lead and'okme toi Tttonsr, byigfltetj'lb Uj^teeft ; AMFthe no( vaa ovan.asentUman ofi sporUng'ffuei advaidoad to' toe bael£ enof toe Dnbdom and offered to'toake a matohi'fttftl.OOO^ I ?i' dat*- aatnkdar, Tflof. im, The ohtUaag* -iris; aeMplia oti tba i^t abdi|w a aldb \^-,.\\ii< iiiv.-ii -I . 1 ■ '..'... ..','i|.v r .'■/'"'' 1' - "I -•' J >;i:i);.' !'.'. .': i ''.'. ' ■. ' ■ .' or moiuway iDu o,ui —-T-F,^ i occupied byFrtdFBlWand7%Bd'Iad U'tOflxod to Bplondld.Yle#bf toe CeBtiirjhrk ':to iflbrded from «'»'**!uij which to lilerally swarmed on every fine tfUnooii. Joonwiu donbt do well lu bto now enterjrliT TnaC fewdk Iranspimu, oai.iomv B»7 wsi iio'e'Bii«r\ a '"'e"*'"''.''.7Ai,Mre The sladiator aad'Uooto Abe baTtmadbUp friends, and tftw ipeaklngleTtos.' '!:"■■•'■ ■ '' " ;••''"• •"•'. ".' .•' Oioiioa ■auaii'tiiisMa'Mw^o.ii^^ Wckt puglllB^.to, now damiclied.'dndd/to«: NM''>',¥r'^*iriiird3*» nSertrNsIl Fkctbry, Troi', giving' KbiOnS inlhd Oeorge also attends gentlemen at toelr own pitcea oT 100110. forOeorgol , minilO' A Foiniv Rawf-AJ.'l^. Il.'1'Bonds ns 'aB teooant oft ipui Drove YardyWegf PHItaddlpbia.^bolwedn Jobbny ™"?iSgrei» Ddua1tasp»blehlutedbd't IWd rddndt j'the nime?tW<«l VjJS,^ "flaD«redpuni«;PFMdDoug'atS'bdll!i)r*ncr'*wbatK«f^ to the disgust of the lookeri-oll ln'thdIJrove Yard. ■H^^JSiJi-JOi'iiJ^r.iil^ iI'Aa .... -ih,K'l>:i . na iDlugCItXrlL ratkllii DtllTa' liriy cf toe varminto were croaVad invoryiair --jigi,. . entered and kiiieU toelr rala,lh'nillovlng order: "."Jif « Hi rato in 1 min. 17 m? 2d, Old 48 i. : tS}y>':}1\ i,C?AM^ mm, 12 sec. ; ^lh^^ InaiMV'eihiS InMsed. ' 7lh. (a "|Jy,'5dir er) 8ln 1:82; The |lrdpf toldr of tblseilmib wiltWhB viHiJ";^^ buying rato, as to'^'baWn'tgdi * prefcsslooalht .qatww.w A Match at BniiABirfi, iodp-Vbltts nip. 'fji'jjJ^^Btoi, o»Ji: sou- ton., Mtween DlddD uomu anB """^ "iiii bIooc":: contest WM very dose, snd on toe lut "^^'^^a^ potote and Honia 90t. the totiw to olay, ""■Jr^ShBt* teotandtbnswon. ra*'^t4elMl«S.0ho«nian4».«»" ->-.'J Jc.-. .t'fVJ -'.'I.' .'. ■ ''■".^' ■■-''..',' ■". ,, , . ; L'l SI. '-X. lu. 0>. W Y 0^fB^ :<^^ I P P B la; 250 ft" Hot 2mllr S. Vif- iroin)AT,.HOT. M, 1M3. '^j'i^& aoaMtolIed foi htolEidnMa to ya pooplaof jITiSST? tfww their plons «tiprool»«on of the mtny favors iDsnd tbelr treafuea with alooieliaild and an open '>'V^kitmv]met the drama they did mnoh frequent, and '••^'^iMM did Ihey.beitow upon ye poor player* who ware ?lSf S fflwe tJiWi Pi»y«" dj4 iwJt]ook with fkypr J?iiSi»bll««end ye Shoddjltoe.knowlr- ^wBiehabllaa — , , - . ^ ^^^^ '?SCi^ndiDnu!ell», and to play before whom waa Ifke throwing l«^S:'^Sbefoie ye weU-fedand dlityn^e. W«t«^ knowing them to be mere reailB before ye weU-fedand dlityawlne, oolet and gedlal managers did fratemlie fiuhablle. for had It not been said that t lI«Te>. with ye ^. Halt, who ha».)^»j».v^y#^8^fl29ft^^^^^ H^ODi, If How in Ite^otty-Zmlnfomavt that thebrolhen are nMta nmdODi ittar. a'ahoft Mdtv to Taitf, AnQ that he upedtt foMfttbamlnHew.Zoik'byOhrlatdlaa.' f.:it i i .ii. ^ " vUlfok'f iratn't "otpwded to thb' ostUiig" aamvch last week;-, kttirlbalable. It U ' sappoted, to bad Iraathsr and a too mnohneaa.' if tbeaamafirOi'i'' I ■ "■.'>,■:■ • ■ i ^ t Uonday.erenlng, Noy. 339, Ur, a«d Mn. Barney' ViU _wUln*^4 thelr.roUra— weMbw that's the word— beforel e'w 7b Aavdienqa, Iheyare .popular, and alMya attiaofl sonatMihedharaotte. ln'nunyrcBpebts, and flndy at he i«ad ths put, tke nraal etagi mannerlims pnralled to k greater ei- tantihin'hla preyloOs efforts hadlad ni to eipeoi lUoJttlto- ?iether,'ln'oompatUoi) <\»ltfa: ''other repreaebtatloaa ir4 ha'fe seen he past two' seasons, Ur.Harrlsbn'sOlaailabompaiUr tSiTtorably with the bigst that has beon presented. lUsa Irrlog wis' not at ffioo)! at home In the oharacler of Fanllno is her abfllly led m to' aipoot; bnt donbtloss ulth dUTerent aurronndlnga she trbold ap- pear to greater adyantage. Bythe-way,a "leading old lady" . .. . . , wonld be an advantageous aoqalslUon to this company, and larfea addlan'oet. 'During the uigagement they are hoife'ntarlna mora oare In rehearsing those standard pUyg would not detrttot ipon;therlnlendtoproduossjinmbwofnoveU16(iiifanattt%^ the merit of tholr performances, Of -the others. It Is Ht^ aik'd'tno^oK'aracter, Their' opening bill coffl^rlsos '!Xos icatodr necessary to sptak beyond stating that as a general munloatlon waa again 'nnmsd, Thallo«BMwM •uit in eno;.and au thwwi waSSw£^2i?^!^ThS^S5* aaad on SnndaTeTenlnB.the loth iSrt, theUdiXMSi^ of her father-thonte ab«nt haM.pul^BhLiiS^ISSJKf ?** lover, who had made the needMir^riauSSf!;! JSiS?;!, Ji? Off they ttarted to Onndas, wh«re-l£™S wm. m^K^X r**^ then iter want on to Wait ^■^^ y^ A^'^^^tSS^ Whether Ibeylntonded to return to £Llton!iSdtott.^S!i approved and orthodox style kneel dowi bifS™ a?"^"** 2nd le Bachablle, for had It not been said that there was them? Bojomanagen jUd UU^yefattad calf, and " '"USift - ' • - -j- jjfj Iifl Baohabltaa w«8 muairflatlered,juid did • say man. afli^^Jl ye cth'w fat<«l oalrea to their tkbemac'les, and did Unit tnsD ols* aaUniI4>t mnoh merit: and n ahnA. SSlia Baohal... """.-..J .. IS,dilS>»n» dots ye fonnof taMUttofl.psrn'glad-.tldlngs.Df ^jli^ifligled with tho)uaBds,of je.fllmslo^ wMoh y»?rnt ^ Btgnu.iwJ greenbaoks.; T»ipdAtM|S*bIeaa< jitntloniiily ELAierdlMi ply I>1> <*U'>B T^Oi ipuoh #ia«irltyi SDd-JiIs t^ban-. I^^fsike unto him ,muab. blinds, of .ye free llstuw^obryo ■ad. SahM i^*'' oommandto play befbre ulvi aiWathtoBton, •Z not at their peril, at ye base Jndlotal lanmmmift lod wiathfally expresses lb Thus endeth ye tnt !!vlSoine'leaion ot ye day, whloh may serve to .point ■ moral !^3fiil6n'a tale, If ye dlsorimJnatlng reader«a)i.aeelt..'.,'...In on' Bterloiii eplstls, easntl mepUon waa made- of .4ha •tret ■ u^'^^iiuh'lnqtltnllon haa. been mwh abused of lateyearst to She (red detriment of sundry places of . publlo retort Plaoes «n "cnrsdsd to the oeQlng," but there was no money In Ihsm, mriii toths'fteelliteis ImIdi Inthe.majorl^, and most all of Oiafe raw lecralls actually ca(llpa themselves "membenofthe -jfU "to themBnlfest dlagnst.oitheleglllmato membeis of tha ueaa gahg, who generally, pn;. Ihehr way, and aak no favors. Souls Of the managtrs ue now t^glnnlng to elft the ohaff from ths.wheat, and Bcatter-uoiformer (o^e four winds, whatever Uulmayoiean; .toall'iitwDloliwecrT "amep,'.',aild "ameni" • iphAAnfin vma *'hnri" ' ..TMoptfjkjiMt "hurt" ^t jEaek,.!'OWlng totha Inolemency of the weather," and vthe high piloe ofprdvlslons;" Init the at- lagl^eiwu'not tery meign, Be^^'tt^mr Baohablto friends piitJn'fone,andtnrql|w.lnthaureserved seatawlth 1 /uioe," ' UKto itiMt latta^'w Jake Herbert, as vre ]! hUn.' .•uMS'W • reared IiftchenMllBg.on his monsy - • ■ bn*-Ve ltjthe,aUfti«dest to .thl«:hll great fmie, he Is . 7'the goods aid chattels B6 now possesses; he htolng oalonlator" of the lint order, and could "auff tp"tSe}ilce of apiece of beef with furlona rapidity, and gener- il^IitdUie credit of aelllng cheap, 'We remember, "onoe upon I timer of being prestntwhen a ladycalled at Jake's stand to piuthue a piece of corned beef, as she had promised her board- en eomed beet and bsbbagt for tbelr Bonday dinner. Running bra fonflnger deep Into ihe recesses of ajuloy pleoa, aald she: "ffhat's that a pound}" "Ten centr," quoth Jake. "Too ooeh," wu the lady's r«]olndor. "Well, I'll weigh It, and b4.( what I can do for you." Ths eomisd beef was weighed, and Jikt, lousing It Into the lady's btsket^'^ild— "tan pounds; ten tan^ a hundred and ten, take It for' a dollar;" and she did, tUsUig, according (o Jake's mode Of doing "Agger work," that, ihewts getting a DUgaln. Jak6 made a great deal of money on bis "ten tens a hundred and ten principle," and la now a tegular patocu ot the opera, and the Kew Tobe Old^ IZB-' Edwhi Foireat wound up his engagement at Xlblo'i, on the 20th, We tried to purchase two Vstalls" onthe moralng of that dav, but were Infbrmed that all such seats had been sold at an early hour pn the previous day ;so we. Including our 'tender Duldnea, had to "rcngh It" among ye gods of the diolee, The house was "Jammed 'with people^" and the play wu Oa.r<'CJumS|^^u'vao|]]jH^ U,nAt. /yqoUL .!u«'aDWsUthemme;fB'<^tfi**tobIean'em; > A brigadier waa patatng by, , Bit b9oii with Inttre thone: Oar hoot bla^ friend ot fourteiNi yean, . Did mark him all for hls'n. At Bayard street there ohanoed to dwell, , A gutter filled with mud- And onward did the soldier stride,. .Without no tear nor'fkvor. The guahlng bootblack thought him how , To makbthe soldtensUp; ' • . "HoT ho I h«t hAlini* hearty." nepltced the peel upon (he gnnnd— - '• The wtrrick (Wit bode, .' He fell,' at many a iddler f elL . ■. „^''»UowedlntheguH«f.'. ■ - . and apled'thi venemont boy, -At yoa.may oft heard tellt , , Int'teldler oaoght him by th'eneok, 'i ■" ■"■-;***«»P«lhiin"o'Tir the nose. He dled4-4hls ftagUe boot buck l)oy— - . Sp** of itrtft';' ' " ' - ..--'AMotlnptothwbrlWdlsW'-'-' ■! , .Bsitnftltedhlseditaaos, ■''■ all ]e pardensnUidlstiett, Wliat wania to plarsonr prankt ndfilShllkVfblki,' , Onbrlgtdlenani ] ^'Bsbantuthowybudo'lti ' Vor« aomethlng there la which ihapea 'our ends,' ' ireotu'tteUwhatltlt^ . •• Bat take warning by-the boot blaok't fst^ .' ' •' . .-•LUMwlse.thQ brigadier. . •; .. ; .. ■ - . : InS^^'*''^^^*^ °'tUst Wooi'i; tftnstrels bring but a &S^J^^P^^>>rmk week, kiaVthSe w/hlt'Cfun rtdWiriywi^''''' 2».'>?l.P05»enl to hawjflur tatloBs o< hash Wo^jlJA'^Si boie^'Frto irotrer. who 18 fat «>«ffita MiWtmijtlYe OamlUe, with it^ffl^": ^.bUo yo wiry and iltedttatei olurley Fox Is to robust loyerjSfla'ufl, . fleo.what.a WtfhrS!**"^'' >' torfonf V* vlTrUy b«leve. If It ^i&^^i?!' ^^. Tl't-hls OablnBtiroininay, ■■ ' ■■ " u«1£^*lO<"°'°°*i>'1 thoso two o6m«dlani'to ( loSKn O'Jltili'tnd It would bo trroflUbU j ,t A\)rabam Ivoa perform' [Otothenesr 9e.indd6oa.to.'.iF«lal(l l^S; JSMtwli will give a BwKnee, or day "•»»gt«ag, mi lnat"»Bd alio onlatwday, ^l^oriBanoA, en Va^ Circle," "Onstons of the Country," and "Pst's muuders." AaltlsoiHoF.theonstomaof tho country to see the WllUanisea pe^ns,'th«re wUl t>e no blunden committed If our friend^ drop In tt Nlblo'a this week. ibodt the "biggeat ram in tho pen" Juat now. Is Henry Wart Beecher, -Ton are aware that Henry has been to the lion's dsn, whldh is £ogland, TCd know, also, that he made apeeohea-'and a great foaa there^ and sassed the Britlshen In hb own quiet and peculiar way. Well, he Is all here now, "after his retuin fr^ Europe," and draws bigger "audiences, and gets better pilpet than any other actor on the ttage. Last week, he ap-. peered at the Brooklyn Academy, for one time only, and crowd- ed the house at two doUan a pop. ' This week,- on the 2ith, he shows at our Academy, the price of tloketo being fixed at thru dottari etchi which knocks the Italian opera scale all to smIUiar. eons. Henry will toll us what he did In Eogland, and what ho didn't'; what they did to Aim, and what they would ilka to have did; how the Thunderer got mad, and thought to laah the Brook- Ijj^ man, which It didn't, though; of these things, "all of which' he was, and part of whloh he aaw;" he wQl discourse to his de- luded brethren at the Academy. To the credit ot Mr, Beecher let it be recorded that the proMads of his "talks at ths people' arei devoted to the fOndsofthe U.S. Sanitary Ooumlselan. The Academy and tha people will bf .well stulbd on the Sith'. . . ; Bank Uudge hLanother big card. Dan' Bryant ahowl 'hlffl ' evoy nl^l'^TmBrSfiMy; Ad^iebiihJmtB 'as _ . _ .. _ arireetthe_. fulgent Hnoge wen never dreatfed'en^ln'tburphllosopby. 'Wi .^fi't know which haa tha bestL.attractlon, the Academy with 'E[enry Ward, or UechanldS Ban with Daniel S. ' Qo and aee 'em both, "and thereby gain great fame." '. a Ike notice. All ye people who bayie cares knd la'rge tkmOlet, therefore iubJecttothebluea/ttkeallttlablU)f ouraeem- Ugly disinterested advice, and go tee Ura, John Wood as Henrt dSI«gadare,lB::"The,UoRo." DjtctlidlroUaWelailditer.Kd^tU. evoke, dispels the blues, and IsavM the patient In a nappy frame of mind, and fit to face;a frownlng' boardlng Bbb Hart, and other "hale fellows well met" wlU-iBeet-}tm--wlth-smlles,~t]id songs, tod Jocular Jokea. There's' to be a matinee . ht the American . on Thanksgiving day. ' We're not much ot a hand a^pollttct/.bnt in regard to the ap- proaching election for Muor, we ahonld advise onr friends to cast their united yctos for Blunt, Boole,. Qunther, and any othtr man who may be ahoved forward during the canvaa, 'Veto the whole ticket, and thus secure the dectlon of "good and honeet men,*; .^mlons to the.alecttonVho'w8ver,'«lalttheold Bowi Theatte;,a&ateethedag ttan Tiafayatte end Wonder, In an appeannce thla ireelL tn the /'Forest ot Boadn9:<-Fanny Herring continues hcB takuig patfOrmanoet>a with that of the popular Mrs. Hoty, whom, ,b*tti»o&mpanUvdrTnlet HarrlsTinLl the "Wlfc,p; id hUfeSy Sredftawf fiSi^MSon of pt ^ We Itdly eWt^ltof^^ . % o.(.!WMT:»: leant product of the genius ot Miss Onshiuso', da^ _ xdletot oar suffering soldlen. Is onl^tha mott striBg)tt0(splIficatlonyet made of woman'a power and win t<^ do hettidlvait In the national struggle. Inspired with love and pltyl 4)S4ilcan women have been by,{halrlaboisand.Q]bpattde8 'lO^'the army, andithelr ranks> under leadmUUWsa will not Meak, while tbelr sons; brotbaainU'JiDB.. >Jlrm.aqdtklthfaUnthefldd. Itllt'.AueioHlts'aha^' lc|t4(KiwMtn',to savtiMrttthls.extraordlnaiygiriiitiAtitoy-i'sD "^yoked bir her ap^lrbnt theldastpiirt'ef tha tetvlto tS/^j6fl<)t:l^ltt«'.t)ttyjast to time to offer -'WB, Miss IIoKllUamsj>ejsK,st»voritolnaalro,had a thing they did woU— Andrews espedally,.~,.,3%e attendanoe thronghoat the week was excellent, both to ohoraotet and num- bers. ' We noticed that the "heads," that have been such llbenl !))atrontof ths theatre, have had their privileges out off. It Is '«l>ont time, we thtok, that the manager waa remunerated by (these people for his liberality to them ao long. '. On Thursday night, I9thlnst.,attheAcam wedth done. Tho oceaalon— ostensibly for the benefit otthe Sanitary Oommls- don, the whole funds received betog appropriated thereto— was an ovation to ths Bev. Henry Ward Beecher, on his arrivd.home from Europe, and truly should that able and eloquent and wa may truly say patriotio dUzenot Brooklyn fed highly compli- mented at the earnest and enthnslastlo greettog ne rtodvad from such a splendid audience. Els sddreea on the occadon will 1 by mUllona on t>oth ddes of the Atlantic, as well as cn otthe Faclflc, and there-U Ultis dcnbt hla Words 'will ' ' niiilil aaail In lliii ii f "IWijiiliJtiiiT Itht're^lAs %^to.^< inCbnnaiistlbn'^^dsi ' , jlv»f*aI«tonHJnMth'epAtrt*' > pf ouriBinlsbn&htd %llolm>T-> .' r ofiMuatoiPhlladdphlKBSptambeP' ' I '. .'. .'i . , ; ... :j . »V , 1 v.il. ^ .'< . < $1,811 27 X of JUodcj Boston, BeptaaihaeiMih. 9,030 7C i.Theatre. Waahlngtoir. ectojief A7th:, 1,800 00 nieatre,>Bdtloiore, Ootobdrl9th.'...'.T'' 360 00 xanU attribntebla to-the negUgsnce an^ :. . £4ii4iD4Uiager.M}.i'0, V i . ./ v . ;'i - < •. • - i y.of Mode, .Hew! Tork, October ffid;. ' 3,773 -ar tnc^ nstug pitoe. xne meeang wss a etormy one, and m are not misinformed, the stick of tho father andlhe hekdcS tho lover oame lu contact more than onoe, to the neat detriment of the latter. But the knot had been Ued, and ih* daughter had now become a wife, so that nottUng rematoed for the father but to retam to Us home soirowtog, leavtog the in, fatuated pafr to the enjo/ment ot tbelr matud ollsa. Jane Coombs commenced a two weeks engsgement at McTIok- er's Theatre, Chicago, on the fith Intt, openug to a crowded house. Bhe rematoed bstweek, and was announced to brtog her engagement to a dose on the 31st Inst. ; The performances at the Defiance Theatre, Cain, HL, wars brought to a dose for the present on ths lith Inst After a short Intermlaslcn, It Is add, the house wiU tv ra-opened 'Under the management ot Miss McWlUlams.' , . ' i' Mn.Qecrge Jordan made her letui In Sat FfanUscO Odobar 12tb, at Magufre'a Opera House, u aertrnd4 In "The Llttla iteainie." Bhe appeared for tour nlgbtoonlr, "owtogtoa'iM> vlouely made engagement with the Manh Troupe. '? - . ' *^ About seven o'dock Monday eventog, 16th Inal, as the itsge at toe Boetou Museum was betog lighted up, preparatoiT to tha perfonnance, some ot the scenery caught firs, .Olie'-fitBS*- epread quickly, but were put ont wlihftu' a»tptrii1atiBt punp totendaMOadi M~ ^wasatretdrWt>ftt.l rUS-^^^ tom«irt:*lff iiiSS^oLi^tiiBjaiijlv oqs v(ers,ln)tofr«at..pto«tfltlto'4un«i^ P • ^'Jf^J^'^^Sfvmta.ai* (tM ';^e .t|)eeia«la,^,«inu' Sea of Id^'V As^ftdndbapany; Uas^.ttMMv: < < t^.fqllPTl^ CMd:-vA'^ql«adent«»dtogihSrt5'«rii«Jrt;., ,1 tweenmyadiWMeaar»iaagdiWtDong^^ , engagement with them waatofsltaaptinl- ifeeaMd. pUytav iS ■ v <^ the time, I deem It due to thentand ithe'pnbllc that'l.icSidMt''i nt edge Uiat I was In fault, and the canae of tlle.-wttdemiSdUtfii'r '-> and Messn. L. & D. havtog agato ktodly consented tiwiceota^-^ c;" servloes, Ibeg.thetodolgenoebf thepubUo,wblle'rtebsarb*i "> '> tore; them and use my bestitbUlOes to eateitalirantrcleaiaL J TooT'Ob'taervant, JoBKDiuos/'- -. .. < - .- 1 ; i.."' . .i ... MlatAUw.FladdeMtonmade'her dctUat the Theatre ' Bovat. Htmllton, 0. W'l on the leth ln«t, Im •tMadUatoe," andTetoatoT ' i ed during the week. . i-.;^:.'^ ..« > <•.. -i. j. - -. -.j , TheMBishOhlldr«n/«(terian'absAioe of .Ave yaats toiiiiaalMa'*-' .' Ua and Kew Zealand, 'made their 'sppaaBne» tt aiagalr6.'s: HouBe,:aan FraDalico,JOaL; Dolobei' 1^ < SpksUDri A'mSj. .i the of that dty; sapU'-'.'Tha -iheatan.wiS. filled, to ovsrfles^ : • tog,; .BsTNal .of tha young drlt have. RTOwnunlo womtDhoed.'. > Improvug all the. while. . Otbir Jtiventla msqiMxs ale 'added to -i thetronpe.. Buttbe piiaaA>«L'attlatx; itslalh Shell' relaUsbpcat- -tlonsoocupledvtwn.flnst .vldttogOUtfornU.^.'llQviLadlaaBtU > .tie,' an totertodt of.^nglsg'and dafietogcvidr. IToodlag/ eoasil>'. c.-. .toted ths opc«itog: prcifldnmft. Tfae:erowd'Mrs06**M,1MMt'^ - 'WSS'Ojilv.s.gUq>PS« icr-late 'ocmen, .'.£i«]QlUo#>fktl4f off ■■■■■ pIeabantly,;Mid dl wera:^tlfl«d,> On the 17t]i,tbty.sifA: ■ ' ■ and the Betst,U B(atlod ,and -ttQIdohoreaa idlK-.aildv^WaiL-! sQpod /or Nothing,!^ . an loimenae oonoonm critidieaan2:<;/ <•'. oblldrwc at the at temoda petfcntanae, and In thtf av^atog'tUr - . •Manlao Lover,' and i;^)Odl«l.*fliled the bill . The leadln^lbfata ' .' of tho troupe an Georm .w>Mtnh, Miss flattie and Jsnnta Aiv . ' not Jndgtog from todtAMflaMt present they wUl have a'lcdgi ' ) and suocessfnl engagement" ~Xl {he condudon of this epgag»>' . ment the "Ohlldnn" vrill set sail tor thla dty, from whlch plaoa -I they have been abaent a long time. ... A letter recently received from Bdt lake, atates.>that John Hddllnger, for a number of yeare leader otthe Sacramento (Oal) : . Union Braaa Band, and Ave other -mnalclana connected with tha ' Second Oallfomla Cavalry, had Just flnlahed a theatre 80 by 80 feettoalze,»t a cost of 11^800.' The- letter written on the «h alt, says that the new thefitre had been opened, and had met vrith gnat success, Mlas Maiy^vqattolbe .'.<$ta( of the eventog". at Ihe Metr»> polltan Theaitre,.Bu{L4o,iN, T.,tUsweek,.the lady havtog'mada .. '. ' ler appearanceit^ere rathe 3Sd>lnst. . It Is to be hoped uiathte- sucoess may.exssfti]. If waalhle, that whtob-ihe achleTed during. her!lato,'epgag«iPfint.^at^s.'Walnat Philadelphia, .whets.;i' lEleav's ihiat J. WU^^B6bih will.shOflTjr^wd to byme- — -^e baanllial '4ua. lasclnstJ^.l!ai^\Bro.wn. Where's noade many ^laB|dih „ tormahciaa aVgo(nfmitar»but np'^^lsliuitday. tieddlflU^d to. wltoett hey.ptFt toufle, Otoe i?*o5"th<|16S l^tif 4ie BloUngs Operti'^ It ap41t held the boards .aU At Bike's ( produced "Ball >. ,v '.'.i ■<'..'- week; MlssBtoVbgs'tocdcherfiAndWon.theSOth. (Inthend. Ii^a Uolsvlllc thbatra, Laur^ Keeps aql her ccmpacy re- the "EnchantnAa" was Bnnciqioea,,to baprodnoad. The Bla)i«~.' 'secood week, produclog''Mcbel'th'e Reaper'' on the leth toga are stopptogther^,aronBje.b£-«e^ -;j . .< . lola^^'-IheTcsler.lE^otfieiV wa#-at Ust accounts, r.^'wubas tool( her ii(rendni|f«efit|aiiWo^^ .W^^.«aijigi«lil»ft:Bie'.Bu«al«i "ftW<43g(f.'j^ there was a luge audience present. She Is edd to have succeeded very well In ths part lire. Uyron la well spoken of to Ihe cbarac- torof Janet .On Ihe 19lh tost., UIss WesUm appeared ln"Vlclo- rine ; or, TU Sl^ep On It." On this oocadbn. a new candidate for puhllo favor made her idmL Tha Lidy la uIss Annie Ward, and ehe Is Shid to have made a decided hit She appeared on tho fol- lowing night as Colin In' "Nature and Pbllosopby," "Leah, Ihe Forsaken," Is In sollve. preparation at Orovsr's Thea- tre, Woshlsgton. UIss Lucille Western will enact Ihe eharacMr of loah. :it will probably be produced the proaent week. - Emily Thome has appeared with much sneoeas at theEt Loult Theatre, aa Hester Qrazebrook, to ."Unequd Match." Her stogtog Is much liked by the trequenten ot the " St Louis." lAimEeene and her combination oompanywIU auooeed^nlly Thome at the St Louis Theatre, HairySapgood,Iateadvertlatog agent forRamsey'i MtosMs, Is no.lDDger connected with that company, but to now with lanergah's parly, at MUwatikee, Wis. lanergan'ia dramatlooompanyopened atthe AoademyotUndc, Milwaukee, on the 16lh, aud bnatoeta waa good aU the wsek. The conipany slay there four weeks. Buftoess to LoulBvlllSi to thedramattoworid, has been vtiy good'otlate. Fromouroofxespondeht "aB.B.,"wehavethe following Items of news :— "Laura Eeene's combination (mtont Ur, and Via. C. Walcot, Jr., who aeoeded at Nashville) vrere engaged by Ed. Bauer, Treasurer of Wood's, to play for hit bene- fit on the 7th tost, 'Our American Ooualn.' On ths 9lh, they optned at •Fuller's,' and during the past week, they gave some «t the good old standard ooaedles ; 'TheSchoolfor Soandd' was admlnb^ jpresented. Mr, Maokay aa Sir Pater Tead^ gave evidence of abluto that lawldom tonnd on Ihe Western stage: It wad a most masterly ddlneaUon, The L. Eeena ccmbtoatlon wU| remato' tintll the 23d,' whto wa nay oxpcot ecmetUng In the spectade Itoe. .Sam QDllok and aaalslante have tor aome wsehs been engaged to patottog pew scenery. A. corps of dfident cos- tuiien, tailors, mnitoers and drcss-maken, (o say nothing ot sewtog toiaohtoes, la hard at work on the wardrobe. At Wopd's Thcatro; Mr. J, Proctor conuneneed hte two week's engagement With 'Nick of . the Woods,' which proved sufflolently — I ngntthat&r.AIbaugh'attamptedtheput of • lolllus,' without Qoro careful study. He to getttog very oare- losibflate." At Wood's Theatre, OtodtonatI, Oubat appeared on tho lOth tos^, to "Lavangro," the speaking part It was played but on^.^^On:'lhe foUowlng night ahe appeared to •''P« S**" thtoo perforinaaoes at tha dd, Wsahtogten Theatre, oommendng on the 9Sd tost, ■ ^dopemepteaaa to the theatrlod worid took place on the lBt)i'lnsl., to EamUton, aw.' She hero waa Mr. Edwto F. mafaltoln oharaoteh aheten: to ilovewlth Ihe actor, and her at- taohmsntwasretartied,.. Sometime ago, ho obtatoedaUtense. of marriage, bnt the frther, hearing of the affair, rofnjtcd' hla oonaent to aa illlaaoa vrilh a tttanger whom no one' knew mtioh .ab At Ford's nieatoe, Baltimore, Mtggte- Hltohall hat been.tka , bright star the 'past ireek, and wHl continue so this weal^'biliii-. tog out on ths 23d ."Faaohon." On Shanksglvtog day, slie.pn>>v duces "Little Barefoot" Hden Western oommenoes aa sagagement at Ford's Tiiettreb ' Bdtlmore, on the 30th Inst , : . i: The New Tremont Theatre, Boston, (latdy known as Hn. Jsaa i English's) 'Win be re.opened on the SOIh tost, by Mr. Jacob Baiw . row. His company will embrace Mrs. Barrow, Mark BmUb, Tool Plaolde, Mr, Wdcot and wife, Mr, Nolan, and others; Haggle Mltchsn win commence an engagement at the Beaton . Theatre on the 30th Inat At the Boston^ Theatre, Edwin Booth rtmatos another .w«i^ "Buy Bias" was produced last week, and met with mnohXavob At the Norfolk Opera Eonse, Mr. E. Eddy commenced aa ea« gagament on the I6th tost, opening to "Bratna." Sato Fteher la to the third week ot an already brilliant engage ment at the Naahvine Theatre. On the 17lh,Bhe appeared in ua "Three Fast Men" and "Claude SnvaL" Mr. J. H. Browne, foimerly connected with' the Boston thea- tres, is at present with Lanergan's company, at MUwankee. Mr. Geo. Byer hat Iwen engaged to topporl Miiy Pravoit tlila week, at the Bnffdo Theatre. Amntamante to Pnlladdphla have eiperienoad a alight lalUu off, the attendance attoetheatreanot betogso large. atJisreKK;. fore. Avonto Jonet closed a bad engagement at the Oheitaal^ on . the 91st, Mr. Forrest who sucoeeos her, opens to BlcheUen on the 33d Mn. Bowers remaloa at the Arch. She appeared. - In "Lady Audley's Secret" last week, to fdr bndnees; .the play vrat produced to exoeUent stylo, and Mrs. B.'s perfotmanoe. ei»- . ated a very tkvonble Impression Miss Mary Provost closeA - at the Walnut on the illBt, and J. B, Clarke succeeds hertUa week Give Stuart Bobson a good chance at the Anh, aad he win prove a profiteble card to the maaagemeat Ladles and gentlemen ot known standtog to the dramatlo prd-- fSadon can secure engtgemente with Messrs. McDonald -& Bay* field, ot MempUs, Tenn. Bee their advertisement Mn. Barrow aad Mark Smith plav to Portland this week, prior to their return to the New Tremont to Boaton. HanrLaagdon and wife, vrith J. B. Button and Annie Beoor. give a Tfaanhaglvtog entertainment to Mllford, Mass. John B, Owena' engagement at the Howaid,.Bo^a, was verr . ■ucoesstol, todeed. . y. :-. B, L. Davenport wa^ too U . to . appear on Monday, with tha "graat anianoe" at the Howard AthenDum,.Boaton. BOBlO The old Green Street Theatre, Albany, N. 7.,waa opensA' on too aisttost by Measre, Avaiy t West as the "Grean Btreet ' 'Varietlea," The theatre has been thoroughly repaired and - ttimlshed. The oompany engaged la aa follows :— Warren BorA> weU, Bob Butler, Harry SUto, Sam, Brimmer, Nallle'Howard,' Annie Hdl, Amelia WeUs, Fanny Thompson, Bllly.ThotoptaB, the Pollslr Brothert tnd theLeonl Troupe of Pantomlmltlt. - Warren Bordwen Is atage manager. Leo Hudson, the "Mtoppa** ' of the day. Is nhderltoed for an early appearance. ] .At Harmonla Hall, Cairo, IIL, the tooreaaed atttaotlont eoa' - stently offend by the managen, very natoralty dnw'a'ano- oesslon of large andlenccs, Dick McGowan and Emma Wtothrop arethetwoprtoolpklattraotlonaatpraaent . ' .' '' ' . Mr. Luke Blven waa ap tor a l>eneAt at the National, Otooto-. nati, on the aoih Inst At the National Otoolnnatl, the manager produced last weel^ ' a variel7 of entortalnmente whloh met vrith nmuneratlvs honaat. Master Aogeto, Frank Donddaon, Uazle Donaldson and D. T. Oarrle, were re-angagedlaat week. ^ . ■ . ' : '' *' " iu' TheTork Pa.M!dodeon win baopened.to the publlo on this ^ 30th Inst,' under the proprietonhlp of Heasrs. Salaak ^Deicb, - ' With J. L. Berry for stage manager, . Itlaanswihall, hettly taS conveniently fitted ap. They want two fettdevoaahtaaadtltai'' danaeuici and negro parformen, Tdent of thli - detcrlptlen •WIU \ dtiweU to addreasat. once as instructed to anadvertlsemtnt' :' dtswhora. . a . - ! Tho ifGhctl" wit produocd at tho.Bt Loult VarteUea on tha . Iflthtoat, Vevn., J. ^.Campbell, Wm. M, Beeve; Ti JeffettoB. . and Baynond,' oonttoue members of the Vtrietist'Oon>pAy.i> .' ' ' SSiB Hsmandea parly has been dctog a fine two weeks Us. '' attheNewUaseamrohtoago, andBlarteafoiPeorto,Ill, on4ha '' 141^ tost, mder the direction of -.manager Melltn^ of tha ' Uaseam..',' i. ■>■ . Atthe Bowary, sb Loula^ budnest li.'nportedat' betog net ' Tm-gobd.;, The '^vtn Bona;* wMihs'lttlatttaotiaB.'. . :■ ->- ■ "A ooTTMilottdehttoformt nt that Utile Wdbylt lytogvair ■tok tt St fouls, andfean are astertatoed at to her lecovacy. for osBitoattloa «r XbMUeal Bt«ai«. Ht M* tea. \ '•■■f.U' c? ,c ..',x.. . i m and) thtaw^tTM of the (xtouiTO olnnli«« tiu> ■TAmBA%^ra8;ft«PzMot*-^OBB BODaOK.TTMnnr. ■^raJKindBnOKAW AH, Uihei». A. BOSS, WJojjjl Mn«n » BBTAMTB' lOMBTBKLS, I •BE EKOXUIOB TBOUPE OV THX WOBLD. aiimBBTun iccijiB setkoub, SIvB BBED. B. BITOBI, « 'i HOST SPLENDID STUD OF _ BIQHLT TBAINXD H0BSB8 AND PONl ■^itiwin eonilnatcd, the AafllUHom tffoTda ererr comfort at «onTeiil6no« for vlilton, ind It li oonfllaitlr bdtsred :{'oi':.\^' '< ::a«t'ik« MttbllttnentwfllboproiiniliXKifl ■ : BT ViB TBI MOanC Z LTOAN T AUPBIISBATBE, . KTZB OFXIfZD IX HXVr TOU. . . ■ k-' -- "'•■ibB-SMM Oliok uid Puonet, DO oahti; ' OUUna ndd^r .Ueonta. nunUjOlrala, 2Soti,'«rttIioQtdlitlncllonotm«, -DbM'o6«ii at TrOnnd BAttwtt t M-of 8 o'dlook. ON BAIUBDA7 AFTEBNOOK, I ': A (tond Ptifinsunoe for Ftmlllei, oommnnmng at liair- aaVioek. 8Ut^ V r4BK THBATIUI, OnoozB iH»Oii« Baix, Bioomnr. Xiwa and KnifCT ^^t y"""'- g^ TOrafli^ BtMslIaDua ..B. iuBAXBB. . : WiBowndBatiDtErtablldunant IK NOW OPEN. DooneptnitTX: oommeBoaatSo'eloek. . i . ■ .' : Vuiiwt:v;;j.'...~.. ...;,,...>.... .>,..;...> m** I . . ' 4M6«ataaCkali« ..-(L - ' VtnllyOlnile. asota. WOOMopenbomBA. x. toSp. K. - ' HO niBA OEABOE FOB BBSEBVXD BBAIB. Sl-H ■UaSOBR & NHWOOnH'S OBIAX HOBAI, EXmBmON and PABLOB OPEBA TBOUPE, 4m MV on ibtli Onnd Tilomplitl Tour, cnmiad wltb tho noft flttteilnfl aaoooo. «ll flitt an Am piindpal oUlu IB the United BtaiM md Canada, ..pnnoni to their dspAiture for Boiope. ■ . llti'AiBnMthOositiliutlonliaonipoMd aifbuowi;— 'r ooHHOsoBE lobzi; 1 JMH iiM. jg-faohea hlghi-and weigh* M pooBda. Bla ilftff, HISS ELIZA NBSTE^ ,.r^ lil4TCaiioId,lTlnohe*blgb,aiidw«l8hlUXPOi>>)dl. ; . I--- • . ootoNiSliiAit, , — — -niTyMii old, 99 Isohea high, and welgha 99 ponndf . " Uawholawoildiaohallaagedtoprodaoe their e^oal InalMi ~ ~ * Of ednaatton. __Utlo9 to this giAt attnoUon to 1I0N& 0. LATAII^'S PASLOB OPEBA TBOUPE, ' , :aomo'Ain> BENnuBNTAik , Ctn tonttm ttetan appeartaw in one Oiand BntartalnmenbJ . J, D. VXiroOlu, Boalneaa Uanaoer. '^■ \:. ■ OOL. WM. ELLINe^, , W- Oi O. BUBSELL, Agaot DliMtoi of ArnnaamanllJ ■XV. B. haSEiSon, oouio yooalist, huhoboub SaOIUBEB •DdorlolDBl'-IUPBOyiSAXOra/'orEZTBUPOqB T, la at pRBent inTdlng vUb OoL EfUngar'a Bntartalnme)it Paihawpcn. Ela tdandl lilll pletfe addreaa to Oums - - 88.9I*- •The ibanagiment. »«»p«etfUIy Urfoma UnM BlaUa and the Oanada* that thej jl* *S?*?l aeoDKtf one of the beet looatlona for a pabUopIaoe IntheOaiden Oltr, and SaTdoiloA the ooakg aeawn tfcer wp pnientaaerlea M ' bleodadwllh ' «... PunoKniu, BniLDQUis, Bnoriou, ^ rwtB, l«.rt,l.nn.t,«»pl5Jta^«nn^^ ■ li one of the bert oonatnoted fbr tW*". «2°fSSI!:I?Sl522l oomfbrt, and aooomnloditlon ertr bonatrootod, "»"S»£ff?ff- ^ tototet the appijobatloh of thoee who paltonlie oqoeatrian Ifi **!^(M'the irtwa eBgeged to appiat dnrlng the; Initio foii- ■^""•"^^P^BJOaEPHIOT TOUBNIAIBE, the duhlna TOung Baneetileuit. MM . PAH MKralw, ^milE KABOUKBITE, JAMra SOOINSON, Ohamploa Bldtr of the World, DANOABTELtO, ■ ' Wit, Clown, and Original TUker, ■; , Ueear«.'0ABLO and BOSS,' ., - Beat of QjmnaMa— nnaarpaaaable In all ther atteinBtrr ■ ' Ur.'LUKE BIYBBS, the Beat Soeolo Bldw, . . , . . , j ■ ut. Sauis'be Hon, a gUled Eqnaitflan, I ; . I Hr. TOHH DAVBNPOBT, ' CDown and Comedian, ' lb. ALBEBT AtUAB. - Looal Clown and acoompUBhad HonemaD, ' 1.- Hutar WILLIE DUnON,:. a ' ' ".'^ In'hlatwo and foTnyhone pony act— new teatnraatn the prefea- .TBOViK OABB, ,. BAHUEL BINEHABT, . .JOHN OLENBOT, :rTB01UB BUBNB, . W. B. BOBDIAUX, B. JOHNBOK, JOHN BABB7, . : JACOB LEOBLIB, .: ooanurauiTAii thbatrb-: .. ' ^^7' '.. ADD UUSIC BAU; ' " ' > '' - >; :Walmitatreat above Eighth, TUladelDhlB. . ' . ''AUJBOH & . BINCKER . : . . . .Leaaaea and Managan. Ibe LamM and Beit Oondnoted.EitahVdunent In America.' maw TS TB9 7ULL TIDE OF BUOCBSB. HAUHOTB OOHPABT OF 100 PEBFOBUEBS, Wko am greeted nljihtlT br- lUldENBE AUDIEHOES, i A Saiitomtme;Ilia]lat,'Biu;U^iii, Ethiopian Aota, Oema of the Opera, Oymniatlna, &o., bc.,; .^^Uh are proaented ' (o , the pnulo - In - perfeetlan In an th«l> ;.'' 4Vr:P0Bpetent AitMiean meetwlih'adrantagCNniitaniibj V ■lUiiuuaa.aboTe.;- - ' . JUSl^r-. JAUEBPILaBIB. Stage Uanager, ((( VABUmBHI y&IUKlTHlBIl VAKIBTUtiBI'II -1o;^//'l t-Mi:'.< /^itaniTlTanJa ATenae and.Hinth ateeet, - - ■j-r^i.'cF'.'aiJ.'n^r.i :;- v'v WABHIHOIOH, B. O. ini'Mir. mP LPl: h. Co,. .-. .W. . ..Proprleton. ' iU't l-iWTnS'BnaiO VB,,. : .. . .stage lUnagar.and AdTeiltoer, r. /; r. Y-aOBB.' BAP JIBXIN. . . . 1 v. . k . 1 Ualtre da BaDet. ' .>>U(i'l;' ' ( ?r.>4^LQENIUS OUBiOUIDINa BTAB. ret . K'CM'tt ;>'.Zh*!rirtt01aia Uoalo Hall otWaahlngtoo Oltr. > Ir}i)alMb>raaa br the IsidOg Joninal«.of the Natlon'a OapUiA Ur In 9^fIi'iMcdJdlroommandatlonlprOTSowaMertloni.... .' li<; -(-WiaE...'...,.r.:..k proprietor. 1;,'.:'. >OE0. F. MoDONALD. Stage. Uuiager, ..i-^: .. low W Tna vuLL.xiDi or iDOona. JKHlilUhHj T^led b; Crowded and Epthnaliitlo Andlencei of Lidlea and Oentlemen. ■ '.■ • alaae having aooommodatlona for ■'■ ~' , , MOO PEOPLE, ,«oeiigh .toaooomcidata .tlMa|[owda|.that aaeken- ood.engagaBcnta hr can alwija meat with goo to the above proprtetora, or to ' - / J^AB, OONNEB it Oo., IS Weat Bqutdn' itreet, N,' F, ■«»W BUiliB Of BVBUT DBBtSafTtOh. TBEODOBB DimOH, ./BafTto iafbrm hla old Mends, HanBgan, and the Pnhltojea- _.taAri'£aihelBnowloc(tedatthe . ' ' ' "" !; ... maiBB STEAU PBINTINa X8TABLIBBHEHT, " — .vi.i.S... .! j u BPBU0B-6rBEBr,.MBW.¥(«Sj'! 7' i Y ' \ i«iv-'1ManhewlU(dTahla peraonal attanttos touie prodtietlon, e'«MttjMe,otairkllidac3 :,, . T^;... - | .vno-istixr, OOLOBED, AND ILLUSTBAXB BBOW BIUA •An n 1;i ■ • . ParttonlarlT' adapted fbr «34PiifauKa EKHmmNB, . ' , - m, Hiiie^idh i ■ I OntOnBSS, HENAQEBIEfl, BIBIOPIAH PEBFOBUAHOD, ' ■'. . ' ! , -«PMBE-0S38 OF ALL SIHDS, . *'"*"P' ; WliTil'iiiJXBOTXINa TO'EABHEBS OB WAOOH, , " ' i ' :')!:>r'r < v. I>OUBLE TEAKS OB BUHNIKa BOBgES,' .N^XiQt'.iniiti that hla maarreara ezperlenoe In'thebnilflaa, (r-MtlB,- .'i^BTiqr^nKsaaaprtnieotaf Ootaat hlaoomiiiand,anjofwhIdh ifMtavnnied in one or more' eolon, the aarrloea of the bait _|hiitBMi andBngraTera for new work, wU aaonre to Urn a y Ifliiiya.of paat f^iTpra and a trial hj new patroiia.'' ' ' SS4 eon- 3S«» ra.NswBUBaH; h. 7. i*; '''ttii.OommadlaTii dill haVJng been r»nMaDed and ealarBtd. '';,?SlRr,Ojenltothenie oT '.■; . "'Yi'Fv' ' ; " 00N0BBTB, LB0rtBE8, to. ! 'VkMlBa hare been apared to make It oompletalaan M4r. ;:iMlieiUnto.. , one of Canm ft Faa«her> ^bert^ Planoa haa bi&i - '^^^J*** fernltDiV«Mwm beMiUA tillh' tka.IbU[t7a ^jdtar fliriher InibrmaUoa can baebtaiaadrai'-lhe Boek.'aad if «S0IMfa!of ' OBAa BBIABBOOXt .Agent, . " 8T Wattr atSefc Nfwbnrgh. .OpD|itkaiaLLn,7aaltot. Septal. IMS. aB-oi* ■ . . FBANK J. BOWES. ■ _, PEBIOBHANOES BPIOIAL ON SAIUBDAT AFZEBN00H8. Thaorchaatrawinbeandarthedlraotlon.ef"' . .' o™«»"» oBOBttE OOLSrON.. • ■' I BixouLHoTzai. - ; Artlitai of abaitr,wlihlnff either ataror regolu aagigtmanii „SrStoaa BoSlMBON 4 HO^ftog^W ■ 'tut-- ■ BoxU4SOhuagoP.O.^ yOX'B OA BIWO, ^ • :OBISTHTIT BIBXEI,,ABOTE SIXTH,, 'POZ'flOASQtOI ' . ForeoAHiHoi ™ : : TBE 'ONBI THltBOLEI TBE ONLY • QBBAT XAIOIOTH HAJIOHAIi INSnXUTK . : ' .. in PhUadalphla, ForthafaniliUigaf . . .pnre.LMdluiate,BaJoTabIeAfflnaeaent. ... ^rmrarnvT'oa wqbld. ; PmoDlad Blffbtlr to' ' '■ BOU^ ABBOtUTELT OBOWDZD TO. ' ■ O'TEBFLOWINa. ■ The moat attractlta ' ' - . , OBIOIHAL, PIQUAH T, A ND PI VEBHXJf IIU) ' ENXEBTAJNIIENT, Erer offered to a Delighted Pnbllo. Torrenti «f Applaua, Sareama of lM|tf>te> • . i. Tbondaia of AppnbatlaB,. - PMUve Boari of Sallghl^ hma the Edoaatad. the Oittical. the laflnsd, 4nagr..lnp«»ia™gB^^^ TBE BBIABL1BEMENT OF THE AOS. W#'Ht BWXE,. Stage Iluager. OBtitB. HOBBIB, Bulneaa Htniger. N.'B. Aitlito of aokhowledged abUltr oan alwaja meet with gOOdengag^n-Uabxap^aarto^toonrAgont.. ' .S9'tt aiWe>tBaiiatonBtrMt,H.T. ■OBBU BBeXOBlBS. A Otri SDIBTBHIU, OPEBA BOUB^BOraOH, KABB, OOiniDiaKD TBSD HBVBBXU BnanXilB Buao>i HOBDAY AUaUST 8d. jf ffH»ii| nm >|i|| HHii, PELL k TBOWBBIDOB'B UHSniEU Conalatof thalnDowlng Oenfiement ' &bN HOBBIB, H. LOTBIAN, BOXY HOBBIB^ >OBHH YEBI I» J. a TBOWBBIDO^ m W. PBESCOTT. J. L. OILBEBT, J. P. ENDB ES, AUaUBT BOENEIDQ, D. W. BOABDUAN, a M, OABBOLL, J, QUEE N , F. WIEUABIK B. FBEDEBIOKSl J. J mr.T.Tmn D. J. MAOU INNM,. L. A. ZWIBSLBB. JAPANESE TOUUr. The Haiiagenuiit call partlaglai noHoe to the ahora dtitlB- lolahed azrsr of Talani Tloketi 9S cantat SeMsred Baata SO eeati, , M>;tf - . LON HOBBIB, Huaaar. ABOBRIOAH THBATKB, tU BBOADWAY, TBE OBAND BBBOBT OF TBB USraOPOUB. A Bnooaaalon of Crowded Bonaaa Qreat , BUTLEB'S OBEAT OOHBINATION TBOUPE ^. .. Brarr Right . ' The moat nnanlaooa token* of approTal, The Preai ana PobUe, - , Uni te In declaring It ■ • Tma QBEAX YABTOTY TUEATBE OF T^E AQ& ' The ooDpanr la Perfection In an lla detalla. .THE HAHHOTH ETHIOPIAN TBOUPE, . THE OBHA T PAN TO "™T 0 TBOUPE,' , . TEE SPLENDID . BAI^ra IBOUPIt I n ahor i,an thatgoeatoniakenp : . . ■ ,. > - XSB aiOAHnO company of the I9TH OKnTDBY. ' An Entire Change of Pimranuaa Ererr Week. , ■ : B. W. BuJLEB, Hanager. : HONSLaTBOBN^BfagellaDigar. . J. AHHEBUAN, Tteaauer. . PAUL BBnUAHT, BaBatHaatar. F< YAH OLEEB, Uoalcal Director. SXtf FABKWIUUCi TOUB OF TEE UNipED STATES. The Otaat Original, and oniT BAH SBABniErS HIHBTBEU, AND BUBLBSQUE OPQA TBOUPE. ' ThS VilOfOIH TbOUTB or TBI WOBIiD, BUPEBIOB TO ALL. ' At the teiDlnatton Of the proiant aeaaon, Thejwfll appear in ; XEWXOBE, BOSTON, PHTLADELPHIA, ,.. ■ BALimOBE, ' tad WABBntaroN. . ; SAHSBABPLEY, M-tt.., . Hinager and Proprietor.; ' 'jBUimCA'CB'FIBHAH, ' ' .. The Dlitlngnlihed Yonng Aaierlean ~ PBOTEAH AlflS EQUBSTBUN AOIBEdtl, ' '' Hal Jut' eonohided one of the noat ancoeetfol aadbitlllant •ngagemaBtaatthe YarleUeanieatre,ln St. Lento, ever known InthaDramatloannatoofthatoltr. " - . Bar HAZEPPA to pronoonoed the moat Arltotlo and Daring Venule ' Btneatilan peiionatton ever aeea npcathe AmerlcAa b^nffli, .). :.The Stage Bone DON JUAN— trained. brWiniamB. Darr— iii«db7UliiFtoher,totbebeetiatheworid. Kanaoara of Iheatrea wtohlng to make propoatta to M*" Ftoliar»rEDgagementa,mnit addreaa ' ' OEOBQE J. DEAOLE, • ■.<.- i . . Tarletlea Theatre, St I^nlf, " •r, JAa OONNEB * CO., ' asWeatBaiutoaitn«t,N. Y.' TBB WBBB HBTBIU, lOSBES EKHA AND ADA. UanageMwlabloa to engage thaierrleea of thaiw TatT taldttad Artlati, fW STAB bgatfamantt, wUl addiau Iheih oiM of ' SVJkt ; (n»m Omoi,oraSBeni7ataeetiBraoU7n, TBBATBB BOTAI<. HONTBEAL. CANADA. . Ihia beaTrtUld Thaata* TO JJtT, nlghtlr or weddr, aatn the wiitwiDwiinaBt of Pecwnber. Amrte ; SS-lf . " ; . '. . '•lr> BUOELAHO, Ubsirail, - - - -"^^^^^^T^ - WW W WW— — jSURt'BKL^ VnoB^_at_{ljO_a piece. ' Bead fmi Order VHBI PBOFBBBIOll.T-Baad FOX'S Card on IBB and meaanre to PAUL DiSPOXTB, Theatrical Wte lUtr, anor-lB'S DBBAHj or, Wsaaa'a ki Vutz Douau T mt ' t2*M* 18 Weat Boutoa itXMt, li, Y, XMUSEMEKTIS. ^ IiATE BELUB'R I.' Detroit, Kloh. Pioprtetor. ^OIOBOBLEA W. B. OAYANAaB.:..,.. Aottli«Uaniger._ IBB ONLX BEUABLE OONCEBT HALL IN DEfBOIT, ' nmoHAin Otb All Oihbbs. TAIiBITED ABII8I8, BB6P0NBIBLB UANAOEBS, , OBOWDED BOUBBB ATTEST ITB WOBIB. Condooted on a far more Ubaral aoale than Ita competltoii. ' LIST OF ABTOIB. ' ' Htoa JENNIE ENOLB; Hlaa FANNIE DEVEBE, Hlaa ZITTY BOOIT, Hlaa LIZZIE mLDDia, BILCY CAYANAOfl, JOHNNY BOYD. OSABLIE EANB, BILLY DELEBANTY, BlgnorBUSSi The Jtarenlla TALAXTES, Ulaa'ADiTEBKAH, Uaa JENNIE JOBMBON, Htoa LOUISE EING, Htoa KABIA BBAY, BILLY WEST, JOBNNY mniHELL. FEED SHAW, JOHNNY WABD. YOUNaAHHEldA, PAUL CANE md SON. 'ThehlghettSalarleapaldtoflrrtolaaaArtlita. tl-tf BAQUnUI'BOPBaA HODBB, ... : BAH FBAHOnOO, OALDfOBHIA. ' raoS. HAOUIBB PraprletOTudHiiiBBari JAUEB DOWLIHa Stan Hanager, J. L. BOHMIT Leader of Oroheatra. ^ .'W. BBVENSOH TreaanrtVt > THE BIAB DBAHATIC OOUPAHY. HBB S OPHIA EDWIN. . HEB LULU BWEET, UB& W. 0. FOBBES, UBS 0. HINCKLEY, ■W. CNEI Li . CHAHUB: TBOBN, D. 0. ANDEB80N. W. B. HAH ILTON, ,.0. BXEVSNSON, ' Ac, IQBS NELUB BBOWH, FKANX UAYO, WILUAH BABBY, HAB BYOLnT ON, F. B. WHITE, - .W.B.TAYL^ &o~ . Aa. Biaii iUtlna Oillfaimla ihonld bear In mind that Hr. H^TBlra Uldao proprietor of the Hetropolltan Theatre, Saa r amento^ and the HarTBTUla Theatre. ■/ AB-T.z.if; BVOKLBT'B NEW'UINBTBBL HALL AND AQUABIAL aABDENS. Saouner atreeW^oear Waahlagto n) Joa ton. THE LABOEST,' FlNBBT, BEBfT TENnLATEO, Eoldlng twice UBunr People aaanr UlnatoalBall In Boston, . NolwllhatandlDg the Fact, .. Hnndreda are Tnmed Awar from Ita Doort Nlghtlr. . ja^ TBE BUOELEyS. -» , . ' xUEUt STAB YET UHDDDQSD I The w6rld renowned . , B. BISBOP BUCKLEY, FEED. BU0KLE7. ' 0. BWAINE BUCKLEY, JAUEB BUOKLET^ Ennonadad br a OonateBatton of UNEQUALLED ABTIBIS, EAOB PEBI^BUEB A STAB, .. And eTorr Stir a Brilliant one, Inotaidlng . Ae Qaean of Song. . . UIBB JDUA 0OULD, 1^* . Bmported by a Oorpa de Elhlope of 90 Profeolniialii V JST' I&a Boeklaya' Bepertolre embracea.inanr.ftMhganiiot TooaUiattOB, Hew Acta. Operatlo Bndeaqnea, and ' BHABDOKBNratAN PEOULIABItlEB, i Dona la thUr own peoollar atjie, and not outdone br aai Ttonpe la the Profenlon, for which the cUtoena of Boaton antl thepreaa tukTelaTtohednpon tlumthe moat flattering demon- itradenaof approraL JV THE AQUABIAL toopen AtteiBoenand Xrenlng. fSB Admtoaton to both EihlUttona. 91 oenta, Btairred aaati, 00 ota, NOTI0&— Peraona'dBltIng the Oardens In the dartlme am ett' tltladto aaheck of adiBlMton.to the aranlng entMtalninenf • warn* TRIOAb AND OTBSB HAHAOEBa THE ELEOANT STUD OF H0B8ES. b e loagto gto OABDNHB, BQubNOB b Oo., are TO BENT, - FOB BXAOB OB BINQ PUBPOBEB, At aa7 tiae doling the winter. With the Horaaa are TWO OOHPISTE BETES OF TBAPPIHGI8, (Dreaaea, Saddle Olotha, Baddies, Ac.) The Boieea are an thorongfaly broken. Thoaewlihlni to aegottatote either lOBgorahoit engagfr. menti, wlllplaaaeaddrtaa .* DAN OABDNZB, No, 93S Jacobr itreet, PhlladeliAda, Pa. P.& Thoaelntendlna to bring forth Show Plecea will, find It to their advantage to appJ^aaabom '8041* OBBAT OOMBINATIO B. NOYEUTY BUCOEEDB NOTKUY. HAB8HALL a PIKE, The Celebrated Anther, Comedian, and Delineator of Zcoeatrlo Charaoten^ wmplay a Farewen Engagement In the principal etttea doriag the Faffud Winter, aaHited br ■ i ■ VLLE and YANKEE OLUU, The Great Prince of Yankee Eooentrldtlea, Thna forming one of the Qreateat ComblaatloBS of Talent that haa •rer appaaRMl together, (Aaraoiaitotlo jQloalntlona of Beal Life; Von, wlthoat YnJgar. itr; Ulisth. wltfaont Allor. Look ont for Uanhan S. Pike and Yandee Olom, 9»4f OEO. K. GOODWIN. Hanager, OABVBftBDBT RAIiI^, - ■ WAB HINQT ON, D. 0. TBI WiBT UAONIVICENT HUSO WATT. ' □r AHEBICA. Ro WaKer^Hrla amptoyad. bdlea tad Oeatlamea b( known lUUtyalwa}! wantad." Ro oatitde paitbrmai* eBployed— aoae tat the varr beat td- ■Ltengaged. .... Addnaa to WIEUAH B. BINN, Bole Proprietor, •M* - . WBdilngtOB, D. a TO BI IiABOHIBT BHOW BHA FBIRTINa ESTABUBEHEET IN TBS WOBU)l .OLABBY.ft BBILLZY, " ' _ (Bocceaaon to John B BaooiL) ' PBINTZBB AND BNOBAVEbIT^- 11 aad li Spnoe Street, New York, Paj partlealar attantloB to getting np an klnda of . FANCY BBOW BILLS F«i trareUagoompanlea, and have on hand a large ABdidaBdld ' ■' aiaoriraent of large and kmaO • WOOD OUTS SillahlaitaClMaaei, Hanageiiea, Ethiopian Per BBiBi LUTD, BmSEH JH mUDBB. Who inbmlta the fdlowlng aamea of ^ nHi.i_ Troupe aa a aniBolent n^teefor the axoeUenMof u7 f Ul ^ , v..v?w.. tteada^dto^SiaSSft** Have I and wbgae brilliant' SOIBEBS D'ErmOPB, ) gai ned fo r ihem with Pteaa and Public the uiu .< THE EX0BC8I0B BAND ftF llPoS ?.'"'* «« 49> Bead the nimea:- ---^lua. . H. 0 CAMPBHTiTi. Proprietor anfl M... N ED JAYIB, C omedian, , JOHNNY BOoE3l n»-^ JOHNNYIobaNO, Comedian NEB FOSmr^£'*^ N. W. OOUIO^aaltar, Tenor, ^ ■ASTEB BDDT, ' BorBamed'Khibaa,"! A. NI0BOLL8, Leader, . J. FBAUNIOHT, Contra Baaw, YioiunLy-.. J. H. WABD. Tenot , A, BTEWABT. SmSfSEfe JBdo. JACOBS. Oeneral Agent..^ AOAiar OH THB BIOVB, . ' *">™<* raouPB'OF HnraraiMv .w JS^'i^ ^PfJ?? *" yo" IMS and -fir"' Tenth Triomphaat Annorl Tour of the UneonaUid uyi iL,^ .,. .,;DUpaEZ A OBBEN'B^^^' OaiOIBAL RZW OBiaAHS AND UEIBOPOLiTAN kBHRBBu ' suBumnB orsai iboufi m Baiae b*»d The reanit of Ten' Years of ezperienc^ patronlaed bv l&i* ^.i., and elite of the loien ortUa BSi^tOariTSi^^!^*'^ .. THE HODEL TBOUPE OF THB WO^^ .Oo»po.«iofag,^jjj^Dlrt^,M«dPoj,ii,i Rever before concentrated into one Oompanr " On wUeh oceadon many new lacea and all the^'fkMh. wfllappear. ' '■'"Wl During the pretest aeaaon they wm vlalt the Oaaadu Bronawlck, Neva EooUa, NewfouBdlaad, the laland oto^ .S aUthe prinolpBl OlUes in the United States: lntrodaiSu£itti pubho the beat Regro DeUneatora, the beat Slngwtrt&iM Dancers, the best Uoilclaai, the beat FemalaPeacoa^lS! beat Bnaa Bead, and the beat Oreheatra la HlaitnlarT^ ' Alao, the Ihoomparable LION QUABTETIX, Ocmpeied of the nnapproachable QUSZA'VE BIDAUX J. E. Oreaa, Edwin Bohnea, and Clonaalvo Btohcp. anlvnii admitted to bottabeat and moat poweiSl ^'* ?UABTBnil ETBB BEABD. tUa Behowned %onpe to the Fbust mM Begaat, SeaiitUB],.aud meit ooatly lot of ZlnilhoS m aeen' emaected with one Company: the whols wu aadato apeoialorder, atanimmeBieeipenee. ' TBE WOUD OUTDONE, DUraSZ'B DBEAH OF UINBrBELBr, . la one Of the.prladpd Unee on the great Uammo&Peain now need by thto Troupe, reoently completed at dairy A BdOn? Spruoe stnet. Hew York. Itsnrpaaaea In Deaign, BtnTSu! dear, and Eipenie, eventhlBg ever ' before attempted, not eta axeeptlilg Olnusea or Henagerles. Thto ImraeBae Bfll oM lUOO, Ittooompoaedofthlrty-flveaheeto,workedlntrarebka Hto. nineteen aheeto larger than any Poster ever printed. Bffl Poster* along the route will tike notloe and leaerve goodsotlk ptooea for thia ornament ■ aSAND BEBEKADE BY THE BBABS BAND, . each evening prevlaua to opening the dMM For fOB partlenlaiB, a«e Picgnmnea^f the day. Btoge Kinagei J, & OBEra. . . Leader of Orohestn and Huloal Dlrtotor JOHN KELE. { Leader of Braaa Bad ALFHONBE BHBaiBOK Yocal Dliector QUSIATB BIDAUX. ThawhOtoiudartheanaptoeaandlmmadlatooontrolof "A ■ Dvtaaz ^ aBBXN, SoiePropdataa OHAS. H. DUPBEZ, Uanagar. '81 . ST. Lotns. ' . Uns 'VEBY POPULAB BBIABLIBHHXRT, Aas THBliiaain IK thb Ukbd Burs, a bow n m FULL TIDE OF SUCOESB. nut Claaa BTABB treated with at aU time*. Nona attfl need apply. JAUXS OONNEB A Co,, Agents, S04m or OEOBOB DEAOLE, St. Loili, ACAOBUHY OF KUBIO, OLHTELAND, OHIO, JOHH A HTiTWiBK Hanager and Proprietor. The iMai and moat popular Bnllding In the City tor Ocnceiiih Leotnrei, and an kind of Zxblbltiona. It oan be rented bylti night or week, during the montha of January, Febtuir, ul Haroh; dao, July and Ai«uit,'UM, the remalalag mutM t» ' « oceopted by my regnlar Dramatic Company. »tt Addreaa JOHH A ELLBLEBrcleveland, OMe, BT. OIiAOi HALIt, ' PADUCABi KENTUCKY, 107 by S8 ioat; BUge U by S7 fbet Appropriate Boanery for Draoatla Compulea, aeated with iiB' ed Chalie cane bottomed, lighted with Osi, Uceoae paid, Police fomiihed. Liberal arrangemente made with aU first olaaa EnterhlSBeaa, Noneothenaeed'apply. > Population of Padnoab, By., lOim 8(Mm UaHHONI) A JAKEWAY, ProprlsM. OOBIHTHIAlf IIAIiL, . ' EXCHANGE P1A0B_ BOOUBSTEB, N, Y. Win be nested for Ooncerti, Lectures,' EahiblUona, U, Addieai W. A BEtNOLDB^ „ _ 9Mm* ^ sg Arcade, Bccht*tar,R.i> OAIiIFOlUflA THBATRIOAIt AOBllOTi;^^!^ DAN OOBBIR wordd teepecttOUy infbrm membeis^^f; ■atlo, Haalc4 or Equestrian prSliaaloBS, Oat ha haa esWiUw> an Agenoy in ua Iteclsoo, and to prepmd to negctm •on' mania and tranaaot an other baiuieaa pertsintaig to tMjP (tasloa. Addreaa BHEBIDAHOOBBIH, BannanciiMiW<^ N, B.-AU letters retolrlni answen Boat coBtalai^aaM pie-pay the aame. r. BVbLnAN'B KUBIOALdbAUATIO, AND TEBPSICnOBEAH AOENOY, B«B* 88 Beat 14th itreet, cor.«thAl«W_ BHTROPOIilTAII T hBtT HB, ' ' BOOHEfiTEB, 'N. V. T. E. HILL8. Acting and Stage Hsnjaa. ^ Flrar Ctoai BTABB, Op«r» and BaUet Troupes, asgolltWf*» oa liberal torma. Addnss u above. . •'fL BIB. ARDBmB, BARNBY IVILUAH*. ; TdE OBiaraAL lUPEBBONATOBB OF raiBH AND YANKEE pBOUlIiBl*"* Winiaaugniato'(helrWiater'Btfaaon,at ' _ NIBLO'B OABDEN, on Honday Evening, Nov. 9M,^ In a steles of those plsuing and aiostlc periomuoM, vjK have gained for then the sonbrianet of the most attraoun b"^ IntheprefitasloB. aiADAMB IjOITIBB TOlIBnAIBat *>>*.7^JmuS X^estrienj&% oan be ftnmd at all times the comlii8«u|f Newtown, Long Island, where partlea xeqalrlngher ■""^j^n* apply Of addren by letter. THB ADDRBM Cf J. B. HDBPBY, hte J^J^ agaat of Oaatolo A Vaa TleoVa Ciioiu, M$or of '^lonni ^ Smeat," sad ether ioags, to at the Yariettei Theatre BiJJjT .■WAHTBD.— flPwo or fi»« «?5Sr^2S?«»i Strictly flrst class need Kff^'jOoci^lMam^^^^^ engagement* madefbr one or two years.' He*<*vMW SmkUMy toUU. BOOLEYi Hoolsy's Opera Booie* ^ lyn, or ierBioadWBy,,Nesr York. TO THB PHOFa8«OII.-Bead FOX« CM* » BINN-BB'S DBEAH; or, WoiBi'i n Ttm DowJ" ' THE I AMERICAN SPORTING AND THEATRICAL JOURNAL. FRAHK aUBBM, 1 ■dltoT Md Froprltlor. / NEW TOBKi SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1868. / VOlM,kl.^a. 30. \Fiuca iix oBRm. BTJBIEJXHIQHT: OB, Be Tine Histoiy of "The Pretty Walter Qlrl." A FABOT FOBB Ilf THBU OAS^Ot. wumx ExmanT roalm nv lou oLims. mud tscsrdlsg to lot of CounsH, In the jtu 1843, bi Fam QuziM, In tlis Oleik'i OBiie of Uit Dlatrltt Court (or Uio Boathern Slalrlel of New Totk, OAVTO III. XUTII, Dot Blowmu knew dliotetlon Im t put Thit ofl«n li lAopteA bj the brate; XlMDoa bnilel Is hu gluud (he'd no heut) Hie dMghtei'e otlinee— ha did not ffet nor me ; ind Boale, with a genuine woman'i ut, Conoladed (or tha pteeent aha wonid walTe Allualon to a theme whloh ha, no doabt, Hid Jiat aa aoon ahoald b* ba aje forgot Since ihe had left her place bj lagil dolngi, Bhe'd llred a lUb raooh tultt thin be(bre; Hid hid more loran, foiapea, and tender woolnga, Than erer In the banpx OAjt o( jora. Thtt xontUnl ebrer, Loa,, kept np hla ooolaga, Uata the thought U ben to glre him o'er, For aomethlsg flereer, byaTOTj tiolder. longner, dri A fniiltH. haidioiie, moaetaahed; Union olBgei. Bil altar aO. Ihla Uh grew flat at lift, A«d Siala wlihad tha whole of Jt wia orar; OieilDdad that tkanlaa|iBt win eaat let In Ihe paik or nuia'who vlar the i Eoiw thoraa predomlnaled la tse Cut ■ OieilDdad t ■ i rarer: iaKinej lite ahe lad. One ooutaatlrar Wire batter than the doien bolteiaiea, nhe laltoad laual the light et her brigU area. Htr quiet home amid Hew-Hrgliafl hlBa, Came up before her (inor In her dieaaa; . The ihadr itiaet, broad delda, and aaoleat Blllai The lUent foreat aad the noliy atreami ;> - na old (amlllir wiUa. tha ilaglng rllli, Whlcb aaemad to drink the Bommir auUght The merry cricket, and the merrlarbtrda, ' Whole aoag la Uka the horeriim angela' wacda. All Tnnler aporia annnd the great wood lira, \rbm coantrr bellee and beiui had oengregatadi The thoaghta their pleuant simei ware wont t' Uuplrt, 'kloDgit yonlbawho wtahed, of all thlaga, to be mated TTato 8ao. When the llunei leaped high and higher, And ill the party had beoomt elilad. How huhfQlneaa amongit Ihe boji wee mlulsg, Aa loog, loud amaoka proolaUned their powers at klialng. Ahroa, who In the town drag out ezUtenoe. who've alwni llTsd within the laatleai city, more men at heart are erer at a diatauoe. Wtaorelire la but a game, and few hare pity: TRien yon (If euoh your lack) become the rlallanta Of ume cool, oountry cottage, neat and pretty. Pee If your thoughta don't run In purer ohannele. Thin when jon're lelllng ilooka, or bonda, or flinnola. tfo Saile got e plan all nice arranged. Of going beck to aaa her former home; Of miking up with thoee whom ahe'd eetranged, From thence to go no mora— no more to roim. Paihipa her (rlenda would find her aomewhat changed, And wonder much thereat, when aha ahoald come; Ho ehe reaolTOd to nee a lltUe art, Dreai up In black and play a wldsw'a put jLn. Well, lo her fithu ehe dlioloatd thli plan— yot In that lengthy ityle thit'i ipt to weuy ua, Dot with the teneneaa o( a bailneia man. In locenia allghtly haughty md Inperioui: And he aaeented, (or few pireone can Hold out agilnat a women, when ahe'a aerlooa. Unleu the women folka haro their own way, Juit muk my worla, there'll be the do'll to piy, XLT. Two daya from that they left the town together— Sut I malt tell yoa how, betore they went, Oar heroine. Soala, put the crowning feather Upon her trlumpha: thia one Incident YTUf finlih up the naughty loenu. But whethw I'll do ai well upon mother bent, I einnol iiy; If not, I greilly feu You'll wlih to twaik ray noee or pall my au. XI.7I, Sae Ibooght ihe'd rlilt Laura Eeane'a that night — Twia when the "Seren Sliten" had lla run- She liked the plioe, u well Indeed ahe might. For then and there ehe aaw good acting done. PulEi ire a thing I know not how to write. But thIa I'll aay. our laura gala more fun, Uore Jollity, end common eenie oomblned. Inio her plaji than eliewhcra you will find. Thla being Bue'a laat night In Tork, ehe thought Twia right that ehe ehoald iport a lllUe etyla; Aad ao eome extra trinketa ahe hid bought And brought her genlui Into play, the while: Bo when full-rifiged no amorooa Tork had iought A pietUer girl on whom to caet a amlle — And. by the Sy, thoia Turki do. belt the dtrll In gelling handaome women for a rorcL TO na ooKTnmD. IHE UBESTIBE AIIS HIS VICTIM; OB. THE SOOS OF HIE FBOFUGATEi ' A TALE OF QE LIQHT8 AITD BHAOOWS 07 ITZW TOBK LIR, liOVa, AMD ORUIHl The Theatre, Turr, Rbg, and Bagnio. mrm npsiaiLT ron na axw tou ouno. OHAFTER Xni, | tofrmn Anuipn to xacirn— i BmaooLB ron Lire— surn or Dnuos— niLL im> nunx iiiiiHTXHnoHu.i,T nzaoOE ooa. •OH rnou nia dooh-toz aaBOOHin-ui ll amd wni ax btatIw uuMD-^Qz aitn or oaodb— tub un add douhle ounutiE ■-An DHEXPaOTBD TllIT— DILL TIN IBTIES WXAZ WlTn A DDLLET '"BAU OARLZT AMD COHPAMX TH TlUT TO SE TOO LATE— TBIAL UDCOKDEUIIATIOHOrDELL— BUaTOXOAD'rrDIDTSEOAVinH. ViiiuLT pMscd the hours In the lonely caxem where Ked Bur- ^xta condned; Ihe dayi and nlghte ha could not dlitlngulih, ""■tlmellaelthebadloatalltnok c& One long, dirk night ?{!Bad ipreed out before him, and to add to Ita borron, nla JJV lUowince waa redaoed lO fkr that be already began to feel !* (Higa of hungu. liagerly wonld he wait and wall till the ir- ?'a(hlinext moiael, anddeTOar It with an iTldlty whlcb 'h' lUrrlng mm can feel, ^ad to pick up erery onunb he ^ did, ind bitterly dliappolntad when all were gone, Jn pinge of dapair hid entered hie aoul. and while In hla S*"" lie would revel In fcuting md liberty, making the wak- H nalliy lU the more (rightful, bU body waa now beginning to he felt hla alrongth dlmlnlahlog, and with theae fided rV hb bopos of release. He now prs;ed for death, and In an- lo Ihe Jeers end tanula of OUl end Barney, begged Ihim to PMn eal lo hla auDbrlngs. But with wild laugha they onlr ^- ... _ „ It him the more, and chuckled oror the agosloi which ■"1 alowl; but anroly orertaklng him. lil'Jxti one day, inaloid of Iheaa two mlBanai the old pun ^ brought him hla food ind, lUenUy lading II down, da- ""N, eitaugo to. gay, II waa ihoreaaed In iiuinlltr, and a derUtikeltl ohaage. I HONS. V£BBECKE— Tbi: Paiubiak Gthnaet. Tnia cebbrited gjmnul waa here at Orand, i;' ljluni, in 1834. Bon of an ancient ofDcer of Kipolecn DcntpuU). Bla earllnt trlnmpha were achlercd In the country of hla birthf^d there be, in 1833, Inrented the pecullu exerolae which he Iab render- ed (imcui throughout Suope. Uids hla ildnitln ;«n4«n, at the Alhimhri Filice, at which eitibllihmint u iit At>datlsg pe^ formincea hare been Introduced, and wheriV'ilijJ]}.' ohlalned in sxtnordUiary auooew, which la 'not taiprislng, la an ullat of hli claaslarare- Hlsperformauoelaof anataremoitremukabls- ou a aUigle trapeze he boldly bangi on by tha nape of the neck, and In thla perlloua poalUoa aooompanlea an air of maalo on hla dram, and thla at the height of alilyor elghly feet from the ground. EreiynmniatwhahaalmlUted this perfonnanoe haa been careful to place a hook at the bick of the neck to aeoura hla aifely; but Tenecke hia lucb ilienglh In bli neck that this pre- caution he dedarea to be qnlta annecoaiary on hli part Tbh ex- erclie wu created by Terrecke himself In 1899, since which time he hai nerer found an Imitator. He hai a iltength In hla neck which surpieeea all Imagination. He haa had Ihe honor to be ap- plauded by the Emperor Kapoleon IIL, the Emperor of Rojala, the Elngi of Pruaala, Belgium, Holland, and the Queen of Epali, who wu graclouily plaued to make him a handiome reoompenai. After thla meet daring exerolae he went up nndemeaUi a balloon, when he itirted holduig on by tlineck and beating hla dmm till lost to Tiew. He hia tiao been Ihs admiration of Ihe ParU- lin public during four leirs it Ihe Olrnaa'Nipoleon, where he fliat made his perilous laip at Ihe rope, for which he wia hlahlj rewarded br the directors aad aoclety of the Olrque- ^hen Leo- tard arrlTcd In Paris with hla new performance oa the trapete, Tarrocke, alter harlag aeen It once or twice, began Ihe ■ ami ii- erclie, which for him wu ni^t difficult, and Varrecke left the Olr- qan at Paris to do the uma parformaica u Leotud In all Ihe Brindpal towna of Franca and Africa, from .whence he hu rougnt Ihe laurls of hla auooeai. Aflu hla tniala In Bpiln he rttnrned to the Olrque NipolaoD, Pirla, for.u engagement of one yeu, when the director of the Alhambra, London, sent for him; hut aa hla engagement wanted aomeUmaof llalsrmlnalloD, ha paid a conalderahle lum lo have him at hla eatabllibment *- The auoccu of tha great gymnut at the Alhimbra mora than JnitlQ«d tbo' expcctitlcna originally formed of him. He la. In hla pecallu exerclua, nnapproachable; he altempla feita from which the meet dulng, iklirul. and cirefuUy trained athletta have ihmnk— h ila which the public would eoiilder ilmplj Im- poulble did ther not beheld them ; and the world hu never be- fore wltnused three snch netfornienoei u those reapecUraly conntc'ed wllh Ihi namei of Leotard, Olmir, ud Tet«ekel About the middle of Augnst 1883, ha ealled fbr America, aad landid In Hew York among stranger*. Mr. Jimf i IL Nixon, the olrcui manigtr, leimlni of hla arrival, Irnmodlalely aecnnd him for hla country circua, uen In operation on Fonrteenth sireet Tdrrecke made hla ddiul on the Slat of Augaat, and owlng'to ihe canvu (under which ha wu to perrorm) not allowing his lei^ leg to be properly put up, AL VerreckomadeadeidraUure; that la— so ar ai doing hla act ai be ought to have done It cn his dnt appearance, and oretllng the exoltement he certainly would hive done had ha been properly brcufht before the pubUo. which for his own aike (tMlng a lirangu In i foreign land] we are aony to aay wu ncttheeue. Beingwell ivnre ihit he wu dinmlcg hla falure proapecta (If he hid not already) In thla oountry by continuing his engagement with Klxon, he bronght It lo a cloae ifler hla aeccnd or third appeirance. II remained, however, with Ihe enterprising manifer of the New Bowery Thtatre—Hr. Llngird— to introduce to the American puhlle. In a proper man- n«r, Ihe tilante of (hla young gymoiat Allar a thjei wieka* rest Verrccke made hla daul at the Kew Bowery on the Slat of Bept, In his wondtrfal aet auA proved beyond a doubt Ihithe wu ill that ha wu repreaanted lo he nnnof Ihemottdirlng gymnasts of the age. In the dramiUo columnn of this paper, hla lint appeaiiDee at Klxon'a wu apoken of In nry plain terms, eeniuring hlffl veir aeverely— the crIUo at the Ume not knowlngwhare Ihe lanll lala At hla aueceaiful dibtU, however, when we "aee what we did aei," we took oeeulon to apeak of him u we found hUn, and give him credit for hli line irtlallo performaaoea. He remained one weak at the Hew Bowery, meeting with great aneoeas. He then en- gaged irllh Managw Geo. Las, of BuUmote, for one yeu, at a vary large uluy. HenudehladratappuianceuiiderMr.Lea's management on the lllh of October, u the rrcnl alnel Theatre, BiltlDor*. At pieeent time performing In Phlladalphla, gleam of hope now spring up among the now almost . manlie thoughta of the oaptiva. On the next diy the aime happened again. Burton caujed to apcik, but the old man only ihook hla head and then went away. The third day Darton spoke out:- "Old man, do you need money! If ao, I have plenty." "Ucaer— money I" half aoUloqnlaed, half cjMUlatid he, "whit would I do wllh money ? no— no I The time wia— yes, tune wu wiawhen I dldwantlf ind gotlt— andspentU. Toolata,nowl no— nol" . And Ihoa the old man commnned almnat iMBfllbly to hlmt'^ while replying to Burton "Too lite I that cmnol be; I will give yon gold In plenty— tike cm of you— 11 yon will hut help me to eicape (torn this place. I will make you rich I" .. ... . "Bloh— esoapel no, nol that would never do— my Uie would pay for It Qold I Ihe time wu— thetlma wu"— And moodily turning away Druck left him. It wu evldtnt that he wu In nla aeeond childhood, and bom hla Incoherent ta- vinga It wu plain that he did not comprehend what Burton meant. For aevcral daya Burton ^pealed tha experiment of trying to bribe' hlffl, but he either would or could not nndt^ eland him- A week had now elapead since BUI and Bmei'i lut visit, end strange thoughli crept through Burlon'a bralni he would at any rlak make one'clforircr liberty. In eiger expectation he waited tor the next coming of Bruok,' and when he heard hla foelstepe, got npon hla feet BUll closer they approach— he enleiarrand with a bound Burton endeavortd topuaulm. He succeeded, and aped ^ong the puiaga and up the sulrs, but horrible fklallt/ 1 he could nol ind ibe spring which opened Ihe trap. With all his might (and In hla neble condition that wu not very great) he tried to forte It optn, hat In viln; and now he feele a bind upon him, and Ihe old man, with a powu hardly Inferior to hla ovm, endeavors to drag him downwards. A struggle ensues. In the pllohy dukness%hlch envelops Ihem, neither can see the fice of hie intigonlat, but with deep drawn breathings they atriva for the mutery. AI let t the old man (Alia back, wtlhfiurlou In hla grupi they roll together to .the foot of the ilcpi In a heapiafswgupsand groans, and all la quiet .... BUI and hla companion, xeturalng to the hovel, ralieed Bmck for a time, and daicendlng to the cavuatosea ihelrvlotln, stumbled over the bodlu lying In their way. Buiton'a hands stlll'.'cUipod the tbnat of the old man who, wllh llvU (ace, pro trading tongue, andalarting eyeballs, wu stone dead. Burton nad received a. wound In the head, and was, to all appaaranoes, la the eame oondltloa. . .... "Velll". exclaimed BID. " 'ore's been a Jolly row; Ihey'ftbeen and gone and did It vllh a wengwnoel Theold'un's had a pleuant Ume of It to look at hlffl, and that coisedohip— velll p'r'ipa It'a Joit u velli he's uved ni the trcubia o' Anlsnln' our Job.''^ "An' It'a a i—i good thing for him, too, I can tell him I It he only hnow'd wot a bllitin' It la lo him he got off ao hauy, I gucu 'e'd be bloody thankfol. " remukod Damey. "LeI'a get 'em out o' thla, then, u aharp u poaelble; It aint quite pleuant or lafe to have inch dead neat around vara a chap puts npi Ihem 'ere kindo' osrcassea don't pay to keep, It'a a Jolly dark night ind ve miy u veil do It at vnnce, butlt von't do lo put 'em together; If they vu found II vould blow on this 'ere plioe mighty quick, u the old 'un vu known," Ther then took the body of Ned Barton, and between them carried It down to the rivonlde, where they dropped It In. Ba. turulbg,'.they dug a hole In the eirth. not (u from Ihs hut, and in It dapiMlted the remains of Ihe old nsn. Brook. But Ned Burton had not UovMlcd to the land of splrlti, Woak In body, he had been oaly stnaned by the (ill ; hla Immersion In Ihe water refreshed and reilored him to eanaotcuineia, and he had Jnit ilrenglh enongh to keep himself adoit Oolng down with the etreao, hla hand name In contact wllh aohiin, and gruplng II he found hlmaelfdoee beside a amiU echocner an- chored at acme little dlilince from the ahoro. Hla feeble effoita to hall Ihoea on board were fortunately heard by a men paalig the deck, who, though at flral acared by Ihe unearthly aound, ealled up acme of hla meumitea, and with some trouble Barton wu got on board* 'Herahowueoexhauatad and weiktbithe could neither ipeak nor aland; the captain, however, took him down to his cabin and, admlnialerlng s